30 September 2007

eMule 0.48a ShadowMule Mod v1.3 Beta by Tr0nYx


Changelog ShadowMule v1

[+]Kick Release Files after normal sessionmaxtrans
[+]Global Hardlimit
[+]ARGOS Antileech Class
[+]Update fakes, Ipfilter & antileech files @ StartUp
[+]undetectable Europe community (Tr0nYx/NightSky10, thxAugenzwinkern )
[+]New Systray Icon from Neomule
[+]Toolbar, statusbar+speedgraph from X-Ray Mod
[+]Funny Nick
[+]Chunk Dots
[+]Uploading + Downloading Chunk Detail
[+]Show Compression
[+]Wizards extented Statistics

Changelog v1.1:

[+]RelaxOnStartUp (X-Ray)
[+]CriticalPacketFix (X-Ray)
[+]Fadeout on Exit (Doesn´t work on Win Vista) (X-Ray)
[+]show splash on exit (X-Ray)
[+]BetterPassiveSourceFinding (X-Ray)
[+]CPU-Optimizer(not for Dualcore-CPU´s)
[+]Enhanced Client Recognization (Spike2)
[+]MaellaCodeFix @ ClientReqSocket(X-Ray)
[+]complete source fix(Wizard)
[+]new community(Nightsky10)

Changelog v1.2 Beta:

[-]Europe Community v2
[+]More Credit Systems
[+]Neo Score system
[+]NeoMule Stability Fix(Clientname is now a CString)
[+]Extended Credit Table Arrangement(XMan)
[+]Met Credits(Credits are calculatet otherwise so there is a new client.met called clients2.met, only for upgrading & downgrading modVersion)
[+]Send Silver Surfer v2.3 as ModString(only for getting Modstring from different mods i.e. emuleFuture)
[+]Send ModString "ShadowMule v1.2" to Community Clients
[+]show MinQr in downloadlistctrl(shadow2004)
[+]adjustable Slotnumber

Changelog v1.2 Final:

[+]SLS (XMan)
[+]SourceCache (XMan)
[+]show Remaining Time(Stulle)
[+]Show Downloadstate in color(Stulle)
[+]Show Download Time(Stulle)
[+]Show Known Since(Stulle)
[+]Show Last reask(Stulle)
[+]Automatic reload shared files(Stulle)
[+]Power Release + HideOS(Xman)

Changelog v1.3 Final

fixed some Bugs

Support BBS

Homepage: shadowmule.com

Download: ShadowMule v1.3 Beta.rar (2.56 MB)

Older VersionValued P2P Friends, be aware from the P2P Virii and Worms creators there:
and the folder up one level:

Some of this seems not to be harmless. AV may not found some new creations.

29 September 2007

BitComet upcoming 0.94 Beta Release [Sep 29, 2007]


Changelog 2007.09.29:
GUI Improved: new function in context menu of BT task file list: search ED2K link for selected file
GUI Improved: enable Windows open file security warning for downloaded executable files
GUI Improved: new option in preferences dialog: Login BitComet Passport Automatically
GUI Improved: hide notify window of start downloading torrent file immediately after download finished
GUI Improved: support query file size and server resume-supported ability for BC link in HTTP task properties dialog
GUI Improved: lanuch BitComet resource browser to capture video file when click "download video" in IE context menu
GUI Improved: add Accelerate Keys page to Help menu
GUI Improved: remove horizontal scroll-bar of fav list and task info pane list
GUI Bugfix: tasks in queue will not start automatically at next time of BitComet launch
GUI Bugfix: task list and file list do not refresh after rename task
GUI Bugfix: get invaild BC link when copy BC link from FTP task
GUI Bugfix: the display effect of resizing floating window is not correct under Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: zero-size BT task will display in downloading list all the time
Core Improved: eMule plugin supports searching ED2K link for selected file of BT task, to help BitComet download from ED network
Core Improved: new toolbar button in BitComet resource browser to capture flv video files in webpage and download them
Core Improved: HTTP task decrease download rate automatically when disk writing speed much lower than downloading rate
Core Bugfix: HTTP task will download file repeatedly in some special situation of hash check failure
Core Bugfix: the file name and sub-directory name in torrent file is invaild when make torrent of an entire disk from root directory
Core Bugfix: in-queue task number may get wrong if select to download remainder files of a BT task after part files of which download finished
Core Bugfix: eMule plugin window appears incorrectlly sometimes
Core Bugfix: preview download mode does not work correctly sometimes
Based on the stable version v0.93


open update folder and mirrors:

TuoTu v3.0.105 [2007.09.29]

3.0.105 The official version of the download address:
Installation version: http://www.tuotu.com/install/TuoTu_3.0.105.exe
Green version: http://www.tuotu.com/install/TuoTu_3.0.105.rar

105 Version CHANGELOG 2007-9-29
* Designing the inter-core protocols to reduce the wrong data download and supports cross - above-edge agreement
* while watching the built-in player (beta), the list of panels can be seen in the right menu
* BT: percentage of files/documents bug (sometimes 99% have actually completed)
* BT: That first task will be more cards to stop the problem
* BT: Improved network transmission performance, were uploaded to single IP LAN can be reached dozens
* emule: compatibility with other clients improved
* emule: Additional options "Connect server, update the server list"
* emule: batch delete the server list bug
* HTTP: in case that 100% of progress has not completed bug
* UPnP: Increased THOMSON routers support
* Interface: preservation of history and other directory bug
* Others: interface improvements and fixes

The emule module is ported/stripped to emule.dll. Unneeded resources as in emule's own gui are removed cause Tuotu's GUI used. It's emule GNU/GPL code with community string TuoTu/yourname

Program is English/Chinese selectable GUI

Homepage: http://www.tuotu.com/
BBS: http://bbs.tuotu.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=13&ID=33954&page=1

Mirrors if server overloaded:


Java 7 (1.7) Build b21 - September 27, 2007

Sun Java SE 7 Runtime Environment PRE-Release (Contains JDK and JRE) The JDK Development Kit can be uninstalled.
JDK 7 Readme and Build Instructions
Summary of changes in JDK 7 build b21

Windows Offline Installation, Multi-language JDK file
jdk-7-ea-bin-b21-windows-i586-27_sep_2007.exe, 53.95 MB
Windows AMD64 self-extracting JDK file
jdk-7-ea-bin-b21-windows-amd64-27_sep_2007.exe, 39.57 MB

Other Platforms:

In Mozilla Web Browser (Firefox) type in address bar: about:plugins
There must be listed: Java(TM) Platform SE 7 - the latest Firefox Final support Sun Java 1.7

Older Version:
Java 7 (1.7) Build b20 - September 13, 2007

VeryCD eMule 0.48a Build 070928 Beta

VeryCD eMule 0.48a Build 070928 Beta
* Revising Crash
* No response revising procedures

Translation error in the past "vampire protection" was mean as it is c++ p2p worm Vampire. Look here all P2P worms, RIAA p2p worm (visual basic) include. Found collection of worms: ( )


Download Installer: http://download.verycd.com/eMule/eMule-0.48a-VeryCD070928Beta-Setup.exe

Download Update:

Download Source:

28 September 2007

eMule 0.48 The Killer Bean v17 by TKB

Image IPB
eMule 0.48a The Killer Bean v17


-=The Killer Bean v17=-

Added : KadInterfaceImprovement (Xanatos)
Added : ResolveSourceHost (Xanatos)
Added : Additional Security Check (WiZaRd)
Added : Source Exchange Call Back (pP)
Added : Secure Source Exchange (sFrQlXeRt)
Added : detect Applejuice community by UserHash (Xman)
Added : Unknown Protocol Tags (BlueSonicBoy)
Added : ExtendedUdpCache (Xanatos)
Added : RelativeChunkDisplay (Xanatos)
Added : File Faker Check (Xman)
Added : minRQR (WiZaRd)
Added : Disable Nagle Algorithm (BlueSonicBoy)
Added : Country Flags in Server List (MorphXT/EastShare)
Added : KhaosLugdunumCredits (Xanatos)
Added : see all sources (Xman)

Update : Find MTU value (BlueSonicBoy)
Update : Source Dropper (pP)
Update : autoprio (pP)

Fixes & Optimization : Xman ,WiZaRd ,Xanatos ,MorphXT.

Homepage: http://www.open-files.com/eMule-48-The-Killer-Bean.html
BBS: http://www.open-files.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=32207

ED2K Links:
eMule.0.48a.TheKillerBean.v17.BIN.rar (5.37 Mb)
eMule.0.48a.TheKillerBean.v17.SRC.rar (4.26 Mb)

SkyDrive DDL:


Désolé de ne pas avoir fait l’annonce de la v16, j’étais persuadé de l’avoir fait ....
