16 January 2009

The Alternative DLP

Project Alternative Dynamic Leecher Protection

Dear all

As we all know the 'official DLP' don't protect from the most popular eMule mod Applejuice and co. which give mostly zero upload to non AJ Comm mods.

Removed from the ban are small comm mods which give upload to all emule mods outside of a community too.

We are proud to present an alternativ DLP with enhanced AJ protection. [for non AJ mod comms]

Its Beta, every suggestion is welcome.

Many users are very dissatisfied with the current DLP and the DLP has evolved with the times since it exists.
A File Sharing Network can not have a monopoly still maintained by about 2 people to create for all a ban list based on factors which are fetched from somewhere else.

The power to ban, to sort out the ed2k net judge between right and wrong eMule mods, without the DLP creater ever have fully tested over a longer time range periode all the mods what they ban with the DLP, if these emule mods and ed2k compatible clients give upload to all or not can not be the right thing.
If there is only one official DLP with this power made by one 'Team' called them the officials. A monopol in a shared network will remain about who have the saying and not with such ban lists. This is not suitable for eDonkey Net users are all over the world.

In the democracy there should be a public voting pool for about which mods users vote to ban and not and not a high promoted dictatorship DLP of eMule mods and compatible clients.

More than 70 % of all leecher mod users using leecher mods with enhanced features to the official mods for releasing file into the ed2k net.

The DLP can be used with all Dynamic Leecher Protection enabled mods such as:

- Mephisto
- ScarAngel
- Xtreme Mod
- Hardstyle XS
- CN Mod
- VeryCd mod
- MagicAngel
- ...
and all mods based on it

based on dlp v3.5

File Hashes from:

CRC32: ecf807cc
MD5: 248184a7e1eb0d65aa3704bf418fca91
SHA-1: b85126cb502f9a74ee3f6ad1bfacb4490d7fb6c7

Download and mirrors:
Web Site 1 - Web Site 2
antiLeech.dll | Mirror Berlin | Mirror Nuernberg | Mirror France | Mirror Russian Federation and Ukraine
antiLeech.dll.new | Mirror Berlin | Mirror Nuernberg | Mirror France | Mirror Russian Federation and Ukraine | Mirror USA

in addition to a good DLP we suggest the original Ozzy IP Filter for P2P - No repack or rip!
---Ozzy IP Filter---
Authors Download Ozzy's site host (not zipped)

Download as zipped archive
eMule automaticaly unzip the content by update from this url:
http://mods.9tt.eu/dlp/ipfilter.zip 5.1 MB | Mirror | Mirror France

I want to thank the coder for this DLP very much!

11 January 2009

eMule 0.49b Apace V1.0 Beta 1 (Based on X-Ray v1.6)



Apace V1.0 Beta 1 (Based on X-Ray v1.6)

+ Setable Modstring
+ New undetectable Random Modstring
+ Community
+ Active Permission
+ Emulate Others
+ Non eMule clients
+ MinQR
+ Single Client reask
+ Max. Uploadslot Control
+ Friend Settings in all Lists
+ Friendboost
+ Remove all Friendslots
+ Automatic Friendslot
+ Mark Friends Green
+ Log Friends
+ Mark LowID Yellow
+ Mark Friendslot Blue
+ Download in Red
+ Download in Bold
+ Upload Start Sense
+ Kick/Ban in Lists
+ Push to Upload
+ Drop Single Client
+ Select all Files
+ Copy eD2K Links
+ Server rotation
+ Shutdown after Download
+ En/Disable Community from Toolsmenu
+ MiniMule Auto Close
+ MiniMule Transparency
+ Dont publish
+ Upload Country Filter
+ Community Nick Addon Faker
+ Queuesize Tweaks
+ Unlimited Slot
+ Spamming server column at searchresults
+ Search colors
+ No Ratio
+ Unlimited search results
+ Argos made editable
+ Little Fixes
- Help
- MobileMule
- SendMail
- VerrsionsCheck
- TextToSpeech
- Splashscreen
- Removed many faetures from x-ray

antileech.dll without:

- FlowerPower
- NextEvolution
- TR-P2P-MoD
- Ulti
- TCMatic 3

Todo (known Bugs):

Powershare have Limits and must be changed in future.

Argos Modthief detection have a bug and
detect own Mod to Mod (the modstring you send) as Modthief.
Disable Modthief detection or better use "Random Modstring".

Apace is developed by morph4u

Download DDL: eMule.0.49b.Apace.V1.0.Beta.1.rar | DDL Mirror
Mirrors: emule.0.49b.apace.v1.0.beta.1.rar 2.65 MB | BRSBOX
ed2k Link:

Thank you very much!

10 January 2009

eMule 0.49b PrE-Mod v1.5

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

TCP-Z V2.4 Build 20090108

TCP-Z 2.4 Build 20090108 Released
TCP-Z 2.4 Build 20090108 Released

Best TCP/IP Patch and Network Monitor Tool with a beautiful UI

Project Name: TCP-Z (TCP-Z Network Monitor)
Support OS: Windows XP SP2 SP3/2003/2008/Vista SP1 SP2/Windows 7, All 32bit (x86) / 64bit (x64)

Event ID 4226 Patcher, EvID4226 fix, TCP/IP Patch, TCP Half Open Connection Limited Patcher.

Raise the limited of half-open (incomplete outbound) TCP connection, Release the power of your network, download faster, and more task can be run at the same time.

TCP-Z Support Windows 7 x64 Build 7000
OS: Windows 7, Build 7000
Platform: 64bit, x64
Tcpip.sys version: 6.1.7000.0 (winmain_win7beta.081212-1400)
TCP/IP Half Open Connection Limited Default Value: 10

Incorrect Tcpip.sys will cause TCP-Z not work properly
Sometimes, the file Tcpip.sys incorrectly modified by another patch, this will cause tcp-z not start correctly.
Suggestion: Restore the original file Tcpip.sys, restart computer, then try TCP-Z again.


TCP-Z Build 2009.01.08 V2.4.0.46
+ Windows 7 x64 6.1.7000.0 Memory Patch.
+ GUI program, support keyboard control. Thank Aldares.
Ctrl + Tab = switch tab; Tab = switch control.
* GUI program, File Patch, improve compatibility of disable WFP in Windows XP. Thank BRD-IlLusioN-CCCP.
* GUI program, fixed, user interface in non-standard DPI can not correctly display.

More info, user guide visit
Homepage English: http://deepxw.blogspot.com/

Homepage Chinese/English: http://deepxw.lingd.net/
Download Europe: TCPZ_20090108.zip | Mirror
Download Asia: TCPZ_20090108.zip | Mirror
Download East Europe: TCPZ_20090108.zip

A must have tool for all P2P Applications!

File Hashes by this version

MD5: 4d2bebad8ef7818035a263281c254c28
SHA-1: d6a69eada79d3157ee42703ab796ffb8e1127bc2

MD5: 58804f544d9e46c37e827568d5c35e86
SHA-1: 929e83c4e450b346df2d3fbf0bfbaf9c19d8591a

Certified 100% Clean Softpedia: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Tweak/Network-Tweak/TCP-Z.shtml

Internet Speed in South East Asia on 4 Mb/s ADSL


meanwhile I have 3 ADSL subscriptions by different ISP's but open a Website takes 10 - 20 secunds untill the Domain name is resolved/found and the page beginn to load include blogger.com / google.com. In a time delay can wait found domain.... connection to domain.... waiting for responce... finally the domain show up and the website beginn to load in the webbrowser

...sometimes never

09 January 2009

easyMule more powerfull

- no leecher mod only debug features enabled and features enhanced extended -:) -

I will not change the default username [CHN][VeryCD]yourname , there some undiscovered features like track client, track username in debugger to found in code. I don't say it trace user. Server L2L
¥¥¥¥¥¥ ????

- ratiopharm // dont reduce to much upspeed if not need
- activeX BHO
- embedded TCP Patch
- only up to emule
+ default svr.met url
+ debug features > remove client from upload enabled in upload list and 'known' clients
+ Manual Ban client from upload and 'known clients' // if a leecher jump out of the dlp -:)
+ manual ask source client for download in client download window // some Thunder builds need to ask twice until they give upload
+ show full client mod and emule versions
+ make client detail dialog entries selectable for clipboard notes

... many more ...forgot read comments in other posts, some more features to enabled with preferences.ini set/change entries

its based on a beta and may contain some bugs.

old known once as well new once like:
emule.exe creates still the long time not more in use by vc mods some windows registry key enties:
Invalide Standardsymbol C:\easyMule\release\resource.dll,1 HKCR\easyMulemetfile\DefaultIcon
Invalide Standardsymbol C:\easyMule\release\resource.dll,0 HKCR\easyMulepartfile\DefaultIcon

Its a great upcoming mod with a nice gui and good speed. easyMule find quick sources from kad network(KADEMLIA2).

second build with custom modstr. [vc builds] and switchable emule version [old vc mods 0.48] isn't fully tested and internal till release version.

Thank you

easyMule-1.1.1-VeryCD090107-PowerMoD.7z 5.86 MB

older builds
easyMule-1.1.1-VeryCD090107.7z 5.90 MB
releases.zip 5.12 MB

looking for a free cvs hosting to upload from compiler the source codes.
bugs and sugestions are welcome in discussion
