02 April 2008

VeryCD easyMule v1.0.0 080401

Version notes:
1. Ago referred to the full text of all Internet download server, which did not include accounts have been set up, such as log server with restricted access, Our avoid hooliganism.
2. On download speeds exceed 5 M, not April Fool's Day joke, not PS, Ear for virtual seeing is believing, please see themselves easyMule download.
3. EasyMule show that the download speed is not false is open-source software, download the source code supervision!
4. New eDonkey its first appearance in public, it is inevitable there are insufficient, we are continually improving, and hope that we support a lot of open source software

HomepaGE: http://www.easymule.com/en-us/
Download: http://download.verycd.com/easyMule-Setup.exe

nPack v1.1.800.2008 by NEOx

nPack is a Win32 PE executable file compressor.

- Support for all types of PE files (exe, dll, ocx)
- Compression of program code, data, and resources
- Section naming support
- Fast decompression routines
- Relocation support
- TLS support
- File rebuilding
- Strip relocation
- Strip debug informaion
- v1.1.800.2008 - [03.03.2008]
+ Option "Save overlay" added

- v1.1.700.2008 Beta - [21.02.2008]
- COM DLL bugs fixed

- v1.1.500.2008 Beta - [12.02.2008]
- Several small bugs fixed

- v1.1.300.2006 Beta - [22.08.2006]
- Several small bugs fixed
- Interface bugs corrected
+ Compress ratio improved
+ Option "Skip Shared Section" added

- v1.1.250.2006 Beta - [20.04.2006]
* First public release

Download ( 65,667 bytes )
View Screenshot
Homepage: http://petools.org.ru/npack.shtml

DirectX 10 for XP 32/64bit RC2 Fix 2 - New Full Repack Version

Microsoft representatives have repeatedly stated that DirectX10 is not compatible with WindowsXP. However, the practice has shown that this is not the case! After a long search for a solution to the problem was found a way, rather loophole that helps run games and programs in the regime as Programmatic (with a video card that is not DX10) and hardware (Video Card with the support DX10) emulation DirectX10.
The DirectX 10 runtimes (diff. files) from Vista ported in a Inno Setup together, so that DirectX 10 support using the latest with vista bundled files can be installed on Windows XP 32bit and 64 Bit as well on windows 2003.

Version Info:
reported Build: DirectX (DirectX 10)
latest File:
mfc42.dll 6.06.8063.0000 Beta Retail English 18.Feb.07 22:05:34


RC2 Fix Version 2 - 15.03.2008

[!] Repacking of the libraries with inno setup 5.2.3.

[+] Introduction of an article on the inclusion of Options in DH10 Crysis!

[+] Added library from the March release DirectX

[+] Added library d3d8.dll and d3d9.dll of SP3 build 5503

[+] Updated version 5.2.3 installer before

RC2 Fix Version 1 - 05.03.2008

[!] Podpravlena error with the library d3d10.dll

[+] Changes in the language installer

RC2 version - 02.03.2008

[!] Replaced d3dx10.dll library and d3d10.dll to new versions podpravlennye

Version RC1 - 05.02.2008

[+] Podpravlena error with the library d3dx9_34.dll

[+] Changes to the installer

Version (0.90) - 03.01.2008

[!] New DirectX libraries to new versions

Version (0.85) - 21.12.2007

[+] added to the library you want to work 3DS MAX2008

Remark for the Game Crysis:

Advantages of DirectX 10 Crysis - marketing move. Crytek Company, which is the developer of one of the most technological Crysis fighters, all the time stressed that the whole beauty of graphics can be realized only in DirectX 10, available in Windows Vista. However, it turned out that the statements of no more than a marketing move. The same quality graphics on the video card can be obtained without the support of technology embodied in the API DirectX 10. This requires change in all configuration files in the directory "Game \ Config \ CVarGroups", the importance of "High" to "Very High", and then join all the "additional opportunities" DirectX 10.


19 March 2008

eMule 0.48a NFO.co.il v10.0 - NFO eMule 2008

המדריך המלא לאימיול 2008

האימיול חוזר! יותר יפה, בטוח, יותר יציב, יותר אמין והכי חשוב הרבה יותר מהיר!

קצת היסטוריה: כידוע לכם האימיול של WarezFaw זכה לשיאים שלא נראו כמותו מעל מיליוני הורדות ברחבי העולם מכלל גרסאותיו, האימיול המהיר והטוב ביותר שיצא (הודות ל AnAlyzer) שתמיד ידע לספק לכם את המיטב! כיום אנו שומרים על מסורת זו ומציגים את הטוב ביותר במלוא מובן המילה!

יצור ע"י AnAlyZeR

אל תתפשרו על פחות ממושלם! אימיול 10 הכי מהיר שיש!
האימיול של NFO מבוסס על גרסת האימיול האחרונה והחדשה שיצאה: Mule 0.48a, עם סביבת עבודה של Morph החדשה ביותר
שילוב רצחני וכמובן מנצח, בנוסף עם סקין חדשני ובסגנון ויסטה!

מידע על התוכנה
קליינט האימיול של אתר המידע NFO (לשעבר WarezFaw) בגירסה חדשה, המבוססת על גרסת האימיול האחרונה eMule 0.48a. הגרסה כוללת דפדפן מובנה, הגדרות מותאמות אישית, חסימת משתמשים לא רצויים, תיקון פורטים (ports) אוטמטי במקרה של תקלות, תור להורדה והעלאה מהירים, התאמה לוויסטה, מצב בלתי נראה ועוד. הערה: במהלך התקנת התוכנה, ניתן לבחור בממשק בעברית או באנגלית.

Details: http://www.nfo.co.il/modules.php?&name=Edonkey&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&lid=32907
Download Info: http://software.nana10.co.il/Software/?SoftwareID=7457

NFO_EMULE_2008.exe 3.40 MB
Direct Link: http://images.nana.co.il/sitefiles/software/NFO_EMULE_2008.exe

to get Bin without trusting installer:
Installer Nullsoft PiMP Stub - ( read from Ovl : NullsoftInstG ) - Overlay : 010000
try Total Commander with plugin - InstallExplorer Version 0.9.1 <= Installer Modificated!
Try Sandbox

eMule v0.48a | Goop.Co.iL v10.0

01 March 2008

TuneUp Utilities 2008 v7.0.8002 Deutsch / English

TuneUp Utilities 2008 v7.0.8001
Die aktuelle Versionsnummer von TuneUp Utilities 2008 lautet 7.0.8002 Deutsch bzw. 7.0.8001 Englisch

TuneUp Utilities 2008

* Probleme lösen
* Leistung steigern
* Platz schaffen
* Windows anpassen

Das Komplettpaket zur Windows-Optimierung.


TuneUp Utilities 2008

* Solve problems
* Increase performance
* Free up disk space
* Customize Windows

The complete Windows optimization package

Download site


Name: Registered
Company: Mods.sub.cc

Download Shareware - Trial:
schau unten auf der Seite im Gruenen Balken ist die url:
heraus kopieren und in die browser Leiste oder: download.tuneup.de/TU2008TrialDE.exe
Mirrors1 - Mirrors2

look on the green button for the url:
copy out and drop in url browser bar or or: download.tuneup.de/TU2008TrialEN.exe
Mirrors1 - Mirrors2

29 February 2008

IE7Pro 2.1 RC2 for x64 and x86

1. fix MiniDM bug: "show main window when new task reated"
2. fix installer bug in vista
1. Change IE7Pro icon
2. Optimize inline search hotkey
3. Support download dailymotion video

32 bit
64 bit

Report Bugs to this forum

support x64 win2k3, win2k6, win xp x64, IE 6, IE 8 Alpha's tested. Windows update site can't access with msie 8 Alpha, edit browser ua in registry editor search: msie 6 delete these old entries in colon ( MSIE 6 ...... ) spoof don't work.

User Agent test page

Extras: Easy Homepage
Ad Blocker Latest: filter.ini
or convert: http://easylist.adblockplus.org/
