21 June 2007

eMule 0.48a Zzul Bastard 1.9.0


Same as 1.8.3 functionality but with 0.48a core
Mostly bug fix

  • [ADD]PowerRelease: works only for complete files and gives a 100x boost to a file. Files in this status are colored in pink.
  • [ADD]FastWeb public IP address ranges added for check agaist illegal clients
  • [ADD]Advantages provided to regular clients (including, but not limited to poweshare, small file push and SUQWT) are removed for illegal clients
  • [ADD]Postit-like area for adding notes to friends. Will be automatically saved and reloaded at each start-up.
  • [ADD]Few shortcuts in Shared Files window for modifing file priorities (works on a multiselection as well)
    - [CTRL]+[+] increases priority (till the max = 10)
    - [CTRL]+[-] decrease priority (till the minimum = 1)
    - [CTRL]+[X] enable autopriority
    - [CTRL]+[S] enable PowerShare
    - [CTRL]+[R] enable PowerRelease (applied only of the file is complete)
  • [ADD]Minimum QR value shown next to number of available sources
  • [ADD]NiceMove from Ionix
  • [ADD]Reason for score reduction, in order of importance:
    - [G] 0.0x - client is GPL breaker
    - [V] 0.5x - client version (older than v0.25)
    - [I] 0.1x - client is recognized as illegal
    - [F] 0.1x - client belongs to Fastweb and has a U:D ratio <>
  • [ADD]New columns:
    - in Client Upload List : upload contitions [file priority/rating/U-D diff]
    - in Known Client List : [rating/U-D diff]
    - in Waiting Queue List : U-D diff info added in rating column
    - in Shared Files List : For each file amount of completed data or "Complete" description
  • [CNG]New list of filtered fake and unsecure servers
  • [FIX]Chat log files are now created even though the remote user has unprintable chars in his/her nickname
  • Probably some other minor things I have not traced

Download: eMule 0.48a Zzul Bastard 1.9.0 Bin.rar (1.62 MB)



utorrent 1.7 Beta Leecher Pack - WinALL

uTorrent 1.7 Beta Leecher Pack
OS: Windows all, Wine and compatible
Contains all latest Leecher Mods include uninstall

Download: uTorrent 1.7 Beta Leecher Pack setup.exe (2.95 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)

NEW Reloaded NEW

- Installer screen green, latest Changelog with build description incl.
- Shortcut names clean up

- IP Filter Updater installer (shortcut on desktop + Programs)
- latest flags.bmp, flags.conf
- Language File
- Toolbar, Toolbarstatus, Main, Tray Iconsets
- µTorrent User Manual
- Changelog
- Original Client +

µTorrent 1.7 Beta Leecher Pack.exe (4.72 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)

20 June 2007

BitComet 0.90

Changes in version 0.90
2007.06.19 :
GUI Improved: add search for eDonkey download source option in BT task properties dialog
GUI Improved: add ED download plugin configuration page in perferences dialog
GUI Improved: display download rate from HTTP/FTP sources and ED sources in BT task summary pane
GUI Improved: shotsnap info for each item in task list and torrent share list changed to a clickable icon
GUI Improved: tasks remain selected after sort task list
GUI Improved: new context menu for my shared torrent and peer shared torrent in fav list
GUI Improved: decrease CPU usage for shared torrent list refresh
GUI Improved: new search icon for each item in shared torrent list
GUI Improved: prompt infomation will be displayed when shared torrent list is empty
GUI Improved: add "copy BC link" to context menu of shared torrent list, with hotkey Ctrl+C
GUI Improved: add "clear all" to context menu of peer shared torrent list
GUI Improved: new option in View menu to show search box in toolbar
GUI Improved: shutdown computer after download finish works for HTTP task now
GUI Improved: text in info bar and status bar of review window change to multi-language string
GUI Improved: the last task will be selected when BitComet startup
GUI Improved: minimize to system tray by close button or minimize button can be configured in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: a prompt window will popup if BitComet detected that the TCP half-open limit of windows is too small at startup
GUI Improved: new state of "detecting" for WAN/LAN ip detector in status bar
GUI Improved: HTTP task connection list move to the up of task log
GUI Improved: the auto-start order for queued task keeps the same to display order of sorted task list
GUI Bugfix: preview window fail to refresh when swtich UI language
GUI Bugfix: "pause all active task" in context menu of floating window does not work
GUI Bugfix: program exit confirm when task running do not count up uploading tasks
GUI Bugfix: unable to click task comment, snapshot and voting for items of 10001th and below in shared torrent list
GUI Bugfix: redownload HTTP task will lose task list sort order
Core Improved: BT task support downloading from eDonkey network (ED plugin for BitComet is required)
Core Improved: BT task support uploading to eDonkey network
Core Improved: add eDonkey network listen port to Windows Firewall and UPNP NAT device when program startup
Core Improved: disable NAT Traversal via UDP automatically for WAN IP user, to improve TCP transfer efficiency
Core Bugfix: auto stop running BT task using a invalid condition dismatch to user settings
Core Bugfix: program will lose respond for a while to flush disk cache when downloading huge HTTP/FTP file under Win2003 64bit

Homepage - http://www.bitcomet.com/
Download 4.45 MB

19 June 2007

µTorrent 1.7 Beta (Build 2740)

2007-06-18: µTorrent 1.7 Beta Build 2740
- Fix: Escape-style handling on the exit confirmation and a create torrent dialog

2007-06-18: Version 1.7 (build 2733)
- Feature: Now requires or asks for elevation on Vista if needed. Currently this includes installation, uninstallation, autoupdate, and if settings files are in the same directory.
- Feature: Several of the messageboxes now can be turned off from the messagebox itself, and some have radio buttons instead of yes/no/cancel etc.
- Feature: Several of the messageboxes are now taskdialogs on Vista; a couple use commandlinks instead of yes/no/cancel etc.
- Feature: uTorrent now has a 256x256 compressed png icon for Vista
- Feature: Torrents in download listview are now filtered based on what is typed into the search box, and it updates as you type into the searchbox
- Feature: The top toolbar in the main window is now a rebar and will collapse the left portion as the window size decreases
- Change: (technical) When launching uTorrent from another process, it should obey the showwindow flags passed through the STARTUPINFO
- Change: changed binding of ctrl+shift+v in torrent list
- Change: bt.auto_ul_min no longer specifies smallest speed sample, but the lowest auto rate
- Change: The search icon is now to the right of the searchbox
- Change: detect Wine only for TCP socket repair
- Fix: Refresh issues with listviews on pre-XP systems
- Fix: The rest of the webui preferences page is grayed out when it is disabled

2007-06-11: Version 1.7 (build 2585)
- Fix: tickling of Wine bug with TCP sockets
Full Changelog

utorrent-1.7-beta-2740.exe - PECompact compressed (normal)
utorrent-1.7-beta-2740.upx.exe - UPX packed
utorrent-1.7-beta-2740.uncompressed.exe - unpacked

Changelog µTorrent 1.7 Beta (Build 2740)
Language Pack für µTorrent 1.7 Beta (Build 2740)

'ipfilter.dat' from 'ozzy' can be downloaded here .

'ipfilter.dat' and 'ipfilter_full.dat' from openMedia.info, 'ipfilter_full.dat' must be renamed to.

Mods w/o installer:
Sarmin Mod Package (2585).rar (1.71 MB)
Sarmin Mod Package (2740).rar (1.41 MB)

18 June 2007

eMule 0.48a Arabella Third Generation v8.52 17.06.2007 Hotfix

Changelog Arabella Mod
Version v8.52 [ 17.02.2007 ] HotFix:
Basis ist die 48 A .

- fixed Nachrichtenfenster Buttonfunktion
Button SENDEN und SCHLIEßEN [ Arabella ]
- fixed Nachrichtenfenster Userinfo
Berechnung ist jetzt korrekt [ Arabella ]
- added SearchCatch [ Tuxman from Beba / Arabella ]
- added Code Improvments [ Xman / Arabella ]
- Deutsche Dll erweitert und neu erstellt [Arabella]

Download: eMule 0.48a Arabella Third Generation v8.52 17.06.2007.rar (3.31 MB)

ED2K Link: Arabella_Third_Generation_48A_17.06.2007.rar

17 June 2007

Azureus Hacked Shu Mod


build 195
Change: Updated some languages files
Add: New splash
Change: Allowed 0 kb/sec speed for fake upload speed ratio mode++ (to allow a new option (stop torrent after ratio is reached without fake upload)(mix of several option))

build 194
fix: always enable update button
fix: Show you as a seeder(100% done and no download report) first announce bug
fix: can’t use show as seeder with download reduction mix
fix: can’t use show as a seeder with start fake upload when x% done

build 193
fix: per torrent : show as a seed wasn’t saved correctly

build 192
removed fake seeding mode (up & dl)
removed fake upload multi mixed with seeding mode
added : show me as a seed for Fake Upload Speed Ratio ++
change: console log now show under the “plug” checkbox so you are no longer annoyed by the spam in the console log ^^
fixed: completed flag was sent all the time when showing as a seed using no report

build 191
probably bugfix : I fixed the real received value

Homepage and Discussion: seba14.org

Download incl. uTorrent 1.6.1 spoof: Hacked Shu Mod ( (8.31 MB) - (Mirror)
All credits to seba14

Azureus 2.5 Release []

MD5: 2cedd2c5b3fcb92a182564ff55ca6bc3

All-in-one simple 1click Setup with uninstaller + clientspoof:
Azureus_2.5.0.4a_hacked_shumod_Win32setup.exe (10.57 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror w/o uninstaller)
