27 July 2007

RapidLeecher v 5.1

RapidLeecher is the ultimate, easy to use and free software to leech links from file share service Rapidshare, you just paste the link and your download will automatically get downloaded to your desktop with maximum speeds and minimal user interaction. The free software also has support for using proxy servers so that you can download many files at the same time (using different proxy).

RapidShare Cheat software Download

Main Features Include:
  • Automated Downloading.
  • Auto start and system tray support.
  • Clipboard monitoring.
  • Silent operation mode, will sit and wait for links in system tray.
  • Proxy Support for simultaneous downloads and unlimited downloading.
  • Inbuilt Downloader with detailed static's.
  • Full installer and uninstaller.
  • Simple utility.
  • Pleasant, easy to use interface.
  • Constantly Updated.
  • Adware & Spyware Free.
  • Support is provided for users with quick BUG FIXES
  • Best of All its FREE & SAFE.
Homepage: http://www.freewareplaza.com/downloads/download_rapid/Freeware_Software_download_RapidLeecher.htm

Download w/o Setup as standalone application: RapidLeecher .Net v5.1.7z (59,6 KB) Mirros1 - Mirrors2 - DDL1 - DDL2
Download with Setup: RapidLeecher_Setup.exe (420.5 KB) Mirrors1 - Mirrors2 - DDL1 - DDL2

Pls. note that you will need Microsoft .Net 2.0 Runtimes to use the application, it can be downloaded here

RapidShare Inspector v.

Do you have a RapidShare.com premium account?
Did you ever wonder about how many premium points per hour or per day you are collecting?
Did you ever asked yourself if you will have enough premium points to extend your account just before the time of expire?
Did you ever waste time to check if all of your files are still present or which one is missing?
If so, maybe this software is the right software for you.

“RapidShare Inspector” periodically connects to your RapidShare premium account page to collect your account information, performs some statistical analysis on them, then it shows all these information in a compact, nice and easy to read layout. “RapidShare Inspector” has a compact mode to show you only important information about your account.

You need Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 installed!
Hompage: http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dczs8nk7_10dxmtdc

Download w/o pdf instruction and setup as standalon application: RapidShare Inspector_0_9_4_2.7z (561 KB) DDL1- DDL2 - Mirrors1 - Mirrors2

Download include pdf instruction:RapidShare Inspector (1,13 MB) DDL1 - DDL2 - Mirrors1 - Mirrors2

Uploading on a server a scripts that steal cookies: http://userscripts.org/forums/3/topics/704?page=2
Firefox extension: http://bbcomposer.elitwork.com/installation.html

µtorrent 1.7.2 Leecher Pack Emu 1.6 - Secure Mod by Seba14

µtorrent 1.7.2 Leecher Pack with Emu 1.6
- All versions with Emu 1.6 and call home removed! -

Seba14.org announce a new uTorrent 1.7.2 Leecher Mod Pack
with this Features:


µtorrent 1.7.2_mult10_leecher.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10

µtorrent 1.7.2_mult10_seeder.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

µtorrent 1.7.2_mult100_leecher.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 100

µtorrent 1.7.2_mult100_seeder.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 100
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

µtorrent 1.7.2_noreport.exe
- upload and download not reported to tracker
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- you will shown as 0 % finished

µtorrent 1.7.2_report.exe
- only upload reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

µtorrent 1.7.2_stealth.exe
- you are not shown on tracker during filetransfer (no peerlist entry)
- Caution: works not on all tracker !!!

µtorrent 1.7.2_DHT.exe
- private flag will be ignored
- DHT always enabled

Made by seba14 !!
visit: www.seba14.org
Have Fun :-)

Homepage and Discussion: www.seba14.org

· seeding (Stealth)
Használatával nem leszel rajta a peer listán. Várakozási idő nélkül tölthetsz. Ezt csak kevés trackerrel lehet eljátszani.
· leeching (Stealth)
Ez kimondottan angol trackerekre van kihegyezve, mint pl. a Torrentbytes, mert ezek csak a Seeder IP-jét küldik a Leecher-é helyett.
· report FakeUP 1x/2x/3x
Az igazi ártó! A feltöltési sebességed elé rak 1-et, 2-őt, vagy 3-at, így ha pl feltöltesz 20 KB/s-al, és a 3-ast használod, a tracker azt az adatot fogja kapni, hogy te 320 KB/s-al töltesz fel, és emiatt ennek megfelelően számol el.
· leeching report FakeUP 1x/2x/3x
Ugyanaz, mint az előző, de itt Téged Leecher-ként jelez, és a letöltött mennyiséget is elküldi a trackernek.

source: http://www.utorrent.hu

Firefox WebUI extension 0.1.5
This extension makes the µTorrent Web UI easier to use in Firefox. It is compatible with Firefox 1.5.0.x and 2.0. Homepage: http://bin.thinkpond.org/site/utorrentext/ Download/Install: http://www.utorrent.hu/downloads/utorrentext-0.1.5.xpi - utorrentext-0.1.5.xpi
WebUI V 0.310 Béta 2: http://utorrent.hu/downloads/webui_v0.310_beta_2.zip
Flash UI V 0.7: http://utorrent.hu/downloads/webui.zip

Download + Mirrors:
utorrent 1.7.2 LP EMU 1.6.rar (708.75 KB) | Mirror1 | Mirror2
DDL1 | DDL2 | DDL3 | DDL4

FileShare Hoster Mirrors1 | Mirrors2

cFosSpeed ini:
If you want disable by uTorrent v1.7x and BitTorrent v6 Multicast and other in- outgoing connections, edit with notepad.exe file settings.ini :
The easiest way if you want disable multicast and other connections out and incomming, use cFosSpeed
edit with Notepad settings.ini

;; drop packets to or from reserved address?
;filter=-fw -wan -s -c drop
filter=-fw -d -c drop

;; drop packets to or from broadcast address
;filter=-fw -s -c drop
filter=-fw -wan -d -c drop

;; drop packets to or from multicast addresses?
;filter=-fw -s -c drop
filter=-fw -d -c drop

; egress filtering
; don't check source ip on LAN ports, might break ip mobility support.
filter=-fw -wan !-bridged -tx !-s-mynet -c drop
; don't check dest ip on LAN ports, since DNS traffic to router would be blocked
filter=-fw -wan !-bridged -tx -d-mynet -c drop

; ingress filtering, allow incoming multicast
filter=-fw !-bridged -rx !-d-mynet !-d -c drop
; don't check source ip on LAN ports, since DNS traffic from router would be blocked
filter=-fw -wan !-bridged -rx -s-mynet -c drop

eMule 0.47c VeryCD Speed Up Low ID to Low ID


Within network penetration, the simple answer is that the realization among the LowID transmission, LowID allow users to HighID users as high-speed download. But please note this is only a small-scale test for the version used to test the penetration within the network efficiency and performance through our feedback, we can quickly improve related development, and for the early release of the official version. But after the download, please directory on the new test. And the possible long-running (can be minimized to the background does not affect the use of the original eMule)

Speedup rapid testing guide:
1. to extract a new directory, up and running emule.exe. This is a test version, not used to cover the original eMule.
2. point to Toolbars "option" - "conventional, confirm or change your user name (please do not use the default yourname. to facilitate what we observe in each other - users)
3. double-click on the lower right corner of edits to ensure that you are lowid. and the company ed and kad network (test version of the default has not opened upnp, if you are not lowid. Please use firewall settings, the ban face your emule tcp port connected to resume emule)
4. eMule activated, will automatically download this file ed2k://|file|MovieMp3.rar|237795226|E6B1D305B9680A9D2D7631BC1F7A3070|h=FQS3YUBJJCDVW6OGPUSPULSINIY2V3VM|/
5. double-click download tasks, the task of View Peer Links and transmit information. Download to see if the state "Low2Low transmission" (Low2Low Transferri Vi) can be seen... more "Low2Low transmission," the better...

Discussion Board: http://board.verycd.com/t410140.html
Download: http://download.verycd.com/eMule/eMule-VeryCD.SpeedUp.beta.1222.rar
| Mirror | Mirror

EMULE 2008 - VMULE 0.48a

EMULE 2008 בעברית - ה אימיול החדש ביותר בעברית
הגירסא החדשה והמהירה ביותר להורדה ושיתוף
מבוסס על ההפצה החדשה ביותר
עכשיו עם עיצוב
חדש , והתקנה מהירה ללא צורך בהגדרות.

גירסא עברית מלאה.

VMULE 2007 - אימיול עברית מבוסס גרסא 0.47
הגירסא הפופולרית והנפוצה ביותר של אימיול בעברית
מבוסס על גירסא 0.47

גירסא עברית מלאה.
Homepage: http://vmule.com/

הגירסא החדשה והמהירה ביותר להורדה ושיתוף
מבוסס על ההפצה החדשה ביותר
עכשיו עם עיצוב
חדש , והתקנה מהירה ללא צורך בהגדרות.

גירסא עברית מלאה.

בזמן שהתוכנה יורדת - אנו צריכים את עזרתכם
השתמשתם באתר שלנו ? הורדתם את אחת התוכנות שלנו ?
על מנת שנוכל להמשיך ולתחזק את האתר
אנו מבקשים מכל מי שמוריד את אחת התוכנות שלנו
לתרום לאתר סכום חד פעמי של החל מ 3 ש"ח
כדי שנוכל להמשיך לתרגם ולהביא לכם את התוכנות החדישות ביותר בעברית.

הצוות שלנו עומל רבות על מנת ליצר עבורכם את הגירסאות החדישות
ביותר לתוכנות שיתוף הקבצים בעברית, ועל ידי תרומה סימלית אפילו של 3 ש"ח
תוכלו להודות לנו ולעזור לנו להמשיך ולתחזק את האתר.

תחשבו על זה - 3 או 5 ש"ח זה בקושי מחיר של חבילת מסטיק.

אנא מכם , כל שעליכם לעשות הוא לחייג מכל טלפון
למספר הטלפון שמופיע בדף התרומה ולאשר את החיוב החד פעמי
שיחויב בחשבון הטלפון שלכם, ללא צורך בכרטיס אשראי
וללא צורך במילוי פרטים מזהים.

אין מה לפחד - החיוב מתבצע על ידי חברת נטוויז'ן ו ברק 013
אשר מעבירה לנו את התרומה.

תודה על התמיכה...


Download: http://www.vmule.com/emule2008.exe
Download: EMULE 2008 - VMULE 0.48a.msi (4.41 MB) | Mirror

26 July 2007

eMule v0.48a Sharkx v0.2i

eMuleFuture.eu have announced a new Version of eMule v0.48a Sharkx v0.2i
The features are:
Client Analyzer
Anti Upload Protection
Safe KAD
Anti Fake-IP
Horde op-codes
Fake Analyzer
Multi CS (Official, Xtreme, NeoArgos, MagicAngel & MagicAngel+, ClientAnalyzer)
extend credits
better passive source finding
Advanced download throttling
delayed NNP
Drop stalled downloads
Fix connection collision
Emulate others
Global HL
drop system
"embedded" (always on) SUQWT
ed2k & IPfilter updates
Anti fragmenting
CPU and RAM info added to transferwindow
added a separate preferences file (SharkX)
new mod version system
Easy Mod Version
Winsock2-support - (eWombat)
Aux-Ports-support - (lugdunummaster)
SLS - (enkeyDEV)
ICS - (enkeyDEV)
tabbed prefs - (TPT)
Show Queue Difference - (itsonlyme)
IP2Country - (Eastshare/iONiX)
MinQR - (CiccioBasardo)
Infinite Queue - (SLUGFILLER)
ModIcon - (BlueSonicBoy)
static ip filter
dir vista officla fix

SharkX 0.2i 25/07/2007

add : power release - from Xtreme 6.0 (Xman)
add : retry connection attempts - from Xtreme 6.0 (Xman)
add : more don't draw hidden rect. from Morph 10.1 (Sirob)
add : optimization for large shared list when connectint / disconnecting from server (Morph)
add : Optimization in sendto(...) at ClientUDPSocket.cpp and UDPSocket.cpp - from TK4 MOD 2.0c (BlueSonicBoy)
add : missing checks (random crash at shutdown) at FriendListCtrl.cpp - from Xtreme 6.0 (Xman)
fix : Possible mem corruption at ini2 (topic 125300), and mem leak at parser (WiZaRd)
change : Multi CS (-MagicAngel+, +Lovelace, +Pawcio), default Pawcio

Features from eMuleFuture v0.5 (Spike2, shadow2004, WiZaRd, JvA):
Client Analyzer
Emulate others
ed2k & IPfilter updates
CPU and RAM info added to transferwindow
added a separate preferences file (SharkX)
new mod version system
Easy Mod Version
Winsock2-support - (eWombat)
Aux-Ports-support - (lugdunummaster)
SLS - (enkeyDEV)
ICS - (enkeyDEV)
tabbed prefs - (TPT)
Show Queue Difference - (itsonlyme)
IP2Country - (Eastshare/iONiX)
MinQR - (CiccioBasardo)
Infinite Queue - (SLUGFILLER)
ModIcon - (BlueSonicBoy)

Hompage Discussion BBS

eMule Sharkx -Binary & Source- @eMuleFuture.eu


eMule v0.48a SharkX v0.2i Binary: eMule-0.48a-SharkX-v0.2i-bin.7z (5.07 MB) | Mirror
eMule v0.48a SharkX v0.2i Source: eMule-0.48a-SharkX-v0.2i-src.7z (3.49 MB)
