14 December 2007

ExeInfo PE ver. B by A.S.L

ExeInfo PE ver. B     by A.S.L         ( c ) 2006.03 - 2007.xx              

freeware version     for Windows XP                    

Windows 32 PE executable  file checker , compilators, exe packers ....           

with solve hint for unpack  /  internal exe tools / rippers                 


Internal Tools Menu :

- overlay remover                   - generate new file without overlay data
- save overlay as external file
- Rolo Lamer Protector v0.1c        - work on standalone exe < 1MB 
- EP Corrector ( for Delphi )       - generate many exe file with Entry Point  
- XoR permutator                    - create one file with xor data ( 255x2000 bytes )
- Section splitter                  - save exe sections as files & exe header
- 8 / 16 bit string finder          - enter 8 bit string = searching 16 bit strings & 8 bit ( F7 key )
- REGistry call finder + CLSID      - find registry call &  regedit.exe strings

File Menu :
+ Rename file
+ Copy file As.. *.bak
+ Execute - create executable process  ( exe )
+ Execute - windows ext. associate     ( dll ,zip ... )
+ Delete file ( ALt+Del) - work in multiscan mode
+ Run multifile scanner mode ( Directory scan )
+ - view global log file ( c:\Raport-exeinfo-log.txt ) 
- delete global log file ( no confirm )

Rippers Menu : 
- www address searcher inside exe   - work on any file
- ExE inside ExE ( Win32 Pe windows executable)      - work on any file
- Zip archives inside ExE  www.winzip.com  - work on any file
- Rar archives inside ExE  www.rarlab.com  - work on any file
- CAB MS archives inside ExE  (for MSI installers ) - work on any file
- SWF flash Adobe animation files ( internal length fixer for non exe files )
- ( All in one ) - for lazy boys ( without 'www address' )

keys :

F1 key  - keyboard help
F2 key  - Multiple file scanner for *.exe files 
F3 key  - external view ( hiewdemo.exe or hiew32.exe ) path directory
F4 key  - external test ( peid.exe ) path directory
F5 key  - external test RDG Packer Detector ( I read location from Win registry )
F6 key  - external test DiE.exe Detect it Easy  ( I read location from Win registry - shell integration req.)
F7 key  - 8 / 16 bit String finder
F9 key  - :-)
F10 key - :-)

Alt+Delete - delete file

"+" ,"-" - Numeric KEY =  adjust transparent Form

Non executable file detection :

zip , 7zip , rar , msi , jpg 

Overlay detector : 

01. zip archives
02. cab archives  
03. SWF Flash object  ( packed & unpacked format )
04. Executable PE file
05. 7zip archives
06. RAR archives

- Plugins like a Peid.exe ( 70 % compatible :-(  )

ACM* - anti cheat mechanism

www site :      www.exeinfo.go.pl     host  :   www.geocities.com/exeinfo_pe   ( download limits ! )
Mirror:  www.exeinfo.cjb.net

ExeInfo detection list :

001. RealArcade Wrapper ( Microsoft Visual C++ )  50%
002. Borland Delphi ( 2.0 - 7.0 )
003. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 5.0 ~ 6.0 ( exe )
004. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 7.x ( exe ,dll)
005. PEtite 2.x -> Ian Luck
006. UPX exe 0.89.6 - 1.02 / 1.05 - 1.93B -> Markus & Laszlo
007. UPX dll file - 1.93Beta -> Markus & Laszlo
008. Aspack v2.12 -> Alexey Solodovnikov
009. EXECryptor v.2.3.1-6  ( www.strongbit.com )    
010. Morphine ver.2.7b  ( plugin Peid.exe )

011. AC protect 2.0 by  RIScO Software Inc. ( www.ultraprotect.com )
012. ASprotect 2.1 reg ( www.aspack.com/asprotect.htm )  only exe files DLL files detect as ASpack :)
013. AHTeam EP Protector ver.0.3 priv
014. WinUpack 0.39 final by Dwing  ( http://dwing.51.net )  :-((
015. Software Compress ver. 1.2 Lite - www.bgsopt.com
016. PEcompact ver.2.78a  - www.bitsum.com
017. nsPack ver.2.3 unreg - by North Star  -  www.nsdsn.com
018. nsPack ver.3.0 - 4.1 reg - by North Star  -  www.nsdsn.com
019. Mole Box 2.5.7  by Teggo. - www.molebox.com

020. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 8  ( ??? )
021. EXE Guarder 1.8 - 2.1 (2006/2008 unreg)  www.exeicon.com/exeguarder
022. EXE Wrapper ver. 2.3-2.5 ( www.533soft.com/exewrapper ) - how to remove password
023. Exe password protector  (protect/unprotect)
024. TASM / MASM 
025. MS Visual Basic 5.0-6.0   dll
026. MS Visual Basic 5.0-6.0   exe

027. Armadillo 4.4x - 4.62  32bit   -  www.siliconrealms.com ( effectiveness = 60% )
028. Enigma protector v1.1x   - www.enigma.izmuroma.ru © Sukhov Vladimir 2004-2006
029. SVK-Protector v1.32 demo  -  Pavol Cerven - www.anticracking.sk

030. Generic check : ASprotect 1.? old version  ( www.aspack.com/asprotect.htm )  exe only
031. Generic check - AC protect 1.? by  RIScO Software Inc. ( www.ultraprotect.com )
032. Packman v1.0 Brandon LaCombe  ( http://packman.cjb.net )
033. modified exe , EP code = Borland Delphi ( 2.0 - 7.0 )
034. ExeStealth V2.76  www.webtoolmaster.com
035. FSG v2.0   F[ast] S[mall] G[ood]  - www.xtreeme.prv.pl

036. Generic check - Aspack v2.1x -> Alexey Solodovnikov
037. Aspack v2.12b? -> Alexey Solodovnikov
038. Program protector v2.1unreg ( exe password - DECODE PASS ! ) - www.blumentals.net
039. Obsidium v1.3 software protection system (demo) - www.obsidium.de
040. ARMprotector v0.1 by SMOKE 2004
041. ARMprotector v0.3 by SMOKE 2004
042. SDProtector Profesional Edition v1.12  ( 2003 ) -   www.sdprotector.com

043. Themida 1.0 -1.3? - Adv.Win.Software Protection System (c) 2004-2005 Oreans Technologies - www.oreans.com
044. yodas Protector v1.03.3 -  http://yodap.has.it  2004-2006
045. yoda's Crypter v1.3 - Ashkbiz Danehkar  2004-2005
046. PE-Pack v0.99 (c) 1998 by ANAKiN
047. WATCOM C/C++ 1988-1995
048. Microsoft CAB SFX module
049. Generic check : Microsoft Visual C++ vx.x
050. UPX -> Markus & Laszlo ver. [ 2.00 ] <- version info from file  
051. PeSpin v1.304 public by CyberBob - http://pespin.w.interia.pl
052. UPX -> Markus & Laszlo ver. [ ] - EXE modified!!!
053. UPX -> with extra sections - Real EP resolver   ( [ ] - required Fast scan unchecked )
054. PolyEnE v0.01+ Polymorphic Encryptor (c) 2001 Lennart Hedlund   ( [ ] - required Fast scan unchecked )
055. Nullsoft PiMP Stub - ( read from Ovl  : NullsoftInst3" )
056. eXpressor PE Packer v1.4.5.1  - www.cgsoftlabs.ro   ( exe , dll )
057. Thinstall 2.4x - 2.5x -> Jitit Software  - www.thinstall.com
058. Thinstall 2.7x  -> Jitit Software  - www.thinstall.com
059. Nullsoft scriptable install system 2.xx - ( read from Ovl  : NullsoftInst )
060. Inno Setup Module [SFX] - Borland Delphi Inno Setup Module [unknown] 

061. Private EXE Protector 1.7 ( 2003-2006 )  www.setisoft.com
062. Excalibur v1.03r (c) by forgot -> read from file [ Excalibur (c) DFCG ] , http://www.breezer.ful.cn 
064. ShareGuard Loader V3.6 Zapper Software - www.zapperSoftware.com
065. Borland C++ 1999
066. Zip Sfx Archive 
067. Rar Sfx Archive 
068. 7-Zip Sfx Archive 
069. WinZip Sfx ver. 8.x   www.winzip.com
070. Zylom Game Installer zip Sfx ( MS Visual C++ 7.0 ) 
071. Borland C++  2002 /2005 - Copyright 200X Borland Corporation
072. WinZip Sfx ( generic check ) www.winzip.com
073. Lock Express 2.0 Build 9.2 - 1997-2006 Sciensoft Research Inc
074. FreeBASIC Compiler v0.14-0.17  (c) 2004-2006 Andre Victor T.Vicentini - console App.
075. generic check : InstallShield 2003 ( MS Visual C++ 5/6.0 )

076. InstallAware Setup Squeezer InstallShield - www.installaware.com ( 7zip archive )
077. Installer Nullsoft PiMP Stub ( UPX pack )
078. Generic check : Nullsoft PiMP Stub installer
079. ASprotect 1.1c old version  ( www.aspack.com/asprotect.htm )
080. Microsoft Visual C# / Basic.NET
081. Setup Dev INSTALLER – Version 1.3 © Shere Khan – November 2005 ( MS Visual C++ 5/6.0 )
082. Dev-C++ Compiler v4.9.9.2 - Bloodshed Software ( www.bloodshed.net )
083. Generic check : EXE STICKER like DotFix FakeSigner
084. DotFix FakeSigner v3.4 ( ASPR Stub ) http://fakesigner.dotfix.net
085. PeLock v.1.x Bartosz Wójcik www.pelock.prv.pl
086. MS IExpress 2.0 - Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
087. generic check : MS IExpress x.x - CAB installer (  in section II )
088. InstallShield (R) Setup Launcher  v.7.x  CAB file ( MS Visual C++ 5/6.0 )
089. PEcompact ver.1.68 - v1.84  - www.bitsum.com
090. ORiEN ver.2.11~2.12  - ( 1994-2003 http://zalexf.narod.ru )
091. VMProtect v.1.2x (demo) 2003-2006 PolyTech - www.polytech.ural.ru ( only EP protection )
092. FASM ver. 1.67  50% detection
093. Private exe Protector v1.9x - www.setisoft.com ( morph )
094. Krypton The Krypter ver.0.3 by Yado - www.lockless.com
095. MEW 11 SE 1.2 by Northfox (2004)  -  Northfox.uw.hu
096. PEncrypt 4.0 Public Release / 4.0 Phi -> junkcode -  www.junkcode.cjb.net  
097. SDProtector Pro Edition v.1.16  ( 1.1 SDP! ) <- info from file.   www.sdprotector.com
098. PE Diminisher v.0.1 ( 1999 ) - www.phrozencrew.com/~teraphy
099. !EP (EXE Pack) v1.0   g-l-u-k [TeaM - X] 2005 -  www.softprot.cjb.net
100. [G!X]'s Protector v1.2   -  http://breezer.ys168.com
101. Active PE Scrambler / APES / v. 1.0   (2005)  [TeaM - X]  - www.team-x.ru
102. (UPX) PowerArchiver 2006 [ ZIP/ CAB/ unknown ] SFX v.9.63.x - www.powerarchiver.com
103. GameHouse.com installer ( MS Visual C++ )  inside  Wise Installer
104. Dev-C++ Compiler v4.9.9.2 ( MINGW 32 v5.x.x ) - Bloodshed Software ( www.bloodshed.net )
105. Hide&Protect v1.0x ( 2005 ) - www.SoftWar-protect.com
106. WWPack32 ver 1.xx  ( 1997,98 ) by P. Warezak and R.Wierzbicki
107. CHAOS Self Extractor 3.9 (1998-2006) ( WWPack-ed ) http://safeSofthome.com
!108. Xtreme-Protector v.1.08 (c) 2003 www.oreans.com/xprotector/xprot.htm  
109. LCC Win32 v1.x  ( Jacob Navia )  http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~lcc-win32/
110. LCC Win32 v1.x DLL ( Jacob Navia ) www.cs.virginia.edu/~lcc-win32
111. Hmimys-Packer v1.0
112. ExeFog v.1.1x - 2005 - www.bagie.xost.ru
113. PolyCrypt PE v.2.1.x  ( 2004-2005 ) - www.jlabsoftware.com (exe/dll)
114. SimplePack v1.0 - 1.2 ( LZMA / APLIB - Packman compression library 1999-2005 Igor Pavlov )
115. SimplePack v1.11 - 1.2x ( Method 2 NT )
116. Unopix Version 1.10 Final 2006 Scrambler for PE files ( exe/dll )
!117. PPC PROTECT ver 1.1 ( 2006 )  Alexey Gorchakov   www.ppc-protect.com
118. Inno Setup Uninstaller - Borland Delphi 
119. Armadillo v2.5x - v2.6x -  www.siliconrealms.com
120. DotFix NiceProtect v1.2  by GPcH Soft ( 2006 ) - www.niceprotect.com
121. CreateInstall v4.x Gentee ( 2004 - 2006 ) - www.createinstall.com
122. Gentee Programming Language © 2004-2006  www.gentee.com
123. RLPack v.1.11 BasicEdition ( uses aPLib 0.42 ) http://ap0x.jezgra.net
124. ReversingLabsProtector 0.7.4beta  http://ap0x.headcoders.net
125. Install Creator Pro ver.2.0 ( 2003 )  - www.clickteam.com
126. PowerBasic /CC 3.0x/CC 4.0/Win 7.0x/Win 8.0x -  www.powerbasic.com
127. WinUHA ver.2.0  Sfx Archive - www.winuha.com  ( UPX ) 
128. ZipGenius 6.0.x  Sfx Archive - www.zipgenius.it ( Borland Delphi )
129. PEbundle ver.3.20 ( 2003 ) Jeremy Collake  - www.bitsum.com /
/ Alloy Executable Compressor v.4.x- Copyright © 2000-2006 PGWARE - www.pgware.com
130. Lazy Assembler  Version 0.53 (26 Sep 2006) Freeware (c) 2000-2006 Stepan Polovnikov
131. nPack v1.1.300 (aPlib ) by NEOx ( 2006 )  www.uinc.ru
132. Installer - Setup Factory 6.0 - 7.0  Indigo Rose Corporation ( 2006 ) MS V C++ 6.0 
133. dePack by deNULL - www.ooooQ.cn
134. Goat's PE Mutilator v.1.6 ( 2005 ) - www.geocities.com/killereaglesoftware
135. RLPack v.1.14-1.18 BasicEdition ( uses aPLib 0.43 / LZMA 4.30  ) http://ap0x.jezgra.net
136. VBOWatch protector v2.0  Copyright [c] 2006 MoonLight - www.ooooQ.cn
137. Generic check : build like - Private exe Protector v2.0 - www.setisoft.com
138. Easy Code v.1.0x ( GUI for assembler ) Ramon Sala - www.easycoder.org
139. Mole Box 2.6.1  by Teggo. - www.molebox.com
140. SLVcOdeProtector v.1.12 by SLV  - www.ooooQ.cn
141. Exewrap MFC Application v.1.0 ( 2003 )
142. Microsoft Visual C++ 8 compiler ( 2006 )
143. RosAsm -V2.039c - http://betov.free.fr ( effectiveness 80 % )
144. Software Compress ver. 1.4 Lite - www.bgsopt.com
145. Intel (R) C++ Compiler
146. FreePascal ver : FPC 1 - 2 Win32 -> (Berczi Gabor, Pierre Muller & Peter Vreman)
147. Open WATCOM C/C++32 Portions Copyright (c) Sybase 1988-2002
148. File2Pack SFX v.2.0 2006 (F2P Self Extractor ) SHOW PASSWORD! - www.mental9production.com ( MS VB5/6 )
149. PV Logiciels dotNet Protector 4.0 2003-2005   http://dotnetprotector.pvlog.com
150. ReflexiveArcade Game wrapped file   ( *.RWG )
151. DAStub Dragon Armor (BamBam0.0.4.1) from Orient 2006 www.ooooQ.cn
152. Akala EXE Lock ver.3.20 www.zero2000.com (Aspack v2.12 -> Alexey Solodovnikov) - PASSWORD DECODER(N) OR HOW TO REMOVE PASSWORD
153. BeRoEXEPacker - Version 1.00 - Copyright (C) 2006, Benjamin BeRo Rosseaux  ( Exe/DLL )
154. EXE Password Protector v.1.1  (MSV C++ v7) - www.eltima.com/products/exe-password - INFO HOW TO REMOVE PASSWORD
155. AGInstaller 1.9.12 ( UPX pack ) Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Agentix Software  - www.aginstaller.com
156. CreateInstall v2003.3.5  www.createinstall.com/www.gentee.com ( EP check & OVL )
157. Protection PLUS - Instant plus (software key) (2005) - www.softwarekey.com  Concept Software
158. Wise Installation System! std/pro 9.02 (c) Wise Solutions Inc. - www.wise.com
159. Wise Installation System! ver. ?.? (c) Wise Solutions Inc. - www.wise.com
160. Wise Uninstaller Wizard (sec3)  - www.wise.com - MS Visual C++ ver.6
161. m9P Editor Plus v.1.0.300 Distributable Executable Rich Text - DERT™ X ©mental9Production, 2005 -  www.mental9Production.com - INFO HOW TO REMOVE PASSWORD
162. Nullsoft uninstaller - www.nullsoft.com - ( UPX packed )
163. Nullsoft uninstaller - www.nullsoft.com
164. Softwrap (XTREAMLOK) ver. 1.x~3.x - www.softwrap.com ( exe/dll )
165. RLPack v.1.14-16 Full Edition - False signatures unichecker
166. RLPack v.1.14-16 Full Edition ( uses aPLib 0.43 / LZMA 4.3x  ) http://ap0x.jezgra.net
167. Salfeld Computer EXE Password  2004 v trial - www.salfeld.com ( Borland Delphi )
168. Wise for Windows Installer pro 4.21 ( CAB )  - www.wise.com
169. Tarma Installer ver. 2.99.2156 (2005)  Tarma Software Research Pty Ltd. - www.tarma.com ( MS Visual C++ ) 
170. NTkrnl Secure Suite v.01 packer or protector - www.ntkrnl.com ( exe )
171. NTkrnl Secure Suite v.01 packer or protector - www.ntkrnl.com ( dll )
172. [dUP2 -> diablo2oo2]  v.2.1x patchengine ( patch ) - Mircosoft MacroAssembler  - http://diablo2oo2.cjb.net
173. [dUP2 -> diablo2oo2]  v.2.1x patchengine ( loader installer ) - Mircosoft MacroAssembler  - http://diablo2oo2.cjb.net
174. PE password encryptor 31-01-2000 by SMT ( asm ) - [ OEP finder included ]
175. WinUDA 0.271 sfx ( 2004 ) by Dwing  http://dwing.51.net
176. kkrunchy 0.1x >> radical exe packer - www.farbrausch.de/~fg/kkrunchy
177. kkrunchy 0.23 alpha 2 >> radical exe packer (c) f. giesen 2003-2005  - www.farbrausch.de/~fg/kkrunchy
178. CyberInstaller Suite 2006 1.1 - SilverCyberTech 2003-2007 
179. Eurora3D - free installator - www.extramedia.co.yu/eurora3d  ( ASM ) 
180. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 7.1 [DEBUG] exe
181. Fucking Fake File 1.0 by wspomagacz 2005.11( EXE Binder exe,jpg hidden inside] )
182. Anskya Polymorphic Packer V 1.3 Code By Anskya
183. Self-Extracting Archive Utility (SEAU) ver. 15.0  2006 ( Aspack v2.12 -> Alexey Solodovnikov ) - http://gammadyne.com
184. PE-Pack v 1.0 (c) 1998 by ANAKiN
185. PKLITE32(tm) - Version 1.1 02-15-1999 ( exe )
186. PKLITE32(tm) - Version 1.1 02-15-1999 ( DLL )
187. EncryptPE V2.2006.10.25 China Cracking Group - www.encryptpe.com
188. CC386 Version Copyright (C) (GPL)  LADSoft 1994-2006
189. PC Guard for Win32 V5.01  -  www.sofpro.com
190. JDPack ver 1.01 ( 2005 ) - www.tlzj18.com ???
191. Netopsystems AG INSTALLER FEAD(R) SFX (MS C++)  - www.netopsystems.com ( packed UPX & not packed )
192. Borland C++  1995~1998  - www.borland.com
193. eXpressor PE Packer v1.5.0.1  - www.cgsoftlabs.ro
194. Excelsior Installer v1.0 2003-2007 ( MS Visual C++ 6.0 ) - www.excelsior-usa.com
195. tElock v0.98 Freeware PE-Compressor/Encryptor (c) 2000-2001 by tE!
196. UPX Lock v1.02  (2007.02) - www.team-x.ru
197. softSENTRY 3.00  1999 - 20/20 Software Inc. www.twenty.com ( site closed )
198. DxPack ver 0.86  ( 2001.06 )
199. Neolite 2.0 -> Neoworx Inc. ( 1999.03.20 ) - www.neoworx.com  ( site closed )
200. ZipWorx SecureEXE v3.0 (2004-2007) www.zipworx.com (Neolite packed)
201. [ PE-DIY Tools V1.10 2004 ] by A.Young (PoJieYong) - www.w-yong.com  ( how to unprotect,oep info )
!202. aUS v0.5 beta ( upx scrambler 2005.08 ) - http://ap0x.headcoders.net ( bad link? )
203. EXE protector 2.01a  Eyhab Hillail ( 1998-2003 )- http://oxygen72.tripod.com ( how unprotect pass )
204. 32Lite 0.03a -> Oleg Prokhorov   www.????
205. aPackage SFX v.1.14 2001-2002 Joergen Ibsen [32Lite v0.03a packed]
206. NTPacker V2.1 by ErazerZ (2005.12) ErazerZ@gmail.com ( zPlib / XOR / aPlib+xor )
207. WinHKI v1.77 SFX 2000-2007 by Hanspeter Imp ( hki archive only ) www.winhki.com (packed PEcompact ver.2.7x) 
208. nBinder 5.1.0 ( 24.03.2007 MSV C++ 8.0 ) NKProds Software -  www.nkprods.com
.209. (Basic check) : Securom 7.1 -> Sony DADC  - www.securom.com
210. Cexe Executable Compressor v1.0b Copyright 1999, Tinyware, Inc. - www.tinyware.com by Scott Ludwig
211. ASprotect 2.3 SKE ( www.aspack.com/asprotect.htm ) 25%
212. Easypano Virtual Tour player ( MSV C++ )  - www.easypano.com
213. PeX v0.99  bart/CrackPl (2000) (APLib 0.26 by J.Ibsen)  - longdiy.myrice.com
214. YZPack v.2.0b.aplib (c) UsAr ( 2007.03 )
215. YZPack v.1.1 LZMA (c) UsAr ( 2006.08 )
216. YZPack v.1.2 aplib/LZMA (c) UsAr ( 2007.03 )
217. ExeStealth V2.72 (Share.ver) -   www.webtoolmaster.com
218. Generic check : ExeStealth V?.? (share.ver) -   www.webtoolmaster.com
219. ExeStealth V2.x (Regg.ver) -   www.webtoolmaster.com
220. nsPack ver.1.x - x.x by North Star  -  www.nsdsn.com
221. Microsoft Visual C++ 6 DLL
222. exe32pack 1.42  Copyright 1999-2004 www.SteelBytes.com
223. Protect Exe 0.4 Beta ( PROEX ) 2002 - www.dpaehl.de.cx ( UPX packed )
224. SexyPacker v. ( c ) 2001 - www.smalleranimals.com ( SFX ) MSV C++ 5.0
225. ID Executable Password 1.2 (c) 2005 Fastlink2 Build: 08/08/2005 - www.idsecuritysuite.com - !SHOW PASSWORD!
226. ID Application Protector v.1.2 Unreg (c) 2005 Fastlink2 - www.idsecuritysuite.com ( OEP info ,how to clear TRIAL)
227. Pelles C for Windows v2.xx - 4.50 ExE ( 1999-2006 ) - www.smorgasbordet.com/pellesc
228. Wise for Windows Installer pro ?.?? ( CAB in section 4 ) MS C++  - www.wise.com
229. WinUtilities 5.2 EXE Protector 1.0 ( 2002-2007 ) YL Computing Inc. - www.ylcomputing.com -  ( Info how Pass remove/unprotect )
230.  [section protection] VMProtect v.1.25 - 1.x (demo) 2003-2006 PolyTech - www.polytech.ural.ru
231. REALbasic 2007 R2 Standard Edition ( 1997-2007 REAL Software ) - www.realbasic.com ( exe only )
232. UPX 3.0 -> Markus & Laszlo ver. [ 3.00 ] <- info from file. ( sign for DEV C++ compiler )
233. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 7.1 EXE/DLL  (3 bytes sign - easy to false)
234. Beria v0.07 public WIP ( 2005 ) - symbiont ( aPlib )
235. NoodleCrypt version 2 by NoodleSpa ( 2000.08 )
236. VPacker v0.02.10 by tt.t (exe only 2006.04 aPlib)
237. Private exe Protector v.2.00-2.15 ( 18.04.2007 ) www.setisoft.com
238. Free Pascal Compiler v.2.1.4 i386 GUI APP ( 11.05.2007 ) Berczi Gabor - www.freepascal.org
239. Free Pascal Compiler v.2.1.4 i386 CON APP ( 11.05.2007 ) Berczi Gabor - www.freepascal.org
240. Free Pascal Compiler v.2.1.4 i386 DLL APP ( 11.05.2007 ) Berczi Gabor - www.freepascal.org
241. Installshield v.12 (MSV C++ )  www.installshield.com / www.macrovision.com
242. generic check2 : InstallShield v.12-14 2008 ( MS Visual C++) www.installshield.com / www.macrovision.com
243. FASM ( 1.3x -1.67 ) 2004-2007 http://flatassembler.net - Tomasz Grysztar
244. Thinstall VS 3.0.x  -> Jitit Software  - www.thinstall.com  
245. Astrum InstallWizard v2.24.20 ( 1999-2006 ) - www.thraexsoftware.com ( MS Visual C++ )
246. WinZip SelfExtractor 3.0 ( MSV C++ v7 ) 1996-2006 WinZip Int. LCC - www.winzip.com
247. Wise Instalation Express v7.0 2006 (SFX CAB) MSV C++ - wise.com / ALTIRIS
248. VisageSoft Installer ? WISE for Win/.msi ( MSCF CAB ) Borland C++ - www.visagesoft.com

249. ST Protector v1.5 SE ( 2006 ) - Silent Software - www. ???
250. (exe) Visual Protect v2.5.7 ( 2000.12  www.visagesoft.com
251. (dll) Visual Protect v2.5.7 ( 2000.12  www.visagesoft.com
252. eXpressor PE Packer v1.5.0.1 (MODE: Protection) - www.cgsoftlabs.ro
253. The Enigma Protector 1.31 unreg (2007.06.15) - Vladimir Sukhov - www.enigmaprotector.com ( exe/dll )
254. generic check: (exe) Visual Protect ( 2000? )  www.visagesoft.com 
255. RCryptor 1.6d by Vaska ( 2007.01 ) only exe file protector - ( OEP info )
256. Polymorph Crypter,Beta Morphnah (c) puccxak.com ( 2007.05 ) - ( OEP info )
257. Pohernah v1.0.3 puccxak.com ( 2007.03 )
258. QIP[Crypt] ( 2007.06 ) Borland Delphi Crypter
259. SimbiOZ (RUS)  ! Rootkit exe hider ! ( OEP info - for C++/Delphi )
260. AsdPack2 ( EP overflow exe - Delphi or C++ detector )  [ detection 75% ]
261. QSetup Instalation Suite - 26.05.2007 - www.pantaray.com
262. Perplex PE-protector v1.01devel  2002-2003 by [tc] GiveMe5/BliZZaRD
263. Mole Box 2.6.4  by Teggo. - www.molebox.com
264. !EP (exe pack) v1.4 (lite) final  - Team-X  ( 2007.04 ) www.team-x.ru , http://exetools.blog.com.cn
265. DalKrypt 1.0 by DalKiT - www.dalkit.fr.st (26.10.2003) Anti-SI, Anti-Debug, Anti-Dump
266. NackedPacker v1.0 by BigBoote ( 2004.01-2007.06? )- www.PEArmor.com
267. WATCOM C/C++32 Run-Time system (c) Sybase Inc, 1988-2000
268. MS Visual C++ v.5 DLL Method 1 ( MS VBasic kit library )   ACM*
269. Open Source Code Crypter 1.0 by p0ke (9.06.2007) - www.swerat.com - http://unnamed.bot.nu ( Borland Delphi )
270. Private Personal Packer (PPP) Version 1.0.2 (13.03.2007) - www.ConquestOfTroy.com  ACM*
271. Wise for Windows Installer v.?.?? ( CAB in section 4 ) MS C++ 7.0 
272. Inteli check : unknown Installer - MSCF Cab file
273. Armadillo x.x ~ 5.0  32bit  [exe -low protection only] 
274. Armadillo x.x ~ 5.0  32bit  [Dll-std protection]
275. Inteli check : MASM assembler ( no signature )
276. Inteli check : unknown ver. WATCOM C/C++32 (c) Sybase 1988-200?
277. inteli check : Dev - ( MINGW 32 v ?.?.? ) - Bloodshed Software ( www.bloodshed.net )
278. Borland Delphi 2006 ? - www.borland.com
279. Borland C++ - ( DLL ) Copyright 1994/96 , 1999  Borland Intl.
280. CRYPToCRACk's PE Protector 0.9.3 (2007.01) Lukas Fleischer - cryptocrack.de
281. Break-Into-Pattern, a.k.a BIP, v0.1 (2006.01) - http://n0name.exmuros.net http://undergroundkonnekt.net
282. DotFix NiceProtect 2.5 (with internal packer) GPcH Soft - www.niceprotect.com
283. DotFix NiceProtect 2.5 (Krypton sign) GPcH Soft - www.niceprotect.com
284. DotFix NiceProtect 2.5 (SVKP 1.3x sign) GPcH Soft - www.niceprotect.com
285. DotFix NiceProtect 2.5 (Visual C++ sign) GPcH Soft - www.niceprotect.com
286. Borland Delphi ( Component ) xxxx - www.borland.com
287. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. x.x DLL (5-8)
288. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 8.0 DLL ( 83 )  ACM*
289. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 7.xx DLL ( 83 )

290. Private exe Protector v.2.25 ( 28.06.2007 ) www.setisoft.com
291. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 9.0 exe ( E8 )
292. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 9.0 DLL ( 8B )
293. PEiD Plugin -> Exe Converter v.1.00 ( BobSoft )
294. MarjinZ EXE-Scrambler SE ( MS Visual C++ 8.0 )
295. Microsoft Visual C++ v7.10/8.0/9.0 DLL ( 8B )
296. Borland VCL Component for .NET ( Borland Developer Studio 4 (c) 2006 v.10.0.2 )
297. PDF2EXE v1.0 CoolPDF Software -  www.pdf2exe.com ( 2006.10 ) - PASSWORD DECODER :-)
298. RealBasic v.?.? ExE  - www.realbasic.com
299. RealBasic v.?.? DLL  - www.realbasic.com
300. Generic check - Aspack vx.x -> Alexey Solodovnikov
301. generic ckeck : FreePascal ver : FPC 1.x.x 
302. UPX -> (exe) Markus & Laszlo ver. 0.72 OBSOLETE VER. ( 12.05.1999 ) ACM*
303. UPX -> (dll) Markus & Laszlo ver. 0.72 OBSOLETE VER. ( 12.05.1999 ) ACM*
304. ScanTime UnDetectable by MarjinZ ( STUD RC4 1.0 ) Marjinz-Crypter.exe
305. Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.4 [2006/08/21] for i386 ACM*
306. Active Basic v4.24.00 © 2006.04.08 (exe) Discoversoft  - www.activebasic.com ( Japan ) *ACM
307. Aspack v2.0  -> Alexey Solodovnikov - www.aspack.com
308. Play Basic v.1.0x - 1.63 ( 2D game creator ) www.playbasic.com

309. (exe) UPX obsolete ver. 0.50 - 0.72 -> Markus & Laszlo 
310. ANDpakk2 v0.06 (Jul 18 2006) Dmitry "AND" Andreev - http://and.intercon.ru
311. ANDpakk2 v0.18 (Jul 16 2007) 2006,2007 Dmitry "AND" Andreev  - http://and.intercon.ru
312. PEiD-Bundle v1.03 by BoB (2007.03.30) - www.secretashell.com/BobSoft
313. Exe Stealth Packer or Protector v.3.16   -  www.webtoolmaster.com (NTkrnl)
314. 20to4 v2004.04.18 Copyright 2001-2004 20to4.net
315. Borland C++ 1995 DLL    *ACM 
316. nBinder LIMITED v4.0 2006 - www.nkprod.ro  ( MSV C++ 8.0 ) 
317. mkfpack llydd (aPlib) 28.05.2007
318. KByS 0.28 beta EXE ( shoooo ) china 2006.05.23 *ACM
319. KByS 0.28 beta DLL ( shoooo ) china 2006.05.23 *ACM
320. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 8.0 DEBUG / Visual Studio 2005 (FF) *ACM
321. mPack - mario PACKer version 0.0.2 (c) DeltaAziz
322. WinUDA 0.291 clasic sfx 2005 by Dwing  http://dwing.51.net 
323. Cryptic v2.1 - EXE Crypter Copyright [c] 2007.09.26 Tughack ( MS Visual Basic exe stub )
324. aSm Protector v1.0 Copyright [c] 2007.09.29 AT4RE
325. AverCryptor v.1.02beta by Sec|Null os1r1s ( 2007.08.23 ) - www.secnull.org
326. Muckis Protector 2 coded 2007 by Mucki    *ACM
327. Rewolf DLL packager v1.0 V.2007 http://rewolf.prv.pl    ( OEP info )
328. x86 Virtualizer ReWolf ( VIII.2007 ) - http://rewolf.pl

329. BeRo Tiny Pascal Compiler ( EXE ) http://bero.0ok.de
330. CDS SS V1.0 beta1 (c) CyberDoom [Team-X member] ( 2005.12.18 ) *ACM
331. [dUP2 -> diablo2oo2]  v.2.16 patchengine ( loader installer ) - Microsoft MacroAssembler  - http://diablo2oo2.cjb.net
332. Borland C++ 2002 & 2005 DLL - www.borland.com
333. WinUpack 0.37-0.39 by Dwing  ---  http://dwing.51.net (BE&60 sign)
334. Flash2X EXE Packager ver.2.1.0 2007 - http://flash2x.net/exepackager ( Borland Delphi ) - RIP HINTs
335. D1S1G PEiD Plugin by D1N  ( 10-24-2007 ) PEiD Signature and PE Overlay Tool  ( only OVL protection )
336. WinUtilities EXE Protect 2.1 - www.ylcomputing.com (MS C++ 6.0) ( how to pass remove )
337. Hacker's Patcher version 0.07 Veacheslav Patkov ( 2007.09.21 ) - http://patkov-site.narod.ru/eng.html
338. Enigma Protector 1.35 (2007.10.12)- www.enigmaprotector.com ,Vladimir Sukhov
339. FSG v1.33  F[ast] S[mall] G[ood]  - www.xtreeme.prv.pl  *ACM
340. FishPE Shield v.1.1x Crypt by HellFish ( no www ) - sign NOT TESTED trojan
341. Microsoft Visual C++ v4.2 DLL  *ACM


Download (393.08 KB): exeinfope.zip

Azureus v3.0.4.1 Beta 2

2007.12.xx | Azureus Vuze

CHANGE: Core | Added option to disable download speed focus [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Reduced memory usage for many-torrent instances [The 8472]

BUGFIX: Core | fixed ip filters not working when ALLOW instead of DENY was used [parg]
To use, rename the downloaded AzureusXxxx-Bxx.jar file to Azureus2.jar to replace your old jar in the Azureus program dir: ChangeTheAzureusTwoJarFile
Azureus v2 vs. v3 (Vuze) FAQ
Snapshot RSS Feed
Beta Site: http://azureus.sourceforge.net/index_CVS.php

http: Azureus3041-B02.jar

13 December 2007

Vistapack XP 2.0.0 Beta

Vistapack XP 2.0.0 Beta
Vistapack is a Shell pack based on the XPize installer. Its goal is to let users of Windows 2000 and Windows XP experience the Vista look and feel without paying the price in money and slower speed.

Vistapack has the following other editions available: Vistapack 2000.
New released, Vistapack 2.0 beta.


What's New in Vistapack 2.0

First ever release with my own installer.
Much cleaner and easier installer.

  • Pack is split up in a 2000 and XP version.
  • Changed some icons in the compstui.dll file, much better looking now.
  • Remade the toolbar in the ieaksie.dll file.
  • Added the toolbar bmp's to msconfig.exe.
  • Added the toolbar bmp's to comctl32.dll.
  • Added an avi to the compatui.dll.
  • Added 3 icons to the ntshrui.dll.
  • Added some icons to the wucltui.dll.
  • Fixed the green borders on the bmp's in els.dll.
  • Took out the custom runbox, people were not pleased with it...

Program Author: Damian666
Homepage: http://vistapack2000.110mb.com/

Download: http://fileforum.betanews.com/sendfile/1197479664/1/Vistapack-XP.zip
Mirror: Vistapack-XP.zip
A Personal Note:
Im a big Fan of this Transformation Pack coz it works on WinXP SP2 x64 Bit based on Win2003 svr 64 bit only the icons will be not replaced by 64 bit windows os!

LimeWire Pro 4.15.1

- Ease of use - just install, run, and search
- Ability to search by artist, title, genre, or other metainformation
- Elegant multiple search tabbed interface
- "Swarm" downloads from multiple hosts help you get files faster
- iTunes integration for Mac and Windows users
- Unique "ultrapeer" technology reduces bandwidth requirements for most users
- Integrated chat
- Directly connect to a computer
- Browse host feature--even works through firewalls
- Added Bitzi metadata lookup
- International versions: Now available in many new languages
- Connects to the network using GWebCache, a distributed connection system
- Automatic local network searches for lightning-fast downloads
- Support for MAGNET links that allow you to click on web page links that access Gnutella
- Pro Skin, extended search

For Windows: LimeWireWin.exe - Mirror - Mirror
MAC OSX: LimeWireOSX.dmg - Mirror - Mirror
Linux: LimeWireLinux.rpm - Mirror - Mirror
Linux deb: LimeWireLinux.deb - Mirror - Mirror
Other: LimeWireOther.zip - Mirror - Mirror

Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1 RC x86 + x64

The Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Release Candidate (RC) is now available to the public. In addition to previously released updates, SP1 contains changes focused on addressing specific reliability and performance issues, supporting new types of hardware, and adding support for several new technologies. SP1 also addresses some management, deployment, and support challenges.

Windows Vista Service Pack 1 RC is available through Windows Update. Experience the WU based Vista SP1 installation by following 4 simple steps. Windows Vista SP1 RC distributed through Windows Update will be applicable to Windows Vista machines that are running on any of the 36 languages supported by Vista RTM. If you already installed the Service Pack to your machine by using the standalone package, you must uninstall before you scan Windows Update for Windows Vista SP1.

Systems running on Windows Vista RTM require as many as three updates before SP1 can be installed. These updates are permanent to your Windows Vista systems. Windows Update will detect your system configuration and offer the prerequisite packages that are applicable to your system. For details, please see the instructions below.

Microsoft continuously improves the Windows Vista Operating System by providing ongoing updates while working with software and hardware vendors to help them to deliver improved compatibility, reliability and performance. Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) is another vehicle that Microsoft will use to deliver operating system improvements to customers. Windows Vista SP1 is an update to Windows Vista that, along with improvements delivered to users via these other channels, addresses feedback from our customers. In addition to previously released updates, SP1 will contain changes focused on addressing specific reliability and performance issues, supporting new types of hardware, and adding support for several emerging standards. SP1 also will continue to make it easier for IT administrators to deploy and manage Windows Vista.

Windows Vista SP1 will be released in the first quarter of calendar year 2008.

* We want to remind you that Windows Vista SP1 RC is pre-release software, time-limited, and is intended for IT professionals, developers, and other technically-inclined individuals that are comfortable using pre-release software.
* Please be sure to read all release notes and installation instructions carefully before downloading and installing Windows Vista SP1 RC.

Things to know before you download Windows Vista SP1:
* If you have a prior version of SP1 beta installed, you must uninstall it prior to installing RC. Use the Control Panel applet "Programs and Features" and select "View installed updates" from the top left of the task pane. Under Windows, look for "Service Pack for Windows (KB936330). Please wait 1 hour after uninstalling a prior build before installing the RC. The installer service needs to clean up and complete the uninstall prior to installing a later build. Failing to do this can result in installation errors for the RC version.
* This is pre-release code and will change before the final release. Windows Vista SP1 Release Candidate is for individuals, organizations, who are comfortable evaluating pre-release software. This pre-release software is provided for testing purposes only. Microsoft does not recommend installing this software on primary or mission critical systems. Microsoft recommends that you have a backup of your data prior to installing any pre-release software.
* Windows Vista SP1 Release Candidate is time-limited software. It will no longer operate after June 30, 2008 and should be uninstalled prior to that date. Note: After installation your desktop will show the text “Evaluation Copy”. This does not mean that your system is no longer “Genuine”. It means that you have installed a test version of software which is time-limited.
* Support is through self-help and peer support via the Windows Vista SP1 forum and FAQ page. Assisted support (phone, email and online chat) is not available from Microsoft Support for this RC release of SP1.
* If you install the Service Pack 1 Release Candidate, it is strongly recommended that you also plan to install the final version of Windows Vista SP1 when it is released in the first quarter of 2008. To do this, you will be required to uninstall this pre-release code.
* You must have a genuine copy of Windows Vista installed on the computer prior to installing the Windows Vista SP1 update.

x86 (548 MB)


µTotrrent 1.80 Build 7022 Alpha

2007-12-12: µTotrrent Version 1.8 alpha (build 7022)
- Feature: better Windows Firewall registration on Vista
- Change: move IpFilter and RangeBlock blocked messages to Peer Traffic
- Change: webui now looks for webui.zip on each request
- Fix: crash when deleting multiple RSS feeds
- Fix: crash with very large numbers of outstanding disk IO jobs
- Fix: minor titlebar and torrent list transfer rate mismatch

2007-12-04: µTotrrent Version 1.8 alpha (build 6838)
- Change: friendly name logging in UPnP verbose log
- Change: prevent delete to trash from locking up transfers
- Fix: Showing of add feed dialog on Vista
- Fix: more GDI leaks



UPX Compressed:

PECompact compressed:
