Fix Windows Registry Problems to Improve Your System's Performance
Is your computer running slow? Are you experiencing computer crashes or windows error messages? Do you want to improve your system performance and stability? If you are answering yes, then you very likely need to clean up your Windows registry.
Registry problems are the common cause of Windows crashes, error messages, and degraded performance! RegDoctor can safely and quickly clean and repair Windows registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks! RegDoctor uses an intelligent, high-performance detection engine to accurately identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. Identified registry problems are listed and rated by risk level using an easy to understand color-coded system for your information. You can choose to have RegDoctor automatically repair all identified problems, or more selectively choose which problems to repair immediately. RegDoctor also offers a Restore feature to create registry backup files, giving you the capability to safely undo any registry changes.
The auto-start feature of RegDoctor helps to support its regular use. By using RegDoctor regularly to clean and repair your registry, your system should not only be more stable but it will also help Windows and your software run faster. Click here for more information on why you need software for cleaning your Windows registry.
Works with Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/Vista. FullSetup by AxMan special greetings to the old Amiga and Commodore C64 scene.
For the english, see the starting lines... Pour le francais, aller plus bas...
----------------------------------------------------------------------- ENGLISH INFORMATION | --------------------
NoLimit is a datefaker ! Let me explain you this with an example.... :
We are the 1st August, and you have just download a cool shareware... At the 31th August, you launch your cool shareware and a nasty nag screen inform you that you cannot use this prog now because the 30 days limit is passed...bad news...
The first reflex is to find a crack on internet... Bad luck this time, you haven't find any crack for this shareware :((
Oh, Sheet !! What can you do ??! Here it is ! NoLimit can help you ! :))
So, you launch NoLimit..
-First, you must select the main Executable of your cool shareware. -Secondly, you have to enter a date before the date of expiration...
So, we are on 31th August... From the 1st to the 30 August, you have used the shareware with no problemo...So, enter a date between the 1st and the 30 August... "15/08/1999" for example...
-Quit NoLimit...
Then, a little launcher has been created by NoLimit in his installation directory...Launch it ! "It's a kind of magic !" :)) Now, you can use your coolshareware by executing this launcher... You can create a new shortcut to it, you can move it to another directory...BUT NEVER RENAME IT OR IT WILL NOT RUN PROPERLY !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO en FRANCAIS | -----------------
NoLimit est un DateFaker ! Laissez moi vous expliquez ca avec un exemple... :
Nous sommes le 1 Aout, et vous venez de telecharger un shareware cool! Arrivé au 31 Aout, vous lancez ce shareware et...un vilain nag-screen vous informe que vous ne pouvez plus utiliser ce shareware car vous avez dépassé la limite de 30 jours....Pas cool :(((
Votre premier reflex : chercher le crack sur sur internet ! Seulement, pas de chance, vous ne le trouvez pas... :((
Que faire ? C'est là qu'intervient NoLimit 2.0 !! Lancez NoLimit...
-D'abord, selectionnez le fichier executable principal du shareware.. -Ensuite, vous devez entrez une date...Quel date ?
Bon, on a dit qu'au 31 Aout, ca marchait plus.... Ben ya ka mettre une date un peu avant :) genre..le 15 Aout... Vous entrez donc "15/08/1999"....
-Vous pouvez quittez NoLimit, la configuration est finie..
Maintenant, allez dans le repertoire ou vous avez copiez NoLimit... Un fichier nommé "Launch xxxx.exe" s'est créé... (xxxx = nom de votre shareware...)
Lancez ce fichier : Magie !! :))
Bon, normalement, ca marche et vous pouvez a nouveau utiliser votre shareware sans limit de temps...
Vous pouvez bien sur créer un raccourcis vers le "launcher", ou le changer de repertoire...MAIS NE LE RENOMMER JAMAIS !!! SI VOUS LE RENOMER, LE LAUNCHER NE FONCTIONNERA PLUS !!
Bon, a part ca, je pense que ce programme est assez facile d'utilisation...Mais en cas de pepin (je vois pas trop, mais bon...)
No Limit date faker + Trial-Reset 3.0 RC7 Test with eMule Merza SmaLL
What is it: ArmInline is an Armadillo unpacking tool designed specifically to deal with the many antidump features available with private builds of Armadillo v3.5-4.4, including Code Splicing, Nanomites and Import Elimination. For more details see the readme.
ArmInline was officially discontinued on 23/07/06 but you can still download the source. Be warned it's not a pleasant sight: ArmInline Source (English), ArmInline Source (Spanish)
+ Server->Reconnect on LowID retries + Powershare Upload-Priority in Download + Show Permission Community only (Orange) + Show Permission Friends only (Green) + Quickstart readded and fixed bug + Push to Upload in Downloads readded + Mod-Menu sorted - Drop Unknown removed - FirstStart Wizard removed - VersionCheck removed - SplashScreen removed - MobileMule removed
Important: Delete the old ZZULtimativprefs.ini and preferences.ini in \config file before starting the newer version please !!!
ZZULtimativ 1.6 Beta 2 + Updated most Codeparts to ZZUL_20070513-2310 + Extended CleanUp[Xman/Maella] + ClientAnalyzer Score Column in QueueList[pP] + choosable Slotspeed[pP] + better SlotSpeed[Spe64] + queued disc-access for read/flushing-threads[Xman] + SourceCache[Xman] + Quickstart[TPT/Stulle] + Reask Source After IP Change V2[Xman/Maella/Stulle] + Clear Banlist[pP] + moved UPNP Options to ZZULtimativ Prefpage
ZZULtimativ 1.6 Beta Devs: 2BC,mL
2BC [BCNL] Texel changes: + Dropsystem with Dropbuttons[KTS/LSD/2BC] + ShowFriendsOnQueueDialog + some code Optimations from netfinity, dazzle, wizard, Morph + don't remove static servers + Colors for Low ID/Friends/friendslot/community/Downloading files + changed some other optical stuff (in Preferences, Symbols etc.) + better passive source finding[XMan]
mL [MusicLover] changes: - official UPNP + UPNP[XMan] + Massrename in Downloadlist[Morph/XMan] + Show Requested Files[Sivka/XMan] + HashProgress[02/Xman] + Fix Crash at Shutdown[Sirob] + Show > when uploading and < when downloading in Status[Xman] + don't AddDeadsource in disconnected[Xman] + readded bool CPartFile::HashSinglePart(UINT partnumber) Flush Thread/Safehash: need the mono threaded hashing when shutting down otherwise the partfile must be rehashed on next startup[Xman] + filter outgoing server connections[Xman] + Fix Filtered Block Request[Xman/Sirob] + Send user agent as firefox for http downloads when obfucscation enabled [Xman/leuk_he] + SortingFix for Morph-Code-Improvement Don't Refresh item if not needed[Xman] + Some other Code Optimations and possible crashfixes by XMan,Maella,Wizard,Sirob,ilmira + P2PThreat - Detect worms that could be harmful to the network or eMule[netfinity] - removed always ban if anticomm & antimod and unbanning from antimod
other Changes: deactivated for now have to overlook the code when i compile with this features emule don't start: TPT Process Priority[not implemented in the Prefsdlg yet]
ZZULtimativ-R V1.0
Hotfix V1.0 07.Sept.2007
+ No Ratio + Changeable Modstring / Functioned now correctly - Modstring preset up VipeR V7.0 removed
ZZULtimativ-R V1.0 06.Sept.2007
+ New Toolbar Icons + Powershared Clients in Red + Bold + Powershared Files in Red + Bold + Force Power Slot in Orange + Bold + Status bar with CPU/RAM announcement + Apllejuice Detection v2.1.1 + Drop-Buttons changed + Modstring preset up VipeR V7.0 + Max Search Results unlimited + Kick Client + add IP to IpFilter.dat added + Vista Fix + Obfuskation Fix + ZZULtimativ 1.6beta Preferences Fix + Language file adapted + Optionsmenu adapted + Context Icons adapted + Emulate other Clients added + Colored Upload: Blue = Download Data Rate > 0 - Sidebanner removed - Quickstart removed - Funny Nicks removed - Help removed - IRC removed - Whois removed - TextToSpeech removed - Scheduler removed - Webinterface removed
...and more smaller changes :)
(based on ZZULtimativ 1.6 Beta 2)
Delete the ZZULtimativprefs.ini and preferences.ini in \config file before start another version please !!!
Homepage: / Ultimativ-Board
eMule exe is upx v2.03 optimized by default which makes it very compact in size.
Version 1: the first unpacker for Themida (unThemida1.0), not only the first tool in the RCE arab world but the first tool to unpack Themida in RCE scene. This tool supports version 1.8.x.x and above.
Version 2: It should unpack any themida packed file version 1.8.x.x up to the current version. This is the second release :)