15 July 2007

eMule 0.48a Fireball v2.1

eMule v0.48a [Fireball v2.1]
eMule Fireball Main Features:
- Slot Control: chose how many upload slots you want to open and Slotfocus
- Release-Features like Powershare, Share Only the Need, Active Spreading and Download Permission
- Applejuice Community Modes: select normal, reduced (50% Upload) or disabled Community Mode
- manual add to Upload, remove from Upload and Friend handling in every List on Transfer Window
- Applejuice Community with many Community Clients advanced Community Features
- Applejuice Creditsystem: you can "buy" download Slots from other Community Clients with Applejuice you get for your Upload
- Community Topfile List: Search and Find the Files with most Community Clients

Changelog eMule v0.48a Fireball v2.1:
July, 15. 2007
- Upload Level of Powershare is now one Level higher than Upload Level of Releaser Community Clients
- minor improvement on upload Level Code
- increased time interval before a low Slotspeed Client get's dropped from Upload
- fixed minor upload bug on adding LowID Clients when Community Mode was set to Community disabled
Active Spreading:
- increased Kad reask interval for Active Spreading
- fixed bug doing Active Spreading at the same Client for the same file more than once (only if source was received more than once)
- fixed sending source request v1 packet with Active Spreading also to clients which support v2 packet
Applejuice Creditsystem:
- fixed loading Autostart and Autostop Creditfactor setting from preferences.ini
- minor fix on Applejuice Creditdownload
- reduced CPU load of Anti-Leecher System
- fixed sending Username without Anti Nick Thief Addon to Community Clients
- don't allow Nick Thiefs to become Releaser Community Clients
- comment spam detection
- updated spam message list
- Copy Mod Statistics
- reduced CPU load of some other Features
- remove all Clients from upload and waiting queue on changing Download Permission
- DSL 16000 selectable in Connection Wizard
- changed default nick to Fireball Homepage http://fireball.futuremods.de
- fixed bug on entering stop automatic started Creditdownloads
- fixed opening Help in Mod Preferences
- Enhanced Client Recognization [Spike2]
- ROCKFORCE Mod Client icon
- updated German translation
- fixed minor bug in verbose log on loading topfiles_index.dat and credits_index.dat files
- Allow hiding infinite number of Files
- Don't disable Powershare because of too many complete Sources
- increased maximal allowed value for Disable Powershare because of too many Sources to 2000
- Always allow Active Spreading
- Disable limit for Friend Slots
- select Compression
--- Disable Compression (less CPU Load)
--- select Compression Level (9 = best Compression)
- Adnaced Upload Slots
--- set min and max Upload Slot number
- Share Only The Need settings in Preferences
--- Use Share Only The Need per File
--- Enable/Disable Share Only The Need for all Files
--- Disable Share Only The Need for Friends/Community
--- Share Only The Need System
- Download Permission (adjustable per file or global)
--- Use own setting for each File
--- Only Community for all Files
--- Only Friends for all Files
--- Community and Friends for all Files
--- Don't publish Files via Server
--- Don't publish Files via Kad
- Boost Sources
--- Treat all Sources equally
--- Boost nearly complete Sources
--- Boost Sources with few Parts
--- Increase Boost for first/last Part
- Boost Friends
--- Increase Score of Friends
--- Higher Upload Level for Friends
- Anti Community
--- enter multiple Anti-Community Nick-Addons and select Punishment for them
- Anti non-Emule-Clients
--- bans all Clients which aren't using eMule, eMule Plus or aMule or have no SUI
- manual Remove all Clients requesting a File from upload and waiting queue
- remove all Clients from upload and waiting queue on changing Download Permission
--- if they are not allowed to request this file anymore
- reduced lowest allowed queue size to 100
Drop Sources:
- auto drop NNP, FullQ and HighQR Sources (with timer NNS 30s, FullQS 40s and HighQS 55s)
- set how many percent of hardlimit has to be reached at least to start auto drop
- Drop all Sources in time intervals
--- for NNS, FullQS and HighQS Sources
--- time interval from 5 to 40 Minutes
- set source Droptime (25 - 360 minutes)
- IP ban for dropped sources: if enabled, dropped sources will not be connected until the Droptime is over (saves Overhead)
- manual drop HighQR Sources in Download List
- never auto drop Community Clients
- Drop HighQS Dynamic (depending on Average Queuerank) or static (depending on manual set max Queuerank)
- auto Drop non-eMule-Clients (drop timer 30s, drop them only if our QR is higher than 100 and we got less than 1MB)
- manual Drop a single Client in Download List
Reask Sources:
- Client Reasktime (from 10 to 58 Minutes)
- manual reask all Sources non Applejuice Community Sources of a File in Download List (via TCP and UDP)
- manual reask a single non Applejuice Community Client in Download List (via TCP and UDP)
- Crew member login
--- necessary to use Crew Features
- Filter Server advertisement

Changelog eMule v0.48a Fireball v2.0:
June, 6. 2007
- Releaser Community
--- enter Community Nick-Addons seperated by "|"
--- select Releaser Community Score Boost or set an own Upload Level
--- Releaser Community Client Icon [icon from Xtreme]
--- mark Clients in Mod Client detail page and show found Nick-Addons
- Download Permission
- changed Active Spreading for new eMule v0.48a source exchange
- increased time a client has to be in upload before he can be dropped because of too low slotspeed
- fixed minor bug with drop Clients with too low slotspeed if Slotfocus was enabled
Applejuice Creditsystem:
- limit number of max allowed Creditdownload Clients depending on own download limit (or download capacity)
- disable Applejuice Creditdownload on stopping file
- reduced Overhead of Applejuice Creditsystem
- fixed bug with Applejuice Creditfactor on completing and stopping file
- stop Applejuice Creditdownload depending on number of downloading clients via Creditdownload
- increased maximal allowed value for Autostart Applejuice Creditdownload
- send Queuerank again on sending new Creditfactor
- don't count Applejuice Credit saving answers from old clients (because of a bug)
- minor change on loading Applejuice Credits
- increased max allowed Applejuice Creditdownload Autostart and Autostop value
- some other optimizations
- only overwrite creditsave.dat file on closing eMule if we were connected to the network this session
- fixed minor bug with forcing community source exchange after a file was stopped
- Client icon for Applejuice Releaser Clients (Clients who support Applejuice Community, but disabled it) [icon by Snake-eATER]
--- also mark them in Mod Client detail page
- fixed bug with better sending Queuerank to Community Clients on first connect
- improved hidden File detection
- some other fixes on Anti-Leecher System
- increased max allowed lenght of username to 80 characters
- changed file buffer setting steps to 256KB per step
- fixed minor bug with Bad Hello Tag and Ghost Mod Anti-Leecher log entries
- changed and removed some links
- some minor changes and fixes
- Colored Upload Feedback
- icon for files with Download Permission 'Community Clients' in shared files, upload and queue list
- fixed showing wrong Client icon for leechers in known Clients list
- updated German translation
- updated Italian translation [laraspa59]
- updated Spanish translation [karateka608]
Download Permission:
You can set maximal 1 file to Permission 'Community Clients' and then only (Releaser) Community
Clients can download this file from you. Other Clients will not be able to see that you share
this file. This Feature is only to pre-spread a file.

ATTENTION! Before you use any of the following mods by "Snake" *Fireball, *SunPower, *Wikinger, *Rockforce.
All Mods are done with ExeStealth V2.76 (EP Section: rsrr). This means emule.exe is done with exeprotector "ExeStealth". Normally eMule builds and mods are not protected that you can look into the code. The possibility is given that these mods hide somewhat unpleasant.
The logic that the exeprotecion is done cause of hack protection is far. eMule is Freeware there will not exist any interests to hack it.

You can test all exe, dll files by self using: ExeInfo PE by A.S.L. or any other exe info tools of your choice and decide if you use this protected programs or not!
Usually only Shareware and pay Software is protected against hacking/cracking.

Download: eMule.v0.48a.Fireball.v2.1.bin.zip (4.31 MB) - Mirror - Mirror - (DDL)

Old Version:
eMule 0.48a Fireball v2.0

This mod is not bad. We will try to post more releaser mods! Without releasers eMule will be poor, but releasers want to have of course some privacy to a maximum of possible Identity protections.

Dieser Umb. ist nicht schlecht. Wir versuchen, mehr Releaser mods bekanntzugeben! Ohne Releasers ist eMule schlecht, aber Releasers möchten selbstverständlich etwas Privatleben zu einem Maximum der möglichen Identität Schutze haben.

Esta MOD no es mala. ¡Intentaremos fijar más mods del disparador! Sin los disparadores el eMule será pobre, pero los disparadores desean tener por supuesto cierta aislamiento a un máximo de las protecciones posibles de la identidad.

Этот мод не плохой. Мы постараемся после более releaser дополнения! Без размыкателя eMule будет бедных, размыкателя но хочу, конечно, довольно часто на максимально возможной защиты личности.

Ce mod n'est pas mauvais. Nous essayerons de signaler plus de mods de releaser ! Sans releasers l'eMule sera pauvre, mais les releasers veulent avoir naturellement de l'intimité à un maximum des protections possibles d'identité.

这是算不坏. 我们会尝试更多职位排风MODS的! 无释Emule来会很差, 但释想拥有的,当然也有一些隐私被处以最高可能的身份保护.

eMule v0.48a SunPower Mod v2.1

eMule v0.48a [SunPower-Mod v2.1]
emule.exe info
Protected with ExeStealth (think about it and create your own meaning)

eMule SunPower-Mod Main Features:
- Slot Control: chose how many upload slots you want to open and Slotfocus
- Release-Features like Powershare, Share Only the Need, Active Spreading and Download Permission
- Applejuice Community Modes: select normal, reduced (50% Upload) or disabled Community Mode
- manual add to Upload, remove from Upload and Friend handling in every List on Transfer Window
- Applejuice Community with many Community Clients advanced Community Features
- Applejuice Creditsystem: you can "buy" download Slots from other Community Clients with Applejuice you get for your Upload
- Community Topfile List: Search and Find the Files with most Community Clients

Changelog eMule v0.48a SunPower-Mod v2.0:
July, 14. 2007
- Upload Level of Powershare is now one Level higher than Upload Level of Releaser Community Clients
- minor improvement on upload Level Code
- increased time interval before a low Slotspeed Client get's dropped from Upload
- fixed minor upload bug on adding LowID Clients when Community Mode was set to Community disabled
Active Spreading:
- increased Kad reask interval for Active Spreading
- fixed bug doing Active Spreading at the same Client for the same file more than once (only if source was received more than once)
- fixed sending source request v1 packet with Active Spreading also to clients which support v2 packet
Applejuice Creditsystem:
- fixed loading Autostart and Autostop Creditfactor setting from preferences.ini
- minor fix on Applejuice Creditdownload
- reduced CPU load of Anti-Leecher System
- fixed sending Username without Anti Nick Thief Addon to Community Clients
- don't allow Nick Thiefs to become Releaser Community Clients
- comment spam detection
- updated spam message list
- Copy Mod Statistics
- reduced CPU load of some other Features
- remove all Clients from upload and waiting queue on changing Download Permission
- DSL 16000 selectable in Connection Wizard
- fixed bug on entering stop automatic started Creditdownloads
- fixed opening Help in Mod Preferences
- Enhanced Client Recognization [Spike2]
- ROCKFORCE Mod Client icon
- updated German translation
- fixed minor bug in verbose log on loading topfiles_index.dat and credits_index.dat files

Download: eMule.v0.48a.SunPower-Mod.v2.1.bin.zip (4.2 MB) - Mirror - Mirror - (DDL)
Old Version:
eMule 0.48a SunPower-Mod v2.0

We bet within less than 5 hours (usually it takes 3 to 7 h, now maybe within minutes), the most worse blog which is more a google puller page to get forum members because there are no downloads called "blog.leecherworld.c0m" (in seo it's called doorway page, Jump-Page) have copied as usually this as all other before and the download files above are hidden by them forum for selected access groups. The reasion why is easy to explain, content is needed and only that. We have 3 or 4 mods from them forum (the last is 4 months ago) is this a way to trade and exchange?
Oh well descriptions such as changelogs and pictures they can do very nice as long they are in english or german. Feel free to read the descriptions there and the downloads get for free here but we will appreciate if more visitors bring some hidden freeware secrets out from them as well and spreed it all over emule, torrent and other websites.

eMule v0.48a Wikinger Mod v2.1

eMule v0.48a [Wikinger-Mod v2.1]
eMule Wikinger-Mod Main Features:
- Slot Control: chose how many upload slots you want to open and Slotfocus
- Release-Features like Powershare, Share Only the Need, Active Spreading and Download Permission
- Applejuice Community Modes: select normal, reduced (50% Upload) or disabled Community Mode
- manual add to Upload, remove from Upload and Friend handling in every List on Transfer Window
- Applejuice Community with many Community Clients advanced Community Features
- Applejuice Creditsystem: you can "buy" download Slots from other Community Clients with Applejuice you get for your Upload
- Community Topfile List: Search and Find the Files with most Community Clients

Changelog eMule v0.48a Wikinger-Mod v2.1:
July, 14. 2007
- Upload Level of Powershare is now one Level higher than Upload Level of Releaser Community Clients
- minor improvement on upload Level Code
- increased time interval before a low Slotspeed Client get's dropped from Upload
- fixed minor upload bug on adding LowID Clients when Community Mode was set to Community disabled
Active Spreading:
- increased Kad reask interval for Active Spreading
- fixed bug doing Active Spreading at the same Client for the same file more than once (only if source was received more than once)
- fixed sending source request v1 packet with Active Spreading also to clients which support v2 packet
Applejuice Creditsystem:
- fixed loading Autostart and Autostop Creditfactor setting from preferences.ini
- minor fix on Applejuice Creditdownload
- reduced CPU load of Anti-Leecher System
- fixed sending Username without Anti Nick Thief Addon to Community Clients
- don't allow Nick Thiefs to become Releaser Community Clients
- comment spam detection
- updated spam message list
- Copy Mod Statistics
- reduced CPU load of some other Features
- remove all Clients from upload and waiting queue on changing Download Permission
- DSL 16000 selectable in Connection Wizard
- fixed bug on entering stop automatic started Creditdownloads
- fixed opening Help in Mod Preferences
- Enhanced Client Recognization [Spike2]
- ROCKFORCE Mod Client icon
- updated German translation
- fixed minor bug in verbose log on loading topfiles_index.dat and credits_index.dat files

Changelog eMule v0.48a Wikinger-Mod v2.0:
June, 6. 2007
- Releaser Community
--- enter Community Nick-Addons seperated by "|"
--- select Releaser Community Score Boost or set an own Upload Level
--- Releaser Community Client Icon [icon from Xtreme]
--- mark Clients in Mod Client detail page and show found Nick-Addons
- Download Permission
- changed Active Spreading for new eMule v0.48a source exchange
- increased time a client has to be in upload before he can be dropped because of too low slotspeed
- fixed minor bug with drop Clients with too low slotspeed if Slotfocus was enabled
Applejuice Creditsystem:
- limit number of max allowed Creditdownload Clients depending on own download limit (or download capacity)
- disable Applejuice Creditdownload on stopping file
- reduced Overhead of Applejuice Creditsystem
- fixed bug with Applejuice Creditfactor on completing and stopping file
- stop Applejuice Creditdownload depending on number of downloading clients via Creditdownload
- increased maximal allowed value for Autostart Applejuice Creditdownload
- send Queuerank again on sending new Creditfactor
- don't count Applejuice Credit saving answers from old clients (because of a bug)
- minor change on loading Applejuice Credits
- increased max allowed Applejuice Creditdownload Autostart and Autostop value
- some other optimizations
- only overwrite creditsave.dat file on closing eMule if we were connected to the network this session
- fixed minor bug with forcing community source exchange after a file was stopped
- Client icon for Applejuice Releaser Clients (Clients who support Applejuice Community, but disabled it) [icon by Snake-eATER]
--- also mark them in Mod Client detail page
- fixed bug with better sending Queuerank to Community Clients on first connect
- improved hidden File detection
- some other fixes on Anti-Leecher System
- increased max allowed lenght of username to 80 characters
- changed file buffer setting steps to 256KB per step
- fixed minor bug with Bad Hello Tag and Ghost Mod Anti-Leecher log entries
- changed and removed some links
- some minor changes and fixes
- Colored Upload Feedback
- icon for files with Download Permission 'Community Clients' in shared files, upload and queue list
- fixed showing wrong Client icon for leechers in known Clients list
- updated German translation
- updated Italian translation [laraspa59]
- updated Spanish translation [karateka608]
Download Permission:
You can set maximal 1 file to Permission 'Community Clients' and then only (Releaser) Community
Clients can download this file from you. Other Clients will not be able to see that you share
this file. This Feature is only to pre-spread a file.

Changelog eMule v0.47c Wikinger-Mod v1.1:
Apr, 9. 2007
- Active Spreading [DavidXanatos/Ekliptor]
- increased upload priority for Community Clients requesting Powershare-Files
- Slotfocus: focus all upload bandwidth on one (or as little as possible) upload slots
- Drop Clients with low Slotspeed: put clients who accept less than 10% of our slotspeed back to queue
--- don't allow them to entry our upload again for 30 minutes
--- give them 75% of their waitingtime back
- fixed bug with amount based max upload to Community for low ID Clients
- fixed bug putting client back to queue because of a client with higher Upload Level
- Anti-Leecher System [Leecher Detections by Xman/MorphXT/DavidXanatos/WiZaRd]
--- Username and Modstring detection
--- Nick-Thief and Mod-Thief detection
--- Bad and SUspect Packet detection (detects Bad Hello Tags, Extra Bytes, Ghost Mods,...)
--- Spam and other bad actions detection (detects Spammers, XS-Exploiter and Clients hiding files)
--- Detection-Level
-----> Detect only real Leechers (only usernames/modstrings of very bad leechers are detected, no Ghost Mod detection for Webcache/ICS Tags)
-----> Detect all Suspect Clients
--- Punishment
-----> No Punishment
-----> Score *0.9 - Score *0.1
-----> Upload Ban
-----> IP Ban
- never ban Friends
- Log Anti-Leecher actions
- check manual entered own Modstring if it will get banned
- removed some parts of official GPL Breaker detection, we don't need anymore because of own Anti-Leecher System
- force Community Source Exchange until we got 3 answers and repeat it every 6 hours
- fixed major bug saving Applejuice Credits of other Clients
- reduced CPU usage of Applejuice Creditsystem a bit
- find a bit more Community Contacts
- fixed bug Highspeed Creditdownload counter could stop
- default IP-Filter update address
- some minor improvements and changes
- icon for files with enabled Active Spreading in shared files, upload and queue list
- mark clients we removed because of a client with a higher uplad level or they could not accept our slotspeed in 'score' column at queuelist
- Leecher Client Icon
- add/remove friends and start/stop friendslot in every list on transfer window
- show filename of files we are searching for sources via kademlia in kademlia search list (also for keyword searches)
- show current Community Mode in Upload Feedback
- fixed upload priority Powershare was not displayed on upload feedback
- fixed Remote QR status 'full' was displayed instead of 'no needed parts' in rare cases on uploadlist and queuelist
Active Spreading:
With Active Spreading you can search for incomplete sources of your complete files. So Active Spreading
will search for Clients who want to download your complete files. Active Spreading automatically
disables for 12 hours after you found 400 clients sharing the file or you got 300 requests for the file.
It also disables if soft queue limit is reached.

Download: eMule.v0.48a.Wikinger-Mod.v2.1.bin.zip (4.14 MB) - Mirror - Mirror - (DDL)
ED2K Link: eMule.v0.48a.Wikinger-Mod.v2.1.bin.zip

Old Version: eMule 0.48a Wikinger-Mod v2.0

We bet within less than 5 hours (usually it takes 3 to 7 h, now maybe within minutes), the most worse blog which is more a google puller page to get forum members because there are no downloads called "blog.leecherworld.c0m" (in seo it's called doorway page, Jump-Page) have copied as usually this as all other before and the download files above are hidden by them forum for selected access groups. The reasion why is easy to explain, content is needed and only that. We have 3 or 4 mods from them forum (the last is 4 months ago) is this a way to trade and exchange?
Oh well descriptions such as changelogs and pictures they can do very nice as long they are in english or german. Feel free to read the descriptions there and the downloads get for free here but we will appreciate if more visitors bring some hidden freeware secrets out from them as well and spreed it all over emule, torrent and other websites.

eMule 0.48a ROCKFORCE Mod v2.0

eMule v0.48a [ROCKFORCE Mod v1.1] (v2.0 ID String not updated now)

eMule ROCKFORCE Mod Main Features:
- Slot Control: chose how many upload slots you want to open and Slotfocus
- Release-Features like Powershare, Share Only the Need, Active Spreading and Download Permission
- Applejuice Community Modes: select normal, reduced (50% Upload) or disabled Community Mode
- manual add to Upload, remove from Upload and Friend handling in every List on Transfer Window
- Applejuice Community with many Community Clients advanced Community Features
- Applejuice Creditsystem: you can "buy" download Slots from other Community Clients with Applejuice you get for your Upload
- Community Topfile List: Search and Find the Files with most Community Clients

Changelog eMule v0.48a ROCKFORCE Mod v2.0:
July, 14. 2007
- Upload Level of Powershare is now one Level higher than Upload Level of Releaser Community Clients
- minor improvement on upload Level Code
- increased time interval before a low Slotspeed Client get's dropped from Upload
- fixed minor upload bug on adding LowID Clients when Community Mode was set to Community disabled
Active Spreading:
- increased Kad reask interval for Active Spreading
- fixed bug doing Active Spreading at the same Client for the same file more than once (only if source was received more than once)
- fixed sending source request v1 packet with Active Spreading also to clients which support v2 packet
Applejuice Creditsystem:
- fixed loading Autostart and Autostop Creditfactor setting from preferences.ini
- minor fix on Applejuice Creditdownload
- reduced CPU load of Anti-Leecher System
- fixed sending Username without Anti Nick Thief Addon to Community Clients
- don't allow Nick Thiefs to become Releaser Community Clients
- comment spam detection
- updated spam message list
- Copy Mod Statistics
- reduced CPU load of some other Features
- remove all Clients from upload and waiting queue on changing Download Permission
- DSL 16000 selectable in Connection Wizard
- fixed bug on entering stop automatic started Creditdownloads
- fixed opening Help in Mod Preferences
- Enhanced Client Recognization [Spike2]
- ROCKFORCE Mod Client icon
- updated German translation
- fixed minor bug in verbose log on loading topfiles_index.dat and credits_index.dat files

Changelog eMule v0.48a ROCKFORCE Mod v1.1:
June, 29. 2007
- reduced CPU load of Anti-Leecher System
- fixed sending Username without Anti Nick Thief Addon to Community Clients
- reduced CPU load of some other Features
- fixed opening Help in Mod Preferences
- fixed loading Autostart and Autostop Creditfactor setting from preferences.ini
- ROCKFORCE Mod Client icon
- changed application icon
- changed tray icons
- fixed minor bug in verbose log on loading topfiles_index.dat and credits_index.dat files

Changelog eMule v0.48a ROCKFORCE Mod v1.0:
June, 22. 2007
based on eMule Fireball v2.0
Rockforce Community:
- Releaser Community is default enabled
- Releaser Community default string is [ROCKFORCE-onmediav2]
- set default Releaser Community Boost to Upload Level
- changed default IRC Channel address to irc.mindforge.org
- perform string on IRC connect: /join #ROCKFORCE-LAMORADADELPERROVERDE|/join #buencine
- changed Forum link
- changed toolbar Icons [dragonlord]
- changed Splash Screen [dragonlord]
- changed Preferences Sidebanner [dragonlord]

Download: eMule.v0.48a.ROCKFORCE.Mod.v2.0.bin.zip - (Mirror1) - (Mirror2) - Mirror3 - (DDL)
ED2K Link: eMule.v0.48a.ROCKFORCE.Mod.v1.1.bin.zip

(Version shows v1.1 but it's 2.0, string is not updated yet) See exe compile date stamp and Changelog Features

Older Version:
eMule 0.48a ROCKFORCE Mod v1.0

We bet within less than 5 hours (usually it takes 3 to 7 h, now maybe within minutes), the most worse blog which is more a google puller page to get forum members because there are no downloads called "blog.leecherworld.c0m" (in seo it's called doorway page, Jump-Page) have copied as usually this as all other before and the download files above are hidden by them forum for selected access groups. The reasion why is easy to explain, content is needed and only that. We have 3 or 4 mods from them forum (the last is 4 months ago) is this a way to trade and exchange?
Oh well descriptions such as changelogs and pictures they can do very nice as long they are in english or german. Feel free to read the descriptions there and the downloads get for free here but we will appreciate if more visitors bring some hidden freeware secrets out from them as well and spreed it all over emule, torrent and other websites.

eMule 0.48a SharkX 0.2g


SharkX 0.2g 14/07/2007
add : Source Cache - from Xtreme 6.0 (Xman)
fix : better passive source finding (missing code & adjucement @ SharkX) - from Xtreme 6.0 (Xman)
fix : multiple loading of msimg32.dll in TitleMenu.cpp - from hebMule2 v1.2 (avi3k)
fix : CS CA shift back into UploadClient (from ClientCredits)
fix : missing icon for drop system

SharkX 0.2f 10/07/2007
fix : IP2Country W2K identified as 24bit res dll - from Xtreme 6.0 (Xman)
change : more UploadListCtrl.cpp & DownloadListCtrl.cpp cleaninig & optimizing

SharkX 0.2e 09/07/2007
fix : CMuleListCtrl::ShowColumn (BAD c&p by me)
fix : CUploadListCtrl::Localize - Column handle fix
fix : cleaner code in UploadListCtrl.cpp & DownloadListCtrl.cpp
change : Mod thread web link on official board

SharkX v0.2d 07/07/2007 (1'st post)
fix : dir vista officla fix (godlaugh2007)
add : Drop stalled downloads - from Warp 0.3a6 (Netfinity)
add : delayed NNP - from Warp 0.3a6 (Netfinity)
add : Set minimum waiting time to 5 seconds - from Warp 0.3a6 (Netfinity)
add : Advanced download throttling - from Warp 0.3a6 (Netfinity)
add : VQB: fullChunk (remaining) in Upload list control - from eMuleFuture 0.5
add : MagicAngel & MagicAngel+ CS - from MagicAngel 3.0 (sFrQlXeRt)
add : Anti Upload Protection (simplified) - from MagicAngel 3.0 (sFrQlXeRt)

SharkX v0.2c
fix : IPfilter update in config dir
fix : read SharkX prefs
add : Fix connection collision - from Morph 10.0 (SiRoB)
add : Horde op-codes from Warp 0.3a6 (Netfinity)

SharkX v0.2b
removed : National filter (Taz)
removed : MyCountry (Taz)
add : static ip filter - from Stulle 5.0 (Stulle)

SharkX v0.2
removed : AutoHL - from eMuleFuture v0.5
add : Global HL - from Morph 10.0 / Stulle 5.0
add : drop system - from Stulle 5.0 (Stulle / Sivka)
add : "embedded" (always on) SUQWT - from ScarAngel 2.0 (Stulle)
add : extend credits - from Xtreme 6.0 / ScarAngel 2.0 (Xman)
add : NeoArgos CS - from Neo 4.25 (Xanatos)
add : Anti fragmenting - from Warp 0.3a6 (Netfinity)
add : Anti Fake-IP - from eMuleFuture 0.5 (WiZaRd)
add : Kad Helper - from eMuleFuture 0.5 (WiZaRd)
add : VQB: fullChunk - from eMuleFuture 0.5 (not in Upload list control)

SharkX v0.1 based on emule 0.48a
National filter - based on IP2Country, by extending IPfilter + blocking server connection (Taz + advices from WiZaRd)
Upload list control - from Morph 10.0 + changes (Taz)
Xtreme CS - from Xtreme 6.0 (Xman)
Multi CS - CA CS option moved, all other CS, including Official, lower leechers score to 33% (Taz + ideas from Stulle)
better passive source finding - from Xtreme 6.0 (Xman)
show low IDs - from Xtreme 6.0 (Xman)
DBR - updated to Warp 0.3a6 (Netfinity)
My server in blue - from Xtreme (BlueSonicBoy)
Protect Static servers (Morph)
Do not overwrite BAK files on crash (Xman)
SLS - modified for reduces disk access from Morph 10.0
IP2Country - few code (GUI) fixes from Morph 10.0
IPfilter - back to config dir (Taz)
Fake Analyzer - from Warp 0.3a6 (Netfinity)
Safe KAD - from Warp 0.3a6 (Netfinity)

Features from eMuleFuture v0.5 (Spike2, shadow2004, WiZaRd, JvA):
Client Analyzer
Emulate others
ed2k & IPfilter updates
CPU and RAM info added to transferwindow
added a separate preferences file (SharkX)
new mod version system
Easy Mod Version
Winsock2-support - (eWombat)
Aux-Ports-support - (lugdunummaster)
SLS - (enkeyDEV)
ICS - (enkeyDEV)
tabbed prefs - (TPT)
Show Queue Difference - (itsonlyme)
IP2Country - (Eastshare/iONiX)
MinQR - (CiccioBasardo)
Infinite Queue - (SLUGFILLER)
ModIcon - (BlueSonicBoy)

Download: eMule0.48a-SharkXv0.2g-BIN.rar (5.45 MB) - Mirror

µtorrent 1.7.1 Build 3360 Leecher Pack by seba14

µtorrent 1.7.1_mult10_leecher.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

µtorrent 1.7.1_mult10_seeder.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

µtorrent 1.7.1_mult100_leecher.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 100
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

µtorrent 1.7.1_mult100_seeder.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 100
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

µtorrent 1.7.1_noreport.exe
- upload and download not reported to tracker
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

µtorrent 1.7.1_report.exe
- only upload reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

µtorrent 1.7.1_stealth.exe
- you are not shown on tracker during filetransfer (no peerlist entry)
- Caution: works not on all tracker !!!

µtorrent 1.7.1_DHT.exe
- private flag will be ignored
- DHT always enabled

Changes: /Noinstall switch per client mod to bypass uTorrents included setup which is unliked by using different builds.

Setup password: seba14

Download with Setup and single Builds: µtorrent 1.7.1 LP.rar (1.7 MB) - Mirror - Mirror - Mirror

A excellent Leecherpack by seba14. All credits to seba14.org!
