23 January 2008

DDoS Attack and Portscans by P2P and Servers

For IP Filter dat:
http://whois.domaintools.com/ (repeated log entries)
http://whois.domaintools.com/ ( (repeated)
http://whois.domaintools.com/ (repeated log entries)
http://whois.domaintools.com/ ( (repeated)
http://whois.domaintools.com/ (repeated)
http://whois.domaintools.com/ (repeated)
http://whois.domaintools.com/ (repeated)
http://whois.domaintools.com/ (repeated)
http://whois.domaintools.com/ (CIDR:,, (repeated)
http://whois.domaintools.com/ (repeated)

*repeated means aggressive attacks (logs shown always this IP)
Be aware from the above IP's! rep to Blocklist filter services (http://www.bluetack.co.uk/forums/index.php blacklist)

DVD43 4.0.0

DVD43 is a free DVD decryption utility that runs in the background and decrypts DVDs. So you don't have to pay money for a decrypter.
DVD43 is a free application that removes most copy protection found on movie DVDs.

WHAT DOES IT DO?: DVD43 will decrypt (unlock) a movie DVD that your copy program can read it. If the DVD structure is non standard, your copy program needs to take care of that. I have included a list of programs (at the bottom of this page) which work well with DVD43 in order of their capability (based on my testing).

COMPATIBILITY: DVD43 is compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista (32) PRE SP1, Windows XP, and Windows 2000.
How to use DVD43 :

1. Run the setup file which installs the software and leaves an icon in your task bar. DVD43 will run in the background and decrypt movies on the fly.
2. When your DVD reader is empty or the movie inserted is not copy protected, you'll see a yellow smiley face.
3. When a copy protected DVD is detected, the yellow face will turn to a red devil face for a few seconds and then to a green happy face - which means it's ready to use.
4. Start your DVD copy software and copy the movie.

If you get errors using DVD43 :

1. Before you begin copying a DVD, close DVD43 by clicking on the smiley face in the task bar and select the 'Close' menu item.
2. Insert the movie you want to copy, play it using your software DVD player for about 1 minute, then close the software DVD player.
3. Start DVD43 (click the Start button, select 'All Programs' and select 'DVD43') and let DVD43 detect the movie and turn green.
4. Start your DVD copy software. If you still get an encrypted DVD error, reboot your computer - DVD43 is temperamental sometimes.

How to update to the lastest version :

- Un-install all versions of DVD43 using your Windows Control Panel.
- Delete all the files in your 'C:\Program Files\dvd43' folder, then reboot your computer.
- Install the latest version of DVD43 and reboot your computer.

Changes in DVD43 4.0.0 :

- some titles on DVD did not get decrypted, this is fixed now!
- faster reading on most DVDs

Important Notes :

- This software is free for use, for any purpose. Don't pay for it, and use it at your own risk. Please do not use it for any malicious purpose. Don't break the law!
- DVD43 1.4 requires Patin-Couffin Access Layer (also free).

always up to date: http://www.dvd43.com/
Download (~500kb): DVD43_4-0-0_Setup.exe
Mirror1: http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/DVD43/1118268636/1
Mirror2: http://download.copybase.org/dvd43/DVD43_4-0-0_Setup.exe

No install version


DVD43_Tray.exe /installfilter

DVD43_Tray.exe /removefilter

DVD43v4.0-noinstall.7z (239.37 KB)
DVD43v4.0-noinstall-trimmed.7z (222.70 KB)

22 January 2008

ConvertXToDVD v2.99.10.600 [RC2]

Here is the download link to the second Release Candidate [RC2] of ConvertXtoDVD 3 which will be referred to as version 2.99.x.600. There may still be bugs to fix.

programed in Delphi


Download ConvertXtoDVD 2.99.x.600

List of changes in version .600 RC2

ConvertXtoDVD -

Release Candidate 2:
solve issues with Burning SDK,
solve issues with subtitles embedded in Mkv,
solve issues with menu backgrounds
solve other minor issues
add more command line switches for best batch support

- 0001442: [Feature Request] final log sentence
- 0001448: [Feature Request] Disable burning by switch
- 0001550: [Suggestion] hide 16:9 display in menu text style editor
- 0001534: [Bug] Adding a jpg to title menu background, prompts that it also contains audio
- 0001553: [Bug] Background Menu / Custom Video Starting Times always starts at 00:00
- 0001546: [Suggestion] modify watermark in video
- 0001532: [Bug] v2.99.9.416: Access violation trying to convert a specific .MKV file
- 0001539: [Bug] can't burn because filename ( unicode pb ? )
- 0001545: [Bug] old link not updated for "_func/upgradeProduct/"



for old CPU's:

updated exe [diff] ConvertXtoDvd.rar v2.99.10.600 (online activation svr check unhooked,...) since older Version [RC1]

...copy the program exe (difference [diff] since RC1: ConvertXtoDvd.rar) to program dir

eMule 0.48a VeryCD 080119

VeryCD Chinese version not only inherits all the characteristics of the original English version, in the paste used in a Chinese netizens on the basis of Han eMule, the original complex professional software easier to use. So far, eMule VeryCD Chinese version is the most commonly used P2P software, the monthly volume of more than 3 million downloads At the same time, more than 4 million users online! Whenever popular resources, users can VeryCD first time with the fastest download speed.

* Close eMule offline problems
* Upload adjust parameter optimization
+ Crash after three minutes no one will automatically restart ignored thank Mix League010 the tests to resolve the issue closed eMule offline

Changelog: http://www.emule.org.cn/download/changelog.txt
Homepage: http://www.emule.org.cn/download
BBS: http://www.verycd.com/groups/eMuleBeta/

Installer: http://download.verycd.com/eMule-VeryCD-Beta-Setup.exe
Source: http://download.verycd.com/eMule-VeryCD-Beta-src.rar

21 January 2008

eMule v0.47c waZZa l33cher Edition v0.8 fix3

eMule v0.47c waZZa l33cher Edition v0.8 fix3
eMule v0.47c waZZa l33cher Edition v0.8

Latest internal 21/01/2008 23:20:04
Debug Ressources removed and others

v0.8 compiled at 26/01/2007 14:38:12:
removed: Antimodfake (wir senden lieber standartmäßig keinen Modstring)
added: Erkennung von Commfakern
added: Schaltbaren Kadboost eingebaut, Kadsuche ist jetzt nochmal schneller ;)
changed: Fakerank jetzt nur noch an Clienten die nicht auf der Queue sind
changed: Reasksourcetime verbessert
changed: Verwaltung der Clienten auf der Upqueue verbessert
changed: Community Codes verbessert
changed: Community kann jetzt einzeln eingeschaltet werden. Nur wenn Comm aktiviert ist auch no ratio aktiv+
changed: Kleinere Änderungen die es jetzt erschweren von nem AntiLeech entdeckt zu werden ;)

- Added Antileechfeature: Erkennt jetzt auch OPcodes beim Hello Tag
- Added Kadbooster mit Button

- added: Better Passive Source Finding
- added: Emulate Others
- added: fast Reask For MLDonkey
- added: Connection Management (Stoppt die Nachfrage der Clients wenn 75% der max Verbindungen erreicht sind)

- Releasefiles werden mit *30 gepushed
- Wenn der Releasemodus eingeschaltet ist, ist der DIffupload abgeschaltet
- Applejuice Erkennung

- Releasemodus hinzugefügt
-> ermöglicht das einbeziehen der Files im Incoming Ordner
-> Fileprio Release setz das Upmanagement außer Kraft und upped komplette Chunks
- Commauth wird an manche Clients nicht gesendet
- Zeige XS-Exploiter im Nickname, Leecher Icon für XS Exploiter
- Commmembers werden nicht mitgedropped

- anonymer Mod, Mod kann nicht erkannt werden
- Community überarbeitet, Comm Erkennung funktioniert nun wieder einwandfrei :)

- added RB3 Hack -> Scorereduce für Stealth Community
- Uploadmanagement komplett erneuert. Unwichtige Clients kommen jetzt erst garnciht in die queue bekommen aber nen Fakerank
- besseres Leecher Management. Leecher werdenen nun in Kategorien eingeteilt und demnach Score verteilt. Je nachdem wieviele Leecher Features der andere Client hat wird der Score einzeln errechnet
- Nickadd für Leecher in der Downliste. Leecher Status wird angezeigt.

- added RB Hack -> Scorereduce for Stealth Community members
- changed: uploadmanagement renewed. Unuseful clients now don't come in the upqueue, but get fakerank
- changed: better antileechsystem: Leecher will be devided in categories depending on the leech features they have. Out of we calculate their credits
- nickadd for leechers in downlist. You see the leecherstatus
- little changes

- changed findbestclient in queue
- changed dropped sources now get banned for 2 hours
- changed Nickfaker, jetzt werden alle Nickadds mit gefaked
- added Dynamic Block Requests
- added Antishaping
- added Antimodfaker + Button
- Secure Modfakert extended
- changed Community Codes (alte Comm wird nicht mehr unterstützt)
- improved Leechertreatment

- waZZa Leech Creditsystem verfeinert ;)
- leute mit viel Upload werden besser gepushed

- eigenes Creditsytem mit Schalter eingebaut [Clienten werden je nach Up-Down Differenz gepushed]
- Schalter für Secure Nickfaker
- 5 Antileech Schalter hinzugefügt

- added Enhanced Client Recognisation [Spike2]
- added automatisches Source Droppen
-High Rank (es werden je nach Anzahl der vorhanden Sources bei den Dateien verschieden hohe Ranks gedroppt)
- added Schalter für Drops
- added Schalter für "Sende keine Shareliste an Server"
- Kleinigkeiten am Up2Query geändert

- winsock 2.2
- AntiLeech Erweitert
-> Erkennung von XS-Exploiter -> bekommen weniger Credits
- Button für Fakerank
- Button für "Push niedrige QRs"
- Buttons für "Logs"
- Xtreme Mods bekommen schlechtere Score
- Kleinigkeiten an der Com-Erkennung geändert

- FILES MIT PRIORITY "nicht freigeben" werden NICHT geuploaded (außer an Commembers)
- max 10mb Differenz Upload gefixt
- Community Member kommen nicht mehr in die Friendliste
- up management verbessert

Schnick Schnack:
- winsock 2.2
- added Enhanced Client Recognisation [Spike2]
- farbiger download
- 10mb Filebuffer
- show Fakerank
- show DiffRank
- manual reask
- manual kick
- manual ban
Schnelleres Downloaden:
- Xtreme Mods bekommen schlechtere Score
- automatisches Source Droppen
-High Rank (es werden je nach Anzahl der vorhanden Sources bei den Dateien verschieden hohe Ranks gedroppt)
- eigenes Creditsytem [Clienten werden je nach Up-Down Differenz gepushed]
- uploadmanagement komplett überarbeitet
- waZZa Credit System
- nur Files mit Priority "sehr niedrig" (in der englsichen Version "keine Freigabe" werden geuploaded
- nur Files aus dem Temp Ordner werden geshared
- faster Reask
- schnelleres und besseres Quellen finden
- kad boost

Gegen die "Bösen":
- gemoddetes SNAFU3.1 AntiLeech System mit Fakerank Erkennung
-> leecher werden nicht gebanned sondern nur Score Reduziert
- AntiNickFaker
- AntiCommunity
- max 10mb DiffUpload

- Secure Nickfaker
- Secure Modfaker
- undetectable fakerank
nur an Nicht-commembers

- more secure waZZa Community
- darksky com wird unterstützt
- Community mit Credit Sys

- Log Fakenick
- Log Fakeranks
- Log Nickfaker


- Uploadmanagement:
- File mit Prio "VeryLow" werden NUR an Commember geuploaded
- Clienten mit unnützen Chunks (Falls noch Clienten auf der Queue sind ) bekommen nichts
- Push niedrige QR (schaltbar)
- Das Senden der Shareliste an Server kann deaktiviert werden
- Files aus dem Incoming Ordner werden entbunden
-> Releasemodus ermöglicht das Releasen der Files im Incoming ordner

- waZZa Leech Credits:
- Es werden Clienten die viel Up geben extra gepushed
- User die mehr von einem gedownloaded haben als gegeben haben werden benachteiligt
- Ab einer Upload Differenz von 10mb wird zu dem Clienten nicht mehr geuploaded

- Queuemanagement:
- lässt nur wichtige Clients auf die Queue und sorgt so für niedrigen Overhead
- Fakerank an Clienten die nicht auf die Queue kommen

- Clientmanagement
- Auto Drop Sources (Schaltbar)
- 3 Verschiedene Drop Typen abhängig vom QR des entsprechenden Clienten
- NNS und FullQR werden für 2 Stunden gebannt
- KAD Booster
- Mehr Sources werden bei der Suche angezeigt
- Antileech-System
- Antimodfake, ANtinickfake, Vermute Fakerank, Erkenne XS Exploit, Gemoddedes Snafu3.1
- User werden nicht gebannt sondern es wird je nach Kombination der Leecher features ein Score errechnet
- RB3 Hack -> Stealth Community Members bekommen stark reduzierten Score

- Hackz:
- Undetectable Fakerank an Clienten die nicht auf die Queue kommen(schaltbar)
- Secure Modfaker (kann nicht vom Antimodfake erkannt werden, schaltbar)
- Secure Nickfaker (kann nicht vom Antinickfake erkannt werden, schaltbar)

- waZZa Community v0.3:
- Community Members werden bevorzugt
- Creditsystem für Commembers

- Schnick-Schnack:
- blauer Download
- Schaltbare Logs
- Kick Schalter in Uploadlist
- Ban Schalter in Uploadlist
- Reask Source in Downlist
- Leecherstatus wird im Nickname des Leechers angezeigt
- Leechericon

Download: eMule v0.47c waZZa l33cher Edition v0.8

20 January 2008

Azureus Beta 11

Azureus Vuze Changelog:

FEATURE: Core | Added µTorrent PEX support [amc1]
FEATURE: UI | Added option for "Open Containing Folder" menu action - which may integrate better with non-standard file browsers [amc1]

CHANGE: Core | Further memory footprint reductions; for additional tweaks see http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Reduce_memory_usage [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Reimplemented LT extension protocol code [amc1]
CHANGE: Core | Queuing rules now don't start any further torrents if the global up/download speed limits are reached [The 8472]
- makes "don't count torrent ..." minimum speed rules more useful to dynamically regulate the queue lengths
- prevents runaway chain reactions in case of connection loss
CHANGE: Core | Made the crypto handshake a bit less predictable [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Added support for plugins which implement mainline DHT [amc1]

BUGFIX: UI | Shells no longer use the low-res frog icon, the normal main window icon is now used instead [amc1]
BUGFIX: UI | Limiting comments in General View to 5k characters under WinXP to avoid crashes due to faulty comctl32.dll [The 8472]

To use, rename the downloaded AzureusXxxx-Bxx.jar file to Azureus2.jar to replace your old jar in the Azureus program dir: ChangeTheAzureusTwoJarFile
Azureus v2 vs. v3 (Vuze) FAQ
Snapshot RSS Feed
Beta Site: http://azureus.sourceforge.net/index_CVS.php

★ Download:

Azureus3043-B11.jar - 19 Jan 2008 05:42:00 AM [10015882 bytes]
