06 October 2008

Nodezilla 0.5.6

Basically, Nodezilla is an experimental grid based p2p system available for Windows and Linux (on Intel platforms).

Technically, Nodezilla is a secured, distributed and fault tolerant routing system (aka Grid Network). Its main purpose is to serve as a link for distributed services built on top of it (like chat, efficient video multicasting streaming, File Sharing, secured file store ...). Nodezilla provides cache features; any server may create a local replica of any data object. These local replicas provide faster access and robustness to network partitions. They also reduce network congestion by localizing access traffic. It is assumed that any server in the infrastructure may crash, leak information, or become compromised, therefore in order to ensure data protection, redundancy and cryptographic techniques are used.

It currently offers five services:

* Anonymous File sharing,
* Hierarchical Multimedia Streaming,
* Digital photo sharing with selected friends,
* Distributed BitTorrentStore Database,
* User driven storage/retrieval of objects.

As this is a quite new and evolved p2p protocol compared to existing products.

The Experimental Distributed BitTorrent Database is available
The plugin for Azureus allowing integration of the Nodezilla Grid and BitTorrent in some way is available here. An explanation of how things work is here.

04 Oct 2008 - Nodezilla 0.5.6-cindy for Win32 and Linux available !
no software patents
Usual small fixes

Changelog is available here.
Homepage: http://www.nodezilla.net/

Download for Windows: http://crypto.ecn.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=40&func=download&id=78&chk=06ebd29fe0abc1c9c95c205a84f0b790&no_html=1
Download for Linux: http://www.nodezilla.net/dl.html#linux


IMule anonymous (e)Mule


Invisible Filesharing & Trusted Chat Client

*I*Mule is the anonymous filesharing of *E*Mule, the worlds most famous filesharing software next to gnutella and torrent.
Download and Share Files without revealing your IP-Adress or our Identity. Safe and Secure, just Anonymous Filesharing. Based on the Anonymity Network I2P (Invisible Internet Project) Imule is protecting you while Downloading and Sharing Files.

IMule is easy to use filesharing software - we have implemented the I2P-Mix-Router into the IMule-Client software... Just install and run - no need to configure a lot.

It is working with every normal ed2k-hash-Link, just visit your Filesharing-Board an click on any Hash-Link and you download the file safe and secure in IMule.

Of course you can search for files in IMule as well like MP3, AVI, DVD, RAR, 2007 or any other keyword.

As you are safe and hidden from any IP-Detection insude IMule, share all the files you like (which are not copyrighted, of course - Please respekt the copyright of others!).

IMule is based on the I2P Anonymity Network.
Which is a Router or Mixer-Network

Your IP-Adress is not shown to the requester or owner of the file.

I2P uses no IP-Adresses to let Alice and Bob communicate, but virtual generated IP-Adresses, so called Base-64-Keys. Once an Anonymity Tunnel is created, many applications are routing Traffic over I2P, because it is (thrid) all encrypted, you even do not know, if it is an Email or a Mp3-File.

IMule then uses as well *new*/*other* virtual generated Client-Keys, which stuck (saddle up) to the I2P-Base-64-Keys.

This means it is a perfect Mixer, anonymous Tunnel and all encrypted.

Homepage: http://www.imule.i2p/ (you need to install I2P first to visit .i2p domains from http://www.i2p2.de/) from internet: http://www.imule.i2p.tin0.de/

Getting started: http://forum.i2p/viewforum.php?f=30
German: http://board.planetpeer.de/index.php/topic,5235.msg28013.html#msg28013
Handbook: http://www.planetpeer.de/wiki/index.php/Das_deutsche_I2P-Handbuch
" Zuerst:
- iMule 1.2.5 funktioniert NICHT ohne I2P zur Zeit, da sich in der Zeit seit 1.2.5 raus kam, einiges verändert hat
- I2P sollte min. 0.6.3 sein!
- dein I2P Router sollte ok laufen ( zeigt links min. 10 active peers an)
> Im Router fuer I2P portforwarding tcp und udp fuer den verwendeten port setzen, haken setzen bei: OR use IP address detected by SSU
und bei: OR use the same port configured for SSU
beide Felder mit "Externally reachable" frei lassen
danach restart.
- du kannst im Browser mit dem aktiviertem I2P Proxy eepsites wie echelon.i2p, www.imule.i2p oder forum.i2p aufrufen

Wenn das OK ist:
- im imule Verzeichnis ein tmp Verzeichnis anlegen
- imule starten, in die Settings/Einstellungen gehen
- in den Einstellungen unter Pfade den Pfad/das Verzeichnis für das tmp Verzeichnis auf das zuvor erstellte tmp Verzeichnis ändern
- Einstellungen akzeptieren
- imule beenden
- imule neu starten
- warten bis er sich verbindet mit dem I2P Router
- nodes.dat holen mit dem Dreieck links neben dem nodes.dat EIntrag (alternativer eintrag: http://echelon.i2p/imule/nodes.dat "

based on aMule

Download: iMule v. 1.2.5 - 2008-01-31

Windows Debug Binaries Emule-Link - Http - MD5: c2635ca9bf93cac8c26f4120b16540db

Windows Binaries Emule-Link - Http: iMule_1.2.5.zip 9.78 MB - MD5: c5e8c0d1ceb30a8746b8106239e3de34

Source-Code / Linux Emule-Link - Http: iMule-1.2.5-src.tbz 10.79 MB - MD5: 595120e3d3aa653d85ad3b02530dea93

other I2P applications:

I2P 0.6.3-9 - Changelog: http://trac.i2p2.i2p/browser/history.txt or http://echelon.i2p/0.6.3/
i2pupdate.zip 3.27 MB
i2p.tar.bz2 7.93 MB
i2pinstall.exe 8.97 MB

BT Client Rufus
I2PRufus_0.1.1.tar.gz 343.51 KB
I2PRufus-0.1.2.tar.gz 344.86 KB
I2PRufus_0.1.1_setup.exe 4.00 MB
I2PRufus-0.1.1-win32.zip 5.00 MB

BitTorrent Client
i2p-bt-0.1.8.gz 52.79 KB
Extended i2psnark with skins (BT Client)

i2psnarkxl-20080830a-md5-51d03f6549afd1d 394.40 KB
Make a own Tracker Site
i2p_bytemonsoon_v0.05.zip 45.41 KB
I2P_Messenger.zip 147.56 KB
I2P_Messenger_src.zip 156.31 KB
i2phex_3. 6.98 MB

It's a little bit slow but for a second or so I reached 100k (1mb/s). For this it's really anonymous sharing and secure. No one can locate you on I2P applications (Mule, BitTorrent, Web,...) A great system!!!
You can use for chatting, creating anonymous Forums and own sites also for filesharing P2P emule and bittorrent.

05 October 2008

eMule 0.49a SharkX v1.3b beta 1

eMule 0.49a SharkX v1.3b beta 1
SharkX 1.3 Beta 1 - 21/06/08
eMule v0.49a SharkX v1.3

update lists ctrls (taz)
based on "mod generator" (aka "platform" v0.9)
platform v0.9b - 16/6/08

add : Always full chunk
add : ServerAnalyzer
add : Servers visualization
add : IP2Country (no text on lists)
add : ModIcon
add : ClientAnalyzer

(add : auto drop immunity - for drop system)

Todo : With CA - adapt suqwt and nick to leecher for thieves

platform v0.8b - 12/06/08

add : SlotControl (SlotSpeed + SlotFocus)
add : Horde opcodes

platform v0.7b - 08/06/08

change : Easy ModVersion now controls default user nick
add : Faster Upload Timer
add : SCC (Smart Category Control)
add : download color
add : merge Known
fix : sort search results by known

platfrom 0.6c - 06/06/08

add : Connection Checker
add : Unknown Protocol Tags
add : Extended clean-up (client list) - AKA Xtreme mem diet
fix : deadlock around ASFU
fix : AICH recovery

platform v0.6 02/06/08

fix : use prime numbers for hash tables
fix : All category title when only one category
add : retry connection attempts
add : fix connection collision
add : L2HAC
add : Don't remove dead servers on 0 retries
add : Static servers protected
add : Reset Kad-IP on IP-Change
add : Inform Clients after IP Change
add : optimization requpfile
add : SLS
add : PowerShare

One-queue-per-file from Xtreme v6.1 (Maella) + integrate with Powershare (taz)
better passive source finding from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
Don't allow file hot swapping from Xtreme v6.1 (Maella)
corrupted blocks ban threshold from Spike2 v1.2 (Spike2)
static ip filter from ScarAnglel v2.5 (Stulle)
Friendnote from MorphXT 11.0 (CB)
Always full chunk - needed for Client Analyzer (taz)
ServerAnalyzer - (Spike2/taz)
Servers visualization from Xtreme v6.1 (BSB/Xman/taz)
IP2Country from eMuleFuture v0.7
ModIcon from eMuleFuture v0.7
ClientAnalyzer from eMuleFuture v0.7
SlotControl :
SlotSpeed from X-Ray v1.4 (Stulle/JvA) + modified option setting (taz)
SlotFocus from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd) + integrate with SlotSpeed (taz)
Horde opcodes from WARP v0.3a.11 (netfinity)
Faster Upload Timer from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
SCC (Smart Category Control) from ScarAnglel v2.5 (Stulle)
download color (taz)
merge Known from MorphXT 11.0 (SLUGFILLER)
Connection Checker from eMuleFuture v0.7 (eWombat/WiZaRd)
Unknown Protocol Tags from eMuleFuture v0.7 (BSB/JvA)
Extended clean-up (client list) from Xtreme v6.1 (Maella)
retry connection attempts from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
fix connection collision from MorphXT 11.0 (SiRoB)
L2HAC from eMuleFuture v0.7 (enkeyDEV/Spike2)
Don't remove dead servers on 0 retries
Static servers protected from MorphXT 11.0 (Mighty Knife)
Reset Kad-IP on IP-Change from eMuleFuture v0.7 (Spike2)
Inform Clients after IP Change from Stulle v6.0 (Stulle)
optimization requpfile from MorphXT 11.0 (SiRoB)
SLS from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
PowerShare from eMuleFuture v0.7 + on complete files only (taz)
remove unused AICH-hashes from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
SafeHash from MorphXT 11.0 (SLUGFILLER)
Flush Thread from MorphXT 11.0 (SiRoB)
ICS from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
Anti HideOS from eMuleFuture v0.7 (netfinity/WiZaRd)
Automatic shared files updater + code optimization @ CSharedFilesWnd::Reload (taz)
DBR from WARP v0.3a.11 (netfinity)
Nice Hash from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
HashProgress from eMuleFuture v0.7 (o2/Spike2)
Tabbed Prefs from eMuleFuture v0.7 (TPT/shadow2004)
AddonDirectory from eMuleFuture v0.7
IPFilter-Update from eMuleFuture v0.7 (Morph/shadow2004) + direct URL updates to IPFilter-Update (taz)
ed2k updates from eMuleFuture v0.7 (shadow2004)
IntelliFlush from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
InfiniteQueue from eMuleFuture v0.7 (SLUGFILLER/shadow2004)
optimization for wine from MorphXT 11.0 (leuk_he)
Own Prefs from eMuleFuture v0.7 + extended for "mod-generator" (taz)
Emulate Others from eMuleFuture v0.7 (Spike2)
minRQR from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
Extended credit (-table arragement) from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
SUQWT from MorphXT 11.0 (Moonlight/EastShare/ MorphXT) + no SUQWT for ModThief or NickThief (partial implementation - taz)
Easy ModVersion from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd) + extended for "mod-generator" (taz)
ModVersionSystem from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd) + extended for "mod-generator" (taz)
ModCredits from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
ClipStat from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
ModStats from eMuleFuture v0.7 + extensions (taz)
ECR & Compat Client Stats from eMuleFuture v0.7 (Spike2/Stulle)
Open Incoming from tray (taz)
Integrated RTL support from within mod (taz)

Homepage - Darkforge

Download Build 21.06.08:
eMule0.49a_SharkX_v1.3b-beta1_bin.rar 5.36 MB
ed2k: eMule0.49a_SharkX_v1.3b_BIN.rar

I2PSnark - anonymous bittorrent with I2P


I2PTunnel application, you can hook up application instances and have them talk to each other over standard TCP sockets. In plain client-server scenarios, this is an effective technique for many simple protocols, but for distributed systems where each peer may contact a number of other peers (instead of just a single server), or for systems that expose TCP or IP information within the communication protocols themselves, there are problems.

Java 1.4 or higher.
Clean installs
•Graphical installer:
i2pinstall-0.6.3.exe (SHA1 69b0ce4f9d08745f94cfe4957dff40152d9cc51a sig)
Download that file and run it. If you're not on windows, you can type java -jar i2pinstall-0.6.3.exe (yes, really)
•Headless install:
i2pheadless_0.6.3.tar.bz2 (SHA1 6874bb777a85567f1dedbc764798c113335ec9fc sig)
Run (tar xjvf i2pheadless_0.6.3.tar.bz2 ; cd i2p ; vi install-headless.txt)
•Source install:
i2psource_0.6.3.tar.bz2 (SHA1 4a53ffbdbf52a210514f737915234e61aa9860d2 sig)
Alternately, you can fetch the source from monotone.
Run (tar xjvf i2psource_0.6.3.tar.bz2 ; cd i2p-0.6.3 ; ant pkg) then either run the GUI installer or headless install as above

Download Mirrors:
i2psource_0.6.3.tar.bz2 9.13 MB
i2pheadless_0.6.3.tar.bz2 7.91 MB
i2pinstall_0.6.3.exe 8.95 MB



- What clients are supported on I2P?

I2PSnark, I2P-BT, I2PRufus, and Azureus (but see below for more information on Azureus).

- What client do you recommend?

I2PSnark. It is built-in to I2P so it requires no installation. Also, it is under active development, and support is available. The others are standalone applications which are more difficult to install and use. Azureus in particular is a challenge to set up. New users in particular should try I2PSnark first. To use i2psnark go to link: http://localhost:7657/i2psnark/ in your browser.

- How do I get Azureus and its I2P Plugin to work?

We don't know. We've heard from numerous people who followed the published instructions and couldn't make it work. We haven't heard from anybody who _did_ get it to work in a long time. And there's nobody around I2P that does know how. We strongly recommend that new users start with the built-in I2PSnark. Once you have become familiar with I2P, if you decide you really really want Azureus, feel free to try. If you are successful, let us know how you did it.

- Why are downloads so slow on I2P torrents?

Two reasons. The encryption and routing within the I2P network adds a substantial amount of overhead and limits bandwidth. Also, most torrents on I2P have very few peers compared to torrents on the standard internet. However, it's a lot faster than it used to be, and we continue to work on performance improvements.

- What I2P settings are appropriate for Bittorrent use?

Two key settings are the inbound and outbund bandwidth limiters on link: http://localhost:7657/config.jsp . With the default settings of 16KBps you will generally get no better than 5KBps data transfer in I2PSnark. Increasing the settings (but keeping within your actual connection limitations) will increase the potential transfer rate for I2PSnark.

Tunnel length settings are a tradeoff between performance and anonymity. The default length of 1 + 0-1 in i2psnark (i.e., tunnels of length 1 or 2) works fine for most people. Feel free to adjust the settings if you want more performance or more anonymity.

If you are running lots of torrents you should increase the maximum memory size in wrapper.config to avoid out-of-memory exceptions (OOMs). Change wrapper.java.maxmemory from 64 to 128 or even higher. You must completely shutdown the router (not just a restart) and then start it again for this to take effect.


I2PRufus 0.1.2 - 21.09.08
- update PySamLib from v0.1.0 to v0.1.2
- increase SamSocket buffer size to 65536, set recv limit threshold to 16384
- added class "FileHandle": used instead of a normal file descriptor, opens and closes a real file descriptor as needed instead of keeping one open (should fix problems with torrents which have thousands of files)

I2PRufus-0.1.2.tar.gz 344.86 KB
I2PRufus_0.1.1_setup.exe 4.00 MB
I2PRufus-0.1.1-win32.zip 5.00 MB
I2PRufus_004_win32_setup.exe 3.59 MB

I2P BT release 0.1.8
What's new?

* Azureus seeding compatibility
* Utilize new I2CP session options
Get it at http://duck.i2p/i2p-bt/ (link only accessible through i2p)

The sourcecode repository is on cvs.i2p, you can follow the instructions
on http://www.i2p.net/cvs to access it. The module is called i2p-bt.

Related: http://i2p-projekt.de/links.html

04 October 2008

Unpacking StuFF

The Chinese have updated OD plugin:
OllyDBG v1.10 plugin - StrongOD v0.18

Temptress Moon Shadow by sea [CUG]

[2008.09.18 v0.18]
1, to repair the Ctrl + G calculation rva, offset when a small BUG
2, when the program is not running the state, Detach before running program
3, restoration of the original data OD zone copy BUG
4, repair od after the CPU running very high occupancy rate BUG
5, you can set it to skip some of the exception handling

[2008.09.02 v0.17]
1, to skip some of the improper handling of the abnormal OD
2, correctly handle the instructions int 2d

[2008.08.31 v0.16]
1, joined the drive to protect the process, the hidden window, over most of the anti-debugging
2, driver support for the custom equipment 000 (ollydbg.ini of DeviceName, equipment were not more than 8 characters)
ollydbg.ini of [StrongOD], you can set up their own
HideWindow = 1 to hide the window
HideProcess = 1 to hide the process
ProtectProcess = 1 protection process
DriverKey =- 82693034 and the key driver of communication
DriverName = fengyue0 who drives (not more than 8 characters)

3, OD will be the creation of the parent process into the process explorer.exe (copied from shoooo code)


The increase in the version of the driver, if a blue screen, set up minidump spread to the Forum, thank you
OllyDbg original use as much as possible, and other generally do not need the anti-anti plugin in conjunction with plug-in (including phant0m)

[Note of the final film Temptress Moon by the sea in the editing 2008-9-19 20:52]

House accounts, anti shell had the option to use the skills

The following are no special note are the original OD add a plug-in plug-in StrongOD operate

Ollydbg.ini in the first [Plugin StrongOD] the following HideWindow, ProtectProcess into the value of 1, the value of KernelMode turned into a preserve

1, Themida / WinLicense
Plug-in option to set a minimum
Original run OD, included in the main program Themida v1.9.9.0, stopped at the entrance after the removal of all breakpoints, Shift + F9 up-and-run
2, ExeCryptor v2.4.1
Plug-in option to set a minimum
Original run OD, set up break point on break point in the system to stop
ExeCryptor v2.4.1 included in the main program, stopped at the breakpoint system, according to Alt + B, remove the breakpoint EP
And then Shift + F9, you can
3, TTProtect v1.05 DEMO
Plug-in option to set a minimum. Original run OD, loading TTProtect v1.05 DEMO main program, Shift + F9
4, VMProtect v1.65.2
vmp v1.65 added to the xp system under the OD of the new anti
Plug-in option to set a minimum. Original run OD, loading VMProtect v1.65.2 main program, Shift + F9

Homepage: http://bbs.cracktool.com/viewthread.php?tid=28854&extra=page%3D1

StrongOD v0.18.rar 101.89 KB

03 October 2008


Release Date: October 1st, 2008

Shareaza can connect to up to 4 separate Peer-to-Peer networks, providing access to hundreds of thousands of diverse users, all from one single program. You can download/upload from these networks: EDonkey2000, Gnutella, BitTorrent and Gnutella2 (G2).

Shareaza 2.4 celebrates 4 years of open source p2p community,
and presents almost 900 changes from 9 months of solid dedication under difficult circumstances.

Shareaza 2.4 Changelog
Revisions 6540-7410 (Jan.01-Oct.01 2008)
Almost 900 Cumulative Updates.
Windows 9X Support Dropped, new VC9 Development Platform.
to much to put here.
Full Changelog visit: http://pantheraproject.net/wiki/index.php?title=ChangeLog2.4

Shareaza Features:
• Use the power of 4 P2P Networks simultaneously!
Four networks mean access to a wide variety of users. Look no further: Shareaza has got you covered!
• Download from multiple sources
Experience downloads the way they were meant to be: fast! Shareaza swarms across four networks!
• Sophisticated file-hashing
Say adios to corrupted files and mp3s that skip. Shareaza detects and fixes corruption before the download completes.
• Find that file with Global Searching on Gnutella2!
Search the entire network, not just a part of it. Shareaza will find you that file!
• Multiple results tabs
Each search is displayed in a new window. Your search results will never be overwritten. Shareaza runs the searches you want, when you want!
• Previews, users comments, and ratings
Get picture and movie previews right from the search panel. Even view comments and ratings written by users like you. Shareaza ensures you avoid those fakes and download the real deal!

Homepage: http://shareaza.sourceforge.net/
Changelog: http://pantheraproject.net/wiki/index.php?title=ChangeLog2.4

Download: http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/shareaza/Shareaza_2.4.0.0.exe
all files: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=110672
