27 April 2008

DirectX 10 RC2 Fix 3-Pre for Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003

DirectX10 compatible with Microsoft WindowsXP there! After a long search for a solution to this problem was found a way to substitute DLL files, helping to launch the games as Programme (subject to availability of video cards, does not support DX10) and Hardware (Video support DX10) emulation DirectX10.

Support Runtimes (DLL's) ported from latest Vista Direct X 10 SP1 for WinXP

Support for more Games under Hardware emulation Mode and DX10 Hardware acceleration mode.

Updated Files 12.04.2008:

DirectX​ Control​ Panel​ v9.22​.1284​.0
DirectX Error Lookup v9.22​.1284​.0

Installer (InnoSetup):
- Logging enabled by default
- unattended switch enabled
- Privileges required: non
- Weblinks shortcuts removed
- English Translation Setup Dialog (part wise)
- IconSet included 16, 32 bit res.
- Embedded Logo actualized
- Shortcut to DirectX Diag (DX 9 + 10 Runtimes), DirectX Control Panel (DX 9 runtimes support), DirectX Error Lookup tool

Filename: DirectX10 RC2 Fix 3-Pre-Final.exe
File size: 4,794,937
MD5: d8c79b8ad825293e0d5a8aa1541f2914
SHA1: 93db09b38bbeb66a458f9a8afa924b53e955edaa

Download: DirectX10 RC2 Fix 3 Pre-Final.exe (4.57 MB) (Mirror)

DirectX extras:
Alky DirectX Compatibility Libraries (old Project till 2007)
Current DX Release 10.0, April 2007 for Windows Vista Downloads: SDK, Runtime
DirectX End-User Runtimes (March 2008) Version 9.22.1284

26 April 2008

FlashGet 2.0 (


Changes FlashGet.exe

Ads and Traces removed:
- [Hot] Download links tracking removed
- fgspstu.cab download (Ads graphic bundled in a cab file) removed
- all traces and "callhomes" to kuaiche.com removed in FlashGet.exe only!

Spell correction:
DownloadManage > Download Manager
and many more...
Button Link to Forum changed to English

Non-Installer English Version (Chinese Lang files removed)
some Plugins which trace Ads and crap removed

Download as 7zip Archive: flashget20en.7z (2.88 MB)

as WinRaR sfx (self extract installer): flashget20en-upx.exe

HXLive Anti Ads patch included FlashGet v2.x Patch v1.3 run after 1st time use!http://www.hxlive.cn/read-269.html

eMule 0.49a Beta 1 beba 2.0 - nightly @ 22.04.08

- merged: eMule 0.49a Beta 1
- readded: Version Check :-)

- improved: added hidden "UseSystemFontForMainControls" setting [Tuxman]
- improved: added more file types to SED2KFileType [Tuxman]
- improved: "Show extended controls" has more influence now :-) [Tuxman]
- improved: small SlotFocus menu code improvements [Tuxman]
- improved: the Preferences dialog will be reset if needed [Tuxman]

- fix (o): added missing Unban menu item in ClientListCtrl.cpp [fox88]
- fix (b): enabled saving the Copy eD2K link setting for my Hidden Prefs [Tuxman]

- changed: Kad reconnection [Spike2]
- changed: some more default prefs tweaks [Tuxman]

- removed: removed advanced calculation method checkbox - always active now [Tuxman]

FIX: unlabeled hidden prefs entry
FIX: some prefs couldn't be saved / thx to Spike2
IMP: recoded newly introduced "reopen prefs" feature

FIX: incorporated WiZaRd's Firewalled Checks bug fix for .49a β1
IMP: the Drop Sources menus are now also depending on the "show ext. controls" setting
REM: "advanced calculation method" checkbox
IMP: added more file types to SED2KFileType: wv, xpm, docx, xlsx, odt, ods, sqx, app

Homepage: http://ddos.isleoftortuga.org/forum/index.php?showforum=122

Beta from 22.04.08:
Download eMule 0.49a Beta 1 beba v2.0-pre Bin
Download eMule 0.49a Beta 1 beba v2.0-pre SRC

eMule v0.49a Simple Life BETA1

La beta1 de la v0.49 étant dispo , j'ai upgrader et je lance la distribution ;)

Niveau changelog c'est assez simple : un minimum d'options a regler (limite forte et up/no up) tout le reste est d'origine.
Tout ce fait de façon dynamique (slots , bande passante utilisée, fake rank , fake comm)

A l'intérieur , que des bonnes choses :
La comm emul€€cher (excellente d'ailleurs , merci gatch)
La gestion de SLS , basée sur celle de gatch et remaniée légèrement
Rotation serveur de la Lunatic (Darksky)
ça fake a peu pres toutes les communautées quel que soit leur systéme (enfin ce qui nous intéresse surtout c'est de pomper les crétins sur echamblard n'est-ce pas ?).
Un auto updater de fichiers partagé pour ceux qui partagent :D
et enfin tout le pack de sécurité : pas d'envois aux serveurs , cryptage kad et serveur , on n'apparait jamais comme ayant un fichier complet , etc... provenant pour la plupart de la Lunatic de Darksky.
Les reasks et les drops sont aussi dynamiques (et de moi :D)
Pour le reste ça reste ma partie secrete et de toute façon ça n'est pas visible au niveau des options ou du GUI , cela permet simplement de nombreuses améliorations au niveau sécurité et stabilitée.

Pour résumé , ce n'est peut-être pas le mod le plus rapide existant mais pour le niveau de sécurité qu'il offre (qui est a mon avis le plus complet et efficace actuellement) , ça devrait nous permettre de dormir tranquille un bon moment ;)

Coded By TKB for eMul€€cher & SpecialMods communities.
THX to : Darksky , Gatchymule & NoXZ

The beta1 of the v0.49 is available, I upgrade and I launch distribution;)

Level changelog is quite simple: a minimum of options settings (up strong and limit / no up) everything else is original.
Everything is so dynamic (slots, bandwidth used, rank fake, fake comm)

Within that good things:
The comm emul € € expensive (excellent by the way, thank you gatch)
The management of SLS, based on that of gatch and slightly reworded
Rotation of the server Lunatic (Darksky)
fake it has almost all the communities whatever their system (well what interests us most is to pump the crétins on echamblard n'est-ce pas?).
An auto updater file sharing for those who share: D
and finally the whole pack of security: no shipments to the servers, encryption and server kad, appears never to have a complete file, etc. ... mostly from the Lunatic of Darksky.
The reasks and drops are also dynamic (and me: D)
For the rest it's still my secret party and anyway it is not visible at the level of options or GUI, it simply allows many improvements in security and stabilitée.

In short, this is perhaps not the fastest mod but for the existing level of security it offers (which I believe is a more comprehensive and effective now), it should allow us to quiet a good sleep time;)

I don't find any special options as the original emule 049 Beta already have exept the mod string. Editing the preferences.ini file to make the settings???

Download: eMule 0.49a BETA1 Simple Life.rar

eMule v0.49a [ZZULtimativ-R V1.9]

25 April 2008

DirectX 10 for Windows XP - RC2 Fix 3 Pre Release


DirectX10 compatible with Microsoft WindowsXP there! After a long search for a solution to this problem was found a way to substitute DLL files, helping to launch the games as Programme (subject to availability of video cards, does not support DX10), and Hardware (Video support DX10) emulation DirectX10.

Installer: DirectX10 RC2 Pre Fix 3.exe (4.36 MB) include the PreFix 3 update Files

as update to previews version fix 2.1 (copy files to system dir): DirectX 10 RC2 Pre Fix 3.rarRead more

At the button on the Homepage Download link PreFIX: http://www.lwgame.net/


VistaMizer released

by M. Hoefs
http://frankfurt.soft-ware.net/dl/oyawazedvq/p05372/VistaMizer_2.5.1.0.exe (22323KB)

- Vista-Look for Windows XP, MCE or Server 2003
- Modification of the own system files
- multilingual
- completely free choice for the modification files
- check the files for compatibility during the installation
- backup from the original system files
- re-modification of the system files after Windows Updates
- rebuilding of the original system files with un-installation

VistaMizer für Windows XP, Windows MCE und Windows Server 2003 (only 32bit Versionen, by NSIS Installer limited to, apply NSIS installer extracted sources for experimental x64 bit integration):

VistaMizer (22323 KB)
MD5 checksum: D371E715B7C4914489B3B5C4056C32F2
Installer zur Modifikation der Systemdateien in den Vista-Look


+ Fehler in der Anzeige der Systemeigenschaften behoben
+ Fehler mit der Umstellung der Ansichten behoben - is it a bug or is it a feature ;-)
+ Fehler mit der Darstellung der eigenen Skins für TrueTransparency behoben
+ Darstellung der Schriften im Theme verbessert


+ Problem bei der Übernahme der Sounds, Wallpaper, etc. nun endgültig behoben
+ Theme überarbeitet, nun kann ausgewählt werden ob die Explorer-Leiste wie bei Vista unten oder bei XP links dargestellt wird
+ Logon überarbeitet, nun können unterschiedliche Schriftzüge zur Darstellung ausgewählt werden, default ist ohne Schriftzug
+ Komplette Überarbeitung der Extrahierung von Icons, Bmps, etc.
+ Probleme und Fehler bei den weiteren Benutzerkonten behoben
+ Vollständige Übernahme und Rücksetzung aller Icons für alle Benutzerkonten nach der Installation und Deinstallation
+ Falsche Animation in der shell32 behoben
+ Kompatibilität zu weiteren Programmen (z. B. iTunes) verbessert
+ Aktualisierung der zusätzlichen Anwendungen auf die jeweils aktuelle Version
+ weiteres Theme für TrueTransparency von filipefmle hinzugefügt und exclude.dat erweitert
+ weitere kleine Details verbessert

Programm: VistaMizer
Lizenz: Freeware
Website: www.mhoefs.de.vu
Autor: Manuel Hoefs (Zottel)

Homepage: http://www.syssel.net/hoefs/windows/vistamizer.php

Download: VistaMizer_2.5.1.0.exe

Installer extracted: VistaMizer_2.

Magnet Link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:GD56Z7AAB6SF23FA7BZ56AVCB2CH6GEL

Torrent (please seed!): VistaMizer_2-

NEW Uxtheme.dll Patcher for all Windows x86 (32bit Version): UltraUXThemePatcher.exe
