21 March 2009

eMule 0.49c eChanblard v16.0

Bonjour à tous!

L'équipe est fière de vous annoncer, après une semaine de beta officielle, la sortie de eChanblard v16.0.

Au menu de cette nouvelle version :

-migration sur eMule 0.49c
-compatibilité avec Windows Vista accrue
-fonction d'augmentation de l'upload lorsque l'écran est en veille
-correction de bugs

Rendez-vous donc dans la section "téléchargements" pour vous mettre à jour!

N'hésitez pas à donner votre avis sur les forums!
Remerciements à tout ceux qui ont aidé au beta test.

Hello everyone!

The team is proud to announce, after a week of official beta, the release of v16.0 eChanblard.

On the menu of this new version:

migration on eMule 0.49c
compatibility with Windows Vista more
function to increase the upload when the screen is in standby
-bug fixes

Rendez-vous dans la section "Download" to update you!

Feel free to give your opinion on the forums!
Thanks to everyone who helped beta test.



<| Popup Reklama WebSite running in this mod _-_ Annonces ouverte dans ce mod |>


20 March 2009

eMule 0.49c M0rphXT 11.2 vs2008 Beta - Final eNLarGE-D JeT


based Partially on TrollWatchers public Beta CVS

vc 9

compiled by Helium & StigmaϞ

All Credits to: The forgotten compiled Alpha-Beta Source

about Stulle <| kommentariev net, mi ne vosprinimaem etogo soplyaka seriozno, nezavisimo ot togo chto on naychilsya govorit po Angliyski. On voryet samie populyarnie emule modiy i peredelivaet na svoy lad i potom podpisivaet na svoe imya.
Zametka: eti emule moiy bydyt jit i obnovlyatsya tak kak polojeno. |>

Nouvelle version Download + lang: eMule MoreXTream 3.33 Mo
( ene fix , thx XtraCream + eNLarGE-D 4 additions Активированный )

eMule v0.49c [MoreXT v11.2] 5.86 MiB
3876 Downloads up to March 24, 2009

nakonecto zaarhivirovalos bez oshibok posle mnogih popitok korrectirovat vse c +++ shtychki v moem bloknote. hahaha


ed2k: eMule-0.49c-MorphXT-v11.2-{NEW(09.03.21)}[Windows,WINEonLinux!-FastOnLinux!].exe

#define ET_MOD_ // eMule v0.49c [MorphXT a10 v11.2] 0_0 )// o>|< o

ALL NEW ALL FRESH - eMule 0.49c MorphXT 11.2 Development test

rec. via a irc channel
Some lies circulating in the German language now in English too:
1. a public source code hosted in the internet cvs/svn can not get stolen/robbed, how wanna thieving/robbed a published public cvs source which is for everyone downloadable? Maybe downloaded is the matching word (leaked can not be, leaking is for commercial and not accessible soft). Zer0 Time limits for betas 2 wait 4all can do testing and share also emule. Public beta testst should be a must rule in the entried projects no matter if some coders don't like to hear feedbacks with bug and or error reports.
2. here are no spyware or kinds of!
3. small display bug in Beta+Final, Messages(Friendlist) window > Icon + string width

Maybe, could B da FiX in emule.rc:

IDD_CHAT DIALOGEX 0, 35, 511, 289
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x0
CONTROL "",IDC_CHATSEL,"SysTabControl32",WS_TABSTOP,140,16,367,
DEFPUSHBUTTON "Send",IDC_CSEND,405,272,50,14
PUSHBUTTON "Close",IDC_CCLOSE,456,272,50,14
WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,4,17,132,127

4. another small bug which have always been in morph and based mods. Sharedfiles window, show downloaded history on, icon sorting move wrong on -1 /+1 position sort
all icons wrong like music = video,... icons in shareddirstree incorrect / is now known to the wide public see this

somewhere maybe: #ifdef NO_HISTORY

#ifndef NO_HISTORY
pEd2kType->m_htItem = InsertItem(TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE, GetResString(_aEd2kTypeView[i].uStringId), i+6, i+6, 0, 0, (LPARAM)pEd2kType, pCurrent->m_htItem, TVI_LAST);
pEd2kType->m_htItem = InsertItem(TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE, GetResString(_aEd2kTypeView[i].uStringId), i+7, i+7, 0, 0, (LPARAM)pEd2kType, pCurrent->m_htItem, TVI_LAST);

Not a big Deal

5. 4improvment , by first start, server window - svr nfo size + \n\n distance
6. hihih better never ever search or find bugs /|\ suggestions in some coders work or calculate with dirty words feedbacks by some ....

Yet this release is better, No Server Ads with Sex adversiments in svr window (looks terrible) No dydndns! No trouble by 8 MB/s download and 325 kb/s upload lines when zzratio stop all of ur downloadings (up/down limit Ratio 1:3 is not removed, just session) !!! DON'T DOWNGRADE!!!!

No offence but the result with VS 2008 SP1 is better (The Future, Windows 7 is coded with C# v9)
eMule 0.49c MorphXT 11.2
ALL FRESH ALL NEW 23/03/2009:

From official: use of credit system enabled/disable //hidDEn Prefs
Pre Settings/config //optimized
Min Queue 100 - 10 000
Update ChecK: 1 Month - 3 Month // a day to 7 days is to short
FileBufferSize Limit to max: 40 mb
FileBufferTime Limit maximum to: 30 minutes = 18000 sec
- Powershare Limits, powershare is always available

Code according to c++9 compiler warnings corrected the codes eg.: uuid.c,...

Final Version: eMule 0.49c MorphXT v11.2 Stulles Merge
DOWNLOAD/DESCARGAS 26-March-2009: eMulev0.49c.-MorphXTv11.2_VS2008.rar 3.58 MiB

PE Compiled with Visual Studio 2008 SP1 vc9
/SSE2; -no embedded debug code; -no relocation table. add macros, use precompiled headers
includos: All Langs, latest flags, changelogs

SRC: http://emulemorph.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/emulemorph/MorphKad/srchybrid/?sortby=date#dirlist // Permision guaranted for user anonymous

read leuk_he post http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=102168:
The sources of morph can also be browsed by cvs:


by using a cvs client see here

morph download mirrors: TOPIC

but you better try our sourceforge mirrors before anything else Everything is there!

To be sure from some Moderators there the Post Cached URL : http://backupurl.com/cache/yk59hz.html

Short Cached URL : http://backupurl.com/yk59hz

Wayback index
Webarchiver1 - 2 - 3 - 4

19 March 2009

Creative Commons License by some compiled Source codes wrong information in Italian Language!


Creative Commons License by some compiled Source codes wrong published information about us in Italian Language!


The xml is tagged by all entries since 2007. If it don't show up on xml it can be caused by changes by Google from Feedburner.


Here the backup with source as captchured:

18 March 2009

eMule 0.49c rapcom mod 1.6 Beta


rapcom mod 1.6 Beta

added: + ClientAnalyzer
removed: - No upload

1000x Thanks to ksa 2000

Best mod ever

ed2k link:

emule 049c_rapcom_1.6.rar

TCP-Z V2.6.0.68 Build 20090318 0700


TCP-Z V2.6.0.66 known bug list

1) graph can show the number of incoming connections wrong. V2.6.0.67 have been rectified.
2) on the machine shows LAN speed error. V2.6.0.67 have been rectified.
3) LAN traffic over 4GB display zero. In V2.6.0.68 fixed


2009.03.18 07:00
Attempt to correct the flow of more than 4GB card display zero.

2009.03.17 18:38
Attempt to correct the number of incoming connections graph shows an error.
Attempt to correct some of the speed of the machine shows LAN error.

BBS: http://bbs.wmzhe.com/viewthread.php?tid=66724&extra=page%3D1

Homepage: http://deepxw.blogspot.com/

Download: http://bbs.wmzhe.com/attachment.php - Mirror - Mirror

17 March 2009

Inno Setup 5.2.4 dev QuickStart Pack


The Inno Setup QuickStart Pack includes above Stable Release and additionally includes options to install third-party add-ons such as the ISTool script editor and Inno Setup Preprocessor. These add-ons are not official and are not required for general usage, but make Inno Setup easier to use. See the Third-Party Files page for more information.

The Inno Setup QuickStart Pack also includes an option to download and install encryption support.

What's new in version 5.2.4?

5.2.4-dev (2009-03-16)

* Added new [Registry] section ValueType: qword.
* Added new [Setup] section directive: SignTool, which makes it possible to further automate digital signing of Setup and Uninstall. See the help file for more information.
* The value of the AppVersion directive is now also used to set the MajorVersion and MinorVersion values in the Uninstall registry key when possible.
* IDE changes:
o Added new Tools | Configure Sign Tools... command.
* Command line compiler changes:
o Added new "/S" parameter to specify a Sign Tool.
* Added new [Files] section flag: sortfilesbyname.

Homepage: http://www.innosetup.com/isdl.php

Download: http://files.jrsoftware.org/ispack/ispack-5.2.4-dev.exe
or: http://www.xs4all.nl/~mlaan2/ispack/ispack-5.2.4-dev.exe

Extras: http://www.innosetup.com/is3rdparty.php


ISTool is not a complete package for creating installations. It is merely an addition to Inno Setup, and requires that Inno Setup is installed to function properly.

Inno Script Generator

Inno Setup Generator
Version: (Stand: 23. März 2008)

Codejock Software ISS Skin Builder for Nice Setup Routines with themes.

ISSkin is an add-on to Jordan Russell's Inno Setup compiler that provides enhanced skinning support for the Inno Setup installation.


Inno Setup Unpacker + Gui
(not testet with 5.2.4 - work with 5.2.3): inno unpack + gui.zip

innounp, Inno Setup Unpacker 0.23 增强版(Build: 081206)
BBS: http://bbs.skygz.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=7
innounp, Inno Setup Unpacker 0.23 Plus (Build: 081206)
This version carried out in accordance with source function to strengthen the procedures to update the time being come to an end, unless a new version of inno appear.

Update from time to time

Special thanks:
tracky, cwx tracky, cwx

Note: Multi-Language Features are the fundamental language of the current operating system, automatic switching, when the language file does not exist, then the default use the built-in Simplified Chinese language

Build 08-12-06 Date: 08-12-06
Amendment to increase the Russian language amendment containing duplicate language load sequence

Build 08-12-03 Date: 08-12-03
Add: multi-language support currently only in English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese

Build 08-08-24 Date: 08-08-24
Fixed: by use external Bin file can not unpack question

Build 08-08-08 Date :08-08-08
Password Hash、Password Slat. Add showed Password Hash, Password Slat value.....

Inno Setup Unpacker Explorer (GUI) download Address: http://u.skygz.com/?skygz
http://u.skygz.com/ inno tools 1
http://u.skygz.com/ inno tools 2

DDL: innounp+v0.23(2008-12-06).rar - Mirror
