12 August 2008

eMule v0.49b ECB Mod v0.1b

eMule v0.49b ECB Mod v0.1b NoRatio
eMule 0.49b ECB Mod 0.1b by Tr0nYx


ADDED: European Community[Tr0nYx/Nightsky10]
ADDED: Upload in color[???]
ADDED: Uploadmanagment[Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Upkick[Tr0nYx]


With Ratio: eMule v0.49b ECB Mod v0.1b.rar 1.72 MB - Mirror - DDL

Without Ratio: emule_v0.49b_ecb_mod_v0.1b_noratio.rar 1.71 MB - DDL

11 August 2008

eMule 0.49a Razorback 3 Next Generation 5.01 (Applejuice) No Usenext


eMule Razorback 3 Next Generation v5.01 NoAds
Changelog 5.01:

- update to eMule 0.49a
- Community improvements
- spamfilterupdate
- usenext search removed

spezial features:
- adjustable Highspeed Credit System (Applejuice)
- Dual Server Connect
- advanced security features (e.g. AES 256 Bit)
- Highspeed Community
- Webbrowser start to empty page

Homepage: http://www.emule-mods.biz/razorback3.htm

Download: eMule.0.49a.Razorback3.Next.Generation.v5.01.Mod-Binary.ads.free.rar - Mirror - Mirror

eMule v0.49b Applejuice v3.1 NoAds - Super Source Finder always on

eMule v0.49b Applejuice v3.1 NoAds - Super Source Finder always on
New check's removed

- Usenext.de Ads
- Startpage from AJ to Google you can browse from here :)
- Super Source Finder Always on / Timer removed

Tested with Applejuce 3.1 clients communication
(ClientInfos.dll) Default ; if not you can see on the known clients connected in black color, click view shared files on clients (Unknown) these clients where kad doesn't return by connecting to kick them!

Clients in der Warteschlange nach Super Source Finder usage/Nutzung, in schwarzer Farbe angezeigt (Unbekannt), auf "Dateinen einsehen" klicken das kickt die vom Kad nicht aufgeloesten Source Clienten.


eMule.v0.49b.Applejuice.v3.1.bin.hacked.rar - Mirror - Mirror

File is Mpress exe compressed.
MPRESS executable packer is tested before by softpedia and all other major freeware sites. If it show by compressing emule.exe, fileshare software a trojan, the result is wrong. Test it by self and pack some emules with mpress.

Here is the result emule.exe unpacked which shows KAV and the 3 more corporated AV's are wrong.
As a little bit more intelligent AV, NOD or Bitdefender never did show a false positive by mpress packed files.

stay F-Secure may read the false positive trojan alert name from headers which remains the name MPRESS2 6.

Homepage: http://www.applejuicenet.de/6.0.html
BBS: http://www.extreme-unlimited.org/extremeboard1/portal.php

eMule v0.49b Applejuice v3.1

Ads Sponcered Semi Free/Commercial eMule Mod based on emule 0.49b opensource

eMule Applejuice Main Features
which give you more SPEED and SECURITY:

- Applejuice Community with many Community Clients advanced Community Features
- Applejuice Creditsystem: you can "buy" download Slots from other Community Clients with Applejuice you get for your Upload
- Community Topfile List: Search and Find the Files with most Community Clients
- advanced Upload Managament, Upload Protection and Boost Clients
- many Hacks, Community Fakes and Client Emulations
- security Features like 'no complete Files'
and 'Filename Obfuscation'
- AES (256 bit) encrypted File-Transfers for more Security
- many other useful Features
- all eMule Xtreme Features

Without Patch you get each time u start it a website with loz of ads per hit and emule search result, if you enter in usenext a keyword, jump out of emule network with useless usenext.de links by default. May trace user hits on search results.

Related Changes: - changed Usenext registration link

New Protection:
Other: +(DE)-[IN]creased free Creditdownload factor for modified Applejuice clients
- improved Anti modified Applejuice Clients
- some minor changes and fixes


Binary Download: http://www.applejuice.redp.de/eMule-Appeljuice/eMule.v0.49b.Applejuice.v3.1.bin.zip

Wichtige Info bitte Lesen!!!
Die Datei ClientInfo.dll reduziert die Quellen, versehentlich werden die meisten Releaser mods darunter auch Fireball gebannt oder der Download reduziert auch bekommt ihr keine Credite. Bitte die Datei loeschen. Keine Sorge, TLN Booster Hexmod fakes werden auch schon in eMule 0.49a Applejuice v3.0 von der Comm ausgeschlossen.

HOTFIX Please remove file ClientInfos.dll.new in eMule Applejuice directory!
You will get no or less sources using the ClientInfos.dll.new from this Version!!!

The new Version ClientInfos.dll in Applejuice v3.1 may reduce sources! Please remove ClientInfos.dll.new in eMule Applejuice Folder!!!

Einige Releaser haben keine Lust Ihre IP Adresse jedesmal an die Server zum Login der Releaser Funktionen mitzuteilen, deshalb wird Flaechendeckend ein gehackter Releaser Mod verwendet!

eMule 0.49b CN-7 Build 191 Beta1

eMule 0.49b CN-7 Build 191 Beta1 - Miles Better as eXcalibur «CN-7 Build 191 Beta1»
eMule 0.49b CN-7 Build 191 Beta1

Based on eMule 0.49b Final Codebase
«CN-7 Build 191 Beta1» eMule v0.49b
Internal : No Changelog
«CN-7 Build 191 Alpha» eMule v0.49b [CHN 7.191]
Internal : No Changelog

- Dynamic Anti-Leecher Protection v 31 antiLeech Dynamic Link Library (DLL) from http://xtreme-mod.net
Comms CHN: [ICN][niuguo][CHN]R^homebay^R[eDtoon]@TLF-ED [$5Ad]


Bin package: emule_0.49b_cn_7_build_191_beta1.7z 5.08 MB - DDL
Emule exe only (use as update to a present CN-6 Build (TE or UE) installation: eMule_0.49b_CN-7_Build_191_Beta1.zip 2.19 MB - ed2k: eMule_0.49b_CN-7_Build_191_Beta1.zip

No Ratio Hacked
Bin Package: emule 0.49b cn 7 build 191 beta1 noratio 5.09 MB - DDL

Older Versions

since 18. Aug. 2008 public:

0.49 to the official series of new integration
Update upload algorithm, so that the re-allocation of more randCS Fine
In view of Xtreme stop updating, CN simplified version of the anti-leech system, rewrite and enhance the function of the
Join the UDP FileReask ban
Join Fake Client ban (from Argos)
Rewriting the limits of 64 random number generation, to 64 in no less than the ceiling limit
ACAT UPnP updated the code, while retaining the original call interface
Optimization part.met file backup and restoration of the power outage protection, so that under normal circumstances the download file loading speed will not be affected
Algorithm that when customers upload to LowID identity was checked, after HighID not become directly upload bug
That GetPayloadInBuffer ( ) in an overflow error
ACAT's accession to optimize the code to upload partstatus
ModVer way to achieve change
Unknown Protocol Tags feature accession
Ip2c that when the database may not be able to load the collapse of the bug
Optimization clients.met backup and recovery, it is also a power outage protection
Join CTag and TitleMenu optimization (from Avi-3k)



src is here:

10 August 2008

eMule v0.49a Applejuice 3.0 Ads Free + Super Source Finder Boost limits gone *HOTFIX*

eMule v0.49a Applejuice Booster and Cleaner
eMule Applejuice 3.0 Ads free + Super Boost Source finder Timer permanent available to use!

Startpage = Google.com / You can browser from here in websearch to your favorite emule link site to download and have a use from the integrated webbrowser.

- Removed usenext ads / * Fixed (complete removed in search and overall)
- Removed applejuice startpage
- Removed Super Source Finder limitation

Release Notes:
App: PAtch
Size: 26.0 KB
Patcher: emule.v0.49a.applejuice.v3.0-patch-new.exe 25.5 KB (26'112 bytes)
MD5: 9beb105907de87f3eca4c2f3ade0f1ec

Patched emule.exe 5.99 MB (6'283'264 bytes)
MD5: 97f02e59506fabe5eb04a5ffc6271ad3
SHA-1: 394641d902c0d0b2c844c5e578e331df7a045a49

Rel.-Date: August-10-2008

For eMule 0.49a Applejuice v3.0 (emule.exe)

eMule v0.49a Applejuice v3 Booster and Cleaner Hack Patcher *fix:
emule.v0.49a.applejuice.v3.0-patch.exe - emule.v0.49a.applejuice.v3.0-patch-new.exe 25.50 KB - Mirror - DDL

applejuice emule patched *fixed: eMule.v0.49a.Applejuice.v3.0.bin-AdsFree+SuperSource-always-enabled.7z 3.72 MB - Mirror - Mirror

src Mirrors: http://centrump2p.com/forum/leecher/emule-v0-49a-applejuice-3-0-ads-free-super-source-finder-t482.html
