09 April 2008

eMule v0.48a Wikinger-Mod v2.4 by Ekliptor

eMule v0.48a Wikinger-Mod v2.4
Changelog eMule v0.48a Wikinger-Mod v2.4:
March, 3. 2007

- fixed bug with Super Source Finder remaining time counter in some cases
- fixed possible crash

- minor style fix on community list
- Turkish translation [tr-dizi]

Applejuice Mod Settings

Forum: http://www.futuremods.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=265
h t t p : / / a p p l e j u i c e . f u t u r e m o d s . d e

Download: Emule v0.48A Wikinger-Mod v2.4 Bin.zip
older Version: eMule.v0.48a.Wikinger-Mod.v2.3.bin.zip
Special: eMule.v0.48a.Applejuice.v2.3.2.Beta1.bin (incl. ClientInfos.dll.new v1.4 by Ekliptor)

emule 0.48a TurkMule v4.5

emule 0.48a TurkMule v4.5emule 0.48a TurkMule v4.5
based on Scarangel
emule 0.48a TurkMule v4.5

Homepage Türksýpa: www.turksipa.com/forum

Download: emule 0.48a TurkMule v4.5.rar

[e-sipa][sipacik] [TurkSipa][TR] «TurkMule 4.5»

eMule 0.48a ZZULtimativ-R V1.8 Hotfix

eMule 0.48a ZZULtimativ-R V1.8 Hotfix
ZZULtimativ-R V1.8 Hotfix

+ Static Tray Icon
+ Exclude PS Clients in Anti Upload Protection
+ Readded Checkbox for FullChunk transfer
+ Some little fixes

- Push Small Files

ZZULtimativ-R V1.8

+ New Upload Priorities 1-10
+ Custom Priority
+ Updated Reask Source after ip change from v2 to v4
+ Display Up Prio in Down/Uploadload-List
+ Decreasing source exchange speed
+ ChatLog
+ Variable File ReaskTime
+ Friendnote
+ Manual settings for SLS
+ SharedView Ed2kType
+ Restore last Log Window
+ Import Parts to File
+ Part Info (MCS)
+ HOS excludes for Friends/Community/ReleaserGroup
+ RelativeChunkDisplay
+ Reduce SpreadBar CPU consumption
+ Reduce SharedStatusBar CPU consumption
+ Optional Deadlist
+ Push Small Files
+ Official USS Code
+ Fixed NiceHash Labels
+ Fixed Statusbar (USS display)
+ Fixed some log entries
+ Fixed SOTN/HOS
+ Some other little changes

- Removed 2nd apply button in scheduler
- Removed Release Bonus
- Removed Costum Slotspeed

ZZULtimativ-R is developed by morph4u, 2bc, mL
Download: eMule.0.48a.ZZULtimativ-R.V1.8.Hotfix.rar (3.69 MB)

or eMule.0.48a.ZZULtimativ-R.V1.8.Hotfix.rar


eMule 0.48a eChanblardNext v14.1b

eChanblardNext v14.1bBonjour à tous!

Cela fait un mois que eChanblard v14.1 est sorti et certains d'entre vous ont eux quelques problèmes avec cette version.

Nous vous annonçons donc aujourd'hui la sortie d'une version 14.1b qui corrige essentiellement ces problèmes.... Il est cependant conseillé de vous mettre à jour même si vous n'avez pas de soucis avec la 14.1.

Pour l'installer vous pouvez passer par la mise à jour automatique ou si vous avez quelques problèmes effectuer une installation propre (suppression totale de eChanblard et réinstallation).

Many errors have been corrected that were in the version 14.1а which has appeared one month ago (MediaPlayer, emuleDlg.cpp, Search,...).

Bon téléchargement à tous !
eChanblardNext v14.1b
eChanblard v14.1 - WHAT'S NEW??

Améliorations de eChanblard v14.1 :
-allégement du démarrage
-possibilité de choisir ou non l'affichage de l'ECS dans les recherches (à travers le menu methode de recherche)
-amélioration du status "release des fichiers"
-possibilité d'ouvrier plusieurs fenetres ECS
-ameliorations d'affichage de l'ECS
-correction du bouton "aide"
-amelioration de l'upnp
-amelioration du lecteur pour previsualiser les fichiers (basé sur VLC)
-verification des fichiers invalides (mise en place de couleurs dans les recherches - basé sur les informations de bitrate pour verifier s'il s'agit bien du bon type de fichier)
-possibilité de choisir entre ustart et echanblard pour la page de demarrage de echanblard (choix en bas de la page d'acceuil de echanblard)

Homepage: http://www.echanblardnext.org/
Forum: http://www.echanblardnext.org/Fr/modules/news/article.php?storyid=796

Download Nouvelle version 14.1b:
BIN (NON Installer): eChanblard 14.1b.7z (5.10 MB)
DDL Installer: http://echanblardwebsite.free.fr/eChanblard/eChanblard.exe
Divers: http://fernandez.josian.free.fr/
ZIP (old Version) BIN: http://echanblardwebsite.free.fr/eChanblard/eChanblard.zip
SRC: eMule0.48a-Sources.zip

other Versions: http://www.echanblardnext.org/Fr/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=39

Thunder Ayu - No Ads (2008.04.07)

Thunder v5.7.5.435Thunderbolt use Multiprotocol P2P resources based on grid principle, exist on the network server and computer resources for the effective integration of a unique Thunderbolt client in the network. HTTP downloads also from the Internet are also integrated.

Xunlei Thunder v5.7.9.472 Ayu No Ads (2008.04.07)

Thunderbolt (2008.04.07)
* 466 version with IE7 solution right "in the new tab to open" function conflict

Thunderbolt (2008.03.26)
* Installation community can not solve the coverage problem Login

Thunderbolt (2008.03.24)
* Support Forum annex more downloads
* Optimization of the Thunderbolt look at the quality of on-demand
* Optimize the scheduling edge below Sowing
* Add some of the FLV video download site detection
* Amended the document to open certain types of BT seeds may lead to the collapse of BUG

Download: Thunder.v5.7.9.472.NoAD-Ayu.exe
Mirror Medifire: Thunder.v5.7.9.472.NoAD-Ayu.zip (5.99 MB) - Mirror

Direct Download: http://www.fileden.com/files/...Thunder.v5.7.9.472.NoAD-Ayu.zip

Skydrive: Thunder.v5.7.9.472.NoAD-Ayu.zip

md5 (Thunder.v5.7.9.472.NoAD-Ayu.exe) = 869c52328223cba5862f3d5c03d24e5a

AYU's Blog: http://ayuxnet.spaces.live.com/
BBS: http://www.cannian.com/bbs/thread.php?fid=7 - http://www.cannian.com/bbs/read.php?tid=4934

hotlink: http://9u9afw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pQHyI-bP7aF7dqDNcsXpll5DQAvNgm_AFKi7qmQx9m2tXqWONt6rgaXzOepjtTDp1hD_c8nzrjSpkD6WrvhW1wg/Thunder.v5.7.9.472.NoAD-Ayu.zip?download )

Shared Folder (all Builds):

Thunder + streamlined version of the green to advertising
Download: http://down.sandai.net/Thunder5.7.9.472.exe

English FAQ & Language Pack:
I am using Xunlei English Translation
Language Pack English (All Credits to Malaysia)

08 April 2008

IE8 Beta 1 in Deutsch - German and Chinese (Simplified) Now Available

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 German Deutsch IE8 Beta 1 Now Available in Chinese (Simplified) and GermanThe IE team is pleased to announce the availability of Chinese (Simplified) and German versions of Windows Internet Explorer Beta 1 for Developers. The two languages released today are fully localized versions of the IE8 English Beta 1, released March 5, 2008. They carry with them the same improved CSS 2.1 support, better scripting performance, and other features and improvements that the English beta 1 developer release contains.

Download links:
IE8 Beta 1 Chinese (Simplified) for Developers
IE8 Beta 1 German for Developers

Supported Platforms:
This release is supported on the same platforms as the previous IE8 Beta 1 English release. Here are the supported operating systems:
Windows Vista
Windows Vista SP1 (final version only - Currently available to MSDN and TechNet Plus subscribers and Volume License customers)
Windows XP SP2
Windows XP SP3 (RC2 candidate - Build 3311 or higher)
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
Windows Server 2003 SP2
Windows Server 2008 (final version only)
For install guidelines, please see the "How to Install the German or The Chinese (Simplified) Builds of Internet Explorer" section of the Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 release notes here.
Please note that each international version may only be installed on its native language operating system or on English versions of the operating system with the native language’s Multi-language User Interface (MUI) installed. You can learn more about Multi-language User Interfaces (MUI) here.

Source: http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/

Download for Windows XP 32 Bit Deutsch:
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 für Windows XP

Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 für Windows Vista und Windows Server 2008 32 bit Deutsch:

Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 für Windows Server 2003 SP2 32 bit Deutsch:

Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 für die 64-Bit-Editionen von Windows Server 2003 SP2 und Windows XP Professional 64 bit Deutsch:


UAPick (90kb)
Hint: Want a silent / unattended install? Use the command line: UAPickSetup.exe /S
Internet Explorer 8 UAPick (This small little add-on allows you to quickly customize the User-Agent string sent by IE8 without restarting. Googlebot, Opera, Safari etc...) http://www.enhanceie.com/ietoys/uapick.asp

Bayden IEToys:
IE is a powerful web browsing environment, and with a few simple power-ups, it's even better. You can add functionality to IE5, 6, and 7 with these tiny tools that take up almost no disk space, and won't slow down or destabilize IE. Free of charge and free of spyware. Works with IE 8 Beta! http://www.enhanceie.com/ietoys/
Download IEToys (123kb)

more Internet Explorer Plugins and Tools:

IE7Pro 2.2:
IE7Pro is a must have add-on for Internet Explorer, which includes a lot of features and tweaks to make your IE friendlier, more useful, secure and customizable. IE7Pro includes Tabbed Browsing Management, Spell Check, Inline Search, Super Drag Drop, Crash Recovery, Proxy Switcher, Mouse Gesture, Tab History Browser, Web Accelerator, User Agent Switcher, Webpage Capturer, AD Blocker, Flash Block, Greasemonkey like User Scripts platform, User Plug-ins and many more power packed features. You can customize not just Internet Explorer, but even your favorite website according to your need and taste using IE7Pro. Support for Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1
Download 32 bit: http://dl.ie7pro.com/ie7prodl/IE7proSetup_2.2.exe
Download 64 bit: http://dl.ie7pro.com/ie7prodl/IE7proSetup_2.2.x64.exe
Betas: http://forum.ie7pro.com/viewforum.php?id=9
Scripts: http://www.iescripts.org/
Take Control
Just a quick and dirty script to stop sites from disabling the right mouse button such as Seba14.org and Leecher-wor1d. Also stops sites from disabling printing and text selection. NOTE - I haven't tested the print bit much, so it may not always work.
I only added the most common elements to this, if you want to add new ones, just add them to the array.
Quickfix version 1.5.2 - Sorted out the printing issue (don't know why it took so long to add one word in, but oh well). Removed onfocus as it is commonly used for effects.

User-Agent Test Page / Seite:

The "click to activate" behavior, formerly required for ActiveX controls embedded in some webpages, is now permanently removed from Internet Explorer. Read more...
IE Automatic Component Activation (Changes to IE ActiveX Update)
