25 June 2007

eMule 0.48a BlackStar v0.8 by 3vil3y3

BlAcKsTaR v 0.8 by 3vil3y3

-Updated to 48a, mod sub up to emulefuture v0.5, compiled with VS2005
(tested with MS XP & MS VISTA)
-Removed : ban4ban (not usefull idea)
-Removed : SpreadReask time
-Removed : no ban just block option in antil33cher (now I worked for new algo)
-Removed : min upload (3k) for unlimited download , now NO limit (with a valid key :)
-Removed : ban after NNC
-Removed : community vis. in upload list
-Removed : RB3 Hack (R.I.P)
-Added : kick NNC
-Added : Download sharing
-Changed & Added : client percentage now switchable
-Added : client percentage (obtained parts) in upload list
-Added : client percentage (obtained parts) in queue list
-Added : Remote status in queue list
-Added : Up/Down status in queue list
-Added : adjustable kick HQR client option (> 800 - 5000 >>)
-Added : Stop download (for single client)
-Fix : visual bug fixed in download list
-Fix : visual bug fixed , with banned clients in download list
-Fix : (official) bug banned ip
-Fix : (official) some other bugs
-Activated : z3r0 upload :)
-Toolbar now black
-3vil3y3 SuPM algo enhanced , works better now
-3vil3y3 reverse booster now switchable
-fakerank enhanced + works for all mods
-antileecher functions a little bit enhanced , antileecher now more efective....

SuPm, booster & reverse booster highly recommended !!!
Dont use payback first (useless and harmful with reverse creditsystem)
Thanks to traxori for beta testing ideas/comments;)

eMule 0.48a BlackStar v0.8.7z (1.97 MB) - Mirror: eMule 0.48a BlackStar v0.8.7z (1.97 Мб)
eMule 0.47c BlackStar V 0.5 by 3vil3y3

Autkey bypass open in hex edit these 5 or 6 bits, return give back, athkey is present. See some older Smashers mods with Authkey system.

eMule v0.48a Uni A Team v2.6

eMule v0.48a UniATeam Mod based on Xtreme Mod

- Added multiple kick and ban from upload queue (highly requested)
- Added single client upload start from queue list
- Added option to disable upload to webcache
- Changed splash behaviour, now it's not topmost so less invasive
- Changed splash and sidebanner
- Changed some default options
- Fixed bug in log reset button
- Updated to emule 0.48a
- Updated to Xtreme 6.0

- Added option for starting in invisible mode
- Added new version of Design settings [Stulle]
- Added new column in uploadlist for remote queue status
- Added new column in uploadlist for displayng current uploading chunk [morphxt]
- Rewritten UniATeam toolbar code to look better with design settings
- Rewritten serverwnd additional buttons code for design settings
- Changed: minor optimizations around invisible mode
- Changed: Spooky mode button is displayed in serverwnd only if it's enabled in options
- Fixed columns with wrong background in DlClients and QueueList
- Fixed bug in connection checker state
- Updated small part around some emulations
- Updated small part around enhanced client recognization
- Updated Webcache [morphxt]
Updated to Xtreme 5.4.2

- Added Advanced Server Filter [emule+]
- Added Spooky Mode (slightly modified)
- Added Connection Checker
- Added option to disable deadsourceslist
- Added Control download priority [tommy_gun]
- Added Limit PS by amount of data uploaded [Stulle]
- Added Design Settings [eWombat/Stulle]
- Added logging for emulations
- Fixed gui bug in options order
- Fixed bug in powershare column in shared files list
- Fixed bug in multi-friendslots when added from upload list
- Small changes around chunk detail display
- Removed uni active ratio
- Minor fixes and changes
Updated to Xtreme 5.4.1

read more

eMule 0.48a UniATeam v2.6 bin.rar - (Mirror1) - (Mirror2) - (DDL)
Mirrors: eMule0.48a_UniATeam_v2.6-bin.rar (9.36 MB)

LimeWire Pro 4.12.14 Final

What's new:

4.13.7 (06.13.2007)
- Brand new upload code, much more efficient
- Files containing foreign characters can be properly launched, deleted, etc.
- LimeWire works properly when installed outside of Program Files on
international windows versions
- Make LimeWire does not need Admin privileges on Vista to work properly
- Fix for downloads sometimes stalling

4.13.6 (05.25.2007)
- Fix a crash when the audio player wasn't visible

4.13.5 (05.24.2007)
- Fixed broken BinaryHeap data structure.
- Fix various DHT-related deadlocks
- Make the DHT more resilient to attacks
- Fix few crashes when pausing/resuming torrents
- Make OOB results a little harder to spoof
- Fixes that should decrease traffic to ultrapeers
- Network-level filter for hostile hosts
- Changes that would make F2F transfers more reliable
- Fix for rare cases where we default to MetalUI FileChooser
- Ability to change the font sizes

4.13.4 (05.09.2007)
- Fixed storing Mojito DHT routing tables between session.
- Updated Mojito DHT to be more resilient in the face of hostile nodes in a
- Workaround freezing network activity in earlier versions of Java.
- Fixed BitTorrent to again work with HTTP/SOCKS proxies.
- Fixed FW-FW transfers to work with old BearShare clients.
- Updated hostile detection for connecting to hosts.
- Fixed potential problem with requesting invalid files from malicious
query replies.

4.13.3 (05.01.2007)
- Fixed collections that expire to work reliably using nanoseconds.
- Fixed generating unique random sequences to not go over a maximum value.
- Added ability to inspect LimeWire for usage statistics.
- Added ability to change what algorithm is used to determine if a file is rare.
- Fixed counting the number of bytes read in a stream to work correctly when
EOF is reached.
- Updated many network-related checks to work with IPv6.
- Fixed checking if an IP address is "this computer" to work on computers
with multiple interfaces and/or addresses.
- Added the ability for Mojito DHT to publish certain Gnutella-specific values.
- Fixed deadlocks associated with the Mojito DHT.
- Fixed the Mojito DHT to use threads that will record when errors occur.
- Fixed exception with sending chats occasionally.
- Fixed reading old downloads.dat files.
- Fixed errors sending query replies occasionally.
- Fixed 'Explore' button launching the the file instead of displaying it.
- Fixed upload bandwidth display to be more accurate.
- Reduced the number of digits shown for MB, TB, GB, etc..
- Fixed upload progress from halting at 99%.
- Updated run.bat to always work.
- Hide the license dialog when viewing a secure search result.
- Fixed stripping numbers and lowercasing the search when doing an XML search.
- Updated using HTTP/SOCKS proxies to use non-blocking I/O (and not require
additional threads).
- Added the client-side of using secure OOB queries / replies.
- Validate the URI used for BitTorrent trackers.
- Fixed timing issues associated with saving BT data to disk and closing or
cancelling a torrent.
- Fix the "key" parameter sent to trackers in BitTorrent.
- Fix spam checking to look at XML data in replies too.
- Updated connecting to avoid hostile hosts and subnets.
- Added the ability to run LimeWire from a temporary settings directory if
the expected directory can't be written to.
- Update the GUID used for BitTorrent to have different LW BT versions.
- Loosened the requirements for boostrapping into the Mojito DHT.
- Fix updating of FW-FW alternate locations when using a non-FW-FW transfer to
not update the location with an incorrect port.
- Fix cleaning up a temporarily stalled download (busy, out of sources, etc..)
to ensure that all pending disk writes are processed.
- Updated the adult keyword filter.
- Fixed the adult filter for "What's New" searches to work when more than one
search is happening at once.
- Updated keyword filters to look inside XML data.
- Updated deadlock reporting to report errors within the I/O system.
- Send more session information when a bug is reported.
- Updated deadlock reports to contain more detailed information about what
methods have locked what objects.
- Updated the default GUI error handling to not ignore errors from within
the new LimeWire component hierarchy.
- Fixed an error associated with displaying errors before the splash screen
is constructed.
- Workaround LimeWire freezing due to Swing deadlocks whne starting up.
- Update the progressbar on the splashscreen to display percentages.
- Added warnings for Windows Vista when setting directories to unsafe locations.
- Center the chat window on the screen if the middle of the visible window is
outside of the viewable area.
- Enable inactive downloads to be explored.

Download Site
Last Beta: LimeWire Pro 4.13.8
LimeWire 4.13.8 Beta for Windows

LimeWire 4.12.14 for Windows

eMule 0.48a ROCKFORCE Mod v1.0

eMule v0.48a [ROCKFORCE Mod v1.0] - [ROCKFORCE-onmediav2]

eMule ROCKFORCE Mod Main Features:

- Slot Control: chose how many upload slots you want to open and Slotfocus
- Release-Features like Powershare, Share Only the Need, Active Spreading and Download Permission
- Applejuice Community Modes: select normal, reduced (50% Upload) or disabled Community Mode
- manual add to Upload, remove from Upload and Friend handling in every List on Transfer Window
- Applejuice Community with many Community Clients advanced Community Features
- Applejuice Creditsystem: you can "buy" download Slots from other Community Clients with Applejuice you get for your Upload
- Community Topfile List: Search and Find the Files with most Community Clients

Changelog eMule v0.48a ROCKFORCE Mod v1.0:

June, 22. 2007
based on eMule Fireball v2.0

Rockforce Community:
- Releaser Community is default enabled
- Releaser Community default string is [ROCKFORCE-onmediav2]
- set default Releaser Community Boost to Upload Level

- changed default IRC Channel address to irc.mindforge.org
- perform string on IRC connect: /join #ROCKFORCE-LAMORADADELPERROVERDE|/join #buencine

- changed Forum link

- changed toolbar Icons [dragonlord]
- changed Splash Screen [dragonlord]
- changed Preferences Sidebanner [dragonlord]

An Applejuice Based Community Mods by Snakemods

Download: eMule v0.48a ROCKFORCE Mod v1.0 bin.zip (4.14 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

eMule 0.48a X-Cite Alpha v0.2

eMule v0.48a X-Cite Alpha v0.2


Alpha v0.2
- new overword European Community v2 (THX!)
- New Icons in Toolbar & Options
- Connected Server are bold and Green
- Filtered servers or Dead servers are grey out
- IP to Country
- Delete Server After 999 Retries
- FIX in Unlimited Search Results (THX!)
- inc. IP2Country files, IP Filter, server.met & nodes.dat

Alpha v0.1
- Don't Send Shared Files To Server
- Requiere Obfuskadet Server Connection
- Mod Log
- Undetecteble European Community
- Unlimited Search Results
- Higher Upload Data Rate [4 kb/sec]
- Faster Reask for new sources (KAD network)
- Faster Client CleanUp Time
- Higher Ban Time [3 hours]
- Some Icons from Xtreme eMule MOD

eMule 0.48a X-Cite Alpha v0.2.rar (4.29 MB) eMule 0.48a X-Cite Alpha v0.2.rar (4.29 Мб)

24 June 2007

eMule v0.48a Xtreme 6.0 Leecher

eMule v0.48a Xtreme 6.0 Leecher
Based on v0.48a Xtreme 6.0 Final Gockhun's Leecher Mod

[+] Server rotation
[+[ Unlimited searchresults
[+] Fix for random crush while shutdown [Xanatos]
[+] Invalid client filter
[+] Upload Start Sense [gatchmule]

Fixed : Queuesize Problem
[-] Stupid Cartoon graphics (Anabolica Creature) removed and Original added
[fixed] Phrase (Cryptoglyphe Language $ etc...) in all Dialogues, Menu and Options to original (Translation Language Files, Keyboard shortcuts work again)
[+] Other clean up's

known issues:
Main Dialog Header Message not fixed yet (Fu.. LW).
One phrase (Files = Fil$) in Main footer info not fixed yet.

Download: emule0.48a-Xtreme6.0 Leecher.7z (5.49 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)
