20 December 2008

Internet Explorer 8 Release Candidate 1 Build 8.00.6001.18344

Internet Explorer 8 Release Candidate 1 Build 8.00.6001.18344 Downloads
The new IE8 Partner build is 8.0. 6001.18344. It contains the fix to this critical security bug (MS08-078).

Microsoft updated the December Partner Build (RC1) of the Internet Explorer 8. This build contains the fix to MSRC MS08-078.

Just as with the IE8 December Partner Build, this build represents the Release Candidate 1 of Microsofts progress and is best used to verify issues fixed since releasing Beta 2. Only for testing purposes.

The buildtag of this version is 8.00.6001.18344 (longhorn_ie8_rc1(wmbla).081211-1138)
11. Dec. 2008 11:38
The C++ 8 compiled Date: 11/12/2008 20:52:45

Older RC 1:
Version number: IE8 Build 8.0.6001.18343
Digital Signature Date: Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2008 09:12:13

Latest RC 1
Version number: IE8 Build 8.00.6001.18344
Signature Date: Freitag, 12. Dezember 2008 04:32:07

IE8 8.00.6001.18344 RC1 Downloads:

ReadMe: IE8-RC1-Readme.pdf

For Windows XP x86 (32 bit):
IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU-RC1.exe 16.06 MB

For Windows XP 64 Bit and Server 64 Bit:
IE8-WindowsServer2003-x64-ENU-RC1.exe 32.25 MB

For Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit:
IE8-WindowsVista-x86-ENU-RC1.exe 13.13 MB
IE8-WindowsVista-x64-ENU-RC1.exe 23.95 MB

News Source & DDL Mirrors: http://www.windowswiki.info/?p=397

can crash with K-Lite (embd3260.dll) NPReal32, LiveConnect-Enabled Plugin @ Access violation at address 0FA7F11D in module 'embd3260.dll'. Read of address 0FB40000.

19 December 2008

RegDllView v1.20


RegDllView v1.20
Copyright (c) 2007 - 2008 Nir Sofer
Web site with other great freeware appz: http://www.nirsoft.net

RegDllView is a small utility that displays the list of all registered
dll/ocx/exe files (COM registration). For each registered file, you can
view the last date/time that it was registered, and the list of all
registration entries (CLSID/ProgID).

System Requirements
This utility works on any version of Windows - from Windows 98 to Windows

Versions History
* Version 1.20
o Added 'Control Entries' column (Number of registered controls for
the specified file)
o Added 'Threading Model' and 'Last Write Time' columns for the
lower pane.

* Version 1.15
o Added name-only column (without the full path)
o Added version information columns (Product Name, Product Version,
Company Name, and so on...)

* Version 1.10
o Added new option: Delete All Entries For Selected Files - You can
use this option when the file is missing and you cannot use the
unregister option.
o Fixed bug: The main window lost the focus when the user switched
to another application and then returned back to RegDllView.

* Version 1.03 - Fixed Bug: Registered exe files with command-line
parameters displayed as missing.
* Version 1.02 - Added support for saving as comma-delimited file.
* Version 1.01 - Fixed Bug: shell32.dll displayed as missing file.
* Version 1.00 - First Release.

Start Using RegDllView
RegDllView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLLs.
Just copy the executable file (RegDllView.exe) to any folder you like,
and run it.
The main window of RegDllView has 2 panes:
* The upper pane - Displays the list of all registered files.
* The lower pane - Displays the list of all COM registration entries of
the selected file in the upper pane.

Tips for using RegDllView
* If you want to view the files that registered in the last hours/days,
simply click the 'Last Registered On' column, and the list will be
sorted according to the registration date.
* If you want to find obsolete registrations on your system, simply
click the 'Missing File' in order to sort the list by 'Missing File'
* You can unregister multiple dll files simply by selecting them in the
upper pane, and then using the "Unregister Selected Files" option.
However, this feature won't work on missing/corrupted files.
* The 'System Entries' column displays the number of COM entries under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\CLSID for the specified file.
* The 'User Entries' column displays the number of COM entries under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID for the specified file.

Handy tool to discover system dll's ocx and others


URLy Warning 3.0


URLy Warning will notify you instantly when a Web Page changes. It lets you see exactly what has changed. A pop-up window appears when a web page you're watching changes, and you'll see a visual comparison of what's been added and deleted. You can gather business intelligence, watch your competitors Web sites, monitor news topics and get instant alerts, monitor Google queries, track Usenet postings for keywords, monitor forums and more.


  • Pops up and/or plays a sound when a page changes.
  • Shows what's been added or deleted since the last time you checked the page.
  • Create alerts for when specific words and phrases appear on a page.
  • Limit alerts to a subset of the page, or to a specific number of changes.
  • Watch password protected sites.
  • Receive an email or page when a change occurs.

Homepage: http://www.urlywarning.net/
Download installer: http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/219393-1580/UWSetup.exe

Download no installer: UWSetup.rar 346.31 KB

18 December 2008

ResEdit 1.4.4

ResEdit 1.4.4
ResEdit is a free Resource Editor for Win32 programs. You can use it if you want to use dialogs, icon, version information (can change emule.exe version resource, get fake emule version detected from some dlp's back. Useful if a mod send wrong emule version to correct it :) Makes some Korean emules running with a higher skuill, v 2.x 3.x is mostly v 0.48, 0.49) or other types of resources. Output files can be compiled by any Win32 compiler, like MinGW and Microsoft Visual C++. To open a file which uses Win32 API symbolic constants, you will also need Win32 header files (usually coming with you compiler).

If you don't have any C++ compiler, you will need the Win32 headers (mainly windows.h and commctrl.h). You can download the Windows® Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK to get these files.

The current version of ResEdit is

•ANSI build (507 Ko) [Download]
•Unicode Build (516 Ko) [Download]

Mirror site

ResEdit does not have any setup program, you just have to extract the files contained in the archive in the directory of your choice. You can consult the changelog.

•Importing most of the rc files generated by Microsoft Visual Studio resource editor. Some informations like macro definitions may then be lost while saving the project with ResEdit
•Advanced Dialog editor. All existing kind of Win32 controls are supported (Static text, Buttons, Edit controls, Pictures, ...).
•A basic picture editor to open and modify bitmaps, icons and cursors
•Possibility to include all sort of resources.
•Generation of C++ code for the Dialogs (code with CreateWindowEx) and Menus (CreateMenu, CreatePopupMenu...). However it is not possible to import C++ sources files.
•Unlimited Undo/Redo buffers
•Customizable layout : you can drag and drop panels to place it wherever you want.

ResEdit is a freeware program.
Homepage: http://www.resedit.net/

Screenshots: http://www.resedit.net/screenshots.htm

more coding stuff

Flashget-Mini Ver 1.3 (1045)

Flashget-Mini Ver 1.3 (1045)

Add: adds auxiliary window display task details.
Add: add the search functions of the task can be taken in accordance with the "Name" and "file size" and "completion time" to find. For "file size" and "completion of the time", can customize the search criteria.
Add: add a menu right through the heavy task of naming names.
Add: Add to download the repetitive tasks, prompt "re-download" or "view" operation.
Repair: Repair the Vista can not drag files bt seed and the main link to the mini-window interface and download the suspension of the bug.
Repair: Repair the press after the boss key, auxiliary window has not closed the bug.
Repair: Repair of the call can not Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0 for the bug. Download the task is completed, mini-called back-Kaspersky Anti-Virus Scan. Kaspersky scan can check the record.
Revision: the revision will be suspended until the edge of the window, and then to restart Mini Express, and then display a different window of suspension, the suspended window sometimes invisible bug.
Amend: to amend the resolution to change after the suspension of the window may disappear bug.

Homepage and Download:

Can install and display Ads as written here

HashTab Windows Shell Extension 2.1.1 hotfix


This version contains the following changes since version 2.0.8:
Added drag and drop support for comparing files. Once the hash has completed, files can be dragged onto the HashTab. The dropped file will be hashed using the selected hash algorithm and the result is put in the text box and compared. This will make hash comparisons a little easier in some cases.
Updated translations for German, Japanese, Italian, French, Ukrainian, Spanish, Finnish and Chinese.
Fixed hash settings listbox layout
Added a "copy all" menu item to copy all hash data to clipboard
Fixed a problem where you had to hash a file in order to change settings
Added French translation
By popular demand, added support for MD2 and MD4 hashes.
The translation file has been updated for the new UI elements. If you notice untranslated strings in your language, you can help by downloading the translation file, translating the missing strings and sending me the file. Thanks! To update, just download and install as usual.

Please note: Hashtab does not support Win9x.
NT, 2000, 2003, 2008, XP, and Vista are supported.
Homepage and Download: http://beeblebrox.org/hashtab/
