07 January 2009

eMule 0.49b ZZ-R V1.8 Light | eMule 0.49b ZZ-RS V1.8 Light *FIXED*



ZZ-R/RS Light editions by morph4u

eMule ZZ-R/RS have all features for releasers and advanced users. Customizable Argos AntiLeech allows easy to define "bad" mods much better as using compiled dlp and other systems. User can by self desire what mods/usrnames/comms they want ban/score reducing and not. Futur more ZZ-R/RS have custom modstring option, you can give the mod a name which you like. The mod also has all the manual features that real emulers wish to have for full operation with an emule mod.
It's a pleasure to release files but also download with ZZ-R/S Mod.
The mod is the one of the best.

The difference between ZZ-R and ZZ-RS, S stand for ShareLevels. In rare cases if you need for a while the upload speed for example for ftp by uploading to a ftp server, it is possible to reduce for the moment the emule upload until you finish and after done you can set back to full upload speed to emule without doing a break, loosing download sources or reducing the download speed from the ed2k net.

ed2k links *fixed*:



Fileshare hosts:


Thank you!

06 January 2009

How to make a no upload emule mod

Compiling eMule that dosen't upload - Leecher Mod

Visual Studio 2005 or later is needed to compile eMule source codes.

The easiest way to compiling emule is to download the emule source together with the libraries.
The best one is Xtreme or MorphXT mod:


Moding emule for no upload:

Find the file:


in it change the function:

void CUploadQueue::AddClientToQueue(CUpDownClient* client, bool bIgnoreTimelimit) {

in this batch below find the right position and
add a


below the declaration find the right position before a client add to upload so that the function return immediately.

Happy sharing

05 January 2009

eMule 0.49b Magic Angel 3.7


eMule v.49b Magic Angel v3.7 bta pre

ADDED: manual reask source source via udp in in DownloadList
REMOVED: Server Ads
ADDED/CHANGED: open a default website to download a default server.met and nodes.dat direct links /no need to open browser
ADDED: Show NickName in Server Window
REMOVED: Session Ratio
CHANGED: Icons and Graphic stuff size and res optimized - reduced some 500 kb
CHANGED: Show Full Network Info in Server Window
ADDED: Run TCP-Z Network Monitor from Tool
ADDED: Show Nick in About

compiled with VS2008 SP1 w/o debuging code linker using ATL Libs 9.0.70425

Changelog for eMule v.49b [Magic Angel v3.7]

CHANGED: AntiModThief to old code // rem. now anti nickthief dont work in some rare cases anymore
CHANGED: Removed some entries from MagicAntiLeech (entries are in DLP too)
FIXED: Latest Morph Default Ipfilter.zip File, failed update[D10Tmain] // tested highest zip compression level using 7zip by Ozzy's ipfilter.dat works now to extract
FIXED: Vagaa Detection - forgotten to change some code during merging was commented out in source
FIXED: Leecher Icon in downloading Clients Lists

Changelog for eMule v.49b [Magic Angel v3.6]
compiled with VS2005 SP1

CHANGED: some Lines of Versionchecks for VS2005[gomez82]
CHANGED: AntiModThief in Argos now uses WiZaRds AntiModthiefCode from ClientAnalyzer
FIXED: ClearMessageField[TuxMan]
FIXED: ReAskSourcesAfterIpChange: if we receive a LowID we do a recheck[XMan]
ADDED: open a default website when nodesurl is invalid[ZZ00fly]
ADDED: More Creditsystems(SIVKA/XTREME/SWAT/TK4/ZZUL) and some Code changes in Clientcredits[Stulle]

Downloads with Modstr
Download: MA 3.7.7z 5.68 MB
DDL: ma_3.7.7z

ADDED manual Ban and Unban (Argos) + Kick from Queue/Upload, Clean Queue and Upload Client Lists : MA 3.7+.7z 5.68 MB

replaced: obfuscation send Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/ with newer Fx /thePrefs.IsClientCryptLayerRequested // no Italian users on most foreigner countries isp could detect it's emule.

changed: Min upload slots from 60 to 1
changed: rare/part/rel boost limits up to *250

no ps limit on incomplete/part
eMulemamo.exe 1.95 MB

Removed: Modstr. and Nick addon (send genuine official emule 0.49b)

MA 3.7-no modstr.7z 5.67 MB downloads in bbs


mergged new v3.7 bta fixes to v3.5 w/o antileech sys changes in 3.5
other fixes
enabled download history in shared files icon sorting

Download: eMule 0.49b ILLuTion Mod-MA3.7-Based.7z 6.33 MB

Using two Network cards to bundle 2 ISP's to dopple speed by set two registry entry without need for any tools to buy:
For WinNT/Win2000/XP: For systems with 2 Network Cards [NICs]
Registry Settings
System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters]
Value Name: RandomAdapter
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
sP="HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters\RandomAdapter" 'Dword 1=enable 0=disable
sP1="HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters\SingleResponse" 'Dword 1=enable 0=disable

04 January 2009

aNoTher MA Based Mod v1.2


many,... check it out
no session ratio,...
slight boost for eMule user from Cuba (net is very slow there so I add a higher priority/score to Cuba)

TCP-Z Network Monitor Tool (all Windows Version up to latest Windows 7 compatible) ported to Tools menu. On x64 bit os rename TCPZ64.exe to TCPZ.exe and place in emule direcory where emule.exe is located. You can also call other Network Tools like from NirSoft Networktools or Sysinternals.com tcpview.exe for example by rename the Network tool you wish to start from emule menu to TCPZ.exe

Original Ozzy IP Filter.dat url added to links menu

Custom Modstring:

Set as ModString valid Modnames are for example:

Magic Angel 3.5
Magic Angel 3.6
ScarAngel 3.1
Xtreme 7.0
Xtreme 7.1
Mephisto 2.1
MorphXT 11.1
MorphXT 9.7
EastShare 14.2
EastShare 14.3
StulleMule 6.1

see ModVersion.h in 'official Mods' (PPgEmulespana.cpp based Modname c++ code)

or set as modname anything you like. Dont use special characters, no 2 dots (in version one point only) no ( , + - ) and no r before version (see new bad modstring scheme in antileech.cpp v3.7)
Sample Modnames which works:
Uejdradpl 7.9
Whhlosru 1.4
Xpesov 9.6

which doesn't work and show Bad Modstring Scheme dlp 37:
7nrli0kd3b 6.27 (numbers in modname before version)

the dlp by this mod have added some more IL clients to the bann. No ban or score reducing for Bowlfish.10a and older versions. Mod will upload fine to Portugal user. The freaky comm mods that use only dlp mods with boost in every build are banned huhaha.

This is AppleJuice (modname from official mod but after username no modname extension and send funny nick):
Name: [FN] Mighty Duck Version: eMule v0.49b [Xtreme 7.1]
must be:
Name: anyname [D?f)] «Xtreme 7.1» Version: eMule v0.49b [Xtreme 7.1]

AJ using MorphXT modname fake like this:
Name: [FN] Fat Rhino Version: eMule v0.49b [MorphXT 11.1]
original will be:
Name: anyname «MorphXT 11.1» Version: eMule v0.49b [MorphXT 11.1]

same AJ mods send modstrings from Xtreme mod 7.0 without Nickname mod addon, MorphXT etc...
will be added in next update to AJ ban in dlp!


with custom modname
eMule 0.49b ILLuTion Mod-MA3.5-Based.7z 5.63 MB - DDL: emule_0.49b_illution_mod_ma3.5_based.7z

without any modname (send like official no modstr.) no nickname addon
eMule 0.49b ILLuTion Mod-MA3.5-Based-no modrstr.7z 5.62 MB


fixes from ma, 3.6, 3.7 merged to 3.5 base w/o antileech/modthiefs changes
fix icon sorting by download history in shared files enabled
add startup snd
to disbale sidebanner for compacter option menu write/change in preferences.ini:
obf. connection send browser ua string from ie as on os installed , read from ie webbrowser entry in winregistry the ua string entry. better than send old fx 1.5 version italian ua string

Download: eMule 0.49b ILLuTion Mod-MA3.7-Based.7z 6.33 MB

eMule 0.49b ZZ-R/RS V1.8 by morph4u



ZZ-RS V1.8 (eMule 0.49b) / ZZ-R V1.8 (eMule 0.49b)

+ Authorize preview of files with 2 chunk (was 5 chunks) [MorphXT/Sirob]
+ Fixed Modthief detection
+ Fixed File Reask Time
+ Fixed Sort OnQueue in Sharedfiles
+ Fixed Mark friends...blue/green
+ Fixed Powershare Graph in stats
- Removed Tray Password

How to use custom modname:
1. by Modstrin/name in menu, write any name and number like: MyNameis 1.9
don't use special letters/character in modnames such as: $*.Øú+-ï,ÿ

2. set your Nickname in the options dialog

Thank you.
ZZ-R(S) is one of the best mods out there.




fileshare host:
eMule.0.49b.ZZ-RS.V1.8.rar 6.14 MB
eMule.0.49b.ZZ-R.V1.8.rar 6.14 MB


03 January 2009

Windows Half-open limit fix patch 3.1


Program Half-open limit fix intend for changing maximum number of concurrent half-open outbound TCP connections (connection attempts) in system file tcpip.sys.

This limit is entered by company Microsoft trying to make slower virus spreading from infect computer and cut down opportunities of participation of a computer in DoS attacks.

First this limit was entered in SP2 for Windows XP and present at all new versions of Windows. Limit consists that the computer is not authorized to have more than 10 concurrent half-open outbound connections. At achievement of a limit new attempts of connections are put in turn.

Thus, speed of connection to other computers is actually limited.

This limit is especially critical for P2P programs (µTorrent, BitComet, eMule, P2P TV etc.) users. When the P2P program works, pages in a browser can be loaded extremely slowly. The delay before the beginning of opening can make some tens seconds irrespective speed of your connection speed.

Half-open limit fix cleans this limit, that is increases the maximal limit of half-open connections. For the overwhelming majority of users there will be sufficient the limit equal 100.

Operating system: Windows XP SP1(x64)/SP2(x86,x64)/SP3, Server 2003 SP1(x86)/SP2(x86,x64), Server 2008(x86,x64), Vista without SP(x86,x64) and with SP1(x86,x64), 7 Beta(x86,x64)
Interface language: English and Russian.
For Vista and Server 2008 users: Maybe sometime, after updating Windows or SP installation on a desktop will appear watermarks "Test mode". They can appear because in all versions of Vista and Server 2008, except Vista without SP(x86), there is the obligatory check of the drivers signature, and the tcpip.sys file sign with test signature after patching. Most likely, to make it disappear will be necessary simply once again to patch tcpip.sys.

Version 3.1 (November 21, 2008)
- Added support of Windows 7 beta build 6801(x86,x64)
- Fixed rare bug when the system could restore an original tcpip.sys file just after it patched in Windows XP

The unlimited value as on server os is: 16777214

Homepage: http://half-open.com/
Download Site: http://half-open.com/download_en.htm
Download: http://half-open.com/Half-open_limit_fix_3.1.zip - Mirror
