10 December 2007

eMule 0.48a AdunanzA 3.14 DRC


The official MOD for you FASTWEB version patched by DRC eMule Security Center - by our collaborator bunglegrind - to remove a bug of the original and allow the adoption of a larger number of servers. (requires installation of eMule AdunanzA already present)

- Eliminato il filtraggio preventivo dei server con ip dinamico
- Modificato il nick di default

Il nome DRC, deriva dall'entità delle modifiche che sono state necessarie per eliminare il filtraggio dei server dinamici: Due Righe Commentate.. :) :)

Homepage: http://www.ackronic.net/

Download BIN:
Mirror: eMule.AdunanzA.DRC.3.14.zip

Download SRC:
Mirror: eMule.AdunanzA.DRC.sources.3-14.rar

eMule 0.48a A.S.F. 0.1 (beta7)

eMule 0.48a A.S.F. 0.1
Ecco finalmente la seconda release pubblica, la "v0.1 beta7c" che rispetto alla prima versione corregge alcuni bug e implementa nuove funzionalità molto utili per l'aggiornamento dei filtri. E' assolutamente consigliato aggiornare la beta 5 proprio per via dei bug corretti inerenti gli ASF.

Ecco la feature principale:

- Doppio Filtro by AckRonic! Ora è possibile inserire le due parti del filtro dell'eMule Security Center in due file separati semplificando il processo di aggiornamento del filtro e rendendo indipendenti gli aggiornamenti dei due filtri!

- Possibilità di disattivare la rimozione dei server inattivi inserendo 0 nella casella corrispondente;
- Icone personalizzate della mod, grazie al lavoro di jolanda!
- Nuovo splash screen by ARF!

Changelog eMule ASF v0.1 beta7

- Corretto bug negli ASF che troncava a 256 caratteri le stringhe nome e descrizione
- Modificato il nickname di default
- Aggiornato lo splash screen (by ARF) e i crediti di conseguenza
- Aggiornati i filtri ASF e Clean Comments
- Inserito il doppio filtro [Ackronic]
- E' possibile non rimuovere i server inattivi inserendo 0 nel campo "rimuovi i server inattivi" nella scheda server
- I comandi avanzati sono abilitati di default
- Corretto bug con il filtro rosso: ora anche se l'opzione "filtra i server" è disattivata, non è possibile connettersi ai server in rosso
- Corretto bug del tasto "filtra i server adesso": all'avvio se l'opzione "filtra i server" non è spuntata il tasto non è cliccabile.
- Eliminata l'opzione "filtra anche i server" dalla scheda Sicurezza;
- Corretto bug sul filtraggio della lista server [fox88];
- Corretto bug sul tasto "filtra i server adesso":
ora quando l'opzione "filtra anche i server" non è selezionata il tasto non è cliccabile;
- Il filtro rosso ora si aggiorna automaticamente alla pressione di OK o Applica;
- Aggiornate le icone (grazie jolanda!) e aggiornati i crediti di conseguenza.
- Inserita guida all'installazione in italiano (file LEGGIMI.TXT)

Changelog per eMule ASF v0.1 beta5

- Impostato il numero di tentativi di connessione ai server per default a 10;
- Ridisegnata la scheda Messages;
- Impostato Verbose 3 di default;
- Corretto il testo della descrizione degli ASF
- Aggiunto il filtro rosso [Ackronic]
- Aggiunto il nome della mod nei credits, nello splash e nella barra dei crediti

Changelog delle versioni precedenti
(NON rilasciate pubblicamente)

- Filtro ASF [Ackronic];
- Aumento dimensione del buffer a 20 MB;
- Inseriti filtri Antispam e ASF aggiornati;
- Modificato il nickname di default in http://www.emulesecurity.net;
- Le impostazioni di default soddisfano le raccomandazioni di emulesecurity;
- Il file ipfilter.dat non è riscritto a chiusura di eMule.
E' quindi possibile aggiornare separatamente le due parti del filtro.

Homepage: http://www.darkforge.it
Download BIN: http://www.emulesecurity.net/downloads/eMule_ASF_v.0.1_beta_7.zip
Mirror: eMule_ASF_v.0.1_beta_7.zip

Download SRC: http://www.emulesecurity.net/downloads/eMule_ASF_v.0.1_beta_7_sources.zip
Mirror: eMule_ASF_v.0.1_beta_7_sources.zip

eMule v0.48a EastShare v13.4 by Pretender


EastShare Mod Team: AndCycle, linekin, Pretender, TAHO, and special thanks to so8so.

      --= EastShare v13.4 Release =--2007/12/06 EastShare v13.4 released 

Core updated to eMule v0.48a MorphXT 10.5, synchronized with Morph about upload mechanism.

[EastShare v13.4] MorphXT 10.5 (eMule 0.48a) to amend the basis for a significant increase in the emule control functions, the new automatic capture most AndCycle most stalls (FollowTheMajority), the equitable distribution of uploading files (FairPlay), and other functions, while IRC interface also substantially revised.

Changelog for eMule v0.48a EastShare v13.4 [12/06/2007]
based on [MorphXT 10.5]

MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 10.5 (eMule 0.48a) [Pretender]
CHANGED : Check already downloaded files updated (Xtreme Mod) [Pretender]

Homepage: http://pre-tender.myweb.hinet.net/index_e.htm
Download Site: http://pre-tender.myweb.hinet.net/download_e.htm

eMule v0.48a [EastShare v13.4] download:
>> binary (executable): http://pre-tender.myweb.hinet.net/ESMod/eMule0.48a-EastShare_v13.4-bin.rar - Mirror eMule0.48a-EastShare_v13.4-bin.rar (2.68 MB)
>> source (required to be compiled): eMule0.48a-EastShare_v13.4-src.rar

HTTP 下載 >> http://eastshare.tk/
eD2k 執行檔 >> eMule0.48a-EastShare_v13.4-bin.rar
eD2k 原始碼 >> eMule0.48a-EastShare_v13.4-src.rar

DDL Server @hinet.net in TW have Hotlink protection, require to send referrer http://pre-tender.myweb.hinet.net by download request in your DL Manager or using 'RefControl' Firefox extension

eMule 0.48a DaZZle Mod by xpMule Updated by NoXZ

eMule Version 0.48a ~ DaZZle Mod
eMule Version 0.48a ~ DaZZle Mod
eMule ~ DaZZle Mod 'by xpMule'

Ver 0.48a Updated by NoXZ

Ver 0.47a (By xpMule) v1.03
- compiled with Netfinity's (Pre XP/SP2) DLL Fix for VS-2003.
- Changed dazzle options tab dialog to mention warning about high cpu / memory usage.
- moved some dazzle code into emule files and removed the now un-needed source files.
- increased "knownClientsMap HashTable" to larger prime number.
- added data type code on many functions to prevent compiler warnings.
- MorphXT 8.5 eMule Visual Studio project files were used as a template for builds. (athlon/p4, beta etc)
- Visual Studio project files have been cleaned of any invalid information.
- 3 Builds have been compiled and tested with out any errors or warnings, Beta, Debug and Release.

Ver 0.47a (By xpMule) v1.02
- added new inverse creditsystem tweak posted by Dazzle.
- compiled with Netfinity's (Pre XP/SP2) DLL Fix for VS-2003.

Ver 0.47a (By xpMule) v1.01
- "Large Files" support fix on one function.
- Added version/name Strings in few dialogs
- minor code changes/improvements

Ver 0.47a (By xpMule) [Test Client]
- Updated core to 0.47a (ported dazzle code to stock 0.47a base files)
- Integrated "Large Files" support into DaZZLE functions/code.
- Minor visual improvement to DaZZle Dialog in options tab ?
- Re-Added speech engine.

Ver 0.47a Official Released
- Dazzle decides to take a break on the mod for a while.
eMule 0.48a DaZZle Mod

BIN (Binary) 1.65 MB
DDL: Mirror1 | Mirror2 | FileshareHosts: DaZZle.Mod.v0.48a.BIN.rar - Mirror

SRC (Source)
DDL: Mirror1 | Mirror2 |
FileShareHosts: DaZZle.Mod.v0.48a.BIN.src

BIN+SRC (7.91 MB):

Many Thanks for this great Mod News submission!

Extras: eMule Updater - eMule IP Filter + ip-to-country + fakes.dat + antiLeech.dll updater

older Versions: http://dazzle-emule.com/download.htm

09 December 2007

Any Video Converter Free 2.51 | Any Video Converter Pro v2.51

Any Video Converter Free 2.51
Any Video Converter is an All-in-One video converting tool with easy-to-use graphical interface, fast converting speed and excellent video quality. It allows you to effortlessly convert video files between every format! It can convert almost all video formats including DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI to MPEG-4 movie format for iPod/PSP or other portable video device, MP4 player or smart phone. It also supports any user defined video file formats as the output. Any Video Converter makes it easy for anyone to enjoy any format video with your iPod, PSP, mobile phone or MP4 player.

Any Video Converter features include:
* User-friendly interface that is easy to use.
* Converts all video formats to Apple iPod Video, Sony PSP and more
* Batch convert any video formats including avi, wmv, asf, mpg, mp4, etc.
* Support DivX and Xvid avi format as importing and exporting video
* Support default video/audio settings or user customized parameters for video and audio.
* Has the option to preview the video in real-time before conversion .
* World's fastest video conversion speed with stunning video and audio quality.
* Supports adjust many video/audio options for MP4 files. For example, video/audio sample rate, bit rate, video size...

Suppotable Input Formats:

Supportable Output Formats:
MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4, XviD and many more...

Version 2.51 was released on December 06 15, 2007:
Changes to new GUI (Graphic User Interface) for better user experience.
Adds more program options.
Supports more output video profiles.

The Pro Version have just a few pre configurated profiles more include as the free Version. You can edit / save / ad the profiles of your choice too!

Changelog: http://www.any-video-converter.com/products/for_video/whatnew.php
Screenshot: http://www.any-video-converter.com/products/for_video/screenshot.php
Homepage: http://www.any-video-converter.com/

Free Version: http://www.any-video-converter.com/any-video-converter-free.exe - Mirror
Pro Version: http://www.any-video-converter.com/any-video-converter.exe - Mirror

Install Pro and Replace the Pro exe with the free version Program exe or add the reg. Pro Version to the free Version: Any Video Conve.x Upgrade for the Free Version.exe

Any Video Converter Pro v2.x Full and Upgrade for Free Version

Any Video Converter Pro. is a professional video converter which can convert video files from various formats with fast converting speed and excellent video quality . It can convert almost all video formats including DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI to MPEG-4 movie format for iPod/PSP or other portable video device, MP4 player or smart phone. It also supports any user defined video file formats as the output. It has an unmatchable speed and high quality. Any Video Converter Pro. makes it easy for anyone to enjoy the any format video with your iPod, PSP, mobile phone or MP4 player.

Any Video Converter Pro. makes batch file conversion simple. Create a batch list of any different formats and convert them all to a single selected format. The converted files will be saved to a pre-selected directory folder and the original files will remain untouched.

Any Video Converter Pro v2.2 Module Changes December 2007:
Codec added:
Other Updates:
MPlayer and mencoder.exe - Movie Player / Encoder updated to Version 0.0.9 (1.0 RC 2) http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html
vfw2menc - updated
... all other modules updated to 2.51
Program exe - VideoConvPro.exe Version (Version 2.51 Pro just have a changed GUI all other features added to Version 2.25)

Download full (14.27 MB): avcpro-setup-2.2.52a-retail.exe

Download Cross Upgrade from an installed Free Version to PRO (1,69 MB): Any Video Converter Pro Update for Free Version.exe
Magnet: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4DNCPZMMLLJQ2ONRMJ5GLORNUGZOLTXD
register with any serial and name

Runscanner v1.5.0.39 Final

Runscanner v1.5.0.39 Final
RunScanner is a completely free windows system utility which scans your system for all configured running programs.

You can use runscanner to detect autostart programs, spyware, adware, homepage hijackers, unverified drivers and other problems.

You can import and export your results and let other people help you to solve your problems.

- Top rated freeware
- Scanning of 80+ hijack locations
- Online malware analysis of results
- Powerful process killer
Kill multiple processes at once
Kill and rename
Kill and delete
Delete at next reboot
- Saving and importing of .run files
(all information available)
- Save to text log file
- Verification of file signatures
Host file editor
- MD5 hash calculation of files + online file rating
- Online lookup of scanned entries. (Runscanner database + Google)
- Regedit jump
- Explorer jump
- Extended filters
Marking of items.
A user with problems can save the .run file, an expert can mark the items that need fixing and send the .run file back to the user

New features in this version:
New design in all modes
Layout is now shown correctly for people with "large fonts" enabled
Certificates of files are now analysed in all modes for signer/issuer
Certificates are now shown as a certificate image in the grid instead of the green/red icons
Virusscanner integration with Virustotal (upload file for scanning)
Integration with Bit9 FileAdvisor (lookup MD5 hash)
Integration with CastleCops (lookup MD5 hash)
New Classic mode : This mode is targetted at removing hijacks, it only shows non-whitelisted items and there is an easy "Fix selected items" button, all other "safe" startup items can still be found in the expert mode.
Added "Item fixer" tab in expert mode.
Added "classic mode / hijack" tab in expert mode.
Quick scan is removed in expert mode.
New in expert mode : loaded modules analyzer.
Warning if windows version is not supported. (Only win2000 or higher is supported)
Added drivers with type = 2
Disabled drivers and services are now automatically whitelisted in classic mode.
Runscanner now finds drivers with undefined imagepath.
Scanning is done a bit faster, the most processor intense part of the scan is still calculating the MD5 hashes
No internet connection is needed anymore during the scan.
Vista : Process killer now shows also protected processes

Bug fixes:
Fixed bug with corrupt MDAC installation in windows XP (used by history database)
Fixed visual bug with screen flash after quit.
Fixed bug with EOleSysError on incorrect/corrupt startup shortcuts.
Fixed bug with corrupt taskscheduler service.
Fixed bug with corrupt .run files.

Whitelist added:
A list of safe certificate publishers (56)
Standard search pages
Standard start pages
Standard safe zones (microsoft,...)
Blacklisted dangerous policies (DisableTaskMgr,DisableRegistryTools,DisableCMD,...)

Homepage: http://www.runscanner.net
Download: http://www.runscanner.net/runscanner15/runscanner.exe - Mirror
