14 August 2008

eMule 0.49b Titandonkey v5.1 by Ekliptor

Applejuice Ekliptor Mod updated to eMule 0.49b code base

Changelog 5.1:

- merged to eMule v0.49b
- improved Community features
- http://www.titanmule.to file search
- removed Razorback 3 Servers
- many improvements

spezial features:
-adjustable Highspeed Credit System (Applejuice)
- Dual Server Connect
- advanced security features (e.g. AES 256 Bit)
- Highspeed Community

Mod Homepage: http://www.emule-mods.biz/titandonkey-titanesel/
BBS Applejuice: http://www.futuremods.de/forum/forum.php

Download BIN: eMule.v0.49b.Titandonkey.v5.1.bin.zip 2.77 MB http://www.applejuice.redp.de/eMule-Titanmule/eMule.v0.49b.Titandonkey.v5.1.bin.zip
ed2k link: eMule.v0.49b.Titandonkey.v5.1.bin.zip
as NSIS Installer Pack: eMule.v0.49b.Titandonkey.v5.1.installer.exe 2.24 MB http://www.applejuice.redp.de/eMule-Titanmule/eMule.v0.49b.Titandonkey.v5.1.installer.exe

http://titandonkey.futuremods.de > http://www.titanmule.to/?ref=TD

Connect by startup to: vps3091.alfahosting-vps.de

Without UseNext:
eMule.v0.49b.Titandonkey.v5.1.bin-No Usenext 2.27 MB

- Ratio (near 0 up) (1kb/s only - unlimited down speed) might be possible


Comparison Leecher Mods Pack's: uTorrent 1.8 Build 11758


Comparison Test
Ähnlichkeit Vergleich Result

Leecher Mods Pack's uTorrent 1.8 Build 11758 by Run-DMC

00de (upx) - Seba14 (upx or PECompact) - sb innovation (armadillo pr0tected)

uTorrent 1.8 (11758) 00de Leecherpack By v6ph1


Call-Home-Funktionen entfernt

utorrent 1.8 (11758)_fakeup1x_leecher.exe / Fügt vor dem Upload eine 1 ein und zeigt dich als Leecher.
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_fakeup1x_seeder.exe / Fügt vor dem Upload eine 1 ein und zeigt dich als Seeder.
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_fakeup2x_leecher.exe / Fügt vor dem Upload eine 2 ein und zeigt dich als Leecher.
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_fakeup2x_seeder.exe /Fügt vor dem Upload eine 2 ein und zeigt dich als Seeder.
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_mult10_leecher.exe / Sendet den 10fachen Upload zum Tracker und zeigt dich als Leecher.
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_mult10_seeder.exe / Sendet den 10fachen Upload zum Tracker und zeigt dich als Seeder.
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_mult100_leecher.exe / Sendet den 100fachen Upload zum Tracker und zeigt dich als Leecher. *1
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_mult100_seeder.exe / Sendet den 100fachen Upload zum Tracker und zeigt dich als Seeder. *1
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_noreport.exe / Sendet keinen Report zum Tracker.
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_report.exe / Sendet einen Report
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_org.exe / Der Originale Client
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_stealth.exe / Die Stealth-Variante

µTorrent 1.8 (build 11758) 00de Leecher Pack.zip

rebuilt.µTorrent 1.8 (build 11758) 00de 802.96 KB

µtorrent 1.8 (build 11758) leecher pack by seba14
based on the final µtorrent 1.8 build 11758


µtorrent 1.8 (build 11758) leecher pack:

utorrent 1.8 (11758)_stealth.exe
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_report.exe
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_noreport.exe
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_mult100_seeder.exe
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_mult10_seeder.exe
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_fakeup2x_seeder.exe
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_fakeup1x_seeder.exe
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_fakeup1x_leecher.exe
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_fakeup2x_leecher.exe
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_mult100_leecher.exe
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_mult10_leecher.exe
utorrent 1.8 (11758)_org.exe

Feature list for each mod included! DHT always enabled!

just innounpacked - no setup
ut18_lp_setupeXtract.zip 3.13 MB

uTorrent Expansion SBI Leecherpack v6 (based on utorrent 1.8)
Es sind folgende Mods in diesem Leecher Pack enthalten:


uTorrent Expansion 6 (v1.8 b11758).rar 21.29 MB High size caused of the exeprotector can't compress small rar pack ;)

uTorrent Expansion 6 (v1.8 b11758)unpacked.rar
unpacked armadillo from www.siliconrealms.com


The mods are all the same, check it out in HexViewer/editor, etc.. (Armadillo, neetz unpacking 1st, all the others are normal upx packed), some have a few mods more...
slight differences in About and Menue entries (sites wrote them homepage url inside that fields, armadillo option to add a splashscreen in one pack used). Seba mods provided free to load! UPX or PeCompact compressed is known as save AV's can scan it. 00de + Seba mod pack are very similar

13 August 2008

eMule 0.49b Argos Edition V1.1 No Ratio

eMule 0.49b Argos Edition V1.1 No Ratio
+ Exploitfix (now Argos work right) [merged from X-Ray/JVA/WiZaRd]
+ readded versionscheck [morph4u]
+ Little fix in Stats [ TrOnYx]

eMule 0.49b [Argos Edition V1.0]
Based on eMule 0.49b

+ Argos [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ ModID [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ TreeControl [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ Winsock2 [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ SysInfo [merged from X-Ray/JVA changed morph4u]
+ IP2Country [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ IPFilter Update [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ ModLog [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ LeecherLog [merged from X-Ray/JVA]

- Help [morph4u]
- IRC [morph4u]
- MobileMule [morph4u]
- SendMail [morph4u]
- VerrsionsCheck [morph4u]
- TextToSpeech [morph4u]

eMule 0.49b [Argos Edition] is developed by morph4u

- Official Ratio

Download without Ratio
Bin: emule0.49b.argos.edition.v1.1_noratio.7z 3.09 MB - DDL

With Ratio
Bin: eMule0.49b.Argos.Edition.V1.1.rar 3.06 MB
SRC: eMule0.49b-Sources.Argos.Edition.V1.1.rar 5.53 MB

links fixed 20.12.2008

eMule 0.49b Argos Edition V1.0

eMule 0.49b [Argos Edition V1.0]



eMule 0.49b [Argos Edition V1.0]
Based on eMule 0.49b

+ Argos [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ ModID [merged from X-Ray/JVA] /krrrrr
+ TreeControl [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ Winsock2 [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ SysInfo [merged from X-Ray/JVA changed morph4u]
+ IP2Country [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ IPFilter Update [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ ModLog [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ LeecherLog [merged from X-Ray/JVA]

- Help [morph4u]
- IRC [morph4u]
- MobileMule [morph4u]
- SendMail [morph4u]
- Versions/Update Check [morph4u]
- TextToSpeech [morph4u]

eMule 0.49b [Argos Edition] is developed by morph4u

Homepage: http://blackdevil-xtreme.com/hightime/wbb2/

Download BIN: eMule0.49b.Argos.Edition.V1.0.rar 3.03 MB
Download SRC: eMule0.49b-Sources.Argos.Edition.V1.0.rar 5.53 MB

Download BIN No Ratio: eMule0.49b.Argos.Edition.V1.0 -NoRatio.7z
- Official Ratio

links fixed 20.12.2008

eMule v0.49b ZZUL 20080801-2355 Argos Edition V1.0



eMule 0.49b ZZUL_20080801-2355 [Argos Edition V1.0]
Based on eMule 0.49b ZZUL_20080801-2355

+ Argos [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ ModID [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ TreeControl [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ Winsock2 [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ SysInfo [merged from X-Ray/JVA changed morph4u]
+ IP2Country [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ IPFilter Update [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ ModLog [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ LeecherLog [merged from X-Ray/JVA]

- Help [morph4u]
- IRC [morph4u]
- MobileMule [morph4u]
- SendMail [morph4u]
- VerrsionsCheck [morph4u]
- TextToSpeech [morph4u]
- UpdateCheck

eMule 0.49b [Argos Edition] is developed by morph4u

ZZRATIO needz 2 removed and what's about manual kick n ban, reask 2 add, DaZZle code is missing to0! Suggest Modstring remove , set to default emule 0.49b

Source 4 coder: eMule0.49b-ZZUL.20080801-2355.Argos.Edition.V1.0.sources.rar HTTP

Bin 4 user: eMule0.49b.ZZUL.20080801-2355.Argos.Edit 3.08 MB

This was better: eMule 0.47c ZZuL darkSky ediTioN.rar

Later Version:
eMule 0.49b ZZUL 20080801-2355 Argos Edition V1.1
+ Exploitfix (now Argos work right) [merged from X-Ray/JVA]/WiZaRd]
+ readded versionscheck [morph4u]
+ Little fix in Stats [ TrOnYx]

BIN: eMule0.49b.ZZUL.20080801-2355.Argos.Edition 3.05 MB
SRC: eMule0.49b-Sources.ZZUL.20080801-2355.Argos 5.60 MB


eMule 0.49b ShadowMule Mod v2.0f

eMule 0.49b ShadowMule Mod v2.0f
ShadowMule Mod v2.0f
Changelog v2.0f

merged to 0.49b[Tr0nYx]
ADDED: New Toolbar[DonkeyHote/taken from X-Ray Mod]
REMOVED: Original Toolbar[Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Filename Disparity Check[BlueSonicBoy]
ADDED: More GPLEvilDoers[Wizard]
ADDED: Optimizations[Wizard]
ADDED: Ip2Country[Eastshare/taken from eMF]
ADDED: IP2Country File Origin[Wizard]
ADDED: IPFilter Update[taken from eMF]
ADDED: Compat Client Stats[Stulle]
ADDED: Fakerank (is send only to clients not in queuelist and sort out by Uploadmanagment)[Tr0nYx]
REWORKED: Completly overworked checkfortimeover(there shouldn´t be such fast kicks as in the further versions[Tr0nYx]

Changelog v2.0e

FIXED: Mistake in Checkfortimeover[Tr0nYx]
FIXED: Mistake in Auto Hard Limit[Tr0nYx]


No Ratio SM 2.0f: SM Mod v2.0f noRatio.7z 2.24 MB

BBS Changelogs Collection Site: http://www.emulefuture.de/forum/ShadowMule-Mod-v20f-t11727.html&pid=74050#entry74050

Homepage: http://shadowmule.com/wbb/index.php
