24 September 2008

eMule 0.49b tyro next v0.2b by MarioHH

eMule 0.49b tyro next 0.2b
based on eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.0
ChangeLog: 0.2b

~ The Community issue for European Community is fixed now [Tronyx]

eMule tyro next v0.1b
all Libs Updated to actual libs by TRONYX

- No Powershare for Nickthiefs & Modthiefs
- ClientAnalyzer

+ missing Checks for PPgTweaks2 - now they work correct) [MarioHH]
+ ARGOS [merged from X-Ray] / [Xanatos/JvA]
+ European Community [10x TRONYX for implementing] <- didn´t work properly
+ ReAsk Single Client [MarioHH]
+ Friendhandling [Xman]
+ ClearBans [Tuxman/MarioHH]
+ Kick&Ban [trit/MarioHH]
+ Push2Upload [trit/MarioHH]
+ DropSystem [merged from X-Ray]
+ ManualClientManagement[merged from X-Ray]
+ StopDownload [merged from X-Ray]
+ AutoDropImmunity [merged from X-Ray]
+ Links for Server list and nodes file [Stulle]
+ Random Modstring [unseen.evil]
+ Upload only 2 eMule [DaZZle based]
+ Community / Anti Community / Anti Mod [mighty knife]
+ Upload Slot Control [KTS]
+ BetterPassivSourceFinding [merged from X-Ray]
+ Filefeedback [icecracker/MarioHH]
+ Clipstat [merged from X-Ray]

~ Changed some Splashscreen Stuff
~ Changed Modname

Download: eMule v0.49b tyro next v0.2b.rar 1.89 MB

ManMann WinMann 4 le ChangeLog's [HyperMan]

eMule 0.49b ECB Mod 0.5

eMule 0.49b ECB Mod v0.5 by Tr0nYx
eMule v0.49b [ECB Mod v0.5] by Tr0nYx (European Community Board Mod)

ChangeLog ECB Mod 0.5
ADDED: MissingPrefs [NeoMule]
ADDED: PrefSlider [X-Ray](changed Color)
ADDED: Dont draw uploadcolor for powershareFiles [Tr0nYx (thx to MarioHH)]
FIXED: Costum SlotSpeedSettings [Tr0nYx]
FIXED: Some things @ ModPrefpage [Tr0nYx (thx to MarioHH)]
ADDED: Some Strings to antileech.ddl & some things to leechers.dat
ADDED: Vagaa Detection [zz_fly]
ADDED: Drop Leecher @ drop Bad (drops only leecher you´re not downloading from [Tr0nYx]

ChangeLog ECB Mod 0.4
FIXED: Bug in QuickStart [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: DropSources [Xanatos]
ADDED: Auto Hard Limit [Wizard]
ADDED: IpFilter AutoComplete [Shadow2004]
ADDED: Ed2K-Updates [Shadow2004]
ADDED: ManualSourceDrop [Xanatos]
ADDED: Clipstat [Wizard]
ADDED: Remote Queue Satus [Yun.SF]
ADDED: Total up/Down in uploadlist [Xman]

Older Changelogs:
ADDED: Powershare [Wizard]
ADDED: ReleaseSlot Managment [Xanatos]
ADDED: Mark community in lightblue [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Mark powershare Files in red [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: QuickStart [Xanatos]
ADDED: Reask on IDCHange [Xanatos]
ADDED: FileFeedback [Xanatos (Little Fix Tr0nYx)]
ADDED: some Fixes & Optimations from X-Ray
ADDED: SplashscreenEx [NeoMule]
ADDED: Clientpercentage [Fafner/Slaham]
CHANGED: Some things around creditsystem [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: eChanblard Fake [umek/updated Tr0nYx]
ADDED:emulate Community Nickaddons [MagicAngel]
merged Bandwidthcontrol & uploadbandwidththrottler to the newest one
from NeoMule [Tr0nYx]
Added: CommunitySlotSettings [Tr0nYx]
Fixed: Added Argos fixes from Morph4u (thank u)
Changed: Credistsystem (based on Xman´s (simply modified by me)
Added: Bandwidthcontrol [Pawcio/Taken from NeoMule]
Added: Uploadbandwidththrottler [NeoMule]
Added: European community [Tr0nYx/Nightsky10]
++Sharelevel (only partfile, nothing, all (to community is always shared))[umek]
++CommunityMemberCounter [Nightsky10]
Added: accurate speed measure [Xanatos]
Added: Diffqr [X-Ray]
Added: Uploadcolors [??]
Added: NAFC [Xman/Xanatos]
Added: Pinger [Xanatos]
Added: NeoFile-ScoreSystem [Xanatos]
Added: fixes from xray
Added: SLS [Xman/enkeyDev]
Added: Ip2Country File Origin[Wizard]
Added: Kick-System [umeK]
FIXED: Destroy downloadqueue before knownfiles to prevent crash [Dazzle]
many many thx to my Betatesters MarioHH, system28 and B@nsh€€ & to umeK 4 the sharelevels

Based upon emule 0.49b Argos Edition 1.0 [morph4u](thx for this great work)

Download: emule 0.49b ECB Mod v0.5.rar 2.42 MB

ed2k (required European Community enabled eMule mod to download!): emule 0.49b ECB Mod v0.5.rar

eMule 0.49b ecb Mod v0.4.rar 2.45 MB
older Versions

XunLei Thunder v5.8.6.600 Ayu - Ads free

Notes installation
If you do not want to hearing mine auto-update, install your own when you deal with ^_^

...This... no need to introduce it? 8-)

Update Information
• reduce the download process cpu occupancy rate and optimize performance

Homepage: http://www.cannian.com/download/xunlei.php

AYU ( "Advertisments Yjunk You" - Ads internettrafficJam U ^_^ ) Free Mod Build date: 2008.09.24 10:58

Download: Thunder.v5.8.6.600.NoAD-Ayu.zip 6.55 MB
Mirror: Thunder.v5.8.6.600.NoAD-Ayu.zip 6.55 MB

English Language Pack:
Language Pack English (All Credits to HeHeHunter): EN_v2.0A.zip Mirror: EN_v2.0A.zip
other versions: EN_v2.0B.zip - EN_v2.0C.zip

Instruction how to make Thunder English: http://hehehunter.blogspot.com/2008/04/translated-xunlei-language-pack.html

eMule 0.49b MorphXT+ 11.1 by FrankyFive

La MorphXT+ รจ basata sulla MorphXT originale ma usa un session ratio di 1:7 (invece di 1:3)
per non avere problemi con le attuali aDSL italiane troppo sbilanciate sulla banda di download.

The MorphXT+ is based on the original MorphXT but uses a session ratio of 1:7 (instead of 1:3)
to have no problems with the current Italian aDSL too unbalanced download on the band.

- Versione NON bannata - risolve il problema dei nick -

Homepage: http://frankyfive.altervista.org/index3.html

Download site: http://frankyfive.altervista.org/morph+.html

BIN: eMule 0.49b [MorphXT+ 11.1] emulev0.49b-MorphXT+v11.1-bin.zip 5.09 MB - DDL
SRC: eMule 0.49b [MorphXT+ 11.1] emulev0.49b-MorphXT+v11.1-src.zip 5.86 MB - DDL

23 September 2008

TuoTu 3.3.111

From rabbit TuoTu 3.3.111 improve download P2SP

Stand-alone game delivery network Rabbit (TuoTu) is 3 adopt into one program. The fourth-generation download cross-transmission protocol engine software. From 3 rabbits (http/emule/bittorrent) comes a all-in-one in a beautiful interface. Easy to operation and a wealth of resources allows more user-friendly multi protocol download engine (P2P and ftp/http).

3 rabbits from the current epidemic of integrated download software tool.
The biggest difference is that the rabbit in 3 to the original transfer agreement independent of each other get through each other. Each document can be achieved from different sources to the obtain Transfer Protocol. A clever solution to use all the transport protocols. In short, a greatly increased of the download speed, stability and effectiveness of network resources.
In the future users do not have to go into different programs for BT, eMule, HTTP protocol to download with complex settings. The rabbit (TuoTu) make use of all protocols after the installation and you can quickly and easily download.

v3.3.111 2008.09.23
* Solve some cases: Access to Link URL's from IE problem of garbage
* P2SP: resolve some of the core HTTP file name will appear as% xx format
* P2SP: download complete solution for checking, mandate the suspension could lead to inconsistencies between the state mandate
* BT: filling of documents (padding file) identification
* Increased: the number of auto repair incomplete ed2k link function
* Invalid for a number of amendments to the text ed2k link tips and prompt way
* To prevent some cases, inside page will be opened to repeat the question
* Improved: Maxthon browser support
* TCP half-open connection tool updated

with eMule (v0.48a) - emule.dll (Copyright © 2002-2007 Merkur)
English Gui Language - lang_dll.dll

TuoTu is a powerfull dual language (Chinese and English to switch) Multi Protocol Downloader Engine.

How to switch the GUI to English (Click on the picture for fullsize)

Download site: http://www.tuotu.com/Download.shtm
No Install Version: TuoTu_3.3.111.7z 2.48 MB
Installer: http://www.tuotu.com/install/TuoTu_3.3.111.exe

Special Edition: TuoTu_3.3.111 special.rar 2.68 MB

older versions:
http://www.tuotu.com/install/Tuotu_3.0.96_beta.rar (no install)

22 September 2008

eMule 0.49b AcKroNiC 5.0 Final

eMule 0.49b AcKroNiC 5.0 by Taz
eMule v0.49b AcKroNiC v5.0

"After long awaiting for reviving Italy's pride - we're happy to present an updated version of AcKroNiC mod. This new version is based on latest official (0.49b), while preserving most of former AcKroNiC versions features and options.
Special care was given for preserving AcKroNiC reputation by detailed testing of very long serious of betas. We hope the new version will meet your expectations and will carry on the glory tradition of beloved mod..."
Announcement source

AcKroNiC 5.0 - 18/9/08

fix : version check - for allowing realease updates (taz)
add : detect and optional ban from MorphXT 11.1 for :
Vagaa (zz_fly),
Bad Shareaza(zz_fly),
Community & Corrupt hash (zz_fly/squallATF)
change : default AJ ban disabled
add : ICS optimization (taz)
add : More info about corrupted .met/.part file from AcKroNiC 4.3 (Mulo da Soma/Aenarion[ITA])

AcKroNiC 5.0 RC 2 - 15/09/08

add : Check already downloaded files from ScarAngel v3.0 (MoNKi)
fix : minor bug (RTL option)when selecting Hebrew lang with Apply (taz)
update : ConChecker from eMuleFuture v0.7 (taz)
remove : Maella's smart lowid fix
fix : minor glitch of version number at stats (taz)
fix : reworked version check (taz)

AcKroNiC 5.0 RC 1 - 08/09/08

add : powershared bold on upload list (taz)
add : fakeanalyzer from WARP (netfinity)
change : larger splash jpeg (taz)
add : Quick Start from Neo_Mule v4.55 (taz/Aenarion[ITA]/Xanatos)
add : family filter from AcKroNIC v4.3 (Aenarion[ITA])
add : trash filter from AcKroNIC v4.3 (Aenarion[ITA])
add : lowid notifier from AcKroNIC v4.3 (Aenarion[ITA])
add : invisible mode from AcKroNIC v4.3 (eF-Mod / WiZaRd)
fix : mess on transfer window splitter (moloko+)
change : ASFv2 options shifted to AcKroNiC III
change : Slot Control options via number of slots slider at AcKroNiC II (taz/Aenarion[ITA])
change : SRCs drop menu localized (taz)
updated : filters text and padding with blanks (Mulo da Soma)

AcKroNiC 5.0 Beta 6 Build 1 - 27/08/08

fix miss of url links on mod (AcKroNiC) options II page (missed on merges)

AcKroNiC 5.0 Beta 6 - 26/08/08

add optional ban AJ community hash (taz)
add detect AJ community hash (pP / Xman - from DLP)
code cleaning
merge to 0.49b


BIN eMule0.49b-AcKroNiC_v5.0-BIN.rar 6.19 MB
ed2k: ed2k://fileeMule0.49b_AcKroNiC_v5.0_20.09.08_bin.rar649408812C56C32F50CC4E2DD2672DECC766EF1/
*Not a Leecher Mod*
