29 December 2007

eMule 0.48a MorphXT+ 10.5

eMule 0.48a MorphXT+ v10.5
La MorphXT+ รจ basata sulla MorphXT originale ma usa un session ratio di 1:7 (invece di 1:3)
per non avere problemi con le attuali aDSL italiane troppo sbilanciate sulla banda di download.


eMule 0.48a MorphXT+ 10.5

CHANGED: Original session zzRatio of 1:3 (UL:DL) increased to 1:7 to works fine
with Italian standard aDSL connections - 1280:256 and 2048:256 [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid the zzRatio limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
and average upload limit from 10KB/s to 15KB/s (now you need to give more
than before :p ) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid download limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
(you need to give more than all other eMule clients) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Many standard icons [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Some default options [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Modstring to avoid the ban of official MorphXT v6.3 - v7.2 - v.7.7 - v.8.0 or later [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 20Mb with steps of 256KB [FrankyFive]
ADDED: HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins) [FrankyFive]
ADDED: Auto configuration for Italian standard aDSL connections (on Wizard panel) [FrankyFive]

eMule 0.48a [MorphXT+ 10.4]

CHANGED: Original session zzRatio of 1:3 (UL:DL) increased to 1:7 to works fine
with Italian standard aDSL connections - 1280:256 and 2048:256 [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid the zzRatio limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
and average upload limit from 10KB/s to 15KB/s (now you need to give more
than before :p ) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid download limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
(you need to give more than all other eMule clients) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Many standard icons [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Some default options [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Modstring to avoid the ban of official MorphXT v6.3 - v7.2 - v.7.7 - v.8.0 or later [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 20Mb with steps of 256KB [FrankyFive]
ADDED: HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins) [FrankyFive]
ADDED: Auto configuration for Italian standard aDSL connections (on Wizard panel) [FrankyFive]
eMule 0.48a MorphXT+ 10.5

Homepage: http://frankyfive.altervista.org

emulev0.48a-MorphXT+v10.5-bin.zip - Mirror

older Version:
emulev0.48a-MorphXT+v10.4-bin.zip - Mirror

eMule v0.48a [-XdP- beta3 v1.3] without Authentication System by SEBA14


emule 0.48a XDP 1.3

- Authentication is hacked in version 1.3

read more: eMule 0.48a XDP 1.3 beta 3 0WN3D

older Version Changelog:
XDP v1.2 - 15/10/2007

add switch for UploadColors On/Off
add more Code Fix Connection Collision (from X-Ray v1.2)
add Aich Security (Wizard)
add Kad Interface Improvement (Xanatos/NeoMule)
add SLS + manual SLS (enkeyDev)
add Recognize MLdonkey-XS Answer (Spike2)
add SpreadReask (SlugFiller)
add PartCompletionSpeedUp (from Spike2)
add many Fixes/Improvements (Spike2-/X-Ray MoD)
add Don’t send empty Dir’s (WiZard)
add CheckDiskspaceFix (SlugFiller)
add Optimization DownloadQueue (WiZ/EMF)
add PeerCache-BugFix (Xman)
add No UpMana for Friends
add ModOptions to XdP-Stats
add No Up to LowID-Clients switchable
add mark LowID’S switchable
add XdP-MoDLoG
add more Code SaveCpu (WiZ)
updated SourceCache to Spike2 Codebase + Addon
updated BetterClientAttaching (NeoMule beta)
updated OwnCredits (X-Ray v1.2)
updated Emulate Others
updated DynamicBlockRequests (X-Ray v1.2)
updated ECR
updated AntiLeecher
fixed a bug in CorrectAppIcons
fixed Stattree (Bug retry failed connection atempts)
fixed a little bug in EmulateOther
fixed Button to save Mod-Prefs from Tree
removed old SLS from Xtreme
removed old UPNP switch under Connection Prefs
changed Deltimer in ClientReqSocket
changed all XdP-ModLoglines
changed Upmanagement to work better with Fakerank
re-arangement of XdP-Options in Tree
changed/add/removed other little things…

::: BASED ON DaZZle Share Levels :::

Download (1.65 MB): emule 0.48a - XdP_v1.3_beta3_0WN3D.7z - Mirror
Direct Download Mirrors: Europe / Russia / Asia / USA
DDL1 - DDL2 - DDL3 - DDL4 - DDL5 - DDL6 - Mirrors

All Credits to Seba14

Azureus Beta 3


2008.xx.xx | Azureus Vuze

FEATURE: UI | Added option for "Open Containing Folder" menu action - which may integrate better with non-standard file browsers [amc1]

2007.12.21 | Azureus Vuze

FEATURE: UI | Added "Check Files Exist" menu option [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Perform low resource usage tracking of online torrents for swarm cross-population purposes [Parg]

CHANGE: Core | Added option to disable download speed focus [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Reduced memory usage for many-torrent instances [The 8472]
CHANGE: UI | Multiple selected torrent export now works [amc1]

BUGFIX: Core | Fixed IP filters not working when ALLOW instead of DENY was used [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Improve rebuffering behaviour when real-time pieces are too slow for any peers to get in time [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Ensure minimum buffer requirements are factored into ETA calculation [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Eliminated various memory leaks [The 8472]

To use, rename the downloaded AzureusXxxx-Bxx.jar file to Azureus2.jar to replace your old jar in the Azureus program dir: ChangeTheAzureusTwoJarFile
Azureus v2 vs. v3 (Vuze) FAQ
Snapshot RSS Feed
Beta Site: http://azureus.sourceforge.net/index_CVS.php


Azureus3043-B03.jar - 29 Dec 2007 05:40:40 AM [9944673 bytes]

28 December 2007

eMule v0.48a ScarAngel v2.5

eMule v0.48a ScarAngel v2.5 - 28.12.2007


based on eMule 0.48a Xtreme 6.1 compiled with vs2003 SP1
Added: Links for Server list and nodes file [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: High resolution speedmeter on toolbar [eFMod/Stulle] - Myth88
Changed: Do not restrict download if no upload possible [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Resume mode combobox in Categorie dialog [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Auto Update IP2Country on startup [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Do not reserve 1/3 of your uploadlimit (finally!) [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: URL input for updates [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Design Settings (backgrounds and windows were broken) [Stulle] - Stulle

Homepage: http://scarangel.sourceforge.net

Download BIN: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scarangel/eMule0.48a-ScarAngel_v2.5-bin.rar

SRC and Language Files: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scarangel/

VistaMizer (Codename X-Mas 07)


With VistaMizer you can transform your Windows XP, MCE or Server 2003 into the look of Windows Vista. Therefore over 380 files with new Icons, pictures as well as videos are modified. This means that VistaMizer does not provide own files and change your system files. That has the advantage that VistaMizer works with each language and no changes of the language specifics are made. The installer is so developed that you have completely the change which will be modified and which not. Even if you select files, which are possibly not at all on your system available or not compatible, the application recognizes this and jumps over these. This ensures that the system does not become unstable because of wrong modification. After updates if your system data are overwritten, then a renewal of these is possible by using an extra program that is linked by the VistaMizer. The application examines thereby, which files are updated and re-modify only these. This means a very fast re-modification and it is always the current data in the Backup. However if the result of the installation should not assure to you, you have the possibility to get back the old system by an un-installation. If newer files are already present in the system by updates, this is recognized by the un-installer and only the modified files will be replaced.


* + Display error in system properties fixed

Homepage: http://www.public.sytes.net/hoefs/windows/vistamizer.php?lang=en

Download (21.61 MB): VistaMizer_2.2.1.0.exe - DDL

VistaMizer for Windows XP, Windows MCE und Windows Server 2003 (only 32bit Versionen)!

Rem: A new uxtheme.dll patcher is needed for windows xp sp3 (beta's and RC while uxtheme.dll is since the first internal bta from August not changed can guess it wont change in final). For now it must be patched possible manually.
Wish a styler will once work with 64 bit (windows xp 64 and windows svr 64 bit,...) include icon resources patching.

eMule 0.48a Mephisto 1.1

eMule v0.48a Mephisto v1.1: - 28.12.2007
based on eMule 0.48a ScarAngel 2.5 compiled with vs2003 SP1

Added: Transfer Multiple Chunks [Stulle]
Added: Adjust maximum upload time (1h-4h; default = 2h) [Stulle]
Added: Upload Tweak settings (be very careful! see documentation!) [Stulle]
Added: Veto new slot if one trickle is present [Stulle]
Added: Add new Slot if new slot is reacting too slow [Stulle]
Changed: Limitation kicks in when 1:2.9 reached instead of 1:3 [Stulle]
+ it worked but it was rather rough...
Changed: Allow PBF for Non-SUI only if state is NotAvailable [Stulle]
Changed: Accept new clients every 5 seconds instead of 10 [Stulle]
Changed: Accept new client when closing client uploads more than 1 KByte/s [Stulle]
Changed: Move PBF client down when he finished a chunk [Stulle]
Changed: Include Full/Trickle handling in slot opening process [Stulle]
+ does not effect bandwith spreading but represents it
Changed: Change between Full and Trickle only after a configured time [Stulle]
Changed: Move finishing clients down in upload [Stulle]
Changed: Calculation for the maximum to give [Stulle]
Fixed: New slot if no trickle (set wrong variable) [Stulle]

Transfer Multiple Chunks:
+ Mode 1: Do not transfer multiple Chunks (like disable the old function)
+ Mode 2: Xtreme Full Chunk (the old version of full chunk transfer)
+ Mode 3: Finish X chunks: Helps the other clients to finish x chunks (max X*PARTSIZE)
+ min 3 MB; max 9.28MB*x
+ Mode 4: Upload X Chunks: Transfers X*PARTSZIZE at the max

Homepage: http://mephisto.emule-web.de/

Sourceforge Download site

Download BIN: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mephisto/eMule0.48a-Mephisto_v1.1-bin.rar

Spanish Language Pack: emule0.48a-Mephisto1.1-es_ES.rar
Lang Source: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mephisto/emule0.48a-Mephisto1.1-es_ES-src.rar
Mod SRC: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mephisto/eMule0.48a-Mephisto_v1.1-src.rar
