02 July 2008

eMule 0.49a AcKroNiC v5.0c Beta 2

eMule 0.49a AcKroNiC v5.0c Beta 2
AcKroNiC friend-il 5.0 Beta 2 - 30/6/08 IL

change : default region for connection wizard to Israel
change : modstr AcKroNiC friends-il
change : IL internet packages in connection WIZARD (Asrok/taz)
change : Side banner
change : Logo (splash) - default
change : icons - default

AcKroNiC 5.0 Beta 2 - 30/6/08 IT

change : default region for connection wizard to Italy
change : modstr AcKroNiC

AcKroNIC 5.0 Beta 1 - 26/06/08 IT

add : Source cache from StulleMule v6.0 (Xman/Stulle)
add : ASF (Advanced Servers Filter) from AcKroNIC v4.3 (Avi3k/EneTec/taz)

update lists ctrls (taz)

based on "mod generator" (aka "platform" v0.9)

Homepage: http://www.darkforge.it/board/index.php


AcK in progress
AcKroNiC v5.0 Sviluppo: (50%)
Testing: Alpha (100%)
Testing: Beta (10%)

eMule0.49a-AcKroNiC friends il_v5.0c-BIN 5.93 MB

eMule0.49a-AcKroNiC friends-il_v5.0c-SRC 2.78 MB

eMule0.49a-AcKroNiC friends il_v5.0c-BIN.rar
eMule0.49a-AcKroNiC friends-il_v5.0c-SRC.rar


Il 4 e il 5

Nessuna confusione ragazzi, qui nessuno ha sbagliato, nessuno ha invertito alcunchè, niente scambio comico come ne "Il 7 e l'8" dei bravissimi Ficarra e Picone.
Il 4 e il 5 hanno piena e pari dignità, ognuno carico di un suo significato e di sfavillante magia.
4 è il giorno in cui scrivo e 5 il giorno che verrà ...
4 gli anni vissuti su questo portale e il 5° quello in cui ci troviamo già ...
4, o meglio 4.3, l'ultima serie della nostra mod pienamente funzionante e 5 ...
Hai detto 5 ?
Ripeti, 5 ?

Un banale giochino di numeri nell'overture di questo articolo che - pur da esterno al Team di cui mi pregio di aver fatto parte per lunghissimo tempo - sottopongo agli amministratori perchè lo pubblichino.
4 anni di comunità AcKroNiC, non siamo più giovanissimi, dunque, essendo entrati già nel 5°.
Era la fine di marzo del 2004 quando DkD ed Oxide aprirono il sipario di questa splendida avventura italiana del mondo eMule e le sue mod.
Insieme all'inaugurazione del portale e del forum, i due ci regalarono ben presto l'AcKroNiC Mod.
Poco più tardi arrivò Barbas, che mai più si staccò da questa realtà che un pò tutti consideriamo il nostro svago, la valvola di sfogo dopo una giornata intensa.
Nella storia recente di AcKroNiC gli si affiancono al timone del ponte di comando i bravissimi claudio122, già utente storico, e Raid, admin di Darkforge e molto, molto altro!
Fra alti e bassi, come succede anche nelle migliori case, AcKroNiC ha infatti proseguito la sua strada, scegliendo la via della didattica e della cultura, la libertà e il rispetto, la legalità e la dignità, l'amicizia e l'allegria, senza l'ombra di sponsor o veicoli pubblicitari che potessero - anche non volendo - allontanarci dal cammino già tracciato.
Ma sappiamo tutti che AcKroNiC è anche, anzi, soprattutto mod, la mod italiana per eccellenza, già ribattezzata Orgoglio Italiano.
Dopo l'apoteosi della 4.3, "magna opera" del mitico Aenarion[ITA], per quasi due anni abbiamo perlustrato ogni bit del network, rivoltandolo come un calzino, incassando il diniego di molti, troppi devs a continuare la leggenda.
Ora però, il vento è cambiato, finalmente !
Avrete già notato che da tempo il box grafico dello sviluppo della 5 è aggiornato costantemente, pian pianino sale, sale, ora 22%.
Vi diciamo che è tempo di ricominciare a crederci, il Team ci intratterrà a tempo debito con iniziative che coinvolgeranno quanti più utenti volessero rendersi partecipi dello sviluppo.

Ci vuole poco, ma anche crederci, fatevi sotto !

con affetto,
Mulo da Soma

Dopo molti mesi di attesa finalmente la nostra amata mod è qui, abbiamo avuto problemi con avvicendamenti nel forum, molti della vecchia guardia non ci sono più, ma questo poco importa, quello che conta è che lo spirito di questo umile piccolo grande portale sia rimasto immutato, il piacere nel divertirsi insieme e nel condividere le nostre esperienze.

Questa ripresta è stata possibile grazie all'aiuto datoci dal nostro caro Dev "taz" che con molta pazienza e impegno sta lavorando con noi sulla nostra amata AcKroNiC. Attualmente la mod è in Beta test privato, a seguito di questo periodo ci sarà il beta test pubblico al quale tutti voi sarete invitati a partecipare.

Progresso Mod
AcKroNiC v5.0 Sviluppo: (50%)
Testing: Alpha (100%)
Testing: Beta (10%)

eMule 0.49a AcKroNiC 5.0 Beta

eMule v0.49a | AcKroNiC v5.0

modstr eMule v0.49a [AcKroNiC v5.0] / original
Side banner = original
Logo AcKroNiC = default
icons = AcKroNiC

presto Homepage: = http://www.ackronic.net/ackws/smf/index.php
Made in Italy
Download: = eMule0.49a_Ackronic_v5.0_bin.rar 3.51 MB | Mirror

eMule 0.47 MoD~TazZ $4.0

eMule MoD~TazZ $4.0eMule MoD~TazZ $4.0

Download: eMule 0.47 TazZ $4.0 Mod.rar 1.90 MB

eMule 0.49a AcKroNiC v5.0 Beta


eMule v0.49a [AcKroNiC v5.0]

Source cache from StulleMule v6.0 (Xman/Stulle)
One-queue-per-file from Xtreme v6.1 (Maella) + integrate with Powershare (taz)
better passive source finding from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
Don't allow file hot swapping from Xtreme v6.1 (Maella)
corrupted blocks ban threshold from Spike2 v1.2 (Spike2)
static ip filter from ScarAnglel v2.5 (Stulle)
Friendnote from MorphXT 11.0 (CB)
Always full chunk - needed for Client Analyzer (taz)
ServerAnalyzer - (Spike2/taz)
Servers visualization from Xtreme v6.1 (BSB/Xman/taz)
IP2Country from eMuleFuture v0.7
ModIcon from eMuleFuture v0.7
ClientAnalyzer from eMuleFuture v0.7
SlotControl :
SlotSpeed from X-Ray v1.4 (Stulle/JvA) + modified option setting (taz)
SlotFocus from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd) + integrate with SlotSpeed (taz)
Horde opcodes from WARP v0.3a.11 (netfinity)
Faster Upload Timer from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
SCC (Smart Category Control) from ScarAnglel v2.5 (Stulle)
download color (taz)
merge Known from MorphXT 11.0 (SLUGFILLER)
Connection Checker from eMuleFuture v0.7 (eWombat/WiZaRd)
Unknown Protocol Tags from eMuleFuture v0.7 (BSB/JvA)
Extended clean-up (client list) from Xtreme v6.1 (Maella)
retry connection attempts from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
fix connection collision from MorphXT 11.0 (SiRoB)
L2HAC from eMuleFuture v0.7 (enkeyDEV/Spike2)
Don't remove dead servers on 0 retries
Static servers protected from MorphXT 11.0 (Mighty Knife)
Reset Kad-IP on IP-Change from eMuleFuture v0.7 (Spike2)
Inform Clients after IP Change from StulleMule v6.0 (Stulle)
optimization requpfile from MorphXT 11.0 (SiRoB)
SLS from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
PowerShare from eMuleFuture v0.7 + on complete files only (taz)
remove unused AICH-hashes from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
SafeHash from MorphXT 11.0 (SLUGFILLER)
Flush Thread from MorphXT 11.0 (SiRoB)
ICS from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
Anti HideOS from eMuleFuture v0.7 (netfinity/WiZaRd)
Automatic shared files updater + code optimization @ CSharedFilesWnd::Reload (taz)
DBR from WARP v0.3a.11 (netfinity)
Nice Hash from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
HashProgress from eMuleFuture v0.7 (o2/Spike2)
Tabbed Prefs from eMuleFuture v0.7 (TPT/shadow2004)
AddonDirectory from eMuleFuture v0.7
IPFilter-Update from eMuleFuture v0.7 (Morph/shadow2004) + direct URL updates to IPFilter-Update (taz)
ed2k updates from eMuleFuture v0.7 (shadow2004)
IntelliFlush from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
InfiniteQueue from eMuleFuture v0.7 (SLUGFILLER/shadow2004)
optimization for wine from MorphXT 11.0 (leuk_he)
Own Prefs from eMuleFuture v0.7 + extended for "mod-generator" (taz)
Emulate Others from eMuleFuture v0.7 (Spike2)
minRQR from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
Extended credit (-table arragement) from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
SUQWT from MorphXT 11.0 (Moonlight/EastShare/ MorphXT) + no SUQWT for ModThief or NickThief (partial implementation - taz)
Easy ModVersion from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd) + extended for "mod-generator" (taz)
ModVersionSystem from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd) + extended for "mod-generator" (taz)
ModCredits from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
ClipStat from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
ModStats from eMuleFuture v0.7 + extensions (taz)
ECR & Compat Client Stats from eMuleFuture v0.7 (Spike2/Stulle)
Open Incoming from tray (taz)
Integrated RTL support from within mod (taz)


AcKroNiC 5.0 Beta 2 - 30/6/08

change : default region for connection wizard to Italy
change : modstr AcKroNiC to eMule v0.49a [AcKroNiC v5.0]

AcKroNIC 5.0 Beta 1 - 26/06/08

add : Source cache from StulleMule v6.0 (Xman/Stulle)
add : ASF (Advanced Servers Filter) from AcKroNIC v4.3 (Avi3k/EneTec/taz)
change: modstr eMule v0.49a [AcKroNIC friends-il v5.0]

update lists ctrls (taz)

based on "mod generator" (aka "platform" v0.9)

friends-il Changes:
AcKroNiC friend-il 5.0 Beta 2 - 30/6/08

change : default region for connection wizard to Israel
change : modstr AcKroNiC friends-il

AcKroNIC friend-il 5.0 Beta 1 - 26/06/08
change : IL internet packages in connection WIZARD (Asrok/taz)
change : Side banner
change : Logo (splash) - default
change : icons - default

Homepage: http://www.darkforge.it/board/index.php
AcK in progress
AcKroNiC v5.0 Sviluppo: (50%)
Testing: Alpha (100%)
Testing: Beta (10%)

AcKroNIC 5.0 Beta 1
eMule0.49a-AcKroNIC friends-il_v5.0b-BIN 5.45 MB
eMule0.49a-AcKroNIC friends-il_v5.0b-SRC 2.77 MB


eMule 0.49a TK4 Mod 2.2a

eMule 0.49a TK4 Mod 2.2a
The eMule TK4 Mod is a set of modifications to the eMule P2P client. Including Virus Scan, Forceshare, Additional Credit Systems, Simple Compressibility Evaluation, Filename Disparity Check, 1 to 3 block request conversion and Netfinity's Dynamic Block Reques

eMule TK4 Mod Version 2.2a
Base on eMule 49a


Merged: to 49a eMule base code
Added: Verbose log entries for unknown hello tags
Added: Left in the Obfuscation field in TK4 client details
Removed: Did not merge the old Safe Kad with the latest Kad
Fixed: Old style graphs checkbox init - found and fixed by Gomez82
Fixed: 32bit TK4 icons, they were distored with a black background.

Homepage with more info: http://emuletk4mod.sourceforge.net/
Download site: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=144582

Download Bin: http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emuletk4mod/eMule48a_TK4Mod_2.2a_bin.rar

Download SRC: http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emuletk4mod/eMule48a_TK4Mod_2.2a_src.rar

01 July 2008

VeryCD easyMule 1.0.3 080701 Beta No BHO - no plugins


Without FTP/HTTP Download Manager feature:

removed in emule.exe:
- Browser Helper Object and all sub entry keys
- emule Autostart with Windows registry Key / use shortcut to startup folder insteed
- From Gui: ftp/http download becomes without use so its been cleaned up
- Autocheck updates with interval / check website for update
- use easyMule as default and set key for emule collection etc. download using easymule permanent, all regkeys removed. / user choice

Dependend files removed too

eMule.exe size: 5,62 MB (5.903.872 bytes)

Not recompiled using the source, debugger and hexedit is much faster to work with. No need opensrc 4 doing changes :)

Rest: Bug Report will set an entry but no target there :)
IP to Country cvs updated to June from February 2008

easyMule-080701Beta-Bin-noBHO-noReg.rar 2.67 MB

VeryCD easyMule 1.0.3 080701 Beta

VeryCD easyMule 1.0.3 080701 Beta
VeryCD (eDonkey) eMule easyMule 1.0.3 0800701 beta [2008-07-01]
Changelog: 01-July-2008
* Speed up the process launched eDonkey
* Dynamic Optimization log memory output, saving memory
* Fixed bug: the task of downloading large files can not delete or remove abnormal
* Fixed bug: Sometimes the file name to download task was wrong to rename
* Fixed bug: set-up options in the ED2K and HTTP / FTP monitoring settings sometimes Failure
* Fixed bug: Start download site address changes, caused not be able to download the original integrity of data
* Fixed bug: clients.met damage caused after the crash
* Fixed bug: After the download is complete, with a special version of antivirus software caused the collapse of the procedures
* Optimize the process: the new mandate download large files, you can immediately rapid withdrawal does not create procedures Jiangsi
* Other code to improve optimization and stability of a number of repair

easyMule have support for HTTP/FTP downloading, the BHO is required for download with this transfer protocols from websites!

Creates 4 or more registry entries by executing emule.exe. BHO, Webbrowser context menu, Autostart: emule autostart.
It's unliked. There should be at least a dialog question if user want autostart run this emule mod and allow by user request for set Browser menu entries dialogs with the user interrupt question install bho or not. Some may not want to assign it as download manager with the file types as default!!! This importand feature is missing in all VeryCD mods!!! It does the entries by executing, run emule.exe without user interrupt all over again if not permanent block it by using a second application to monitor the emule mod for doing registry entries!!!
You can run SpyBot - Search & Destroy 1.6 before executing emule.exe to forbid set this registry keys or other registry changes monitoring programs.

Version for Western Letters:
used FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" in the Menu / Dialogs by default
Download BIN: easyMule-080701Beta-Bin.rar 3.12 MB

Download BIN: http://download.verycd.com/easyMule/easyMule-1.0.3-VeryCD080701.rar
ed2k: easyMule-1.0.3-VeryCD080701(绿色安装包).rar
Download as Installer: http://download.verycd.com/easyMule/easyMule-080701Beta-Setup.exe

Source: http://download.verycd.com/easyMule/EasyMule-VeryCD-src-080701.rar

Discussion Beta Project site BBS:

Homepage: http://www.easymule.com/
To not come in an endless loop start up of emule.exe cause of crash reporter instruction:

This Hello Tag and Modstring from easyMule (last final, non beta version) match in the lengh exactly in AeOnFlux Mod and can be put with hexedit as well to the private emule Morph and some Xtreme based builds.
