06 February 2008

Azureus Beta 19 (-B19)

CHANGELOG Azureus Vuze B19

FEATURE: Core | Added µTorrent PEX support [amc1]
FEATURE: Core | Azureus probes trackers for UDP-capabilities on first scrape/announce now and uses udp instead of http where available [The 8472]
FEATURE: Core | Added option to enforce IP bindings even when the specified interfaces are not available (useful when Azureus should not use certain network interfaces) [The 8472]
FEATURE: UI | Added option for "Open Containing Folder" menu action - which may integrate better with non-standard file browsers [amc1]
FEATURE: UI | Added option for "Show Torrent Menu" -- Users can now decide to see the Torrent menu in the menubar or not [knguyen]
FEATURE: UIv3 | New menu configuration for Vuze and Vuze Advanced UI's [knguyen]

CHANGE: Core | Further memory footprint reductions; for additional tweaks see http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Reduce_memory_usage [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Reimplemented LT extension protocol code [amc1]
CHANGE: Core | DND/Compact (aka Delete) priority now deletes all files that do not share pieces with normal/high priority files [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Queuing rules now don't start any further torrents if the global up/download speed limits are reached [The 8472]
- makes "don't count torrent ..." minimum speed rules more useful to dynamically regulate the queue lengths
- recovers faster from chain reactions in case of connection loss
CHANGE: Core | Made the crypto handshake a bit less predictable [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Added support for udp-multiscrapes [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Added support for plugins which implement mainline DHT [amc1]

BUGFIX: Core | Request limiting/Priorities no longer pinch off LAN peers if seperate LAN speeds are enabled [The 8472]
BUGFIX: UI | Shells no longer use the low-res frog icon, the normal main window icon is now used instead [amc1]
BUGFIX: UI | Limiting comments in General View to 5k characters under WinXP to avoid crashes due to faulty comctl32.dll [The 8472]
BUGFIX: UI | Setting speed parameters manually now disables autospeed [The 8472]

To use, rename the downloaded AzureusXxxx-Bxx.jar file to Azureus2.jar to replace your old jar in the Azureus program dir: ChangeTheAzureusTwoJarFile
Azureus v2 vs. v3 (Vuze) FAQ
Snapshot RSS Feed
Beta Site: http://azureus.sourceforge.net/index_CVS.php

★ Download: Azureus3043-B19.jar - 06 Feb 2008 07:53:21 AM [10081896 bytes]

Prevx CSI

Prevx CSI CSI allows you to benefit from the knowledge gained from the entire Prevx community.
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Prevx CSI - FREE Malware Scanner v1.5.103.197 BugFix Release Update

*fixed ACDSee Screen Capture rootkit detection problem
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Homepage: http://www.prevx.com

Download: http://info.prevx.com/downloadprevx2.asp

Business user: http://www.prevx.com/csilogon.asp

05 February 2008

eMule 0.48a D10Tmain MorphXT -a8

D10Tmain MorphXT 10.3 WC 0.9.7 alpha 8
eMule 0.48a MorphXT v10.3 WebCache 0.9.7 Alpha 8 D10Tmain
eMule 0.48a D10Tmain MorphXT WC alpha7[D10Tmain] MorphXT WC alpha8

Based on emule MorphXT 10.3 + WebCache
+ finished (resolved last issue) WC code is in state as in M9.6
ADD: run as NT service v1. [leuk_he]
-No need to login into XP.
-keeps running after logging out/ switching users
-new command line options:
emule install -> install as as service
emule uninstall -> uninstall as a service.
-make sure all settings are correct before installing as a service.
-links as passed to webservice.
-See Preferences-> Webserver-> NTservice tab
remark: Not meant to save cpu/memory.
ADD: Context menu on chat context. (wizard code snippet)
ADD: Lost preferences. Most official preferences that got an preferences.ini setting but no gui are
Added in preferences-> extended-> Advanced preferences.
CHANGED: USC: better slotfocus.
CHANGED: More upload speed for webcache requester. (no 100ms delay)
CHANGED: And also DBR reviewed for high bandwidth transfer.
CHANGED: Flush thread, improved.
CHANGED: Better requested block queuing
CHANGED: Sr-13 import, Also use AICH hash when required.
FIX: Upnp: using same port for tcp & udp now possible.
CHANGED: uPnP moved most logging to verbose level.
FIX: sr-13 import: crash on cancel during running import.
FIX: crash on low disk space resume.
ADDED: Official fix around Create Packed Packets (missed overhead file request value for file >4GB)
24 instead of 28

Download: [D10Tmain]MorphXTWC. [1.91 MB]
DDL: d10tmain_morphxtwc.

older Versions: [D10Tmain]MorphXTWC.

PREVX CSI v1.5.103.193

PREVX CSI v1.5.103.193
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Today's Active Infections: http://www.prevx.com/malwarecenter.asp
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VeryCD easyMule 1.0.0 080202 beta

VeryCD easyMule 1.0.0 Beta 080202VeryCD easyMule 1.0.0 Beta
Build Date 02.02.2008

Include http/ftp Download Manager and Web browser

VeryCD easyMule is VeryCDTeam based open source eMule on the basis of the development of a new product has the following characteristics:
1. New interface, more intuitive to use
2. Penetration in the network, download speeds improved significantly
3. Look under the edge, exciting content online player
4. Disk buffer, the maximum protection drive
5. Almighty download, multi-protocol interoperability comprehensive
6. Quick Search, a key Direct search results
7. Arbitrary download directory arbitrary designation
8. Continued sharing, Releaser Mod

* Download improve the efficiency of dynamic log output
* Download optimization task scheduling, task can be downloaded from the completion guarantee
* Optimization http/ftp Download Connection Control
* Optimization of a multi-site document amounted to rename the algorithm
* fixed bug: http unable to redirect download locations
* fixed bug: With some file name can not scan antivirus
* fixed bug: Download sometimes when loading unusual task Crash
* fixed bug: http/ftp after the download is complete, detailed information lost in the original links

Homepage: http://www.verycd.com/groups/eMuleBeta/
Announcement site: http://www.verycd.com/groups/eMuleBeta/232027.topic

Installer: easyMule-Beta-Setup.exe

Bin (Installer extracted incl. Chinese Language files): easyMule-Beta-BIN.zip

easyMule v1.0.0 Build 080202 BETA English:
without debug code [2.74 MB]: easyMule-Beta-BIN.7z
with debug code:

( not 4 RocketMule v1.x and eMule SpeedShare -:) )

Shanghai Source Networking Technology Co., Ltd
AV P2P Worm and Virus Protection Plugin: Beijing Rising Technology Co., Ltd. Version

Some eMule Mods from www.fuck-seba14.blog.com


eMule AeOnFlux

eMule v0.48a - AeOnFlux v0.8.2

>>> Modded by ghc / B4n$h33 <<<

AeOnFlux v0.8.2 - 29/10/2007

Added: don't share incoming
Added: fake rank differentiated (3 levels)
Added: no ban AeOnflux and odl mod
Added: penalize client that have given 0 MB in upload
Fixed: anti-mod thief (ban instant for thief mod)
Fixed: upload limit (up 1k)
Fixed: upload management
Fixed: some bugs
Fixed: Whois
Updated: antileech (recommended not to change with official antiLeech.dll)

Download: emule 0.48a - AeOnFlux v0.8.2.rar
or: http://www.datenschleuder.eu/get_a80cb017f7614521499631f6413eee3a.html
Homepage: http://fuckloosers.ze.tc/

ZeNtAuRuS v0.1a

ZeNtAuRuS v0.1a
by NightSky10

  • [+] AntiHideOS [netfinity]
    [+] XS-Fix [Xantos]
    [+] Search Colors [WiZaRd]
    [+] ShowQDifference [itsonlyme]
    [+] Own Prefs [WiZaRd]
    [+] Obfuscation FiX [WiZaRd]
    [+] Winsock2 [eWombat]
    [+] Save/Load Sources [Spike2]
    [+] Connection Checker [eWombat/WiZaRd]
    [+] Reask after IP Change [Spike2/Neo]
    [+] SpreadReask[Slug./Stulle]
    [+] Variable Reask Time [Stulle]
    [+] Security FIX [Maella]
    [+] Boost Remote Queue Rank Users
    [+] UpKick For None RQR Clients (3.5mb)
    [+] Show RQR/DL in Up List
    [+] Set QueueSize min to 100
    [+] ClipStat [WiZaRd]
    [+] Display Modname
Homepage: http://fuck-seba14.blog.com/ZeNtAuRuS/
Download: ZeNtAuRuS_v0.1a.7z
or: http://www.datenschleuder.eu/get_bfecdd952e6bf2d749fe0790fe21caf4.html

eMule SinS v0.5

emule sins

- remove Aux Ports support [lugdunummaster]
- Recognize MlDonkey XS Answer
- emuleecher [emuleech] community + icon
- Xman client percentage
- fix bug hideos
- power release on place of release (in red color)
- fix: HL recharge to 500 if auto hl activated
- o/s per slot maxi = Maximum upload (capacity)
- Penalises applejuices if mode "full sharing"
- Modification of a few queues on priority upload - add hideos
- mass rename // Wumule
- modify upmana
- modify icon emule
- modify no up
- modify detection community emuleecher
- fix Close All Search Results //bengarchy
- detection fastweb + filter rage in up management
- update node.dat //avi3k
- modify control slot
- modify fakerank

eMule SinS v0.4:

- log extras on/off
- Icon eChanblard
- show LowID
- search unlimited
- Detection of the community AppleJuice + icon
- modthief
- spreadbar
- Modlog
- Winsock 2
- save money //with the help of spe64
- cpu + ram consume in special stats
- eDonkey hybrid op-codes
- source management (dark) less aggressive
- New credits system : LEanmule (replace ZZUL) and RVB
- save CPU
- on/off create dump file on crash
- fix Vista prefs directory // godlaugh2007
- fix priority noshare
- fix global HL
- add delayed nnp
- add DynamicBlockRequest
- add Drop stalled downloads
- add fake echanblard
- add optimizer //Lex
- add special stats
- add nickthief
- add boost echanblards
- remove PartCompletionSpeedUp
- remove safehash
- remove flush thread

Download: eMule 0.48 SinS v0.5.rar
Descargas Mirror: eMule.0.48a_SinS_v0.5.rar

XDP v1.2 0WN3D

emule xdp

eMule v0.48a - XDP v1.2 0WN3D

>>> Modded by oWN3D / svk <<<

thanks svk, you are the best!!

Download (Debug resources cleaned up, int. crc corrected): XdP_v1.2_0WN3D.rar
Mirror - Mirror - Mirror

UPX'ed 1.89 MB: XdP_v1.2_0WN3D.exe - Mirror
Mirror - Mirrors - Mirrors

All Mods are untouched from seba14 and original no repacked exe protected or url changed, no nags, splash added !!!

All Credits to France
