26 December 2008

MultiGet 1.2.0


MultiGet is a http/ftp downloader with a nice GUI for linux/windows/unix desktop users. It can run on almost all desktops without any configuration. It has many powerful functions comparing to others.

MultiGet is an easy-to-use GUI file downloader for Windows/Linux/BSDs/MacOs.
It's programmed in C++ and has a GUI based on wxWidgets. It supports HTTP/FTP
protocols which covers the requirements of most users. It supports multi-task
with multi-thread on multi-server. It supports resuming downloads if the Web
server supports it, and if you like, you can reconfig the thread number
without stopping the current task. It's also support SOCKS 4,4a,5 proxy, ftp
proxy, http proxy.
It also support a feature called P2SP, or in other words, get file from
multiple servers, and combine the data from different site into one file. This
makes downloads complete much faster.
MultiGet also supports switching language dynamically, you can choose Chinese
or English interface. Generally it will automatic choose a proper language
for you.

Free Open source Download manager.

This project was registered on SourceForge.net on 2006-08-15 23:05

Languages: English, Chinese

Homepage: http://multiget.sourceforge.net/

Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/multiget/

Download for Windows, Linux, Unix

for Windows: http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/multiget/MultiGet-1.1.2-windows.rar

src: http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/multiget/multiget-1.2.0.src.tar.bz2


Debian, Mac, Ubuntu


dir tree

25 December 2008

eMule 0.49b UltiMatic V4.0 17.12.2008


Changelog for eMule v.49b [UltiMatic v4.0] - Merged to eMule 0.49b Magic Angel v3.5
Changes 16.12.08 - [engo3k]
+CHANGE: Punish for Non SUI Clients from max. *0.8 to -> *0.2/*0.1/Upload bann
+ADDED: High resulution speedmeter on toolbar [Stulle]
+ADDED: Advanced Transfer Window Layout [Stulle]
+CHANGE: Punish only for QR-Full Clients
+ADDED: Share Permission - Hide/Community/Friend
+ADDED: Unlimited Slot *Adjust max client upload time
+ADDED: Adjust max client upload time (for blocked clients 5-300 Minutes Standard 60')
+ADDED: Clear Banlist [pP] - in UploadList/QueueList/DownloadClient
+ADDED: Don't Ban Friends [KTS]
+ADDED: Max Chunks Transfer Limiter [KTS] -> remove client from upload if complete chunk transfered (9.28MB)
+ADDED: Manual Ask SRV & XS for new Sources [LSD]
+ADDED: Maximum Segment Size (MSS 1300-1480) [KTS]
+ADDED: Multiple Chunks Transfer (1-10) [mL]
+CHANGE: AntiCommunityName from [256] to [512]
+CHANGE: Color lightgrey for Anticommunity User & Diesable PS for Anticomm, Leecher Users darkgrey
+ADDED: Auto Unban when Friend to add is a banned client
+ADDED: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog) [kts]
+CHANGE: Slotfocus in UploadList
+ADDED: Limit PowerShare by amount of data uploaded - per File/Global [Stulle]
+ADDED: Private Anti-Mod Detection
+ADDED: AntiPunish for QueueFull Clients (faktor 1=aus, 2=50%, 3 1/3-->reduze score, 100=0 Score)
+ADDED: Anti Community Punish
+ADDED: 0 Score for Anti-Community User = Angel Argos Upload Bann
+ADDED: Diesable PowerShare for Anti-Community User
+CHANGE: Client Ban-Time [0-24H]
+ADDED: Colored Clients LowID=yellow, Community=Green, Anticommunity=grey ,Friend=Blue, Leecher=grey, QueueFull=lightgrey
+CHANGE: New eMule icons
+ADDED: Sivka File Settings - Source limit/drop adjustable per File [Sivka/Stulle]
+ADDED: Customized source dropping with auto drop immunity [Sivka/Stulle]
+ADDED: Show # of dropped sources per file in DownloadList [Stulle]
+ADDED: Automatic shared files updater (ASFU v3.2) - [MoNKi]
+UPDATED:German language file
+ADDED: TBH Mini-Mule with SendModname on Title
+CHANGE: PowerShare restrictions for partfile or finished files to 800 src.
+ADDED: More Infos in Copy stats (Avarage Cpu Usage/Compression/OS-Vista recognition...)
+ADDED: Copy Stats - extended
+ADDED: PowerRelease + Switchable Releaseboost ->(2-40)
+CHANGE: Push Rare Files ->(4-40)
+CHANGE: Push by Radio Files ->(2-40)
+ADDED: Push part files [Spe64]
+ADDED: Push finished files [Spe64]
+ADDED: Switchable Friendboost ->(1-200)
+ADDED: Switchable Community-boost ->(1-200)
+CHANGE: Reask Time ->(20-57)
+ADDED: Show CUR-AVG CPU/MEM usage in Stats
+ADDED: Switchable CPU/Ram Infos (eMule/Global) [Stulle/Sicks]
+ADDED: Choosable modstring with ModaddOnNick [Spe64] + feedback with SendModname
+ADDED: Send modname on Title/Systray&prefs/MyniMule&prefs/WebServer
+ADDED: Upload priority from Transfer Wimdows
+ADDED: Upload only to eMule Clients
+ADDED: Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
+ADDED: Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
+ADDED: Whois-Client Provider Info
+ADDED: GeoIP-IP Location Finder
+ADDED: Push to Upload from QueueList// & Transfer Windows
+ADDED: Kick All Upload Slots
+ADDED: Kick from Upload
+ADDED: Kick from Upload and add to IP-Filter.dat
+ADDED: Cleint-BAN from Upload - Transfer & Queue List
+CHANGE: Slot Limiter ->(1-255)
+ADDED: See onuploadqueue & feedback
+ADDED: English feedback format adapted to German
+ADDED: New Feedback format (DE)
+CHANGE: Remove PoweShare restrictions
+CHANGE: Remove Friends restrictions
+CHANGE: New Leecher icon
+ADDED: RatDvd = Video
+ADDED: Old AppleJuice Community Detection [Xman]
+CHANGE: Xman & MA DLPs added more Applejuice Based Mods and Israel Applejuice Mods, removed most Releaser Mods, added some Comms and very heavy cheater Mods
All Thanks to:

Download: eMule-0.49b-UltiMatic-V4.0-17.12.2008.rar 3.61 MB | Mirror Asia
DDL: emule_0.49b_ultimatic_v4.0_17.12.2008.rar 3.78 MiB

24 December 2008

eMule 0.49b Xtreme 7.1 Final


Xtreme 7.1

Main Features:

- Maella Bandwidthcontrol, caculates the real Overhead
- NAFC (network adapter feedback control)
- advanced Uploadbandwidththrottler with adjustable slotspeed
- Xtreme Downloadmanager for a clever source-handling
- improved Xtreme-Creditsystem
- Powerrelease with dynamic Hide OS
- IP to country - show country-flags
- Dynamic Leecher Protection (DLP)
- Multi-threaded disc access with threading-queue
- hundreds of code improvements

supported languages:
german, english, spanish, french, italian, chinese, turkish, czech

based on emule 0.49b
compiled with:
libpng 1.2.28
zlib 1.2.3
crypto 52.1
CxImage version 6.00

Xtreme 7.1
* this version partially based on Stulle's source
- update: DLP v36 (thanks WiZaRd)
- update: MediaInfo.dll
- update: Turkish language file (erdem444)
- update: Italian language file (DarkForge.it)
- add: skin - purple Xmas(toolbar only) (thanks Xtreme test team, Yangge)
- add: faster end game: drop stalled downloads (netfinity)
- add: Friend Links (MorphXT) and fixed a memleak (dolphin87)
- add: H.264 and 3vid FourCC Codes to the MediaInfo Detection (X-Ray)
- add: Push Small Files (sivka)
- add: SR13-Import-Parts (roversr13/MorphXT)
- fixed: disable preallocate while eMule allocating (dolphin87)
- fixed: official bug around userhash initialization (Enig123)
- fixed: avoid userhash collision (DreaMule)
- fixed: corrupted BarShaderInfo (fafner)
- fixed: improper English (ginger)
- fixed: Special case when socket is closing but data still in buffer (netfinity)
- fixed: minor official draw bug around SharedFiles Filter on Language change (X-Ray)
- improved: free unused memory when a download is completed/cancelled (Enig123)
- improved: optimized Upload Bandwidth Throttler
- improved: make source add action thread safe (Enig123)
- improved: use a prime table to initiate ClientCreditsList
- change: let nick name and location controls resize together with the source detail dialog
- change: support 24k send buffer

- 使用Maella带宽控制系统,准确计算额外开销
- 使用NAFC系统,更适合ADSL用户使用
- 使用Xtreme下载管理系统,来源处理更加智能
- 使用Xtreme积分系统
- 支持Powerrelease和动态隐藏文件块,文件发布更迅速
- 支持IP2C数据库,显示国家旗帜
- 支持DLP,使得吸血鬼无所遁形
- 数以百计的代码改进

下载:eMule Xtreme 7.1

* 这个版本部分基于Stulle的源码
- 更新 DLP v36 (感谢 WiZaRd)
- 更新 MediaInfo.dll
- 更新土耳其语语言文件 (erdem444)
- 更新意大利语语言文件 (DarkForge.it)
- 加入皮肤 紫色圣诞节(只包含工具条)(感谢Xtreme测试小组,Yangge)
- 加入快速完成, 丢弃阻塞的来源 (netfinity)
- 加入好友链接模块 (MorphXT) 并且修复一处内存泄漏错误 (dolphin87)
- 加入H.264和3vid的FourCC代码检测 (X-Ray)
- 加入推送小文件 (sivka)
- 加入从现有文件中导入文件块 (roversr13/MorphXT)
- 当eMule正在分配磁盘空间时,暂时禁用预分配磁盘空间功能 (dolphin87)
- 修正官方在UserHash初始化上的一系列问题 (Enig123)
- 修正UserHash碰撞的问题 (DreaMule)
- 修正损坏的BarShaderInfo (fafner)
- 修正英语表达 (ginger)
- 修正Socket关闭时可能出现的一个错误 (netfinity)
- 修正官方在切换语言时可能出现的错误 (X-Ray)
- 改进: 当下载完成或取消时释放不再使用的内存 (Enig123)
- 改进: 减少了上传带宽控制过程的CPU占用
- 改进: 使得来源添加行为成为进程间安全的 (Enig123)
- 改进: 使用素数来初始化客户积分列表, 提高效率
- 让用户详细信息中的用户名和国家信息随着对话框的扩大而扩大
- 支持24k发送缓存

comes with new DLP:
DLP - AntiLeech36
Last Update: Dec 24 2008
DLP improved 3.6: catch most AJ mods ,
Latest XunLei Thunder is banned
If you use XunLei emule module you have to HexEdit the modname in emule.dll cause its listed by eMule v0.48a [xl build42] AntiLeech as bad modstring, or better not use Thunder for emule downloads. It will be slow... read more

BBS: http://www.edonkey2000.cn/bbs/thread-256598-1-1.html


Project Downloads: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=129450


Compiled bin: http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emulextreme/emule0.49b-Xtreme7.1.7z

Sourci: http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emulextreme/emule0.49b-Xtreme7.1-sources.7z

If you have any problem with upnp in this and other mods and original emule please test mods with:

Linux* SDK for UPnP* Devices (libupnp) (Win32 port)

ScarAngel, Mephisto Stulle's mods, all Morph based mods such as MagigAngel, EastShare use this (and I mean its a way better) upnp implementation. Original emule and most mods use miniUPnP some mods have a great bug with this such as Xtreme by zzfly

UPnP-errors: Can not find a UPnP Router

in file "UPnP.cpp:172"

CString devices[][2] = {
{UPNPPORTMAP1, _T("service")},
{UPNPPORTMAP0, _T("service")},
{_T("InternetGatewayDevice"), _T("device")},
3 device

CString devices[][2] = {
{UPNPPORTMAP1, _T("service")},
{UPNPPORTMAP0, _T("service")},
{_T("InternetGatewayDevice"), _T("device")},
between in Xtreme 7.0 and 7.1 are some more bugs as ever been before in Xtreme mod


eMule0.49b AcKroNiC v5.1 NO RATIO


- Ratio
- ip filters and other things updated

Grazie per il mod!
Thank you!

Download link DDL: emule0.49b_ackronic_v5.1_no_ratio.rar

Fileshare Mirror:
emule0.49b_ackronic_v5.1_no_ratio.rar 3.20 MB

Merry X-Mas

Merry X-Mas

23 December 2008

eMule v0.49b -XdP- EdiTioN v4.0 beta 2

eMule 0.49b XdP 4.0 beta 2

ADD : minRQR (WiZarD)
ADD : LeecherLog (umeK)
ADD : ClientAnalyzer (WiZarD)
ADD : BadGuy Detection (umeK)
ADD : additional Punishment (umeK)
ADD : some Optimizations,Fixes from various Mods....
CHANGED : eXtended Kick-System (umeK)
CHANGED : few default options (umeK)
CHANGED : Prefspages (umeK)
CHANGED : Smart RQR-Boost (umek)
CHANGED : few things on opcodes.h...(umeK)
OPTIMIZED : Fake eChanblard (umeK)
FIXED : some things around the Mod (umeK)
REMOVED : old AntiLeech System (umeK)
REMOVED : some unused stuff.... (umeK)
many many other changes.....

eMule v0.49b -XdP- v4.0 beta2.rar - Mirror

Mirror DDL:

One of the best Leecher Mod out there!

Thank You
