05 February 2008

LimeWire Pro 4.17.3 Beta + LimeWire Pro 4.16.4 Final for Windows, Mac, Linux

- Ease of use - just install, run, and search
- Ability to search by artist, title, genre, or other metainformation
- Elegant multiple search tabbed interface
- "Swarm" downloads from multiple hosts help you get files faster
- iTunes integration for Mac and Windows users
- Unique "ultrapeer" technology reduces bandwidth requirements for most users
- Integrated chat
- Directly connect to a computer
- Browse host feature--even works through firewalls
- Added Bitzi metadata lookup
- International versions: Now available in many new languages
- Connects to the network using GWebCache, a distributed connection system
- Automatic local network searches for lightning-fast downloads
- Support for MAGNET links that allow you to click on web page links that access Gnutella
- PRO Features
Direct from "Welcome to Your LimeWire PRO Download Page!"

LimeWire Pro 4.17.3 Beta:
Choose Your Platform

* Windows (95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP, Vista) LimeWireWin.exe (6.55 MB)
* Mac OS X (10.4 Tiger or above) LimeWireOSX.dmg (11.26 MB)
* Linux (RPM - Redhat, Fedora) LimeWireLinux.rpm (7.31 MB)
* Linux (DEB - Ubuntu, Debian) LimeWireLinux.deb (8.93 MB)
* Other Systems (OS/2, Solaris, Linux) LimeWireOther.zip (11.75 MB)

Download LimeWire Pro 4.16.4 Final:
Choose Your Platform
* Windows (95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP, Vista) LimeWireWin.exe (6.26 MB)
* Mac OS X (10.4 Tiger, 10.5 Leopard) LimeWireOSX.dmg (10.46 MB)
* Linux (Ubuntu, Debian) LimeWireLinux.deb (8.13 MB)
* Other Systems (OS/2, Solaris, Linux) LimeWireOther.zip (10.95 MB)

Alternative: Frostwire

eMule 0.48a Asiklar-MoD v1.1

Asiklar-MoD v1.1


[Add] New Source Drop System [Sivka/JvA]
[Fix] Static Server Handling - don't remove static servers [StulleMule]

Homepage: http://asiklar-fm.com
Support: http://asiklar-fm.com/board/thread.php?threadid=1052

Download: eMule0.48a-asiklar-MoD v1.1.rar

eMule 0.48a ZZULtimativ R V1.5

ZZULtimativ-R V1.5
+ fixed updates on startup
+ fixed Reask
+ fixed menu colors
+ Manual Client Management
+ Push Files by Filetypes
+ Minimum Slots Option
+ Show Icon for Client share visibility
+ Vista fix for Sysinfo
+ Country and Software in Commentlist
+ Select all in Shared and Downloadlist
+ German language file updated
+ Some little Fixes

- Removed Auto Hardlimit
- Removed Auto Download Priority

ZZULtimativ-R V1.4
+ Web Interface
+ Scheduler
+ Auto Hardlimit
+ Auto Download Priority
+ Update Window in Options
+ Show MinQR Checkbox enable/disable
+ Whois IP-Lookup
+ Separated remaining time/size in Download
+ Emulate others in Options
+ Conection Check
+ Splashscreen
+ Startup Sound (put startup.wav in config!)
+ Sidebanner
+ Multi Credit System
+ Smart Upload Control
+ Dynamic Upload
+ Nick Addon Faker (Emulate Community Addons)
+ Send Random Userhash to Shareaza clients without SUI
+ ReAsk
+ Enhanced Client Recognization updated
+ More Log Colors
+ Some Fixes and Code Improvements
+ German language file updated

Devs: morph4u,2BC


eMule 0.48a ZZULtimativ v1.7 Final Version

0.48a ZZULtimativ v1.7

add Ratio
remove Share Permission don't let clients on queue

add 3 Toolbarskins from ZZULtimativ-R
add Known Client Bonus switchable from spike2[netfinity]
add switch for Fakealyzer/Clientanalyzer from spike2-mod
add switchable Anti Shape[netfinity/spike2]
add Manual MSS
add Minimum Slots Option from spike2
add Minimum Trickle Slot Option
add and changed some other small things

ZZULtimativ v1.7 Pre Final
add ManualClientManagement[xray]
add Feedback on Exit[sicks]
add Obfuscation-Padding-Length to Ext prefs [Xman]
add Auto Hard Limit[Wizard]
add Auto Download Priority[pP]
add some smaller fixes

ZZULtimativ v1.7 Beta 5

add Disable Nagle Algorithm for Uploads [TK4]
add Find MTU/MSS value [TK4]
removed enter MSS value [KTS]
add Extened credit- table-arragement [XMan]
add lh require obfuscated server connection [MORPH]
add remove unused AICH-hashes [Xman]
add Relax at startup [Wizard]
add Better Client Attaching [Xanatos]
fixed bug in preferences and moved the last prefs to ini File


ZZULtimativ v1.7 Beta 4

add KadInterfaceImprovement[Xanatos]
add Push Files by filetypes[spe64]
add Applejuice Detection v2.1.1[Xman]
changed Preferences MenĂ¼ Order
all Mod options now saved in ZZUltimativprefs.ini

ZZULtimativ v1.7 Beta 3

remove show leechertype in details caused crash ...

ZZULtimativ v1.7 Beta 2
add Smart Upload Control v2 [Morph/Lovelace]
add Auto DynUp changing [Yun.SF3]
update Enhanced Client Recognization [Spike2]
add emulate others[Spike2]
add emulate Community Addon[sFrQlXeRt]
add Send Random Userhash to Shareaza clients without SUI[evcz]
readded ratio

ZZULtimativ v1.7 Beta 1

merged folowing features from ZZULtimativ-R 1.4 Beta
thx 2 morph4u 4 src

+ Show MinQR Checkbox enable/disable
+ Optimizer
+ Ignore Server Messages fixed
+ Unlimited Slot (green color in upload)
+ New Sysinfo CPU/RAM for faster start
+ Non eMule Clients
+ Restore last Main Window
+ Community on Queue button
+ Community enable/disable checkbox
+ Nick show on title
+ Preview music files
+ Checkbox for disable Server deletion
+ DL Status in Uploadlist
+ DL Status in Queuelist
+ Clear Banlist Button in Transfer Window
+ Counter Color [NightSky10]
+ Friend/Commboost 1-10 changed to 1-200
+ Shows Clients in Downloadlist on Queue in green
+ MinQR in DownloadList
+ Some little other fixes
+ Server->Reconnect on LowID retries
+ Powershare Upload-Priority in Download
+ Show Permission Community only (Orange)
+ Show Permission Friends only (Green)
+ Quickstart readded and fixed bug
+ Push to Upload in Downloads readded
+ Prefer Share All (SlugFiller) [AndCycle]
+ Safe KAD [netfinity] - Stulle
+ KAD speed optimizations [netfinity] - Stulle
+ KAD Anti fragmenting [netfinity] - Stulle
+ fixed official kad bug under vista (leuk_he/godlaugh2007)
+ fixed little Bug in Statusbar
+ Statusbar simplified
+ Upload-Priority in Downloadlistctrl
+ Show Permission
--> Community / Friends only (colored orange)
--> None (colored gray)
--> Is Part File (colored blue)
+ No Score for non eMule
+ Powershared Clients in Bold disconnectible
+ Powershared Files in Bold disconnectible
+ Force Power Slot in Bold disconnectible
+ Drop Client readded
+ Show requested Files readded
+ New Feedback Colors
+ New File-Rating Icons
+ New Toolbar Icons
+ Powershared Clients in Red + Bold
+ Powershared Files in Red + Bold
+ Force Power Slot in Orange + Bold
+ Status bar with CPU/RAM announcement
+ Drop-Buttons changed
+ Max Search Results unlimited
+ Kick Client + add IP to IpFilter.dat added
+ Vista Fix
+ Obfuskation Fix
+ Emulate other Clients added

Ohh there exist 2 finals
Download (this one seems to be very public cause many sources):
Real Image Checksum: 005E2FD9h
Time Date Stamp: 479BD2ED 27/01/2008 00:40:13

Download (this one only one source: mL with ModString HighTime v3): eMule.0.48a.ZZULtimativ-v1.7.7z
Real Image Checksum: 005D94E0h
Time Date Stamp: 479BCE86 27/01/2008 00:21.26

Pre-Final: ZZULtimativ1.7_PreFinal.7z
Real Image Checksum: 005DF903h
Time Date Stamp: 479A0D55 25/01/2008 16:24:53

04 February 2008

ApexDC v1.0.0B4 NwN v1.7 fix Armadilled by seba14

- fake hubcount
- fakeshare with fakelist
- random nick
- slotlocker
- DC++ emulation
- many more great features

Changelog NwN 1.7:
- incomplete beta updated to ApexDC 1.0.0B4
FIX: - update check disabled (thx Z_Fire)

Fileinfo: Armadillo x.x ~ 5.0 32bit [exe-low protection] - www.siliconrealms.com

Caution don't forget the rar password: seba14
scan registry
ApexDC v1.0.0B4 NwN v1.7 fix.rar
DDL: http://www.seba14.org/download-manager.php?id=20
Mirror: http://web49.net-server14.de/download-manager.php?id=20
w/o pass: ApexDC v0.4.0 NwN v1.7.rar

dump and unpacked follow


xx can change!

BitComet 0.99 Optimization version advertising removed

BitComet 0.99 MAX
BitComet 0.99 Ads Free

BitComet v0.99 2008.2.1 CHANGELOG:
Interface: Startup password validation failure will lead to the collapse of procedures
Interface: FireFox extension of additional components to support the FireFox Calling BitComet download files
Interface: Options dialog additional settings of the Advanced Settings page: Allow automatic mandate for comment, title information
Interface: Show preservation task folder location, if already opened the folder of the Windows Explorer window, it is no longer open a new window
Interface: Suspension Window Menu add traffic statistics interval option
Interface: BT mandate of the BC link in the HTTP task dialog box shown as "link format error"
Core improvement: BC link in improving the Torrent file download speed, file size and mandate of HTTP information on speed
Core Fixed: Under Windows Vista preview video files, the second full-screen operation invalid

Main program modder versions Downloads:
BitComet v0.99_Cngrdiy - Mirror: BitComet_v0.99_Cngrdiy.rar
BitComet v0.99_JEW - Mirror: BitComet_v0.99_JEW0.rar.212
(rename file extension to .rar)

1.BitComet v0.99_Cngrdiy:
I only Traditional Chinese languages will be made according to its original English language attached to the contents of the deletion swap several projects to simplify interface, and the remaining did not change, and the English language have not changed (lazy changes ^ ^). If necessary, brief and related comments, recommended title" function, since the "job is reposted source" downloading, as these features are, and to show the language files, and the English language version of these reservations function, but "job is reposted source version of its simplified language or without these functions, to grasp their own official language files. But I personally think that these functions need to nothing, it is only a waste of system resources.

2. BitComet v0.99_JEW: content and almost version of the above, I have only set the preferences.
3. Rest of the settings, according to needs and preferences change, the way the eMule plug attached Bitcomet

Bitcomet eMule plugin:
Official Download
badongo Download

reposted Source:

copy from original BitComet 0.99 zip distribution your lang file to folder /lang and change settings to your language (english is include but pre settings are JP or CN)

UPNP Tools
IP filtering the latest use Peer guardian



other mods:
Bitcomet 0.99 Perfect to optimize the installation of advertising-free version of the download speed by dasinima
Homepage: http://cbbs1.net4u.org/sr4_bbs.cgi?user=5844yanket


Google search
