23 August 2007

Azureus Shu + DDJ Hack Beta


Hacked Shu Mod

Shu's Changelog:

Build 202
Fix: shu options menu
Added: all the languages but they aren't up to date - see forum post (rewards)

Build 201
beta with 1 feature not yet implemented : "fake to peer system"

Build 200
+ Compatibility with Azureus core
Warning : Alpha version ! Work in progress !

It's a beta build

Moded by Seba14 Turkey

Required: Azureus - Sourceforge DDL

Download: Azureus Hacked Shu Mod Beta.rar (14.24 MB) | Mirrors |

Link Fetched pass: seba14: Hacked_20Shu_20Mod_203.
w/o pass: Azureus_3.0.2.0_Hacked_Shu_Mod_3.
Don't click download from FileDownloader!!! Use the other 3 Mirrors for your safety!

Azureus Shu Mod DDJ Beta Setup incl. Plugins

simply WinRAR sfx installer include all Plugins and Azureus for Windows
Hacked by DigitalDJ (DDJ) Australia http://digitaldj.net

Running on Java 1.7.0-ea
Sun Microsystems Inc.
SWT v3346, win32
Windows XP v5.1, x86

Azureus Shu Mod Beta Setup.exe 16,3 MB (17.117.813 bytes) Mirrors1 | Mirrors2 | DDL4
MD5: cc9242a56975957c428f660180b7aecc Azureus Shu Mod Beta Setup.exe

eMule 0.47a AcKroNiC 4.3 - AcKroNiC 4.4 FINAL

Logo di eMule AcKroNiC
L'orgoglio italiano, eMule AcKroNiC

Ackronic is a eMule mod software with many function: ISP/NAT Traversal, Slot Control, Advanced Server Filter, Quick Start, Drop Sources, Anti-leecher feature and a lot other.

Aggiunto l'ISP/NAT Traversal (v3) dalla NeoMule
Aggiunto il riconoscimento avanzato dei client di eMule (v1.2) da Enig123
Aggiunto il filtro ip nella rete Kad dalla MorphXT
Aggiunto l'HashProgress dalla NeoMule
Aggiunte pi� informazioni sulla corruzione dei file .part/.met
Migliorato l'upload instabile
Fixato un bug sulla rimozione dei server filtrati by SiRoB
Fixato un bug nella modifica di un file .emulecollection by CiccioBastardo
Fixati alcuni memleak trovati da Wizard
Fixato un errore per cui compariva il messaggio "Non � un Link valido" quando invece lo era by BlueSonicBoy
Fixato altri piccoli bug
Adesso di default la ricerca � impostata su "Server (Globale)"
Adesso se si setta a 0 l'opzione "Rimuovi i server inattivi" nessun server viene cancellato.
Migliorato il Dinamic Block Request by netfinity
Aggiornata la feature Anti-leecher
Aggiornato il filtro spazzatura
Aggiornata la gestione avanzata degli A4AF dalla MorphXT
Rimossa l'opzione "Non eliminare i server statici"

eMule AcKroNiC è una versione modificata del client eMule. È una delle pochissime MOD italiane, la sua caratteristica principale è la sicurezza. Con sistemi avanzati di protezione la MOD offre un'alta sicurezza anche grazie al lavoro con il team dell'eMule Security Center che mette a disposizione un efficacissimo filtro per eliminare i server fake e spia sia tramite i loro IP sia tramite i relativi nomi e descrizioni (Advanced Server Filters). La MOD contiene molte feature che la rendono una tra le versioni più famose presenti nella rete. Fin dalla nascita è anche presente in lingua inglese.

Caratteristiche principali versione attuale(AcKroNiC 4.3)

ISP Trasveral:

Questa feature cripta i pacchetti di eMule per evitare che siano intercettati dai filtri anti–p2p di alcuni provider. Cripta solo i dati tra due mod che implementano la stessa versione dell’ISP Traversal, mentre verso gli altri client e verso i server le comunicazioni sono in chiaro. È incompatibile con l'Offuscamento del Protocollo e molto probabilmente nella prossima versione verrà sostituito proprio da questa funzione.


NAT Traversal
(NAT–T) è una funzione che permette la comunicazione tra client anche questi sono nascosti da un NAT, evitando quindi di assegnare ID basso.Questa funzione è stata creata da DavidXanatos,sviluppatore della NeoMule,un'altra versione di eMule che per prima ha inserito questa funzione.

DarkForge  Forum

Homepage: http://www.ackronic.net - http://www.darkforge.it - http://sourceforge.net/projects/ackronic

Installer eMule0.47a-Ackronic_4.3-installer.exe
Binary eMule0.47a-Ackronic_4.3-bin.rar
Binary for P4 eMule0.47a_Ackronic_4.3_binP464.rar
Sources eMule0.47a-Ackronic_4.3-src.rar

Agosto 21, 2007, 05:01:54
Latest FINAL: Ackronic_4.4-bin.rar 2.79 Mb

eMule AdunanzA 3.14

Versione 3.14

Release: 13/06/2007

* Inserita la man 28.x nel network KADu
* Inseriti alcuni range di ip pubblico nel network KADu
* Inserita la configurazione del Wizard 6 mbit / 1 mbit

Dopo mesi di stallo ed una estenuante attesa, un manipolo di betatester e coder è riuscita a rilasciare questa versione per risolvere i problemi di tutti gli utenti fastweb tagliati fuori dal network AdunanzA a causa dei recenti lavori di Fastweb (quelli con ip 28.x).
Il merito va a Tigerjact che si è improvvisato coder fruttusamente, sfornando anche il nuovo installer. Ovviamente non dimentichiamo i betatester che hanno partecipato ai lavori senza i quali non avremmo potuto rilasciare nulla.

Questa release non cambia molto per il progetto AdunanzA. La situazione è ancora quella di stallo descritta in questo thread (nessuno sviluppatore e pochi mezzi per andare avanti) tuttavia speriamo prestissimo di dare nuova vita al progetto (http://www.adunanza.net/forum/ showthread.php?t=43511).
The effect of this version will feel between at least 3 days, when presumablly 80% of the aduners will have dawned to the new version and therefore glio customers with IP 28.x enter to make part of the network becoming precious sources for all.

Sito di AdunanzA: http://www.adunanza.net

Supporto ed informazioni per eMule AdunanzA: http://www.adunanza.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=12


Bin: eMule_AdunanzA_3-14_Installer-content-unpacked.rar (2.13 MB)

Installer Inno Setup: eMule_AdunanzA_3-14_Installer.exe (2.34 MB)
Pacchetto autoinstallante che comprende tutti i componenti utili per il corretto funzionamento del software.
eMule AdunanzA
Adupdater 2.0
Liste servers aggiornate
Files pre-configurati vari

Source / Sorgenti: eMule_AdunanzA_Sources_3-14.rar (3.17 MB)

22 August 2007

eMule 0.48a eMuleFuture v0.6

An eye-candy eMule-based P2P client with a new kind of antileecher system. A community mod with ported webbrowser homepage features for members.

- partially rewritten SLS [WiZaRd]
- added more AICH security checks [WiZaRd]
- request AICH hashes only in case we don't have a valid hash, yet [WiZaRd]
- if FS are toggled then the remaining data is recalculated [WiZaRd]
- added checks to prevent possible memory corruption while reading data from ini files [WiZaRd]
- changed minQR system to my minRQR system for way less CPU usage [WiZaRd]
- do not send empty dirs on shared file requests [WiZaRd]
- updated header view+ implementation [JvA] by BlueSonicBoy
- added missing code for "Avoid Credits Accumulate faker" in URLclient [Spike2] (by Morph)

Jan van Achterin (JvA) - (emuleFuture, eMule X-Ray)
Spike2 - (eMuleFuture, eMule iONiX)
WiZaRd - (eMuleFuture, eMule iONiX)

Sourceforge Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/emulefuture/

Downloads: eMule.v0.48a.eMuleFuture.v0.6-Binary.7z
Source: eMule.v0.48a.eMuleFuture.v0.6-Source.7z

Net Transport 2.47 Build 373

1. You can use the simple but powerful "File Manager" to categorize and manage downloaded files more efficiently.
2. Simple multi-user management. You can maintain several databases by logging on Windows with different username.
3. You can use the inbuilt "Site Explorer" to list the directory structure of the remote server, and easily select the desired files. FTP is the most powerful item in NetXfer.
4. FTP reuse mechanism allows you to use one connection to get different files from the same site. If you like, you can use accessory FTP client tool called "FTP Transport (FtpXfer)".
5. The "Multiple Proxies mode" allows you to assign every working thread a different proxy to break certain site restrictions, like only one connection per IP.
6. Proxies with NTLM authentication can penetrate local firewall, like Microsoft ISA 2000.
7. You can adjust the bandwidth usage of Net Transport to ensure surf at the same time.
8. Monitor browser click. And you can add links through Internet Explorer extended context menu, or drag links to the "drop zone" window, etc.
9. Net Transport can automatically shutdown the system or hang up the modem once all downloads are completed.
10. Multilingual support for the user interface. I will be glad if you help me localize NetXfer.
11. NTLM authentication is supported for both MMS and RTSP. In addition, RN5 authentication works for RTSP.
12. You can use multi-threads for both MMS and RTSP to significantly reduce the time of downloads.
13. Automatically parse streaming script such as .asx, .smi to acquire real URLs.
14. Support SSL encryption for both HTTP and FTP, which is called https and ftps. Also support one-time password to protect your authentication information. Normally password is in the form of clear text, which is easily stolen by IP packet monitor tools. Presently NetXfer is the only one can download https streaming via SOCKS5.
15. Support SSH encryption, which is hardly found in other upload/download tools for Windows.
16. The flexible "Scheduler Manager" is also most powerful item in NetXfer. Even you can record the dynamic URL according to time and save it as your desire filename.
17. In version 2, you can record the clip with range.
18. On BitTorrent protocol, you can use proxy to download, upload by UPnP. NetXfer supports HTTP/HTTPS/UDP Tracker.

Changes in Net Transport 2.46
(Aug 10, 2007)
1. Fixed a bug that option "Monitor > Wildcard match" made program catch every URL with "?".
2. Added option "Automatically connect on startup" for eMule.

Supported OS: Win95 / Win98 / Win98SE / WinME / WinNT4 / Win2000 / WinXP / Win2003 /Vista x86

Download removed >patch contains trojan

All obsolete versions of UPX


UPX - the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
Unpacking of win32/pe programs packed with the obsolete versions has never been implemented.

All Archived Versions include the popular UPX.exe Markus & Laszlo version 0.72 OBSOLETE (12.05.1999)
ooooo     ooo ooooooooo.   ooooooo  ooooo
`888'     `8' `888   `Y88.  `8888    d8'
888       8   888   .d88'    Y888..8P
888       8   888ooo88P'      `8888'
888       8   888            .8PY888.
`88.    .8'   888           d8'  `888b
`YbodP'    o888o        o888o  o88888o

The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Markus Oberhumer & Laszlo Molnar

UPX License

Changes in 0.72 (12 May 1999)
* tmt/adam: fixed a serious problem in the decompressor stub; all
compressed tmt files should be recompressed
* win32/pe: fixed the 'shared sections not supported' warning:
read-only shared sections are fine
* win32/pe: never compress TYPELIB resources
* win32/pe: compressed files are hopefully less suspicious to heuristic
virus scanners now
* linux/i386: minor decompressor stub updates, nicer progress bar

browse back in time - site2

Resource Tuner Version 1.99 – January 24, 2007

+ Now Resource Tuner is Vista Ready. Fixed issues with the Vista Thumbnail Preview and Flip 3D features.
* Other minor bugfixes and improvements.

Resource editor:
+ Now supports replacing large (256x256) Vista icons stored as .ICO with an icon from a PNG file.
+ Improved Manifest Wizard now supports marking a Pre-Vista application with a requested execution level.
* Improved detection of files with non-standard PE headers.
* Bugfix: Resource Tuner failed on files that had Debug Info sections placed not at the end of the file.
* Bugfix: Fixed an RC Data resource property access error that caused Resource Tuner to unexpectedly shut down on occassion.
* Bugfix: The search dialog didn't get minimized when minimizing Resource Tuner.
* Bugfix: The dialog preview window stayed on top when switching to another application.
* Bugfix: Visual Studio gave an incorrect format error on some dialogs in files saved out of Resource Tuner.
* Bugfix: Fixed minor memory leaks.

UPX Unpacker plug-in:
+ Now supports unpacking of files packed with many UPX scramblers such as Advanced UPX Scrambler, UPoLyX, UPX Lock, and more.
* Now supports unpacking of programs packed with the obsolete
early versions of UPX (prior to 0.80).
Уже взломали.
