26 May 2007

uTorrent 1.7 Build 1977 beta

1.7 Build 1977 Beta
2007-05-22: Version 1.7 (build 1977)
- Change: use radio marks for Bandwidth Allocation menu items instead of check marks
- Fix: When installing to user profile directory uTorrent now tries to be smarter in choosing a localized program files directory name
- Fix: Work around a Wine bug where getsockname() returns success but keeps passed in port at 0 if socket already bound; thus uTorrent would itself reset back to port 0 if it was already in use
- Fix: Don't scroll general tab horizontally since it has no horizontal scrollbar


Mirrors CN:
提示:本站部分下载点实行排队算法,如果点下载出现“Service Unavailable”证明还没有轮到你, 多刷几次就能下载,或者选另一下载点 下载:1.7 Build 1977 Beta(网通)
下载:1.7 Build 1977 Beta(e家宽)
下载:1.7 Build 1977 Beta(电信)

Mirrors Norway:

Share Mirrors: utorrent-1.7-beta-1977.rar - utorrent-1.7-beta-1977.rar.html - utorrent-1.7-beta-1977.rar - http://www.filehippo.com/download_utorrent

Blue EdiTion:
utorrent-1.7-beta-1977.blue.exe (Mirror) - (Mirror)

Emulation uTorrent 1.6: utorrent-1.7-beta-1977.emu1.6.exe
Emu x10 Leecher: utorrent-1.7-emu1.6.mult10-leecher.exe (Mirror)

25 May 2007

eMule 0.48a Silver Surfer 2.3a Beta modified by dlarge


eMule 0.48a Silversurfer 2.3a Beta
based on eMule 0.47c eMuleFuture 0.4
modified by dlarge

changelog 2.3:

- merged to 0.48a

- added Fakalyzer (netfinity)
- added Advanced orig eMule Faetures (Leuk_he/dlarge)
- added Drop Buttons in Transferwindow (LSD/dlarge)
- readded Web Browser (EMF Implentation)
- changed Codeparts from Fade out/Ip2Country for Vista (dlarge)
- fixed Bug in Mass Rename (dlarge)
- fixed Bug for Invisible Mode (dlarge)
- fixed Bug for crashed in Tray (dlarge)
- fixed Bug in Client Percentage (dlarge)
- small Optimations in Downloadlist (dlarge)
- removed UPNP (EMF Implentation) not used
- removed Smart Category Control for the Time (worked not correctly in 0.48)
- removed SafeHash for the Time (worked not correctly in 0.48)
- removed New Sharedwindow (TPT/EMF) for Test
- removed static MobilMule (EMF Implentation)
- updated Ger.dll
Homepage: emulefuture.eu

Download: SilverSurfer -Binary + Source- @ eMuleFuture.eu

eMule 0.48a ZZUltimativ 1.5b


eMule v0.48a [ZZULtimativ v1.5b]

ZZULtimativ 1.5b
+ Fakealyzer[netfinity]
+ MassRename[ef-Mod]
+ Ban AntiCommunity
+ Ban AntiMod
+ Always Ban if Client is Anti Mod & Anti Community
+ some CodeOptimations[sivka/maella]
+ updated some code from emulefuture cvs fixed a stupid bug from me

ZZULtimativ v1.5
based on 0.48a
!! Vor dem Start bitte die ZZULtimativprefs.ini im config Ordner löschen um Probleme mit den geänderten Limits zu vermeiden !!
!! Die Deutsche Sprachdatei mitnehmen damit es keine Anzeigefehler gibt ... !! Komplett Übersetzte Sprachdatei wird nachgeliefert!!

+ Show Infos about AntiComm & AntiMod in Clientdialog
+ Show BadGuy Symbol for AntiComm & AntiMod, too
+ fixed some bugs
+ removed Text from Splash
+ AntiMod
+ Switch for Upload Ban AntiMod & AntiComm
+ Boost Limits:
Limit for : Min - Max
AntiCommPunish : 0.01 - 1
AntiModPunish : 0.01 - 1
CommBoost : 1 - 10
FriendBoost : 1 - 10
Finished Files : 1 - 5
Part Files : 1 - 5
Max Chunks : 1 - 10
Release Prio : 10 - 100
High Prio : 5 - 50
Normal Prio : 3 - 30
Low Prio : 2 - 20
Very Low : 1 - 10
Score Calculation Infos:
Punish = Normal Score * PunishFactor; (0.01 means the Client get only 1% of score)
Boost = Normal Score * BoostFactor; (10 means the Client get 10 times the score then normal ones)

Beta 8 (PreFinal)
+ higher BufferTimeLimit for larger buffer[pP]
* changed ip2country for work under windows higher then xp (thx 2 dlarge for hint in which file i must search)
+ ModIconMapper[WiZaRd/pP]
+ IpFilterUpdate[pP]
+ Client Percentage[XMan]
+ ClientBanTime[Spike2]
- AuthSystem
+ WinSock2[eWombat]

Download: eMule0.48a_ZZULtimativ1.5b.7z
Server message Ads off doesn't work - BlockServerMessages=1

eMule v0.48a d€v!l-light v1

emule 0.48a Devil light Mod
based on eMule 0.48a Beta 2
Devil-light feat :
added no ratio and my own creditsystem for the moment

Download: emule 0.48a Devil light Mod.rar

eMule 0.48a XDP beta2


eMule 0.48a XDP beta2

Changelog (beta1):

Ratio entfernt
kick & ban
Queuesize geht jetzt auf 0
Filebuffersize erhöht
Max search results geändert
Emulate other
Client Percentage
Reaskzeiten geändert
unendliche friendslots
Xmans Friendhandling


Reask Source manual
Upload colors
TotalUpDown [XRay]
Source Cache [Xman]
Anti Shape [Netfinitiy]
Reaskzeiten nochmals verändert

Download: eMule 0.48a XDP beta2.rar

24 May 2007

eMule 0.48a RapCom 9.01

Emule 0.48a RapCom v9.01

+ Slot control [Spe64]
+ Quick start[Stulle]
+ new Splashscreen
+ Ip2Country [Eastshare]
+ ClientPercentages
+ MorphXT: Don't draw hidden rect
+ some more list coloring (Queue, Uploads & Downloads)
+ ColorRefs for list coloring ($icK$)
+ Listcoloring for LowIDs [xman1]
+ AutoUpdater for IPFilter
+ AutoUpdater for Ip2Country
+ Slotlimiter [pP]
+ Support for Multiple Friendslots [Wizard]
+ FunnyNicks
+ SourceDropSystem
+ Droptimer
+ AntiNick-/ModThief [Wizard]
+ Anti Ghost Mod
+ BadNick/BadMod detection
+ PowerRelease
+ Bold DLs
+ Colored DLs
+ Winsock2 Support
+ Quickstart
+ Slot Focus
+ WebBrowser
+ Community
+ Dazzle settings
+ Toolbar/Statusbar [X-Ray]
+ push/kick
Added: various little fixes...

Download: eMule 0.48a RapCom v9.01.rar (4.49 MB)
ed2k Link: 48a emule rapcom 9.01.rar
