17 April 2009

RatioMaster 1.8.2

RatioMaster ChangeLog
Version 1.8.2

* Feature : added ability to download new client files and translations directly from RM (tab Updates)
* Bug Fix : corrected "Host" header that RM sending to tracker in some cases
* Bug Fix : corrected torrent hash URL encoding in some cases
* Update : main languge template is renamed to 1english.lng to be on top of the list (default)
* Update : added new strings to language template for 1.8.2, please update your translations
* Update : included 15 language files done by forum members
* Update : removed RatioMaster-vs.exe from package
* Small fixes and improvements that i forgot about.

Homepage: http://www.moofdev.net/
Download site: http://www.moofdev.net/ratiomaster/downloads
Download: http://www.moofdev.net/download/RatioMaster-1.8.2.zip

15 April 2009

HeXHub 5.03a

HeXHub is an IOCP-based file-sharing hub and web server with anti-flood protection, built-in firewall designed to filter DDoS and to prevent most common forms of DoS currently used against hubs, anti-spam protection, content filtering and more.

   * corrected: error while showing banlist using /bans (thanks to Methodman for reporting this error)
   * corrected: the hub did not escape the '&' character correctly when using %[motd] (thanks to RoLex for reporting this error)
   * corrected: extended ASCII characters had wrong escaping when they were used in topic names (thanks to Neo and RoLex for reporting this error)
   * corrected: error while using %[userprofile] (thanks to RoLex for reporting this error)
   * added: support for "Ref=" sent in $Lock in a client2client negotiation

SF Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/hexhub/
BBS: http://nemesis.te-home.net/forum/index.html
Links Manual: http://hexhub.sourceforge.net/HeXHubMan/hexhubman.html
Homepage + Download: http://nemesis.te-home.net/HeXHub/

Downloads: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=165882&package_id=188174&release_id=668257

All Files: http://sourceforge.net.nyud.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=165882
Older Version @Softpedia: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Servers/Other-Servers/HexHub.shtml
Screenshots: http://www.softpedia.com.nyud.net/progScreenshots/HexHub-Screenshot-70053.html

submited via post to blogger due to www.blogger.com access problems on ISP

13 April 2009

Auto Move completed files to another (not shared) folder | Auto unshare incoming downloaded files = No share completed


Some freeware programs :

MoveOut - Auto File Move - DonationCoder Utility
Make rules to move files automatically.

- Rightclick the tray icon to configure
- Choose Settings to change rules and options
- Choose Enable to Start or Stop all the rules

Use it to make a rule that moves files from the desktop to a subfolder, based on file type, part of a filename, or whatever. Have it ask to replace existing files, or rename them. It can also ignore files.

- 20061224 - v1.1: Added confirmation dialog before automatically running rules.
- 20070407 - v1.2: Added missing code to browse for folders.
- 20090413 - v1.3: Creates target folder before moving files.


* Moves Files from one folder to another
* Files can be specified using rules and filters with wildcards
* Can be set to run automatically at Startup
* Can be started or stopped from the system tray Icon

Homepage: http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Skrommel/index.html#MoveOut
Download updated MoveOut v1.3: http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Skrommel/MoveOut/MoveOut.exe

Commercial programs:

AutoMove # A7A1-120320 download: latest
AutoMove 1.9.4 - old Version 1.9.2
http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/AutoMove.shtml - Mirror

or as batch

somehting to read if forgot dos:
How to Create And Remove directories


move c:\emule\incoming\*.* c:\finished

Move the files of c:\emule\incuming to the finished directory in root, this is of course assuming you have the emule\incoming directory in this path.

by emule will be for example to create a folder finished and move all files from incoming to finished folder:

MKDIR finished
move incoming\*.* finished\

save as move.bat and run in emule main dir where emule.exe is located

The same batch solution from old DOS times can be customized for every bittorrent client

or some scripts:



as VBScript
save as batchmove.vbs

Option Explicit
Sub ProcessFiles()
Dim FSO, oFolder, oFile
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Replace c:\emule\incoming\ with the directory you want to search
Set oFolder = FSO.GetFolder("c:\emule\incoming\")
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
'edit Size to some other factors for example by type to only move (unshare) movie or music files
If oFile.Size >= 1024 Then
'Replace c:\emule\completed\ with the directory you want
'to move bigger than 1024 files to
FSO.MoveFile oFile.Path, "c:\emule\completed\"
End If
End Sub

Call ProcessFiles()

sample for emule:

Option Explicit
Sub ProcessFiles()
Dim FSO, oFolder, oFile
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Replace c:\emule\incoming\ with the directory you want to search
Set oFolder = FSO.GetFolder("incoming\")
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
If oFile.Size >= 1024 Then
'Replace c:\emule\completed\ with the directory you want
'to move bigger than 1024 files to
FSO.MoveFile oFile.Path, "completed\"
End If
End Sub

Call ProcessFiles()

moves all files *.* out of the \incoming folder to a emule subfolder \completed

save as move.vbs or anyname you like, unshare-incoming.vbs :) and put in emule.exe folder. create a subfolder completed. Click on move.vbs or create a desktop shortcut each time you want unshare and move content from incoming folder to completed folder.

All mods with AV Scanner port might be possible to use instead the antivirus .exe to call the movefile program exe or batch, vbs which cause that every finished downloaded file move (unshare) = no share completed. Scheduler service, updater services, many options possible by each start of emule to run it automtical
Batch/script .bat, .cmd and .vbs can be easy converted to an exe file
Bat To Exe Online Converter http://www.f2ko.de/ob2e/ob2e.html
Vbs/Js To Exe Online Converter http://www.f2ko.de/ov2e/ov2e.html
as an exe: unshare-completed.zip 28.75 KB
with icon: movefiles.exe

copy to same folder where emule.exe is located
program creates a subfolder 'finished' and move all files from 'incoming' folder to not shared finished folder (unshare all completed).

I was read this under Feature requests and did a search if not implement into clients by self 4 example modify auto reload folder watch feature or adding a second button by sharedfiles window next to reload, move/automove completed downloaded files (incoming folder files) to dir...

Doesn't matter which solution all works and Manual/Auto Unshare complete file in sharedlist in all File Share P2P Software Programs eMule, BT,...

MoveOut by http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Skrommel/ is the best, no installation required and application is capable to create rules for example don't share downloaded movie files only or ISO's, .... [Mirror] - [Mirror] - [Mirror] - [Mirror]
Skrommel makes exellent Software!

DLP 3.7 Beta - Dynamic AntiLeech Protection v3.7

DLP 3.7 - Dynamic AntiLeech Protection v3.7
Found in some newer Xtreme 7.2 Beta Downloads

Xtreme DLP v37

April 1st 2009

Download: antiLeech.dll - antiLeech.dll.new

Original Compiler info:
Created at: 01/04/2009 at 02:56:31
Compiled Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1
compilers source was located in: c:\v36\Release\antiLeech.pdb (src base 3.6)

Version Info:
Length Of Struc: 0334h
Length Of Value: 0034h
Type Of Struc: 0000h
Signature: FEEF04BDh
Struc Version: 1.0
File Version:
Product Version:
File Flags Mask: 0.23
File Flags:
File Type: DLL
File SubType: UNKNOWN
File Date: 00:00:00 00/00/0000

Struc has Child(ren). Size: 728 bytes.

Child Type: StringFileInfo
Language/Code Page: 0/1200
CompanyName: http://xtreme-mod.net
FileDescription: antiLeech Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
FileVersion: 37
InternalName: antiLeech
LegalCopyright: Copyright © 2006 emule Xtreme
OriginalFilename: antiLeech.dll
ProductName: antiLeech Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
ProductVersion: 37

Child Type: VarFileInfo
Translation: 0/1200

File info:
size: 88,0 KB (90.112 bytes)
File Version
CRC32: 4e964fc2
MD5: 9afed1b21b3dd4e2c7d08e334094300d
SHA-1: 844ec6ad87d41e2509488dd0de28f313111cebc6

The content:

remove spaces!

[eChanblardNext] [Chinese Leecher]
[pimp] [SpeedMule] [md4] [donkey2002] [Fusspi] [Rumata (rus) (Plus v1f)] [Bionic 0.20 Beta] [Hunter] [eMule v0.26 Leecher]
[OMEGA v.07 Heiko] [new DarkMule] [MD5 Community] [RAMMSTEIN] [0x8d] unknown Leecher - (client version:60) [LSD7c] [Bionic] [eMuleReactor] [DarkMule v6 eVorteX] [DodgeBoards & DarkMule eVorteX] [DodgeBoards] èÔ äÔ àÔ ÜÔ ÔÔ ¼Ô ¨Ô ˜Ô D e l e t e N o R e m o v e F o r
c e R e m o v e V a l B D M S I n s i d e t h e D L L ! N i x B a d M O D S T R I N G ] X t r e m e e d o n k e y O S _ D a r k D r a g o n C r y p t e d S p e e d B @ d - D 3 v i 7 A d m i n i s t r a t o r H
e a r t b r e a k e r F i n c a n F l o w e r P o w e r B l u e H e x M o r p h X T × + M a x M o r p h A r a b e l l a Z a m B o R u p t e m p o U l t i m a t i v S u p e r K i l l e r L o v e - A n g e l S e r
v e r C l i e n t H a w k s t a r R a p t o r S p e e d m u l e r a b b _ i t r a b b i t C o m m u n i t y B l a c k A n g e l b l a c k v i p e r B L A C K M U L E H y p n o t i x A I D E A D S L S p e e d X M
i r a g e M o d X t r e m e X t e n d e d H A R D M U L E E f - m o d 2 . 0 E l f e n D e v i l 0 0 d e O O d e 0 0 . d e O O . d e P R O e M u l e E l b e n D S L - L i g h t - C l i e n t B a d D o n k e y
R o c k e s e l L S D X X L H A R D P A W p w N d m u L e @ R A P T O R S t o n e h e n g e ! F R E E A N G E L ! e C h a n b l a r d v 7 . 0 0 . 2 9 E a s t S h a r e R a p p i § ¯ Å ] E l e
m e n t K i l l i a n s S p e e d - U n i t B u z z F u z z T h u n d e r $ m o t t y b o o s t e r D r a g o n f a t h e r M i s o n e V o r t e | X | D M - d o d g e t h i s L e g o L a s d a r k m u l e a
l d o e g o m u l e g t m o d S p e e d L o a d i m p e r a t o r d - u n i t F r e e z a B a d U S E R N A M E L e e c h e r - U s e r n a m e [ L S D . 1 9 e m u l e . r a z o r b a c k 3 . c o m M u s e D M _
X > > P o w e r - M o d A g e n t S m i t h e S l @ d 3 v i l N o t H e r e D i t i O n P r O j E c T - S a N d S t O r M M u l i _ C h e c k a F r e e z a V a m p - = E G O i s t = - E G O m u l e F r e e z a m u l e e
M u l e C o w E l f e n P o w e r U n K n O w N p O i S o N S a f t y ´ s S c h l u m p M u l e e m u l e e c h K e t a m i n e e m u l e 0 0 d e . d e e m u l e - e l e m e n t p u b s m a n e n e r g y f a k e r G a t
e - e M u l e c e l i n e s e x y e m u l e - s p e e d R e v e r s e e D e v i l L e e c h a $ W A R E Z $ G @ m 3 r $ G A M 3 R $ * A J * @ p p l % . 2 X % . 2 X % . 2 X % . 2 X % . 2 X % . 2 X % . 2 X % . 2 X u f ¬ a
b l E % . 2 X % . 2 X % . 2 X % . 2 X % . 2 X % . 2 X % . 2 X 8 9 B o w l f i s h e M u l e v 3 . 1 e M u l e v 2 . 5 e M u l e v 2 . 4 e M u l e v 0 . 4 7 f e M u l e v 0 . 9 5 g e M u l e v 2 . 0 T C M a t
i c 3 s m a r t - m u l i N e w M u l e C - E - R - E - B - R - O E n t e r Y o u r M o d s t r i n g c h o o s e y o u r m o d s t r i n g E n t e r M o D N a m e U l t i F U l t i m a t e a - e D i t I c E
- M o D n e w K e t a m i n e [ e P l u s ] w w w . t i t a n m u l e . t o G o o p . C o . i l F i n c a n M o d L i ( ) N e t w o r k Q Q D o w n l o a d e m u I e - p r o j e c t . n e t h t t p : / / w w w . n e t - x f e r
. c o m F l a s h g e t a 1 [ V e r y C D ] x t h a m e F U C K L W @ R a p t o r f u t u r e m o d . d e S u n P o w e r F i r e b a l l R C - A T L A N T I S R O C K F O R C E W i k i n g e r A p p l e j u i c e
[ l e e c h e r . b i z l e e c h e r - w o r l d . c o m l e e c h e r - m o d . n e t e m u l e - m o d s . c c . : : S t e n o c o - Z o n e : : . f u t u r e m o d s . d e l e e c h e r c l i e n t s . o r g b i g b a n g . t o
T i t a n e s e l . t k G a t e - T o - D a r k n e s s . c o m f u t u r e z o n e - r e l o a d e d e m u l e e c h . c o m I n t u i t i o n v g o . 2 1 c n [ C h i n f o ] k a g g o . c o m [ T U O T U ] [ P P M u l e ]
[ e M u l e B T ] d i a n l e i . c o m X - T r e m e : c o m C o m m u n i t y - U s e r n a m e M O Y A M P R U N A 2 0 0 8 s u p e r e m u l e [ K O R E A ] w w w . p r u n a . c o m w w w . F r e a n g . c o m D O N
K E Y 2 0 0 7 ÿÿÿÿ4! D! S n a k e G a m e r s C o m m u n i t y U s e r h a s h C o r r u p t U s e r h a s h M y s t e r y M o d S t r i n g [ S E ] / ] H e x - C o d e - A d d o n H e x - M o d s t r i n g A
E d i t B a d U s e r h a s h D A 1 C E E E 0 5 B 0 E 5 3 1 9 B 3 B 4 8 C A E D 2 4 C 6 F 4 A F E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 F 0 0 C
8 B 5 F 4 1 4 4 1 C 6 1 5 F B A B A D 9 A 7 E 5 5 2 9 4 D 0 1 4 5 5 3 6 1 F 9 D 9 5 C 3 C D 7 E 6 B F 2 1 9 2 D 1 C B 3 D 0 2 1 5 4 C E 6 4 6 1 2 0 E 9 6 C C 7 9 8 C 4 3 9 A 2 0 D 2 6 F 8 D F a k e V e r y C D [ C H N ] [ V e r y C
D ] y o u r n a m e V e r y C D 0 8 0 3 0 7 V e r y C D 0 7 1 1 0 7 B a d M o d s t r i n g S c h e m e s i v k a A p o l l o C H N F a k e X t r e m e x t r e m e E s e k c i T R - P 2 P - M o D A n g e l m u
l e D e i n M o d s t r i n g T S N e x t L i t e S B I l e e c h e r R a p C o m M o d 0 . 4 2 e s i v k a v 1 2 e 8 [ O O . d e - L 3 3 C H 4 T ~ L ~ N B O O $ T T L N B O O S T T 1 N 8 O O S T E R
T - L - N B O 0 S T T Y R A N U S S i m p l e L i f e p P . r 1 2 b H a r d s t y l e A P R C T y r a n t m u l e E P B S h a d o w A s i k l a r S P I K E 2 + S P E E D E M U L E R e d P r o j e k t O k i n a
w a N F O . C o . i L A n o n y m o u s M o d R e p t i l - C r e w - 3 Z Z - R S Z Z - R A p a c e N e o - R S N e o - R P e i z h e n g 0 9 0 3 0 4 U l T i M a T i C V 4 . 0 8 0 0 S T E R R a z o r b a c k 3 L
! ( ) N e t w 0 r k G o o p . c o . i l V M U L E 2 0 0 7 P l a y M u l e F r e e C D V e r y C D 0 8 0 7 3 0 N e t F W A R P 9 0 . 4 8 a Z Z U L P l u s 1 X t r e m e 7 M o r p h X T v 9 . 6 x l b u i l
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L o G i c B l a c k S t a r L i c o k i n e K . O . T . M e r z a w a Z Z a X - C i t e F i n a l F i g h t A e O n F l u x X D P P i m p N e x t E v o l u t i o n H y p e r d r i v e T u r k M u l e t h e
f o n z D 1 0 T S m a r t M u l i 0 F F o F F * + * S i m p l e L e e c h e r P R O e m u l e D e a t h A n g e l N o R a t i o e M u l e C o m p a t v 1 2 7 . e M u l e C o m p a t v 0 . 4 0 ¬ x O
R z ! § T x 0 R z ! $ T p P . r 8 b T o m b s t o n e N e x t T o m b s t o n e R e l o a d e d A n g e l D r a l b a R A . i . d . e - A . D . S . L E x o r z i s t h 3 4 r 7 b 3 4 k 3 r F R E A K M O D V E N O M D
y i n g A n g e l M ø r p h R I A A F X e M u l e F X e M u l e T M 0 9 1 0 e M u l e C o m p a t v 0 . 2 6 . 2 S p a m - M e s s a g e H y p e r M u l e e M u l e P R O U l t r a 2 [ t e @ m p r o j e k t [
S a n g u e - S u g a ] b o t f r o m M P A A , y o u c a n ' t d o a n y t h i n g a g a i n s t h e r a g e n t f r o m P e e r F a c t o r , s h e a d v i s e s y o u t o s t o p r o b o t f r o m R I
A A , y o u c a n ' t f i g h t - - - > e d 2 k : / / | f i l e | K e t a m i n e e M u l e F X J o i n t h e L 3 3 c h e r D I - E m u l e

Whats new in short:
Bans: some eMule v0.48a MorphXT versions prior 10
Bans: some more Chinese Leecher mods 'xl build's'
Username: http://www.titanmule.to, www.usenext.de are banned
Moved Bowlfish to soft (score reduced)
Bad Modstring Scheme extended: eMule v0.49a [Spike2 v1.3BETA3],Connecting/LowToLowIp/None)
FlashGet 3 added by Bad Username: [CHN][VeryCD][FlashGet]yourname //hardcoded username in FlashGet + pretend to be eMule v0.49b [VeryCD 080919]

 注意:并非所有 eMule / Mod 都支持 DLP!
  支持外挂 DLP 的有:Xtreme,MagicAngel,新版 VeryCD,CN,NeoMule,ScarAngel,Mephisto...
  不支持外挂 DLP 的有:官方版本的 eMule,MorphXT,StulleMule,较老版本的 VeryCD 和 CN 以及一些在国内流传不广的 Mod。

Note: Not all eMule / Mod support the DLP!
DLP support plugin are in: Xtreme, MagicAngel, the new versions of VeryCD, CN, NeoMule, ScarAngel, Mephisto, X-Mod,...
DLP plugin does not support: the official version of eMule, MorphXT, StulleMule, older versions of VeryCD and CN as well as some not widely spread Mods.

11 April 2009

eMule 0.49c VeryCD 090410 light

eMule 0.49c VeryCD 090410 light
eMule v0.49c VeryCD Build 090410
First of all the source code is VC 0.48a + small part from later easymule builds
a quick public light release

Just restricions removed

no svr ads, queue min size to 100, wordfilter complete removed (WordFilter.cpp/.h - search and upload etc...), AutoUPDATE folder and its features, no sessio ratio,... some default settings changed.

all Libs updated, some code parts updated, make code c++ 9 compatible completed.

good 300 kb/s down by 0.3 up in emergency work, don't reduce upload if not needed! The Mod is also fast in uploading!

Download CHN + ENG: eMule-0.49c-VeryCD090410-light-CHN-ENG-090412.rar 7.02 MB
oldest Build Download : eMule-0.49c-VeryCD090410-enhanced.rar 5.47 MB

100mb speedtest http file:

All Fresh all New 2009.04.12

removed: IE2EM.dll Browser helper object (BHO) and all relations // use emule default (ed2klink) to get ed2k links *****(dynamiclib.cpp/DynamicLib.h the responsable for DllRegisterServer, IE2EM.IE2EMUrlTaker,...)*****
removed complete: Update Feature sharedfiles/downloadlist/queue, etc.... //updateinfo.cpp/.h,UpdaterThread.cpp/.h calls updater.exe -checkforupdates... added by Chocobo on 2006.07.31 ; added by thilon 2006.02.23
related to remote updates in folder updates + dlp,... use official Xtreme DLP

removed: Bettersp2.cpp/.h (if set in advanced options max half open, it change/patch in realtime without userinterrupt tcpip.sys systemwide on the OS)

Codeparts maxhalfopen,... revert to 0.49b official (VC 090410 isn't merged to 0.49c core, just the send emule Version is 0.49c)

Changed: Show full client software with emule/client version + modnames/versions taken from debug in all lists

Added/Enabled: Online "Virus Scan" menu from _ENGLISH_VERSION in sharedfiles http://zs.kingsoft.com/EmuleOnlineScan/index.html?ScanPath= // (use JavaScriptEscape) JavaScriptEscape.cpp/.h: implementation of the JavaScriptEscape class. // Added by thilon on 2006.08.28

// will change the online scan to a better one later with 6 or more different scan engines, which will also reduce the code from JavaScriptEscape.cpp/.h as there is just a post command required without java

Added/Enabled: in DownloadList/Transferwnd/Partfile _PLAY_WHILE_DOWNLOADING Popmule VC-SearchDream[2007-05-16]: for see movie while downloading

// use preview button instead by all other files as wmv and rmvb

Added: remove client // easymule debug
refresh client (udp reask) some XL need a reask until they begin uploading //sivka manual un/ban in clientlist,... unban enabled and ban added

Add/Fix: missing #include < wininet.h > in partfile.cpp / PopMule.cpp

Removed: obsolete res strings,... unsused code parts

Download Test Build Latest@brsbox
size: 4,82 MB (5.061.632 bytes)
File: emule.exe
CRC-32: 72c5fc43
MD4: 7dced4c16452dc921237eb506b6040f0
MD5: 5c5d92bbff3364d9d73cd2ddf0bc3995
SHA-1: c2c0e901b9ad5de5877702affccaca439f1201a3


work in process (WIP)

Updated: UPnP to the newer VC EasyMule Version // upnpmgr fix some lowid problems

14.04.2009 16:18:49: eMule Version 0.49c VeryCD Build 090410 ready
14.04.2009 16:18:49: Connecting
14.04.2009 16:18:49: Connecting to Server eserver.lokyi.name:4242 (eserver.lokyi.name:4242 - using Protocol Obfuscation) ...
14.04.2009 16:18:49: Read 189 contacts from file.
14.04.2009 16:18:50: Connected to Server eserver.lokyi.name:4242 (eserver.lokyi.name:4242), sending login request
14.04.2009 16:18:54: Obfuscated connection established on: Server eserver.lokyi.name:4242 (eserver.lokyi.name:4242)
14.04.2009 16:18:54: New client ID is 345220414
14.04.2009 16:18:55: UPnp: TCP port mapping 443-->443 (Succeed)
14.04.2009 16:18:59: UPnp: UDP port mapping 8080-->8080 (Succeed)

Added: some missing strings

Added: default server.met update url, default nodes.dat url, default ipfilter.dat url,...
Added: search result window download paused missing ico
Recheck con to Host: client.stat.verycd.com

Recheck con. by low id

Changed : max username lengh + corrected size in options menu // lang + username field lengh

Changed: The nice VC eMule Blue Icon as application icon and the brown-red VC eMule icon as leecher icon

Added: Network-Monitor, Better half open patcher to Tools menu
Added: Move completed Downloads to Folder tool (customizable unshare downloaded finished files)



Download 14.04.2009: eMule-0.49c-VeryCD090410-light-CHN-ENG-090414.rar | DDL

Merge: Closetab, visualstylesxp, all with menu/GUI/Buttons/Dialogs don't have if vistastyle, ed2kSearch,.. it's .48a/.49a //oh, oh ohhh now comes to problems. have found that .47 code remains in the source and isnt well merged to .48 core nor to .49a. Version 49b features are missing such as autoselect kad or server search etc. by ed2k search,....

The source is something from .47 to .48 while merge to .49a isn't in this mod done completed. Impossible to clean merge this to .49b core before attempt to .49c or any professional emule moder can do the src mix from .47 with .48 direct merge to .49b/c?

Nat-t: have a small bug NatTraversal/NatThread.h integration // fix taken from NeoMule

otherfunctions: FilterUrls, TestUrl, VeriftyCertificateInfo // unknown function
from easyMule by Soar Chin at 10/17/2007 to filter extensions VC-dgkang

Added: some emule 0.49c version features such as allow to share a and b drive
(in eMule 0.49c VeryCD 090410 source could not found any 0.49c version features)
Move downloads.txt to /config folder; udp firewall recheck, udp expired key check by reconnect,... some Gui fixes from 0.49c core, some bug fixes from .49c core,,...

Added: upload prioritys to download window, below download priorities

Added: show nickname in svr window, on title

Added: Vista Icon

Added: all official hidden prefs to Options > Extended

Added: Better Friendhandling and menu construction

Added: any upload slot controll, improve highspeed uploads



Added: internal function to change build dates (modstr. Version builds)
Added: Option to Change Emule Version, Selecable Modstr. to valid easyMule Builds switchable





Test: drop old ip flags code and resolve country ip to the country flags on the same way as utorrent via ip db svr.

Add: AV Scan with updated parameters for up-to-date AV's w. autodetect installed AV soft // drop, replace online scan methode with single file analyses send to multi scan online engines

Download: < visit BBS >

Win 95 support dropped, w2k and later os compatible.


eMule v0.49c VeryCD Build 090410 测试版 Full featured eMule - Not easymule reduced!


Homepage and Downloads

Update Log:
* 代码内核更新到0.49c * Code kernel update to 0.49c
* 优化网络连接算法处理,提高Lowid下载速度,加快Lowid源的分享数据能力 * Optimization algorithm to deal with network connectivity to improve download speeds Lowid to speed up the sharing of data sources Lowid capacity
* 优化Highid Callback处理,提高连接成功率,加快Highid下载速度 * Highid Callback processing to optimize and improve the success rate of connections to speed up download speeds Highid
* 更新DLP至v36.0 * DLP update to v36.0

安装包: Installation package:

绿色包: Green package:

源代码包: The source code package:
VS 2003

An earlier test version (installer) can be downloaded at: http://www.damipan.com/file/Gff1NA.html

It's Full Version of eMule with all features. Friend feature, IRC, IpFilter update...
This Version does not reduce by 1st start the max half open on XP to 9 connections.

Great upcoming VeryCD Mods Works excellent!

- No bug could be found
- 0.49c core feature drag n drop singel files into shared files window from desktop/hdd folders is not implemented yet.
- Inline/box Browse... folder Buttons in Options are not updated to 0.49c core yet.

<| NOT a Leecher Mod ! |>

Real core info of eMule v0.49c VeryCD Build 090410 is based on 0.48 core, there is no captcha by messages/pm. Any 0.49b and 0.49c core Version features could not be founded.
