27 March 2009

dUP 2.19 Beta 14 diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher


dup 2.19 beta 14:
- now with multiline textpatch support
- now with environment variable support

Homepage: http://diablo2oo2.di.funpic.de/
BBS: http://mp2kforum.mp.funpic.de/index.php

Download: http://diablo2oo2.di.funpic.de/stuff/

26 March 2009

TuoTu 3.5.113 by Benbear

TuoTu 3.5.113

TuoTu 3.5.113

Rabbit (TuoTu) Download/Filesharing software Introduction:

HTTP, BT, Emule, Flashget all in one Multiprotocol Rabbit (TuoTu) is a filesharing Software which support all major protocols. It uses P2SP Hyper-Threading Technology. TuoTu support English and Chinese Gui Language which can be switched.

Supported HTTP, BT, Emule, Flashget resources such as cross-download protocol.
TuoTu v3.5.113

Key Features include:

Low resource occupancy: from rabbit (TuoTu) occupying less system resources while downloading and uploading. Download speed controllable and will not affect the use of other software.
- No plug-in bundles, no ads
- BitTorrent download Optimize network interconnection
- Built-in browser, support multi-tabbed browsing
- Supporting user sorted download priorities

TuoTu V3.5.113 update

* Adjust the interface to increase the website features many tags
* Update eMule module to 0.49b
* Update Express (Flashget) download engine
* Add UPnP is automatically set eMule UDP port function
* The amendment of certain controls exist table showing wrong order bug
* Fixed some URL after the deal with the problem of garbled

History: http://www.tuotu.com/379efe49-7cde-4e78-ad93-ab5f7ece423b.htm

Download: http://www.tuotu.com/Download/download.asp
Installer: http://www.tuotu.com/install/TuoTu_3.5.113.exe
Mirror: TuoTu_3.5.113.exe 4.25 MB
No Installer: TuoTu_3.5.113.rar 2.93 MB
Without Integration into Internet Explorer as stand alone: TuoTu_3.5.113.rar 2.89 MB

Country Flags extension copy to tuotu's directory.

All other settings such as set startpage, searchpage can be done in the .ini file for fine adjustment.

25 March 2009

µRemote test build March 23 2009


Here's a new test build with some changes to "upload torrent" method. When you're loading torrents, µRemote will not update file list and torrent list, so you won't receive a timeout.. that's because WebUI API doesn't support those two actions together.


* CHANGE: Sorting by queue order now acts like in uTorrent.
* CHANGE: Loading torrents now occurs synchronously but in a background thread.
* ADD: Loading torrent status.

Homepage + Download visit Friends Blog

24 March 2009

SWIG 1.3.39

Connects programs written in C and C++ with scripting languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby, and Tcl.
SWIG was designed to be an interface compiler that will connect programs written in C and C++ with scripting languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby, and Tcl. It works by taking the declarations found in C/C++ header files and using them to generate the wrapper code that scripting languages need to access the underlying C/C++ code. In addition, SWIG provides a variety of customization features that let you tailor the wrapping process to suit your application.

SWIG is used in a number of ways:

Building more powerful C/C++ programs. Using SWIG, you can replace the main() function of a C program with a scripting interpreter from which you can control the application. This adds quite a lot of flexibility and makes the program "programmable." That is, the scripting interface allows users and developers to easily modifiy the behavior of the program without having to modify low-level C/C++ code. The benefits of this are numerous. In fact think of all of the large software packages that you use every day - nearly all of them include special a macro language, configuration language, or even a scripting engine that allows users to make customizations.

Rapid prototyping and debugging. SWIG allows C/C++ programs to be placed in a scripting environment that can be used for testing and debugging. For example, you might test a library with a collection of scripts or use the scripting interpreter as an interactive debugger. Since SWIG requires no modifications to the underlying C/C++ code, it can be used even if the final product does not rely upon scripting.

Systems integration. Scripting languages work fairly well for controlling and gluing loosely-coupled software components together. With SWIG, different C/C++ programs can be turned into scripting language extension modules. These modules can then be combined together to create new and interesting applications.

Construction of scripting language extension modules. SWIG can be used to turn common C/C++ libraries into components for use in popular scripting languages. Of course, you will still want to make sure that no-one else has already created a module before doing this.

SWIG is sometimes compared to interface definition language (IDL) compilers such as those you find with systems such as CORBA and COM. Although there are a few similarities, the whole point of SWIG is to make it so you don't have to add an extra layer of IDL specifications to your application.

Here are some key features of "SWIG":

· Code Generation
· ANSI C++
· Preprocessing
· Customizated type conversion/marshaling.
· Exception handling.
· Class/structure extension.
· Memory management.
· Ambiguity resolution.
· Template instantiation.
· File import and cross-module linking.
· Code inclusion, helper function support.
· Extensive diagnostics (error/warning messages including fine grained warning suppression).
· Extended SWIG macro handling.

Source @fixdown
Download page

22 March 2009

VeryCD easyMule 1.1.4 2009-03-18 Release L33CH3R - EdiTioN


Thanks for coming to this project. easyMule Xtended is another modification of eMule easymule. Written for advanced newbie users it has brand new user interface. By VeryCD team from China and MoDs.sub.cc equiped with more features.
Changelog official:

VeryCD easyMule 1.1.4 release [2009-03-18]
* Fixed bug: easyMule crash and hang often after merge with 0.49b code

VeryCD easyMule 1.1.3 release [2009-02-11]
* Fixed bug: easyMule hang or exit automatically somehow
* Fixed bug: lost s=http://*/* url info of ed2k link sometimes

VeryCD easyMule 1.1.2 release [2009-02-04]
* Fixed bug: some defect of share, enhance upload ability
* Fixed bug: ftp download failure because of metalnk return duplicate result
* Optimize HTTP/FTP rawdata processing, http/ftp download more successfully
* support for more antivirus software

VeryCD easyMule 1.0.11 release [2008-12-18]
* Optimized interaction of file block's state between peers
* Optimized data-processing of ftp downloading
* fixed bug: Hash value of the file that larger than 4G woubld be hash again in some cases

VeryCD easyMule 1.0.10 release [2008-12-05]
* Optimized display efficiency of uploading information in download and share pages
* Optimized performance of built-in browser and some other users experiences
* fixed bug: unable to add download task when the opinion 'check diskspace' was selected
* fixed bug:unable to submit comment about resources


screenshots: http://www.easymule.com/zh-tw/screenshots.html
Homepage: http://www.easymule.com/

Source code now is nearly perfect: http://download.verycd.com/easyMule-VeryCD-src.zip

after fixing the bug (missing code part in provided source code) saying:
.\WorkLayer\SharedFileList.cpp(1560) : error C2039: 'm_pAsynLoadSharedFilesEvent' : is not a member of 'CFileMgr'
c:\easymule-verycd-src03\easymule\src\worklayer\FileMgr.h(152) : see declaration of 'CFileMgr'

in source code missing:

CEvent *m_pAsynLoadSharedFilesEvent;

in FileMgr.h add on the end

CEvent *m_pAsynLoadSharedFilesEvent;
bool m_bSaveAfterLoad;
can not be the matching source code from whitch the official build is compiled, however if the official easymule is compiled with this error it will produce a bug. Her it is fixed, bug found and works to compile after this fix with Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0.

tested with vc 2008 sp1, all libs changed to more updated one. Compressor setting changed. should be more compatible and run on all pc's since atl no depences outside.

- remove integrated max tcpip half open patcher [betterSP2] which reduce a patched tcpip.sys on winxp to 9 connections only every time starting emule.exe
- remove bho call [IE2EM.dll]
- proper remove of server ads [from serverwnd.cpp servermsgbox->Reset(); to emuledlg.cpp //serverwnd->servermsgbox->AppendText(strMsgLine)
- remove context menue entries in IE by emule.exe start [remove iemonitor.cpp/.h] call to IE2EM.htm which adds: regkey:
HKCU@S-1-5-21-220523388-1343024091-725345543-1003\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\Download by easyMule

HKCU@S-1-5-21-220523388-1343024091-725345543-1003\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\Download by easyMule

- remove autostart by default by executing emule.exe which adds without user interrupt:

Hi... I am the Code Cleaner Assistant. Please tell me all suggestions to improve it. Thank you!
- Change: http://www.easymule.com/zh-cn/anti-virus/rising.html to international Rising Antivirus 2009 Free Edition @ download.com - http://www.freerav.com/
- ....
- remove differneces between local and international version [all get the same features]
+ manual features taken from debug (GetDebugUpQueue always enable to show upload queue, show uploading (upload list), MP_REMOVECLIENT = 'Kick from upload' enabled for all...)
+ manuall add for now by AV's Kaspersky, Nod, Avira,... to scann incomming files with command line
eg.: eset NOD: In the input field "Run" add to C:\Program files\Eset\NOD32.exe (default path) the folder or disk you want to scan - for example "C:\my documents". So the whole input field "Run" should look like:
"c:\program files\eset\nod32.exe" "c:\my documents"
newer nod32 C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET NOD32 Antivirus\ecls.exe by Arguments: /adv-heur /heur /rtp /quarantine /action=clean
+ Set a default Server.met url + Nodes dat
+ print/show full clientsoftware version (emule version and mod) in all lists [IDS_CD_CSOFT] from client->GetClientSoftVer() to DbgGetFullClientSoftVer()
calls: return GetClientSoftVer() + _T(" [") + GetClientModVer() + _T(']');
+ Add web services [Webservice.dat] from Foreign Version
+ Show client IP in ClientDetail Dialog taken from #ifdef _SHOW_SOURCE_IP
+ Change Dialog Fonts from FONT 9, "ËÎÌå", to FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
+ Add Refresh Client = UPD ReAsk for Download
+ Enhance Remove Client to all Lists / Downloadlist Queue,...
+ Remove all active uploads [please use only for testing]
+ Re added Open Incoming folder to the easymule Tools Menu Bar
+ Re added IP Filter to easymule tools menu / update and unrar,unzip need to integrate into options menu. Quick solution: Download any ipfilter.rar/.zip,.., open Tools > Ipfilter > select Append.. browse to the downloaded file, hit open and save. Now its imported.
+ Add Alternative max Half-Open Patcher
- vc update check [changed to look changelog]
- Ratio restrictions include session ratio
- Download sharing / changes to share completed can be done in the prefs

> internal option to change build numbers back and forward to valid one [release dates + switch matching emule version to 48/49b backward if needed]

known bugs caused by easymule GUI Design: If switch show uploadqueue and show uploadlist, the upper Gui window doesnt refresh well.

will try to remove ftp/http downloader + do some improvements and a final code clean up.


If you have started easymule original ever before, please check your maximal tcp/ip half-open connection limit tcpip.sys in windows xp and patch it back to original state or higher. Unregister the BHO IE2EM.dll, apply nirsoft tool to remove redunant IE explorer context menu entries!

2009-03-23 1st Edition Test mod of VC easymule 1.1.4 build 20090318 base [not finished yet - NFY]
easyMule v1.1.4 Xtra
Download New (wrong countryflag.dll versions in the older download) FIXED now: easyMule v1.1.4 Xtra.rar 5.87 MB | Mirror

ipfilter, show countryflag stuff and things for \config are include

please test it if it works for all stabile/without crashes and report possible issues/suggestions here as comment or here in the bbs
Memory consume is xtreme by easymule might be cause of kadboost, meta.... features.
It can reach about Firefox/IE size of memory load (110 - 140 MB memory load). 3 to 6 times more as other mods. Will try to reduce it.

To load dlp of your choice please put antileech.dll in folder

for example official antileech.dll from: http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emulextreme/antiLeech.dll.new

rename to antiLeech.dll
close emule.exe
copy to subfolder \modules

Happy Birthday umeK


Happy BirthDay umeK!
