13 February 2008

Microsoft Patchday Februar 2008 maximum connection limit TCPIP.SYS Patch for P2P

Connection limit patch for P2P
Microsoft Patchday Februar 2008

contents: MS08-004 - Security in Windows TCP/IP (KB946456)
It replace/update tcpip.sys for all Windows OS. You will need to run XP-Antispy to patch unlimited connection limitation after update!

Connection limit Patch now can be applied also to 64-Bit systems.

Download 75.50 KB: xp-AntiSpy.exe

eMule 0.48a Xtreme 6.1-SE2


Fix: WHOIS function
Update: SPAM-filter
Added: HDD Protection (Skynetman)
Added: Show paused files in grey (Morph Mod)
Added: Show downloading files in color (KTS)
Added: Show Total Up/Down column in uploadlist & queuelist (iOniX Mod)
Added: Show RQR/Speed column in uploadlist (iOniX Mod)
Added: New icons from Phoenix Mod
Added: WHOIS from Downloads, Uploads and Queue windows (KTS)
Added: Automatic shared files updater (Monki)
Added: Enhanced Client Recognization (Spike2)
Added: Invisible Mode (HotKey: Alt+Z) (Morph Mod)
Added: ChunkDots (Slugfiller)
Added: ConfirmedDownload (xrmb)
Added: Connect only to servers support obfuscated connection (to prevent connect to Fake-servers) (Morph Mod) Tag:MORPH lh require obfuscated server connection
Changed: Minimum upload limits/capacities to 2 kb/s (for dial-up users)
Changed: Minimum queue size to 1000
Changed: Maximum file bufer size change to 7.5 Mb
Changed: Ban time to 24 hour
Changed: Maximum upload session time to 24 hour
Changed: Minimum upload slots to 1
Changed: Slotspeed range 1.5 kb/s <=> upload limit
Removed: Failed download ban
Removed: Global DeadSourceList
Removed: Filter clients caused an error
Removed: "received an IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, NAFC-Adapter will be checked" message
Tweaked: Some default settings (default ports, file buffer size, spamfilter...)

To enable (default) downloading files in color add to file preferences.ini line:
To disable downloading files in color add to file preferences.ini line:
To show downloading files in Red add to file preferences.ini line:
To show downloading files in Blue (default) add to file preferences.ini line:
To show downloading files in Green add to file preferences.ini line:
To show downloading files in Yellow add to file preferences.ini line:
To show downloading files in Grey add to file preferences.ini line:
To enable (default) Automatic shared files updater add to file preferences.ini line:
To disable Automatic shared files updater add to file preferences.ini line:
To enable (default) Invisible Mode add to file preferences.ini line:
To disable Invisible Mode add to file preferences.ini line:
To enable (default) "Connect only to servers support obfuscated connection" add to file preferences.ini line:
To disable "Connect only to servers support obfuscated connection" add to file preferences.ini line:

Homepage: ShareReactor.ru

Download: emule0.48a-Xtreme6.1-SE2-binary.zip

older versions
It's an older Mod, we forgot to add it to our Blog here, Твою так и не смог запустить

DLL was missing.... -:))

eMule 0.48a X-Ray 1.3

eMule 0.48a X-Ray 1.3
Recode: Complete Recode of Slotcontrol (Slotspeed + Trickleslots)
Recode: Complete recode of FullChunk Calculation Method
Update: Major update of Modeless Dialogs Code
Add: New File Detail Dialog - already implemented but tagged with ModelessDlg's
Add: eMule+ Transferwnd Style - Rollup Control
Add: LowID to HighID Automatic Callback
Add: Share Filter
Add: Manual Client Management
Add: XP-Style Menus
Add: File Status Icons
Add: Only Download Complete Files
Add: Suspend Collecting
Add: UnSolicitedPartStatus - needed for StandbyDownload
Add: StandbyDownload
Add: SafeKad
Add: Anti fragmenting
Add: KadPerformance Improvements - moved some functions inline
Add: Update nodes.dat frequently
Change: Splashscreen & Sidebanner
Change: LeecherLog is static now
Remove: Removed some senseless checks for ASL & ACC
Remove: SlotRelease
Fix: Fixed minor bug around Preferences Dialog - this time for real;)
Fix: Fixed minor bug in emuledlg: do not ask exit from command prompt
Fix: Fixed minor nullpointer bug in UploadClient
Fix: Corruption Black Box Fix
Fix: Fixed bug in sockets.cpp around socket deletion
Fix: Fixed minor bug in Tweaks Preferences Page
Cleanup: Cleaned up some useless codeparts

Download BIN: eMule_v0.48a_X-Ray_v1.3-bin.rar

SRC: eMule_v0.48a_X-Ray_v1.3-src.rar

Mirrors and older Version archive: http://www.emule-security.net/modb/files.php?cat=33

Xtreme-SE all Versions

eMule A.S.F. 0.1 (beta7)

la prima MOD "ufficiale" dell'eMule Security Center sviluppata interamente secondo le nostre direttive da parte del nostro collaboratore bunglegrind su base 0.48a.
Oltre a vantare quindi l'obfuscation protocol delle versioni Standard più recenti, integra i nostri sistemi di sicurezza e filtraggio server avanzato Advanced Server Filters che trovate esclusivamente su questo sito ed altri accorgimenti finalizzati alla sicurezza che la rendono un... must have!
(richiede una installazione di eMule già presente)

Changelog eMule ASF v0.1 beta7
- Corretto bug negli ASF che troncava a 256 caratteri le stringhe nome e descrizione
- Modificato il nickname di default
- Aggiornato lo splash screen (by ARF) e i crediti di conseguenza
- Aggiornati i filtri ASF e Clean Comments
- Inserito il doppio filtro [Ackronic]
- E' possibile non rimuovere i server inattivi inserendo 0 nel campo "rimuovi i server inattivi" nella scheda server
- I comandi avanzati sono abilitati di default
- Corretto bug con il filtro rosso: ora anche se l'opzione "filtra i server" è disattivata, non è possibile connettersi ai server in rosso
- Corretto bug del tasto "filtra i server adesso": all'avvio se l'opzione "filtra i server" non è spuntata il tasto non è cliccabile.
- Eliminata l'opzione "filtra anche i server" dalla scheda Sicurezza;
- Corretto bug sul filtraggio della lista server [fox88];
- Corretto bug sul tasto "filtra i server adesso":
ora quando l'opzione "filtra anche i server" non è selezionata il tasto non è cliccabile;
- Il filtro rosso ora si aggiorna automaticamente alla pressione di OK o Applica;
- Aggiornate le icone (grazie jolanda!) e aggiornati i crediti di conseguenza.
- Inserita guida all'installazione in italiano (file LEGGIMI.TXT)

Changelog per eMule ASF v0.1 beta5
- Impostato il numero di tentativi di connessione ai server per default a 10;
- Ridisegnata la scheda Messages;
- Impostato Verbose 3 di default;
- Corretto il testo della descrizione degli ASF
- Aggiunto il filtro rosso [Ackronic]
- Aggiunto il nome della mod nei credits, nello splash e nella barra dei crediti

Changelog delle versioni precedenti
(NON rilasciate pubblicamente)
- Filtro ASF [Ackronic];
- Aumento dimensione del buffer a 20 MB;
- Inseriti filtri Antispam e ASF aggiornati;
- Modificato il nickname di default in http://www.emulesecurity.net;
- Le impostazioni di default soddisfano le raccomandazioni di emulesecurity;
- Il file ipfilter.dat non è riscritto a chiusura di eMule.
E' quindi possibile aggiornare separatamente le due parti del filtro.




Azureus Beta 24

Azureus Vuze Beta 24

FEATURE: Core | Added µTorrent PEX support [amc1]
FEATURE: Core | Azureus probes trackers for UDP-capabilities on first scrape/announce now and uses udp instead of http where available [The 8472]
FEATURE: Core | Added option to enforce IP bindings even when the specified interfaces are not available (useful when Azureus should not use certain network interfaces) [The 8472]
FEATURE: UI | Added option for "Open Containing Folder" menu action - which may integrate better with non-standard file browsers [amc1]
FEATURE: UI | Added option for "Show Torrent Menu" -- Users can now decide to see the Torrent menu in the menubar or not [knguyen]
FEATURE: UIv3 | New menu configuration for Vuze and Vuze Advanced UI's [knguyen]
FEATURE: UI | Fast Renaming (not moving) in the Files tab (click on name column) and Open Torrent (click on dest. name column) dialog [The 8472]
FEATURE: UI | Completed downloaders column [The 8472]

CHANGE: Core | Further memory footprint reductions; for additional tweaks see http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Reduce_memory_usage [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Reimplemented LT extension protocol code [amc1]
CHANGE: Core | DND/Compact (aka Delete) priority now deletes all files that do not share pieces with normal/high priority files [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Queuing rules now don't start any further torrents if the global up/download speed limits are reached [The 8472]
- makes "don't count torrent ..." minimum speed rules more useful to dynamically regulate the queue lengths
- recovers faster from chain reactions in case of connection loss
CHANGE: Core | Made the crypto handshake a bit less predictable [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Added support for udp-multiscrapes [The 8472]
CHANGE: Plug | Added support for plugins which implement mainline DHT [amc1]

BUGFIX: Core | Request limiting/Priorities no longer pinch off LAN peers if seperate LAN speeds are enabled [The 8472]
BUGFIX: UI | Shells no longer use the low-res frog icon, the normal main window icon is now used instead [amc1]
BUGFIX: UI | Limiting comments in General View to 5k characters under WinXP to avoid crashes due to faulty comctl32.dll [The 8472]
BUGFIX: UI | Setting speed parameters manually now disables autospeed [The 8472]

To use, rename the downloaded AzureusXxxx-Bxx.jar file to Azureus2.jar to replace your old jar in the Azureus program dir: ChangeTheAzureusTwoJarFile
Azureus v2 vs. v3 (Vuze) FAQ
Snapshot RSS Feed
Beta Site: http://azureus.sourceforge.net/index_CVS.php

Download: Azureus3043-B24.jar - 13 Feb 2008 03:07:23 AM [10242275 bytes]

WSUS 3.0 SP1 RC - Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP1

Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP1:
Windows Server Update Services 3.0 Service Pack 1 (WSUS 3.0 SP1) delivers updates to corporate environments from Microsoft Update. This release fixes issue found since the release of the product.
is here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=F87B4C5E-4161-48AF-9FF8-A96993C688DF&displaylang=en

x64: http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/d/d/7ddc90e6-81f1-4ef1-b4b6-8b9626b6e3f0/WSUSSetup_30SP1_x64.exe


WSUSSetup_30SP1_x86.exe 80.11 MB
WSUSSetup_30SP1_x64.exe 82.31 MB
wsus30sp1eulas.cab 269.09 KB

Technet: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/wsus/default.aspx

Dateien ab 1 GB müssen mit File Transfer Manager (FTM) heruntergeladen werden. Diese Software kann unter Windows 98SE oder höher ausgeführt werden. Mit FTM können Sie außerdem Dateigruppen herunterladen, den Download unterbrechen und wieder fortsetzen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website von File Transfer Manager.

Dateiname Dateigröße Einzelne Datei herunterladen
ConfigMgr2007R2_6048_Beta.exe 12,51 MB Herunterladen
ConfigMgr07_SP1_ENU_6086_Beta.exe 1.032,9 MB Verwenden Sie die Schaltfläche "Herunterladen" unten
ConfigMgr07R2Readme.htm 41 KB Herunterladen
ConfigMgr07SP1Readme.htm 51 KB Herunterladen
