15 March 2009

RatioMaster 1.8.1

RatioMaster 1.8.1 was released on March 14th, 2009.
Version 1.8.1

Change log:
* Feature : RightToLeft key to localization file , preliminary support for right to left languages (hebrew, arabic)
* Bug Fix : improved application start-up time, no more 2 second pause until RM window fully appears
* Bug Fix : added several missing strings to english.lng
* Update : added several more localization files (by forum members)

Homepage: http://www.moofdev.net/ratiomaster
Screenshots: http://www.moofdev.net/ratiomaster/screenshots
Download: http://www.moofdev.net/download/RatioMaster-1.8.1.zip - Mirror

Source Code:
this is a public release of the ratioblaster code base.
Browse Source code: http://code.google.com/p/ratiomaster2/source/browse/#svn/trunk/%20ratiomaster2
Download Source Code: http://ratiomaster2.googlecode.com/files/RatioBlaster.source.code.release.1.rar

Code License: GNU General Public License v3

RatioMaster is an application designed for spoofing uploads on private BitTorrent trackers. It connects to a tracker and behaves like a normal BitTorrent client.

For usage on private BT trackers not for public Trackers which doesn't count ratio

14 March 2009

µRemote 2.1 by Matías



* FIX: incorrect display of times in logger tab (mix of 24 hours format and AM/PM)
* FIX: incorrect forced seeding icon
* CHANGE: improved a few methods relative to torrents status (lower cpu usage)
* CHANGE: 'filter by label' textbox now has a watermark
* ADD: new hotkey Ctrl + A: select all torrents
* ADD: new hotkey Ctrl + O: add torrent dialog
* ADD: status information for connected server
* ADD: left click on global upload/download speed to set global upload/download speed*

*you can set those values in Preferences, General tab (separate values with comma). Also notice that you can't see what value is currently set, i'll add that on next version.

µRemote 2.1 er ute!

Endringar og nytt:

* FIKS: feil visning av tider i log fanen (miks mellom 24 timars format og AM/PM)
* FIKS: feil tvunget kjeldedelings ikon
* ENDRA: forbetring av nokre metodar i høve til torrent status (lågare prosessor bruk)
* ENDRA: 'sorter etter merkelapp' tekstboksen har nå fått vannmerke (dessverre enda på engelsk, vonar å få ordna dette snart)
* NYTT: ny hurtig tast Ctrl + A: vel alle torrentar
* NYTT: ny hurtig tast Ctrl + O: legg til torrent dialog boks
* NYTT: status informasjon for tilkopla server
* NYTT: venstre klikk på global opp-/nedlastingshastigheit for å stille denne*

*du kan endre verdien for dette under Innstillingar, Generelt fanen (skil mellom verdiane ved bruk av komma). Merk at du ikkje kan sjå kva som er gjeldande verdi, dette vil bli lagt til i kommande versjon av µRemote.

Homepage: http://uremote.blogspot.com/
BBS: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=44012&p=4


RatioMaster 1.8.0 by moofdev

RatioMaster v1.8.0
RatioMaster v1.8.0

RatioMaster 1.8.0 was released on March 12th, 2009.

RatioMaster ChangeLog
Version 1.8.0

* Feature : Added support for localization
* Bug Fix : fixed bug in decoding chunked HTTP response in some trackers
* Bug Fix : fixed bug in parsing tracker url in some cases
* Update : added several up to date client files into main package

Version 1.7.7

* Feature : Added support for HTTPS trackers
* Bug Fix : fixed bug with new version dialog

Version 1.7.6

* Bug Fix : Several improvements and bug fixes
* Update : Updated client files to newest versions
* Update : Changed url for checking new version to www.moofdev.net, please update your bookmarks.

О программе: RatioMaster — программа для тех кому надоело сидеть на раздачах и ждать неделями пока поднимется рейтинг, чтобы хоть что-то скачать. RatioMaster просто «накручивает» рейтинг на торрент-трекерах. Для работы необходим NET Framework v.2.0.

Как Использовать программу:
1. Нужна регистрация на трекере.
2. Скачайте с трекера торрент-файл (качайте любой популярный (с большим количеством сидов))
3. Запустите RatioMaster, выберите торрент-файл, зайдите в ваш профиль на трекере, найдите там Пасскей, введите в соответствующее окошко программы (на большинстве торрентах ввод пасскея не требуется он "вшит" в торрент файл).
4. Выставьте скорость "раздачи", но и про "закачку" не забудьте. (не советую выставлять огромные значения, дабы не вызвать подозрений космической скоростью)
5. Жмите кнопку старт.
6. Не прерывайте работу программы до обновления рейтинга, счетчик должен стать на 00.00
Будьте Осторожны, пользуйтесь в крайних случаях, когда рейтинг ниже плинтуса.

Обновлена 12.03.2009

Программа очень помогает, жадным, ленивым и людям с низким аплоадом.

Screenshots: http://www.moofdev.net/ratiomaster/screenshots

Visit Homepage: http://www.moofdev.org/ratiomaster
Download: http://www.moofdev.net/passdld.php?url=/download/RatioMaster-1.8.0.zip
Mirror: RatioMaster-1.8.0.zip

All Versions: http://www.moofdev.net/ratiomaster/downloads

Source Code:
this is a public release of the ratioblaster code base.
Browse Source code: http://code.google.com/p/ratiomaster2/source/browse/#svn/trunk/%20ratiomaster2
Download Source Code: http://ratiomaster2.googlecode.com/files/RatioBlaster.source.code.release.1.rar

Code License: GNU General Public License v3

RatioMaster is an application designed for spoofing uploads on private BitTorrent trackers. It connects to a tracker and behaves like a normal BitTorrent client.

11 March 2009

Ratio Faker 0.9.8

Новая версия 0.9.8 от Matías

Список изменений 0.9.8:

* исправлять: RSS Newsfeed не работал в uTorrent, когда Ratio Faker включена
* исправлять: запись об ошибке на debug.log (в Windows Vista/Windows 7)

Список изменений 0.9.7:

* исправлять: Отслеживание сообщений в автономном режиме в версии 0.9.6
* исправлять: Ratio Faker программу не закрыли все случаи
* добавленный: возможность не создавать error.log (не рекомендуется!)
* Изменено: некоторые multi-threading улучшилось

Список изменений 0.9.6:

* добавленный: Минимизировать в систему бар
* добавленный: Закрыть программу система Бар
* добавленный: Перевод на французский язык (спасибо Furanku)

Скачать Домашняя страница: http://ratiofaker.blogspot.com/

Зеркало: RatioFaker.zip

Ratio Faker exploits an old bug in BitTorrent tracker scripts websites that is used for calculating the user uploaded ratio amount. Using this bug users can send to the tracker server fake info about the uploaded data amount. It works on allmost all popular private BitTorrent php sites.

eMule 0.49c RIP Beta


eMule Version 0.49c R.I.P.

Pros: makes no use of a modname protocol extension. You are shown using official emule 0.49c
It's a mod with no modname in the network.

Contra/temporary Limit in this beta: None so far.
Known Bugs: a small temporary bug have been found by sorting in lists up/down arrow the client software/modnames from connected clients.


Removed: settings limits, IRC, Scheduler,...
Features/Changes: up-to-date,
A decent antileech system added (ban to fast reasks and clients with protocol bug ...some fake VeryCD mods etc.,...)
Server Advertisment Messages removed
Ability to Remove/Stop single client //from Debugging coded taken
Ability to Manual Ban single clients added to the manual unban function. // I refuse to add automatical mass ban systems such as Antileech ban lists
default pre-settings adjusted
min. queue size range from 100 - 10.000
update url's if fields are empty added - server.met, nodes.dat, ipfilter
file buffern range from 16kb - 15mb (flash - keep in mem timer by higher values change later)
Nickname in svr window and about
see own user hash and connected server url in svr network window
miniupnp updated to latest version
show full client software with mod name and version (enhanced IDS_CD_CSOFT) in the lists and client detail dialog (you must scroll by select mouse cursor here to see full line until the client dialog menu is finished rearanged made in a later beta).// Get this info from debug full client Mod Version. Changed GetClientSoft() to DbgGetFullClientSoftVer()
... Bantime to 6h, max nickname lengh, some timings and smaller changes.

3th eDiT [March, 15. 2009]:
Now the filesize getting higher
features added:
Set Upload Priority in Frontsite Download Window, bellow Download Priority
Source controll icon added
Empty Queue [please use only for testing]
Remove all active uploads [please use only for testing]
Whois source lookup in all lists
Change official update check from 3 - 7 days (a little bit short for changed to 30 Days (1 Month) - 90 Days (3 Months)


fixed: client software sorting bug:
Download latest: emule.exe 4,52 MB (4.740.608 bytes)

2nd eDiT [March, 12. 2009]:
Lighter code: some code optimizations, update/changed libs to reduce size/weight, relocation issue in the layout -> pe - compiler templates fix/changed,
mem consume by version without full software client info reduced to peak 32 mb usage (23 - 28 MB on avarage)
mem consume by version with get/resolve all conected clients with full software client info 43 mb peak (38 - 40 Mb avarage) // need tweak for it.

Latest Nightly
eMule 0.49c R.I.P. v. 1d
Download (5.47 MB): eMule 0.49c RIP Release.zip
upx compressed: emule.exe 1,56 MB (1.636.352 bytes)

Older Daily without resolve connected clients full client software/modnames:
eMule 0.49c R.I.P. v. 1c
Download (5.47 MB): eMule 0.49c RIP Release.zip

Olderst 1st Nightly: Preview

emule.exe nfo latest:

size: 4,51 MB (4.732.416 bytes)

CRC32: ad3ea378
MD5: f1e30ffbf642dd620afd2a33552b1cb6
SHA-1: 99c2cfa0101db22cb58b1e13fb473111fd9a435c

...with the goal to be the smallest and lightest emule 0.49c ever compiled vc 9 without using exe packer/compressors like upx...

An upx compressed emule.exe is available here: emule.exe 1,53 MB (1.607.168 bytes) µMule
(use upx -d emule.exe to decompress)

eMule R.I.P contains 755 KB (773.224 bytes) size of graphics in the code: res.zip 524.06 KB

2nd eDiT [March, xx. 2009]:
with features added after image is in lightweight/mem opt. size ...will takes a while -|> no plan to add this all

Looking for a free public svn/cvs server hosting with revision diffs and bugtracking managmement to publish/host source code. I want to share the code and working on it in public group every c# programmers coders is welcome to join coding emule modding project without any restrictions.

10 March 2009

RegDllView v1.31


Cool little tools helps if uninstaller don't do there job properly like Thunder, Kugoo and VeryCD program exe put by running Menu entries and BHO in the registry:

RegDllView is a small utility that displays the list of all registered dll/ocx/exe files (COM registration). For each registered file, you can view the last date/time that it was registered, and the list of all registration entries (CLSID/ProgID).
RegDllView also allows you to unregister dll/ocx files that you don't need on your system anymore. If you have dll/ocx files that don't exist on your system anymore, but their registration entries are still exist in your Registry, you can manually remove these entries by using 'Delete All Entries For Selected Files' option.

Homepage: http://www.nirsoft.net/

more free system tools:
Free System Tools Package for Windows
