22 May 2008

eMule 0.49a Beba v2.01

Tuxman's eMule beba

v2.01 [the brightest edition]:
Another small maintenance update, mainly to try to cut the run on my AnalyZZUL mod...
Thanks to pesti for testing Slot Focus under heavier conditions...
By the way, to the guys @ leechermods.blogspot.com: I'm not TitsMan. *lol*

sorry Tuxman sorry ...wrote error...
I really apologize for that mistake!

* May 21, 2008
* Happy 3rd birthday, beba!

- improved: added .flv to video file types [Tuxman]
- improved: Slot Focus probability [BlueSonicBoy]

- fix (b): fixed the Analyzer's spam recognition [WiZaRd, taken from eMuleFuture-CVS]
- fix (b): the Client Details' window was undersized :-) [Tuxman]

- changed: moved mod version string to Version.h [Tuxman]

Homepage: http://ddos.isleoftortuga.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=10156

On the Direct Links to Download on differnet locations:
Bin: eMule0.49a_beba_v2.01_21.05.08_bin.7z?download @Server France @Server Moskow @Server Amsterdam @Server California @Server TW
@Server USA2 @Server UK
Src: eMule0.49a_beba_v2.01_src.7z?download @Server France @Server TW @Server Amsterdam @Server Moskow

Beba Mod detect Bad Filefaker and many more...

Ip2country is missing so you can ot know if this mode works on far distances.

21 May 2008

eMule 0.49a upload limit patch for 56K modem by wyx

For 56 Kb modem by RTB (basic telephone network) or less.

Instead of 6 Kb / s downlink and 2 Kb / s upload, gets a 6 ducking and 1 climb. It earns 1 Kb / s downlink, to liberate 1 climb. This serves to connections that have the ascent and descent by the same thread as the PSTN.

It makes no sense to put this crack in another type of Internet connections that are higher than 56Kb modem, such as ADSL, cable, etc.. As they have several threads to drop and many others to rise. By putting crack not win letdown. In addition to raise less, earn less credits and send you back less.

Para modem de 56 Kb por RTB (red telefónica básica) o inferiores.

En vez de 6 Kb/s de bajada y 2 Kb/s de subida, se pone a 6 de bajada y 1 de subida. Se gana 1 Kb/s de bajada, al liberar 1 de subida. Esto sirve para las conexiones que tienen la bajada y subida por el mismo hilo como la RTB.

No tiene sentido poner este crack en otro tipo de conexiones a internet que sean superiores a modem de 56Kb, como ADSL, cable, etc., ya que tienen varios hilos para bajada y otros tantos para subida. Al poner el crack no se ganaría bajada. Además al subir menos, se ganan menos créditos y te envían menos.

eMule 0.49a

95FCA: 3D001000005657668B3Dxxxxxxxx73xx3D0028000073xxB903000000F7E1
EB3A al siguiente movzx eax, di (después del ret)
3D00100000 cmp eax, 00001000
56 push esi
57 push edi
668B3D00EC7700 mov di, word ptr [0077EC00]
7310 jnb xx
3D00280000 cmp eax, 00002800
7333 jnb xx
B903000000 mov ecx, 00000003
F7E1 mul ecx

15D845: 75xx8B1Dxxxxxxxx6A006A00

Download: eMule 0.49a upload limit patch for 56K modem by wyx.zip

eMule 0.49a NextEMF v1.2

eMule 0.49a NextEMF v1.2
based on eMule 0.47a NextEMF 0.85 by shadow2004
modified by dlarge

1. Features

- NextEMF SpecialStat
- AutoHard Limit
- ClientAnalyzer
- ClientDataRate is ajustible
- Dynamic Block Request
- Erweiterte Clienterkennung
- Easy ModVersion
- Improved Upload-Caching
- Kad Improvement
- NextEMF Style (ToolBar, XP-Menu)
- Session Ratio
- Relax On StartUp
- Save CPU & Calm Down On Score Calculation
- Show Bad Mods in all Lists
- Show Modversions in Stats
- SplashScreenEx
- WinSock2 Support
- Worm-Detection
- Additional Security Check
- Prevent USS Spam
- Display Userhash in StatusWindow
- many Fixes and Code Improvements from WiZaRd/Xman/Xanatos/netfinity

2. Changelog

_.o-= V 1.2 =-o._

Date | Feature / From / Who
12.05.2008 |# merged to 0.49a final [dlarge]
12.05.2008 |# updated CxImage to 6.0 [dlarge]
12.05.2008 |# updated libpng to 1.2.27 [dlarge]
18.05.2008 |+ NextEMF SpecialStat [WiZaRd/dlarge]
16.05.2008 |+ OwnPrefs (nextemfprefs.ini) [WiZaRd]
02.05.2008 |+ don`t send empty Dir`s [WiZaRd]
02.05.2008 |+ Code Optimation for filtered Clients [WiZaRd]
03.04.2008 |+ Collection Fix [CB]
04.04.2008 |+ NoNeededReqeue [WiZaRd/SlugFiller]
04.04.2008 |+ searchCatch [SLUGFILLER]
04.04.2008 |+ Faster UploadTimer [WiZaRd]
04.04.2008 |+ Indicate already downloaded files [WiZaRd]
04.04.2008 |+ CompatClientStats [Stulle/WiZaRd/Spike]
04.04.2008 |+ Reset Kad-IP on IP-Change [Pawcio/Spike]
04.04.2008 |+ Obfuscate HTTP-Transfers [MorphXT/Spike]
02.05.2008 |# updated Client Analyzer from eMuleFuture Mod 0.7b cvs [WiZaRd]
03.04.2008 |# updated P2P Threat from eMuleFuture Mod 0.7b cvs [WiZaRd/Spike2]
03.04.2008 |# smaller Gripper for RollUps [dlarge/eMule+]
08.04.2008 |# fixed possible Crash Bug in TabPrefs [dlarge]
02.05.2008 |# better tagging of most Features [dlarge]
12.04.2008 |- Kad AddOns - not needed in 0.49a [dlarge]
12.04.2008 |- Corruption Black Box Fix - not needed in 0.49a [dlarge]

Bin: eMule v0.49a NextEMF 1.2_bin.rar
SRC: eMule v0.49a NextEMF 1.2_src.rar

eMule 0.49a StulleMule 6.0

eMule v0.49a StulleMule v6.0

eMule v0.49a StulleMule v6.0:
based on eMule 0.49a MorphXT 11.0 compiled with vs2005 SP1

Added: MenuXP Sub Heading [fafner/Stulle]
Added: Advanced Transfer Window Layout [Stulle/ideas from fafner]
Added: Threaded File Settings Saving [Stulle]
+ keeps the GUI responsive while saving
Added: Threaded Known Files Saving [Stulle]
+ keeps the GUI responsive while saving
Added: DirectX (Preview feature) support for VS05 [eMF]

Changed: Save file settings when changing FollowTheMajority setting [Stulle]
Changed: Save file settings when new file added [Stulle]
Changed: File settings save thread waits 5 seconds before launching [Stulle]
Changed: Context menu Sidebars show mod version [Stulle]
Changed: Context menu title shown as sub heading [Stulle]
Changed: Creation of TBH: MiniMule (won't show up on startup now) [Stulle]
Changed: Maintain splitter state on change TransferWnd toolbar settings [Stulle]

Updated: Anti-Leecher-Lists (DLP v32-pre) [Xman/Myth/JvA/DLarge]

Fixed: Some memleak fixes and other fixes [fafner]
Fixed: Memleak fixes for System info [WiZaRd]
Fixed: (minor) Permission context menu in DownloadListCtrl [Stulle]
Fixed: (minor) On/Off button for Server design settings [Stulle]

Advanced Transfer Window Layout:
+ Any two lists can be viewed at the same time
+ Downloading file list can only be viewed in the upper part
+ If list shown in the upper half is already in the lower half the lower
list changes to next list
+ To disable/ enable press the split button/ item

Homepage: http://stulle.emule-web.de/english/home.html - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=157004

Download: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/stullemule/eMule0.49a-StulleMule_v6.0-bin.rar?download
src: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/stullemule/eMule0.49a-StulleMule_v6.0-src.rar?download

µTorrent 1.8 beta 10364

µTorrent 1.8 build 10364 beta

2008-05-20: µTorrent Version 1.8 beta (build 10364)
- Change: grey out association buttons if associated
- Change: stagger PEX interval per-torrent
- Change: keep the RSS publication date after the torrent is added, for 'Added On'
- Fix: (XP UPnP) no need to remove the mappings if they are the same port number
- Fix: crash when saving resume.dat with very large peer lists
- Fix: crash when a connection limit is hit and there is no "most inactive" peer and a local peer connection arrives

uncompressed: http://download.utorrent.com/beta/utorrent-1.8-beta-10364.uncompressed.exe
upx compressed: http://download.utorrent.com/beta/utorrent-1.8-beta-10364.upx.exe

Icon Set Blue
DSLReports > Speedtest.net
uncompressed: utorrent-1.8-beta-10364.uncompressed.exe DDL
upx compressed: utorrent-1.8-beta-10364.upx.exe DDL

info_hash=%.20U&peer_id=%.20U&port=%d&uploaded=%Ld&downloaded=%Ld&left=%Ld&key=%.8X%s&numwant=%d&compact=1&no_peer_id=1%s%s&t_checkin=%d&w_downloaded=%Ld&p_downloaded=%Ld&p_uploaded=%Ld&w_bad=%Ld&w_fail=%d&c_bytes=%Ld&h=%s ï¡E ð¡E ¢E ¢E $¢E &ipv6=%U %V &ip=%a &event=started &event=started &event=stopped &event=paused

no event completed :)
utorrent-1.8-beta-10364.event.exe Mirror

... %s %A fail:%d seen:%d age:%S ver:%s   ?   Bucket %d: %.8X%.8X%.8X%.8X%.8X (replacement cache: %d) Num buckets: %d. My DHT ID: %s  Total torrents: %d  Total peers: %d %d: %s: %d peers    List of tracked torrents:   d1:ad2:id20:%.
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%S%cinfo_hash=%.20U&peer_id=%.20U&port=%d&uploaded=%Ld&downloaded=%Ld&left=%Ld&key=%.8X%s&numwant=%d&compact=1&no_peer_id=1%s%s&t_checkin=%d&w_downloaded=%Ld&p_downloaded=%Ld&p_uploaded=%Ld&w_bad=%Ld&w_fail=%d&c_bytes=%Ld&h=%s ï¡E ð¡E ¢E ¢E $¢E &
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%.20m 2:id20:%.20m d1:rd e values r token info_hash target a v d1:ad2:id20: e1:q4:ping1:t4: 1:v4:


Dosn't make any differences in speed with DHT without if remove the url subdomains: router.bittorrent.com router.utorrent.com

here without the above subdomains:

or router.lanspirit.net router.lanspirit.net d h t /node://router.lanspirit.net:53 node://router.167bt.com:554
BitSpirit DHT works fine

20 May 2008

eMule 0.49a eChanblardNext v15.0

18/05/2008 Nouvelle version de eChanblard!

Bonsoir à tous,

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la sortie de eChanblard v15.0 qui apporte un lot d'améliorations internes conséquent.

Les principales évolutions de cette version sont

* Amélioration majeure du protocole Kad, comme le brouillage de protocole kad, une meilleure gestion de NAT, les callbacks directs, protection contre le flood, etc.
* Divers changement dans le système de messages pour se débarrasser des spammeurs (identification apr code Captcha) et pour rester en contact avec les amis qui possédent une IP dynamique
* Diverses améliorations concernant l'interface, comme la sauvegarde des fenêtres de recherche d'une session à l'autre, un filtre de recherche pour les fichiers partagés et une meilleure accessibilité pour le filtrage des commentaires
* Et comme toujours la correction de bugs et d'autres petits changements

Pour vous mettre à jour vous pouvez soit relancer votre eChanblard soit télécharger directement la v15.0 ici: http://echanblardwebsite.free.fr/eChanblard/eChanblard.exe

L'équipe eChanblard

-migrated on eMule 0.49a
-several bug fixes
-Improvement of the UPnP feature

News Source: http://www.echanblardnext.org/Fr/modules/news/article.php?storyid=802
Homepage: http://www.echanblardnext.org/ - http://www.echanblardnext.org/Fr/modules/mydownloads/
BBS: http://www.echanblardnext.org/Fr/modules/newbb_plus/viewforum.php?forum=14

eChanblard v15.0 - Binary - Mirror
eChanblard v15.0 - Installeur
eChanblard v15.0 - Sources

older Beta Version: http://echanblardwebsite.free.fr/eChanblard/eChanblard15.0.exe
