29 December 2007

Thunder v5.7.6.426 Perfect, Special Edition

Perfect, especially version:
* All advertising to official procedures removed
* Better and cool Interface, mean cool Interface - clean and ads free!
* Puppy search Thunder look at the election can be installed
* WEB Thunderbolt support, Wangjikuaiche, Tornado Download
* No plugin in the clean version!

Thunder (2007.12.27)
* Optimize data transfers of large files
* BT task file amended too much could lead to the interface locked -BUG
* Solved under certain circumstances can not drag Thunderbolt -BUG
* Task list bold display of the task
* Support BT and eDonkey into the unfinished tasks
* BT Download support task order
* BT task has been optimized in the process of downloading the disk read and write

PS:Quite big changes in this version, re-written VC DLL, Thunder5 called directly downloading files supporting. You are welcome to test.

Simon's modded Thunder 2007.12.27

Homepage: http://bbs.wmzhe.com
Download: http://soft.wmzhe.com/download/appz/Thunder5_WMZ.exe
required to access the file download set:
send referrer: http://bbs.wmzhe.com
to http://soft.wmzhe.com/download/appz/Thunder5_WMZ.exe
(refcontrol extension for firefox or in dl manager referrer specific)

FileShare Host Mirror:
Thunder5_WMZ.exe (7.07 MB) - Mirror

Latest traditional AYU's Thunder v5.7.6.426 Ads Free Modification is here

English Language Pack visit:
New edited Version B:
or Version A:
Show me some screenshot!!!
Check it out Here!

How to install the translation pack?
Refer Here

I am using Xunlei English Translation

VeryCD eMule 0.48a easyMule 1.0.0 Build 071229 beta

VeryCD eMule 0.48a easyMule 1.0.0 Build 071229 beta [29. December 2007]

VeryCD easyMule, a VeryCD emule. On the basis of the development of a new product has the following characteristics:

1. New interface, more intuitive to use simpler
2. Penetration in the network, download speeds improved significantly
3. Look under the edge, exciting content online players
4. Disk buffer, the maximum protection drive
5. Dance download, multi-protocol interoperability comprehensive
6. Quick Search, a key Direct search results
7. Arbitrary download directory arbitrary designation
8. Continued sharing

VeryCD EDonkey(easyMule) 1.0.0 071229beta:
+ Increase support MetaLinker download links(http://metalinker.org//)
+ MetaLink mixed download speed up multi-protocol
+ Download increase security configuration options, users can customize document antivirus
+ Optimization HTTP / FTP site link several control
*fixed bug: FTP site to download some failure in the acquisition did not file size directory switch
*fixed bug: After the failure of the options set
*fixed bug: Downloaded from the same source TCP LAN Direct Connect failure
*fixed bug: Some memory leaks and procedures collapse

Homepage: http://www.verycd.com/groups/eMuleBeta/

Download: http://download.verycd.com/easyMule-Beta-Setup.exe - Mirror

eMule XDP v1.3 beta3 by 0WN3D


emule 0.48a XDP 1.3

XDP beta3 v1.3 0WN3D from a moder in France
without Auth. System
older Version Changelog:
XDP v1.2 - 15/10/2007

add switch for UploadColors On/Off
add more Code Fix Connection Collision (from X-Ray v1.2)
add Aich Security (Wizard)
add Kad Interface Improvement (Xanatos/NeoMule)
add SLS + manual SLS (enkeyDev)
add Recognize MLdonkey-XS Answer (Spike2)
add SpreadReask (SlugFiller)
add PartCompletionSpeedUp (from Spike2)
add many Fixes/Improvements (Spike2-/X-Ray MoD)
add Don’t send empty Dir’s (WiZard)
add CheckDiskspaceFix (SlugFiller)
add Optimization DownloadQueue (WiZ/EMF)
add PeerCache-BugFix (Xman)
add No UpMana for Friends
add ModOptions to XdP-Stats
add No Up to LowID-Clients switchable
add mark LowID’S switchable
add XdP-MoDLoG
add more Code SaveCpu (WiZ)
updated SourceCache to Spike2 Codebase + Addon
updated BetterClientAttaching (NeoMule beta)
updated OwnCredits (X-Ray v1.2)
updated Emulate Others
updated DynamicBlockRequests (X-Ray v1.2)
updated ECR
updated AntiLeecher
fixed a bug in CorrectAppIcons
fixed Stattree (Bug retry failed connection atempts)
fixed a little bug in EmulateOther
fixed Button to save Mod-Prefs from Tree
removed old SLS from Xtreme
removed old UPNP switch under Connection Prefs
changed Deltimer in ClientReqSocket
changed all XdP-ModLoglines
changed Upmanagement to work better with Fakerank
re-arangement of XdP-Options in Tree
changed/add/removed other little things…

::: BASED ON DaZZle Share Levels :::

Download contains 2 Editions
a) seba's mod without Auth. system (27.12.2007) from www.seba14.org
b) fuck LW edition without Auth. system (13.12.2007) by UmsEck from fuck-seba14.blog.com

FileShare Hoster (3.33 MB): emule 0.48a - XdP_v1.3_beta3_0WN3D.7z - Mirrors1 - Mirrors2

Direct Downloads: DDL1 - DDL2 - DDL3 - DDL4

eMule v0.48 No Ratio Mods Collection


eMule v0.48a SharkX v0.5f - NoRatio

- Removed Ratio

official changes:
add : KAD Guard - extending KadBootStrap (taz)
fix : Sharing eMule with other computer users - forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=131981 (TimDzang)
fix : drop sources adapt to AutoHL (taz)
add : WiZaRd's cleaner server remover from TK4 2.1d (BSB)
add : Don't remove dead servers on 0 retries (taz) - CB's idea
add : optimization for calling OnlineSig @CServerSocket::ProcessPacket by BSB
eMulev0.48a_SharkXv0.5f-NoRatio.7z (5.49 MB) - Mirror

Neo Mule 4.50 Final - NoRatio

- Removed Ratio

official changes:
Added neo version check,
fixed a bug in global source limit,
added hash prozent display in shared windows
added general prozent display in downloa dwindow
added part management copy/paste/reset for releasers
added reset/linear for wanted
fixed some bugs
Neo_Mule_v4.50_bin-NoRatio.7z (2.76 MB) - Mirrors

eMule ASF v0.1 beta5 - NoRatio

-Removed Ratio

official changes:
Impostato il numero di tentativi di connessione ai server per default a 10;
Ridisegnata la scheda Messages;
Impostato Verbose 3 di default;
Corretto il testo della descrizione degli ASF
Aggiunto il filtro rosso [Ackronic]
Aggiunto il nome della mod nei credits, nello splash e nella barra dei crediti
Changelog delle versioni precedenti:
(NON rilasciate pubblicamente)
Filtro ASF [Ackronic];
Aumento dimensione del buffer a 20 MB;
Inseriti filtri Antispam e ASF aggiornati;
Modificato il nickname di default;
Le impostazioni di default soddisfano le raccomandazioni di emulesecurity;
Il file ipfilter.dat non è riscritto a chiusura di eMule.
E' quindi possibile aggiornare separatamente le due parti del filtro.
eMule_ASF_v.0.1_beta_7-NoRatio.7z (1.64 MB) - Mirror

eMule 0.48a AdunanzA 3.14 DRC - NoRatio

- Ratio Removed

official changes:
Eliminato il filtraggio preventivo dei server con ip dinamico
Modificato il nick di default
eMule.AdunanzA.DRC.3.14-NoRatio.7z (1.54 MB) - Mirrors

Ratio Credit file might be created but skipped cause Ratio is unplugged in all eMule mods above in Hexcode !!!

eMule 0.48a MorphXT+ 10.5

eMule 0.48a MorphXT+ v10.5
La MorphXT+ è basata sulla MorphXT originale ma usa un session ratio di 1:7 (invece di 1:3)
per non avere problemi con le attuali aDSL italiane troppo sbilanciate sulla banda di download.


eMule 0.48a MorphXT+ 10.5

CHANGED: Original session zzRatio of 1:3 (UL:DL) increased to 1:7 to works fine
with Italian standard aDSL connections - 1280:256 and 2048:256 [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid the zzRatio limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
and average upload limit from 10KB/s to 15KB/s (now you need to give more
than before :p ) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid download limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
(you need to give more than all other eMule clients) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Many standard icons [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Some default options [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Modstring to avoid the ban of official MorphXT v6.3 - v7.2 - v.7.7 - v.8.0 or later [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 20Mb with steps of 256KB [FrankyFive]
ADDED: HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins) [FrankyFive]
ADDED: Auto configuration for Italian standard aDSL connections (on Wizard panel) [FrankyFive]

eMule 0.48a [MorphXT+ 10.4]

CHANGED: Original session zzRatio of 1:3 (UL:DL) increased to 1:7 to works fine
with Italian standard aDSL connections - 1280:256 and 2048:256 [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid the zzRatio limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
and average upload limit from 10KB/s to 15KB/s (now you need to give more
than before :p ) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid download limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
(you need to give more than all other eMule clients) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Many standard icons [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Some default options [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Modstring to avoid the ban of official MorphXT v6.3 - v7.2 - v.7.7 - v.8.0 or later [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 20Mb with steps of 256KB [FrankyFive]
ADDED: HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins) [FrankyFive]
ADDED: Auto configuration for Italian standard aDSL connections (on Wizard panel) [FrankyFive]
eMule 0.48a MorphXT+ 10.5

Homepage: http://frankyfive.altervista.org

emulev0.48a-MorphXT+v10.5-bin.zip - Mirror

older Version:
emulev0.48a-MorphXT+v10.4-bin.zip - Mirror

eMule v0.48a [-XdP- beta3 v1.3] without Authentication System by SEBA14


emule 0.48a XDP 1.3

- Authentication is hacked in version 1.3

read more: eMule 0.48a XDP 1.3 beta 3 0WN3D

older Version Changelog:
XDP v1.2 - 15/10/2007

add switch for UploadColors On/Off
add more Code Fix Connection Collision (from X-Ray v1.2)
add Aich Security (Wizard)
add Kad Interface Improvement (Xanatos/NeoMule)
add SLS + manual SLS (enkeyDev)
add Recognize MLdonkey-XS Answer (Spike2)
add SpreadReask (SlugFiller)
add PartCompletionSpeedUp (from Spike2)
add many Fixes/Improvements (Spike2-/X-Ray MoD)
add Don’t send empty Dir’s (WiZard)
add CheckDiskspaceFix (SlugFiller)
add Optimization DownloadQueue (WiZ/EMF)
add PeerCache-BugFix (Xman)
add No UpMana for Friends
add ModOptions to XdP-Stats
add No Up to LowID-Clients switchable
add mark LowID’S switchable
add XdP-MoDLoG
add more Code SaveCpu (WiZ)
updated SourceCache to Spike2 Codebase + Addon
updated BetterClientAttaching (NeoMule beta)
updated OwnCredits (X-Ray v1.2)
updated Emulate Others
updated DynamicBlockRequests (X-Ray v1.2)
updated ECR
updated AntiLeecher
fixed a bug in CorrectAppIcons
fixed Stattree (Bug retry failed connection atempts)
fixed a little bug in EmulateOther
fixed Button to save Mod-Prefs from Tree
removed old SLS from Xtreme
removed old UPNP switch under Connection Prefs
changed Deltimer in ClientReqSocket
changed all XdP-ModLoglines
changed Upmanagement to work better with Fakerank
re-arangement of XdP-Options in Tree
changed/add/removed other little things…

::: BASED ON DaZZle Share Levels :::

Download (1.65 MB): emule 0.48a - XdP_v1.3_beta3_0WN3D.7z - Mirror
Direct Download Mirrors: Europe / Russia / Asia / USA
DDL1 - DDL2 - DDL3 - DDL4 - DDL5 - DDL6 - Mirrors

All Credits to Seba14
