08 July 2008

Trojan Downloader Agent in Winsock an Armadillo v1.xx - v2.xx protected compressed, DLL name: engt32.dll

Symptom: engt32.dll Hooks with 2 entries in Winsock LSP's
Internet speed may slow down by single connections 30 - 60 %
Age: The file have been first scanned in year 2006 by www.virustotal.com and found the same results by all Antiviruses as now in year 2008.

To found with: Spybot -Search and Destroy (unknown MS-...) 2 entries
or Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
To remove: LSPFix cexx.org's Winsock 2 (Layered Service Provider) repair utility.

Antiviruses that can not found it are Microsoft, Kaspersky, NOD32, Norman, TrendMicro, F-Secure, Prevx...

Live On Care 2.x include latest Beta can not more start the integrated Live on care firewall.

AhnLab-V3 2008.7.8.0 2008.07.07 Win-Trojan/Agent.81920.Z
AntiVir 2008.07.07 TR/Dldr.Agent.DLL.A
Authentium 2008.07.07 W32/Downldr2.VEB
Avast 4.8.1195.0 2008.07.07 Win32:Trojan-gen {Other}
AVG 2008.07.07 Downloader.Small.BCP
BitDefender 7.2 2008.07.08 Trojan.Downloader.AUT
CAT-QuickHeal 9.50 2008.07.07 - FOUND NOTHING!
0.93.1 2008.07.08 - FOUND NOTHING!
DrWeb 2008.07.07 Trojan.DownLoader.12131
eSafe 2008.07.07 - FOUND NOTHING!
31.6.5934 2008.07.07 - FOUND NOTHING!
Ewido 4.0 2008.07.07 Downloader.Agent.a
F-Prot 2008.07.07 W32/Downldr2.VEB
F-Secure 7.60.13501.0 2008.07.08 - FOUND NOTHING!
Fortinet 2008.07.07 PossibleThreat
GData 2.0.7306.1023 2008.07.08 Win32:Trojan-gen
Ikarus T3. 2008.07.08 Trojan-Downloader.12131
Kaspersky 2008.07.08 - FOUND NOTHING!
McAfee 5333 2008.07.07 Generic.di
Microsoft 1.3704 2008.07.08 - FOUND NOTHING!
NOD32v2 3248 2008.07.07 - FOUND NOTHING!
5.80.02 2008.07.07 - FOUND NOTHING!
Panda 2008.07.08 Trj/Downloader.KHR
Prevx1 V2 2008.07.08 - FOUND NOTHING!
Rising 2008.07.06 Trojan.DL.Agent.ana
Sophos 4.31.0 2008.07.08 Mal/Generic-A
Sunbelt 3.1.1509.1 2008.07.04 Trojan-Downloader.Gen
Symantec 10 2008.07.08 Downloader
TheHacker 2008.07.07 - FOUND NOTHING!
8.700.0.1004 2008.07.07 - FOUND NOTHING!
VBA32 2008.07.07 Trojan.DownLoader.12131
VirusBuster 2008.07.07 - FOUND NOTHING!
Webwasher-Gateway 6.6.2 2008.07.07 Trojan.Dldr.Agent.DLL.A

File info:
File size: 81920 bytes
MD5...: 38a169d6eb7dbc243a2c395eb981833b
SHA1..: 1fa66f684c15566b87301c04949c8072c577a7a6
SHA256: 9ce760b1982e32000a5637ad4422c5639dc1b334013700e303e967342595df69
SHA512: a51f9f6aee0e488d899012e05c78296056403e94e788382c31cd65b28da1a359
PEiD..: Armadillo v1.xx - v2.xx
PEInfo: PE Structure information

( base data )
entrypointaddress.: 0x10003969
timedatestamp.....: 0x44bf3cca (Thu Jul 20 08:20:26 2006)
machinetype.......: 0x14c (I386)

( 4 sections )
name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5
.text 0x1000 0xad5a 0xb000 6.60 1e2ac2efe8a2e97d6cdcff740aa8b8c7
.rdata 0xc000 0x14ea 0x2000 3.89 c226fc9e70ce25bd077963ed95f88541
.data 0xe000 0x4f0c 0x4000 0.92 573d4ed926f2ab855c9ad82a6525471f
.reloc 0x13000 0x1160 0x2000 3.06 6a09bba2d154e82f41c98399f03643e2

( 5 imports )
> KERNEL32.dll: DeleteFileW, GetModuleFileNameW, GetModuleFileNameA, WritePrivateProfileStringW, CloseHandle, CopyFileW, GetLastError, CreateMutexW, GlobalFree, GlobalAlloc, FreeLibrary, GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryW, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW, GetSystemDirectoryW, GetTempPathW, FindClose, FindFirstFileW, SetErrorMode, CreateFileW, SetFileTime, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, CompareStringW, CompareStringA, FlushFileBuffers, GetDriveTypeA, SetStdHandle, GetStringTypeW, GetStringTypeA, LoadLibraryA, GetOEMCP, GetACP, GetCurrentDirectoryW, IsBadCodePtr, IsBadReadPtr, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, SetFilePointer, GetTimeZoneInformation, GetSystemTime, GetLocalTime, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedIncrement, RtlUnwind, HeapFree, HeapAlloc, FileTimeToSystemTime, FileTimeToLocalFileTime, GetDriveTypeW, GetCommandLineA, GetVersion, MultiByteToWideChar, WideCharToMultiByte, LCMapStringA, LCMapStringW, InitializeCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, ExitProcess, GetCurrentThreadId, TlsSetValue, TlsAlloc, TlsFree, SetLastError, TlsGetValue, GetModuleHandleA, GetEnvironmentVariableA, GetVersionExA, HeapDestroy, HeapCreate, VirtualFree, VirtualAlloc, HeapReAlloc, IsBadWritePtr, GetFullPathNameW, GetCurrentDirectoryA, TerminateProcess, GetCurrentProcess, SetHandleCount, GetStdHandle, GetFileType, GetStartupInfoA, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentStrings, GetEnvironmentStringsW, WriteFile, GetCPInfo, SetEnvironmentVariableA
> USER32.dll: MessageBoxA
> SHELL32.dll: ShellExecuteW
> urlmon.dll: URLDownloadToFileW
> WS2_32.dll: WSCDeinstallProvider, WSCGetProviderPath, WSCInstallProvider, WSCWriteProviderOrder, WSCEnumProtocols

( 9 exports )
Dll_CheckRunning, Dll_GetInfo, Dll_GetVersion, Dll_Install, Dll_LoadInstance, Dll_ShowVersion, Dll_Uninstall, UpdateCore, WSPStartup

More info: http://www.firefox123.cn/English/e/engt32.dll.htm
Process File: engt32.dll
Process Name: Troj_Polymorphic.File.Exploit
Description: N/A
Author: unknown
Part of: unknown
Common Path(s): Windows\system32
Secuirty Risk (0-5): 0
Spyware: Yes
Adware: Yes
Virus: Yes
Trojan: Yes
System Process: No
Application: No
Background Process: Yes
Uses Network: Yes
Uses Internet: No
Related Process:
IP Internet System Internet

After Winsock LSP's the two entries are cleaned and the file been removed Live OnCare Firewall works again:

In Stulle eMule Private old version 0.48a from ed2k net another Virus Worm.Win32.DownLoad.gh ???:
Rising AntiVirus Find all Trojans Scanned all other eMule Mods, no Virus found there! some Stulle eMule v0.49 Privat is the same Worm.Win32.DownLoad.gh! eMule Morph Private 0.48 and 0.49a is clean!!!

Microsoft security AV team USA is sleeping 34h ago after submition - no responce, bcc via PR section Munich, DE, Vibrio

Rising updated deep analyse: C:\fn-virus\fn-virus\engt32.dll

VBA32 (Virus Block Ada 32) Scanner (not much up to date): ftp://anti-virus.by/pub/Vba32Scan.zip or http://vba32.de/anonymous/pub/Vba32Scan.zip

Program full from:
http://vba32.de/demo/content/view/15/31/ (3Months Free Fullversion) or: http://www.anti-virus.by/en/ (1Months Free Fullversion)
Info: http://anti-virus.by/about/vba/
is not bad too to scan for Trojans:

Normal Mod - fast check:

Deep Scan Mod - full check:

Find more deep embedded Trojans as some others!

06 July 2008

BitSpirit English, Polish, German, Chinese - Ads Free - No BHO - Blue EdiTion

BitSpirit - The powerful and easy-to-use BitTorrent Client
English, Deutsch, Polish, Chinese without Ads and Browser Helper Object (BHO) - associate .torrent by setup or .torrent files open with BitSpirit in Windows. Another option, in BitSpirit select under Files, Add Torrent Link.
No 3th party addons, plugins or Ads display in the User Interface. No Torrent Market exchange collection offer "My Goods".
Reloaded with latest MyUPnP Tool in Blue Design Installer
BitSpirit Ads Free Setup - Click for fullscreen

Supported Languages:
English (Default), Chinese, Polish, German

BitSpirit Deutsch, Polish, Chinese, English - Ads Free. Click for Fullscreen

2 Editions Blue:
Default Style in Blue Color
MiniBar Blue,...
Tango Style
Application (Program exe) upx packed (compressed) for smaller installed size. -upx
Uncompressed (packed) bigger installed size.

BitSpirit.exe upx compressed
Size: 899 KB (921.088 bytes)
File Hash:
MD5: 80c90eb35d50a9f4eea4383d7eff4bce
SHA-1: f9b53859cd990542e0acd9f3949667f842a836ed

BitSpirit.exe not compressed
Size: 2,86 MB (3.004.416 bytes)
File Hash:
MD5: 76810f056770f8c19d6a6ec360123c87
SHA-1: 9cd97abaec6b8652301a7d741fba98382d525c03


New Style Installer + Blue EdiTion:

bsv3.3.2.255.EN-CHN-PL-DE-NoAds-NoBHO.exe | Mirror | 2,52 MB
MD5: c29445db837158b0e24d6ed5eeb97a49
SHA-1: aa5d3748644776be6cde5468640ac8710c7746c7

bsv3.3.2.255.EN-CHN-PL-DE-NoAds-NoBHO-upx.exe | Mirror | 2.68 MB
MD5: bb257af061da4592d08838463a46acc8
SHA-1: a781e7f17ef961ba4973d23e05bf9f8849c25983

bsv3.3.2.255.EN-CHN-PL-DE-NoAds-NoBHO-TangoBlue.exe | Mirror | 2.51 MB
MD5: cb732176ebc85fbfb63a62696d058dfb
SHA-1: 2fdab29dd5405ce0a3efb7dda11649af0fd10b6a

bsv3.3.2.255.EN-CHN-PL-DE-NoAds-NoBHO-TangoBlue-upx.exe | Mirror | 2,67 MB
MD5: c5971cfab4c1a6911506f61f37fdbe02
SHA-1: 5084bdd3fdfb22387500e7000e9cfa65d81eb857

Old Style Installer + Green EdiTion:

bsv3.3.2.255.EN-CHN-PL-DE-NoAds-NoBHO.exe 2.26 MB

bsv3.3.2.255.EN-NoAds-NoBHO-upx.exe 2.41 MB
MD5: 05e1e71ce10bd7da8c59b5040c101be9
SHA-1: bb8ea464cf3af513077ed675c601b6376d4ee4d5

BitSpirit English Mini Ads Free without BHO - Blue EdiTion

- Ads Free
- No Browser Helper Object
- No Installation required, uncompress (7zip, rar) and run
- Size on Disk requ. only 1,11 MB !!!


bsv3.3.2.255.EN-Mini-noBHO.7z | Mirror | 970.17 KB
MD5: 04550d3e268a1a165c5a9003c0efa157
SHA-1: 41a1c70c2f61b04d1c1305c305699d13aa6d7bb8

bsv3.3.2.255.EN-Mini-noBHO-Tango.7z | Mirror | 956.82 KB
MD5: 24cc98de835b8fd66bb991b531ee3f95
SHA-1: 7fdfd45ea4a34744c619747e333e02927f42498a

Male Edition Blue, Female Edition Pink follow when she wrote the Russian Translation for BS Version 3.x ... :))

05 July 2008

WinASO Registry Optimizer 4.0.5 Deutsch & WinASO Registry Optimizer 3.2 Deutsch


WinASO Registry Optimizer ist ein erweiterter Registry Optimizer Cleaner für Windows der Ihnen erlaubt sicher zu reinigen und Registrierung Probleme mit ein paar einfachen Mausklicks zu reparieren. Durch die Überprüfung nach veralteten Informationen und Anpassung der Parameter in der Windows-Registry kann Ihr System deutlich beschleunigt werden. WinASO Registry Optimierer ist gut konzipiert um gemeinsame Probleme zu beheben wie der Zugang zu fehlenden Laufwerke und Festplatten und illegal veränderter Internet Explorer-Seiten. Diese Software wurde erhebliche Tests unterzogen, um die Sicherheit Ihres Systems zu gewärleisten. Unterdessen bietet WinASO Registry Optimizer die leistungsfähige Funktion der Erhaltung der Privatsphäre. Effektiv Scannen und Clearing des Verlaufes der Nutzung von Programmen und Anwendungen in Ihrem System. Version 4,0 kommt mit einen verstärkten Scanning-Algorithmus, einer neue Benutzeroberfläche und neu hinzugefügte System-Info-Funktion, so dass Sie alles über Ihre Computer-Hardware sofort wissen.

Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista

Changes in Version 4.0.5:
- invalid drives ckeck produce error messages by startup :fixed
- some minor :fixes
- auto update push update unregulary by program start even if its disabled :fixed
- save parameters fixed
- provides several scanning improvements to safely and quickly identify more registry errors and enhance PC performance.
- With the newly added System Information function in WinASO, you can know all about your computer hardware instantly.

You can compair v 3 with latest Version 4.0.5 (since v 4) bloated with rests of Adobe Design Creator - GUI junk rest Codes in the exe this makes the application size uncompressed over 7 mb big in size, (Programmer Coding Quality)!
Size ~ 20 % of original size with upx are not often.

WinASO is programmed in Delphi. Developed in China, Czech Rep.

Download: regopt405-32de.exe 6.32 MB
upd check removed, keine Eingabe eines Aktiwirungsschlussels erforderlich

eMule 0.48a eXcalibur 1.71

eMule v0.48a eXcalibur v1.71

eMule eXcalibur 1.71 simplified Chinese version (based on VeryCD 080627 by: Wind marks)

eMule eXcalibur 1.71 simplified Chinese version (updated 20080703)
Author: Wind marks the date :2008-07-01
Has been suspected of other eMule client excessive number of miscellaneous functions, I need to use or lack of features, coupled with the occasional need to network within the Internet functions, the final decision based on VeryCD modify the source code to meet their own needs. EXcalibur is such a A product. Current version, 1.7, based on VeryCD Mod 080627 source code.

eXcalibur VeryCD Mod is based on a modified version in other words the Mod of a Mod. intention is the development of a smaller paper size, retain VeryCD Mod in the network within the Internet function at the same time, other Mod absorb the advantages and characteristics of all May enhance the stability and increase the more useful features. Mod this major emphasis on conventional applications, rather than advanced applications. If you need advanced features such as strong releases, manually a4af, queue, and so on a number of features, please use the Xtreme or StulleMule.

2008.07.03 v1.71
[+] Memory of the closed proceedings when the window pane and log functions (Options -> High)
[+] Memory backup to the choice of file types;
[+] Before reuse the profile (of course, part of the new options or recommend that users need to configure the light of their own);
[+] Whether or not to the friend to friend points to reduce the queuing time (Options -> High)
[+] Do you want to download peer points between each other can be used to speed up the pieces of paper streaming speed (Options -> High)
[+] Boss Key features, can quickly hide the main window and tray icon, if mini-mule or options window is shut down automatically; (Options -> conventional)
* Support includes Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Fx combination of keys and a separate F4, F6-F11 (F1-F3, F5, etc. hotkey has been shielding)
[+] Support from the Boss Key mode settings when the restoration of the main window display window and mini mule and (Options -> High)
[+] DLP + upgrade to the DLP + v3116 Reload;
[+] In the log file Notifier.ini led to the lack of notice can not pop up the task bar prompts the question;

[F] does not prohibit changes due to rename the bulk size of the window display does not lead to corresponding normal controls (thank Kokura highest)
[F] document Notifier.ini repair due to the wrong path set (usually because of the use of the original configuration files) and lead to pop-up tray notification error, (thanks to Kokura highest)

Other minor code to improvements...

Compared to the change VeryCD 080627 ([-] delete function [+] Add [F] repair error):

[-] Built-in browser program to enhance stability;
[-] To download documents related to the completion of feedback information to VeryCD server functions;
[-] Search keyword filtering;
[-] And installation of automatic update function;
[-] IE BHO menu and right-related functions;
[-] In the search window to visit VeryCD site search function;
[-] Community points function;
[-] PopMule function;
[-] Transfer window pop-up menu in Jinshan drug Pa Cha Du-line functions;
[-] Default toolbar style, eMule restore the default toolbar;
[-] Error reporting module;
[-] Transfer list and share lists, and search the list of the "Notes" column;
[-] Laws Update link check invalid;
[-] Has been useless client filtering;
[-] Users were forced to add the label [CHN] and [VeryCD] functions;
[-] The minimum 30 K upload or download speed limit of the 1:4 ratio of the function (resume official version of the speed limit set);
[-] PNG format flash-screen picture flash back to the original screen image;
[-] Multi-language selection, retaining only English interface;

[+] Transfer window color display LowID user function (from Xtreme)
[+] Transfer window and share the bulk of the window to rename function (from Xtreme)
[+] All the window display complete version of the client information (client version + Mod version); (from Xtreme)
[+] Custom TCP protocol encryption length of string attached to the embargo against ISP (from Xtreme)
[+] Transfer list show other client completion percentage (from Xtreme)
[+] Color to share files in the list has not yet been completed in order to distinguish the paper (from Xtreme)
[+] Recognition eMule Plus client, no longer appear as eMule Compat; (from Magic Angel)
[+] Detected leecher mule can automatically call a custom string to notify users of leecher mule and (from Magic Angel)
[+] Add automatic backup integral document, configuration files and documents Part of the function (from Magic Angel)
[+] Add always show the system tray icon function to facilitate adjustment of the speed limit at any time, (from EasyMule)
[+] Output from DLP information and detailed log output, may choose to show only single DLP detection information (from EasyMule)
[+] Reduce the high-speed upload / download data compression and because of the CPU utilization (from MorphXT)
[+] Integrity of the anti-leecher (DLP) to support the code and reduce injury (aMule, MLdonkey, etc.) code;
[+] Sharing window on the PMP, FLV, DOCX, XPM, SQX, APP, ODS, ODT, WPS and other documents types of identification;
[+] Initial run automatically set some parameters to reduce the allocation of difficulty;
[+] The use of an external interface language documents show that some finished log;
[+] Quick call DLP_Updater.exe online update DLP module (Tools menu -> DLP + online update);
[+] Merger Xtreme related to find the source code to find a better source;
[+] Share the list right-right-menu ed2k link directly copy the document;
[+] Output DLP detection information to logsantiLeech.log (optional);
[+] Mini mule into long strips (reservations upload / download speed display and function button) to reduce the occupied area of the screen;
[+] Transfer window shown below queue charts and graphs of leecher mule;
[+] Known to line up windows and window pop-up menu, Add / Remove friends;
[+] Tools -> IP filtering rules to add window Quick Edit / override button;
[+] Enhance the DLP punitive options, optional settings in order to prevent the queue, integral home, and slow increase in the proportion of designated points;
Note: stop the queue: The leecher mule into the queue; zero points home: leecher mule can enter the queue, but has always been integral to 0;
Reduce integral: leecher mule can enter the queue, but the unit time was integral to the normal client is the designated ratio;
[+] Optimize connection VeryCD / IA / Popgo servers, without inserting the corresponding tab connected server;
[+] The opening of the credit system and mandatory safety certification avoid misuse uncheck the other client was punished;
[+] Advanced options can be defined in the process shows the date and time format;
[+] Client information displayed in the window DLP testing and operation types;
[+] Single file of the buffer increased to 40 MB limit to meet high-bandwidth users need to adjust the (occupation has become a memory);
[+] If the crash was not re-run coverage by the last normal backup documents;
[+] WinSock2 support;
[+] Since the definition of the leecher mule client to stop time (2-12 hours).
[+] Stop the offensive client (crazy request documents / Send message, invalid or frequent replacement ID);
[+] IP changes (Diaoxian-even) in the queue automatically notify all the client and re-request all sources;
[+] Replacement and re-edit of the icon resources procedures to reduce the file size;
[+] Conversations automatically prevent damage to the transmission of client data blocks (from Xtreme)
[+] Manually from some source to stop receiving data (from Xtreme)
[+] Memory is no longer using the Code AICH check (from Xtreme)
[+] Share window display download history (from Xtreme)
[+] Connected to the network or upload / download speeds into the system when the ban standby;
[+] Delete more than 20 documents list only 20 documents before the confirmation dialog to avoid shoring;
[+] Non-default choice when the incoming directory which has prompted it to share documents;
[+] Strengthen Vagaa client filtering;

[F] system tray menu after adjusting the speed limit can not be saved settings;
[F] location and size of the control of resources calls do not match;
[F] the remainder of the output is not in line with China's user habits, and dismiss the remaining size of the display;
[F] window in the "me" and "network information" window Chinese character too small;
[F] agreement in connection linking the potential transmission of the conflict and not enough strict definition of variables;
[F] DLP for loading, overloading, not to display the error message;
[F] will occasionally start a "server is running in the" Tip of the problem;
[F] transfer window in the list of the various agreements encryption and security authentication icon does not show the correct mistakes;
[F] in the Vista system on the part of the directory and Kad compatibility issues;
[F] with the sources added keyword eD2K links error;
[F] subject to change after the share files list directory tree icon shows abnormal and open the file of the directory is not normal;
[F] transfer list QR sort incorrect;
[F] anti-leecher information panel at a exported information can not be highlighted;
[F] send a blank shared directory;
[F] AICH, CBB, DeadSource deal with the collapse of the code hidden dangers;
[F] Unicode search window box in some systems can not automatically check;
[F] can not be manually lifted to stop leecher mule;
[F] CXImage image processing library to upgrade to v6.0 resolve the problem of image processing;
[F] update for libpng to v1.2.28;
[F] filter ed2k link in the control characters;
[F] repair startup with deleted categories of problems;
[F] enable / disable queue list does not show in time to refresh the list of issues and do not show the floating button prompts the question;
[F] ed2k link address in ed2k: no longer case-sensitive;
[F] standby or hibernation after the resumption of automatically re-connect to the network (server / Kad);

Other minor code improvements and improvements ...

eXcalibur is upx compressed with missing/removed upx header to protect from running upx -d and get the small emule.exe filesize. The rar archives are 7zip distributet

Announcement: http://www.verycd.com/groups/eMuleBeta/299846.topic
Blog: http://fzh.soft2cn.cn/default.asp
BBS: http://bbs.soft2cn.cn/thread-1854-1-1.html
Download Address:
upx compressed
eMule_v0.48a_eXcalibur_v1.71.rar 2.60 MB | Mirror | Mirror Ziddu
not compressed (to be translated to english)
eMule_v0.48a_eXcalibur_v1.71-noUPX.rar | Mirror 2.51 MB
eXcalibur 1.6
eMule_v0.48a_eXcalibur_v1.6.rar 2.58 MB | Mirror Ziddu

English with propper ModsTring eXclaibur 1.71 based on Morph, VeryXtreme, include latest DLP:
eMule_v0.48a_eXcalibur_v1.71-EN-eXtreme.rar | Mirror 2.81 MB

04 July 2008

eMule 0.48a Pruna Mod 2008 v3 (Korea)



eMule Pruna Mod version improvements
Pruna Plus Version 3.35 2006.11.28 - Pruna engine eMule 0.47c Update
-- Search server problems caused by an error additional security protocol
-- UI improvements Pruna
-- 98/XP Pruna integration

Pruna Plus Version 3.34 2006.07.07 - plus fast and convenient file [Quick Menu] additional (batgichang)
-- Private management capabilities further fake file list
-- Plus module bug fixes
-- More bug fixes

Updated information on Pruna Plus v3.34
[2006.07.20] block zip files containing the source (court ruling)
[2006.07.20] Plus we can not detect some error correction (Unicode)
[2006.07.24] mp4 audio files to be recognized as error correction
[2006.08.04] [option] - [security] Add Tab
[2006.08.04], who was down file [search], color separations

Pruna Plus Version 3.33 2006.01.09 - plus additional features links
-- UI improvements
-- Insufficient capacity of error correction
-- More bug fixes

Updated information on Pruna Plus v3.33
[2006.08.03] [option] - [security] Add Tab
[2006.08.03], who was down file [search], color separations
[2006.08.03] [kwikmenyu] MORE

Pruna Plus Version 3.32 2005.11.04 - upload bug fixes
-- Search module, plus improved performance
-- More bug fixes
Pruna Plus Version 3.31 2005.09.30 - plus module update
-- Search module update
-- More bug fixes
Pruna Plus Version 3.30 2005.08.30 - Double plus additional features
-- Plus a module to improve performance
-- UI improvements Pruna
-- More bug fixes
Pruna Plus Version 3.29 2005.08.16 - plus engine updates
-- More bug fixes
Pruna Plus Version 3.28 2005.07.29 - Sign bug fixes
-- Plus engine updates
Pruna Plus Version 3.27 2005.07.25 - UI improvements chatgichang
-- Plus download engine improvements
-- Other beogeusujeong
Pruna Plus Version 3.26 2005.07.15 - Updater module replacement program
-- More bug patch
Pruna Plus Version 3.25 2005.07.08 - such as improved file search UI (Receive integrated into the window)
-- Plus download engine improvements
-- Login module modifications
Pruna Plus Version 3.24 2005.06.25 - plus additional features such as file search
-- Download plus sequential change
-- Plus download files automatically stopped when the next attempt
-- Stop all the files are automatically retry 1-minute intervals
Pruna Plus Version 3.23 2005.06.17 - plus performance patch
-- More bug patch
Pruna Plus Version 3.22 2005.06.11 - 98/me Plus feature only add
-- 98/me installation and integration xp/2000
-- More bug patch
Pruna Plus Version 3.20 2005.05.24 - known as bug patches and improve UI
-- Plus service (high speed) to mount the module can receive a quick delivery service.
Pruna Version 3.11 Beta 2005.05.06 - known bug patch
Pruna Version 3.09 Beta 2005.04.29 - modifying the file hashing module
Pruna Version 3.07 Beta 2005.04.22 - saved search histories modification
-- Sort search by type of modification
Pruna Version 3.05 Beta 2005.04.15 - in the stabilization Windows 98/Me
-- Window automatic execution at the start of bug fixes
-- Some users when running Windows 98/Me fix errors
Pruna Version 3.03 Beta 2005.04.06 - window98 / me fix errors
-- Several beogeusujeong
Pruna Version 3.01 Beta 2005.03.31 - 3.01Beta [98 / Me solving bug] releases
-- 98 / me bug fixes
-- 3.0b bug fixes
Pruna Version 3.00 Beta 2005.03.25 - the latest engine updates (eMule 0.45b)
-- Use convenience-oriented UI changes
-- Improved stability / search speed improvement
-- Unicode support
Pruna Version 2.79 2005.01.26 - other than the default folder for installation on the path of bug fixes
-- When running from a specific computer error correction Pruna
Pruna Version 2.78 2005.01.20 - connecting module replacement auto server
-- Updated list server
-- Updated list of files, fake
-- Modify Broken English
-- Updated list of servers optimize support if necessary
-- Automatic update support Pruna
Pruna Version 2.70 2004.06.24 - with convenience-oriented UI changes
-- Optimize Operations / improve stability
-- Comprehensive information display and display basic information for each additional annaechang
-- Add variety annaechang
-- Changing the way geomsajung display annaechang
-- Wombayireoseu, malicious code, strengthening Search Filtering
-- Examine the underlying transport speed optimization
-- Automatic upload speeds when downloading additional regulation
Pruna Version 2.40 2004.03.09 - add various annaechang
-- Optimize Operations
-- Improved stability / search speed improvement
-- Adult improved authentication methods,
-- Fake Materials (false data) track renewal
Pruna Version 2.32 2004.02.23 - fake materials and data interception capability virus
-- Adult Resources set up blocking capability
-- Fake Materials (false data) track renewal
-- Improved stability
-- Additional features simple set-up
Pruna Version 2.25 2004.01.14 - improve stability / UI fix the problem
-- Modify the issue of adjusting the speed limit options
-- Chat modify related functions
-- Downloads tab fix the problem
-- Filtering wombayireoseu file search
-- Advertising file search filtering
-- Additional modifications menu
-- Window skin and fix conflicts
-- Simple / advanced further by UI
Pruna Version 2.10 2003.12.16 - upload, download related optimization
-- Failure to complete the file name does not automatically change the file further after completion
-- UI error correction and change
-- Error correction options chat / chat server base changes
-- Other filtering indecent slip further
Pruna Version 2.05 2003.11.27 - a new feature built-in automatic inspection false material
-- Improved stability / UI cleanup and fix
Pruna Version 2.04 2003.11.17 - English Preview and modify files problem
-- Category virus scan the files in a folder in my fix problems
-- The command button UI cleanup
-- Black list servers handling exceptional circumstances
-- Add a tab file downloads category UI changes
-- Improved stability
Pruna Version 2.03 2003.11.15 - user-friendly interface and feature-oriented interface Applies
-- Once the best source collection and management to improve performance
-- Improving the download speed
-- Emule mod of the Capabilities to strokes and improve
-- Improvement and change management server connectivity
-- Optional add-ins blocking adult material
-- Capabilities to delete history files and search histories
-- UI bug fixes
Maximize storage problems surface modification
To fix the problem at the start of the tray
Modifying the sound notification options-related issues
Modifying chat window-related issues
Adding the word delete individual history

-- Blacklisted due to a false connection, the server automatically check and add capabilities to connect to another server
-- Modify the memory-related problems
-- Improved stability
-- Error in the server list server fix this problem disappear
-- Stop the status of the add-error correction
-- Abnormal shutdown behavior modification window when changing themes
Baempeu media development - the first version of the deployment 2003.03 .-- - November 2003 baempeu media to change the name of Pruna
-- March 2003, a donkey-compliant client eMule based on the kind of media development baempeu

Homepage Korean Emule Pruna Mod: http://www.pruna.com/Guide/Download.asp

Screenshots: http://bin.myfolder.net/story/71013

Bin: eMule Pruna Mod 2008-3_bin.rar 2.81 MB
Installer: http://download.pruna.com/update/pruna2008/install/Pruna_2008_3.exe
Server met: http://download.pruna.com/update/server_list/data1/server.met
SRC: http://data.pruna.com/admin/200532819546.zip
Pruna_2008_3.exe 3.86 MB
200532819546.zip 3.01 MB

older Versions
Pruna_v311b_Installer.exe 4.35 MB
Pruna2008.zip 3.78 MB
PrunaPlusv3.33Installer.exe 7.09 MB http://uploaded.to/?id=qa7tzc
v_3.30.exe 7.03 MB
v_3.29.exe 7.07 MB
Pruna 6.94 MB
Pruna_v279_1004_Installer.exe 3.05 MB
v3.11 Beta: Pruna_v311b_Installer.exe
- http://www.365ch.com/369ch/

older Versions: myfolder or http://free.nuguni.com/pub/pds/pds_view.php?desc=dn&start=45&viewCnt=15&no=9587&cate_sid=&cate_id=36

more mirrors

use universal extractor to get from installer bin (the content extracted without running setup) Korean Sites extensive force to download any activeX plugins by searching this downloads together include cnet korea.

eMule VeryCD 080313 modified version (last updated 20080411)

eMule v0.48a VeryCD 080313+
eMule v0.48a VeryCD 080313+

VeryCD without Webbrowser and Browser Helper Object (BHO) = Clean
Latest DLP AntiLeech added, MultiLanguage Supports eMule Language folder

In the use of the modified version of the VeryCD Mod before you understand that this is not the official version of the VeryCD Mod!!
In this note does not refer to the VeryCD Mod VeryCD launched EasyMule, not to modify the main program EasyMule Mod alternative paper!

Usage: You need to be installed VeryCD Mod official version, then use compressed eMule.exe provided in the official version of the replacement VeryCD eMule.exe can. (This will not affect your points / credit and other set of parameters.)

[Edit Description:
VeryCD 080313 based on the official version of the modified source code used to compile a VS2003 VeryCD Mod, while maintaining the original VeryCD Mod within the network penetration, and other outstanding features done on the basis of the following modifications:
1. Complement the original VeryCD Mod of the DLP in the lack of detection handshake agreement to support the code (DLP Mod v3112 support over the detection method);
2. Complement the original VeryCD Mod in the lack of information on the detection of DLP refuse to support the code;
3. Modified source code for eMule and lifted the DLP with the poor of MLDonkey / aMule client of manslaughter, and so on (this issue at all in both Mod)
4. Anti-vampire logs will no longer be there to lift the shield to "back door" phenomenon;
5. Client sent to other users of the machine will also display the name for the anti-vampire random string and Mod version (similar to the user name Xtreme effect) to prevent other client forged client identification to avoid detection;
6. In order to achieve the anti-vampire while maintaining the function and with other versions of the client VeryCD compatible, the modified version of the Mod logo has been changed VeryCD 080313 +;
7. Delete Failed to connect to server up to a certain number of defaults to the upper limit of 99 in order to avoid poor conditions of network time server or some problems caused server list server less and less;
8. Modified the original VeryCD Mod other client's display, show only the original version of the client, the client version will now be displayed and Mod version information;
9. Compulsory main window display server, Kad, IRC, statistical data, such as columns;
10. That the main window in the "me" panel and "network information" window in the Chinese character too small problem.

11. Need to control access to upload a few open config \ preferences.ini, hand-edited UploadClients = 0 of 0 for the channel number you want to, for example, to mean that up to eight at the same time to eight users to upload data, appropriate Control access to upload a few quick help train a source of this feature for VeryCD Mod official version that is the function. Of course, can also Options -> find the corresponding expansion of the configuration.

You use the original VeryCD Mod and anti-vampire very concerned about the proposed update to a modified version of this and keep pace with the latest version of DLP Mod use, can effectively shield the original can not stop stealing their own user name and client name and send spam, such as various types of news Vampire mule.
Reprint, please note the contents and keep this document, thank you!

April 8 at 13:47 restored a nickname for the detection of small mistakes, please download friends before re-download the cover.
April 11 to add bulk to rename the file functions, procedures to ensure the stability of the abolition EXE compression.

Download the source code: Finishing is still in testing stage, and then released.

Homepage: http://fzh.soft2cn.cn/article.asp?id=35
Latest AntiLeech DLP: http://fzh.soft2cn.cn/article.asp?id=18
DLP Updater: http://fzh.soft2cn.cn/dlp/DLP_Updater.zip DLP_Updater.zip 68.69 KB

Download Address: Click here

Download: eMule_VCD_Mod_080313+.rar 1.70 MB

No longer updated. > eXcalibur 1.7 is in Beta
