07 May 2009

Inno Setup 5.3.0-beta | Inno QuickStart Pack 5.3.0-beta Official Released!

Inno Setup is a free Open Source installer for Windows programs


5.3.0-beta (2009-04-22)

* Added .NET support (these cause an internal error if used on a system with no .NET Framework present):
o Added new [Files] section flag: gacinstall.
o Added new [Files] section parameter: StrongAssemblyName.
o Added new constants: {regasmexe}, {regasmexe32}, {regasmexe64}.
* MinVersion parameter/directive change: if you leave one of the versions empty then it will use the default MinVersion for that platform.
* Pascal Scripting: Added new MinimizePathName support function.
* Added Unicode support: there's now a second version of Inno Setup available called Unicode Inno Setup. Key features of this version are its ability to display any language on any system regardless of the system code page, and its ability to work with Unicode filenames. Notes:
o Unicode Inno Setup uses the existing ANSI .isl language files and you should not convert these to Unicode or anything similar since it does so automatically during compilation using the LanguageCodePage setting listed inside the .isl.
o The [Setup] directive ShowUndisplayableLanguages is ignored by Unicode Inno Setup.
o Unicode Inno Setup is compiled with Delphi 2009 instead of Delphi 2 and 3, leading to slightly larger files. The source code however is still compatible with Delphi 2 and 3, and a non Unicode version will remain available.
o Unicode Inno Setup and installers created by it require Windows 2000/XP or newer. The non Unicode version still works on NT/9x.
o Existing installations of your programs done by non Unicode installers can be freely updated by Unicode installers, and vice versa.
o Unicode Pascal Scripting notes:
+ The Unicode compiler sees type 'String' as a Unicode string, and 'Char' as a Unicode character. Its 'AnsiString' type hasn't changed and still is an ANSI string. Its 'PChar' type has been renamed to 'PAnsiChar'.
+ The Unicode compiler is more strict about correct ';' usage: it no longer accepts certain missing ';' characters.
+ The new RemObjects PascalScript version used by the Unicode compiler supports Unicode, but not for its input source. This means it does use Unicode string types as said, but any literal Unicode characters in the script will be converted to ANSI. This doesn't mean you can't display Unicode strings: you can for example instead use encoded Unicode characters to build Unicode strings (like S := #$0100 + #$0101 + 'Aa';), or load the string from a file using LoadStringsFromFile.
+ Some support functions had their prototype changed: some parameters of CreateOutputMsgMemoPage, RegQueryBinaryValue, RegWriteBinaryValue, OemToCharBuff, CharToOemBuff, LoadStringFromfile, SaveStringToFile, and GetMD5OfString are of type AnsiString now instead of String.
+ Added new SaveStringsToUTF8File, and GetMD5OfUnicodeString support functions.
+ If you want to compile an existing script that imports ANSI Windows API calls with the Unicode compiler, either upgrade to the 'W' Unicode API call or change the parameters from 'String' or 'PChar' to 'AnsiString'. The 'AnsiString' approach will make your [Code] compatible with both the Unicode and the non Unicode version.
o Unicode Inno Setup supports UTF-8 encoded .iss files (but not UTF-16).
o Unicode Inno Setup supports UTF-8 and UTF-16LE encoded .txt files for LicenseFile, InfoBeforeFile, and InfoAfterFile.
o QuickStart Pack: added ISPP predefined variable UNICODE.
* Thanks to Carlo Kok and Evgeny Karpov of RemObjects Software for their help related to Unicode support.
* QuickStart Pack: added ISPP functions Trim, and GetMD5OfUnicodeString.

read full changelog: http://files.jrsoftware.org/is/5.3-beta/whatsnew.htm

Homepage: http://jrsoftware.org/isdl.php
Newsgroup: http://jrsoftware.org/newsgroups.php
3th party addons: http://jrsoftware.org/is3rdparty.php

Download: http://files.jrsoftware.org/is/5.3-beta/isetup-5.3.0-beta.exe

Full Changelog: http://files.jrsoftware.org/ispack/whatsnew.htm
ispack-5.3.0-beta-unicode.exe 06-May-2009 17:45 1.9M
ispack-5.3.0-beta.exe 06-May-2009 17:45 1.5M


ISGenerator v (Inno Form Designer)
Discussion + Feedback

InnoTools Tray
Homepage: http://sherlocksoftware.org/page.php?id=59
Download: http://www.sherlocksoftware.org/innotools/files/itt0.1.0.exe

ISSkin, Customizable Skins for Inno Setup!

ISSkin is an add-on to Jordan Russell's Inno Setup compiler that provides enhanced skinning support for the Inno Setup installation.
Homepage: http://isskin.codejock.com/
samples: http://isskin.codejock.com/downloads/ISSkinExample.zip

Best Setup/Install Creation Software

uTorrent 1.90 alpha build 14981 security modification by KiDr0Ck0


This decompressed and modified uTorrent Client, 190a14981mod.exe
solves several problems for me of Home Usage by blocking various
Tracking URL's allowing me to use the uTorrent Bit-Torrent Client
at home more anonymously with lesser fear of my usage being monitored.
I disabled almost all IP's possible, and uTorrent still works!
These IP's let the uTorrent WebSite track what you do with the Prog.
Maybe I'm just being a little bit overly paranoid, but I DON'T LIKE
the idea of some Program Author monitoring my activities.
As an alternate Client, I recommend the Hacker-Style BitLord Client.

For Maximum Safey, maybe even use the 'Torrent Safety' Program,
but I don't. I would hope & like that it disguises your displayed IP.

I recommend:

(1) Use the included ipfilter.dat and add entries to it
as you see fit. When in the 'Peers' Tab, right-click,
and select 'reload IP Filter' whenever you change ipfilter.dat
or restart uTorrent so you can block Bad Clients or Uploads.
Make sure that ipfilter.dat is in same Folder as the uTorrent EXE.
Also make sure that your settings.dat and resume.dat is in
the same Folder as the uTorrent EXE. Also, in:
have your Download and Torrent Folders be a Sub-Folder
of your Main uTorrent Folder, such as:
I have found that is the best way to run uTorrent.
You can change the Drive, too.
Also convenient is running on a Flash Card if Mobile/Laptop.
I included the ipfilter.dat settings.dat resume.dat files
Just copy the EXE and the above three (3) files to:
then run the EXE. All my recommended settings are set up.
All you have to do is change your Up/Down speeds in:

(2) Run a FireWall and Manually Block IP's and
This is also done for you in ipfilter.dat but do BOTH!

(3) In Preferences/BitTorrent, DISABLE ---> LPD and DHT.
(but still allow scrape info and Peer Exchange)

(4) Make sure DBGHELP.DLL is NOT in your System Path.
If it is, rename it, or delete it. Make a Backup of it.

(5) The uTorrent Search is a Tracker. DON'T use it!
Besides, it has been ruined ever since ver 1.7 anyways. F|_|ckers!

(6) Make sure the uTorrent Internal Tracker in:
is set to: false (default) (another worthless uTorrent tracker)

I also recommend, that you, the User of this Prog, use a
Hex Editor Prog, and do a compare of all the bytes that I changed,
and check and verify all my changes. It's real simple and straight
forward. I just changed to and all other URL's
to some form of

Feel free to restore anything back to Original that you see fit.
I included the Original uTorrent (UPX-Packed), and an Unmodified,
Decompressed version, plus my mod file - all source EXE's!

NOTE: Plug-n-Play and certain XML services are disabled.
Some W2K/XP Users may want to reverse that for their Routers.
But I recommend configuring your Router Manually, or use a Port
between 80 and 1023 especially if you download at a WiFi Spot.
Most WiFi Spots (any Router) block ports 1024 and above by default.

Most Users really won't notice any difference between this,
and a Stock uTorrent Prog. I haven't.
But for peace of mind, you will like it. Most all Tracking removed.

Another Note:
This Client displays as Ver. 1.9 but uTorrent is only up to 1.83!
I got this straight from the uTorrent Website; I did NOT mod the
Ver number, it's a special Alpha build, with almost no difference
between it and 1.8.3 build 15104. I was very lucky to find this build.
I saw others using it, and I found it. It was originally released to
be a temporary work-around for various sites banning Ver. 1.8x builds.

So, the best of both worlds.

Also, I nice new feature is when Right-Clicking on Download File Name,
is 'force recheck', where all CRC Values are rechecked. Very handy!


Download: uTorrent190alpha14981secure.rar | Mirror | DDL | Mirror | Mirror

Thank you very much!!!

06 May 2009

ZZ-R V2.1 beta 2 eMule 0.49c



ZZ-R V2.1 beta 2 (eMule 0.49c)

+ fixed/changed modstring
+ little codechanges

http: fileshare hoster: eMule0.49c-ZZ-R_V2.1.beta.2.rar 4.91 MB | DDL

MorphXT v.11.3 Privat Edition by morph4u updated release 6th. May 2009

MorphXT v.11.3 Privat Edition by morph4u

Update 06.05.09

+ fixed/changed modstring

Update 05.05.09

+ fixed Downloadlimit


Update to v.11.3

MorphXT v.11.2 Privat Edition by morph4u


+ Random Modstring
+ Friendboost
+ Commboost
+ Unlimited Slot
+ Force Uploadslot
+ Single Reask
+ Copy eD2K link [/URL]
+ Select all in menu
+ UpPrio in downloadlist
+ Only Upload to eMule
+ Emulate Others
+ Enhanced Client Recognization
+ Auto Drop Immunity
+ Shutdown Options
+ Custom Prio
+ Variable bantime
+ Kick
+ Ban
+ Push
+ Changed Queuesize settings
+ Powershare in WebInterface
+ Some colors in lists
+ Changed some icons

- Removed all restrictions
- Removed/Changed many features i dont need ;-)


ed2k: + fixed/changed modstring

ed2k://|file|eMule.v0.49c.MorphXT.v11.3.morph4u.pe.06.05.09.rar|3907387|C49855DE83E9218B2E1FE56485E6DAC7|h=HPMJOCH2GD6LHUXDKA3PAVS34IYXWWLD|/ | FileShare Host | DDL

Thanks a lot!

eMule 0.49c Al!as 1.1


eMule 0.49c [Al!as 1.1]
modded by pP for specialmods.eu

[+] Dynamic Block Requests [Netfinity]
[+] Source Drops
[+] Timed updates for IPFilter
[+] ClientAnalyzer [Wizard]
[+] Mod Preferences
[+] Localized resource strings
[+] Preferences Sidebanner [emf]
[+] Preferences Slidebar [emf]
[~] Full Modstring in Downloadlistctrl
[+] New Modstring columns elsewhere
[+] FunnyNicks [xrmb]
[+] ModIconMapper [Wizard]
[+] IP2Country [EastShare]
[+] Flags on Files (Origin) [Wizard]
[+] ClientSoftIcons
[+] Colored Active Downloads (File-/Username only)
[+] Bold Active Downloads (File-/Username only)
[+] DiffQR with Icons [based on JvA]
[+] Cached ScoreRatios [idea by Wizard]
[+] Own ScoreRatio [vqb]
[-] Official Ratio [please read the next line before banning!!]
[+] Active Ratio [Netfinity]
[+] Download Dutch dll on 1st start
[+] ModLog
[+] Ul/Dl Columns with ratio
[+] Startup flood preventions [Wizard]
[+] AutoHL
[+] SlotControl/SlotSpeedControl
[+] Auto download priorities
[+] Slotfocus in Uploadlist
[+] Friendcontrols in all Clientlists
[+] Winsock v2 Support [Ewombat]
[+] Connchecker [Ewombat/emf]
[+] RMod Connectionstate icons [funnypixel]
[+] SaveLoadSources [enkydev]
[^] Auto download priorities, Dynamic mode added.
[+] Filestats [Icecream/Morphxt]
[+] Powershare with statistics
[+] AutoHL with some adaptions
[+] CReport
[+] SUIBan against uncounted uploads
[+] Applejuice Detection [from xman1's DLP]
[+] Seperate LeechLog for AntiLeech outputs
[+] Detection and ModIcons for Al!as/R-Mods
[+] Reask Queue/srcs after IP change [Stulle]
[+] Modstats [TPT]
[+] SystemInfo Class for CReport [$icK$/Stulle]
[+] BadClientFlag [Wizard]
[+] Identify eMule plus [Spike2]
[+] Intelligent Chnk Selection ICS [EnkeyDev]

LoID ot HiID auto callback [L2HAC] ?
...and we're done.

[+] = Added
[-] = Removed
[~] = Changed
[^] = Updated



:dl: Binary: Alias1.1_bin.rar [http://forum.specialmods.eu/download/Alias/Alias1.1_bin.rar]
:dl: Source: Alias1.1_src.rar [http://forum.specialmods.eu/download/Alias/Alias1.1_src.rar]


How to compile with C++ 9.0 ? :
by vs2008 change/comment out: /*afxData.bWin95 ? NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY :*/
so that: lf.lfQuality = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY;
looks: lf.lfQuality = /*afxData.bWin95 ? NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY : */ANTIALIASED_QUALITY;
+ if (/*!afxData.bWin95 && */bBmpResult && !s_pfnTransparentBlt)
+ if (afxIsWin95()) // all rel.
+ LimitText(/*afxData.bWin95 ? 0xFFFF : */0x7FFFFFFF); // all rel.
+ adj/changes in stdafx.h for vs 2008 // time_t,...
??? otherfunctions.cpp > SAFE_DELETE ... ?no references to this function? // ConChecker [eWombat]

using emule_vc71.sln > vc9

Did read the source code, very clean mod, good job! Wish it will compile with c++9.

Note to users: This is a LEGAL mod, therefore it is RATIOed and does not contain 'bad' codes.

Note to modders: If you use the sources for your own mod, please change the modstring to avoid all of us from being banned for any reason. Also replace or remove the links pointing to my board. It all can be found and changed in version.h !!!

- Thank you!

Homepage: http://specialmods.eu

<| NOT a Leecher Mod |>
Valued readers! Please don't mistaken again by banning r-mod and alias. This mods have sources + ratio, all requirements gpl/gnu + rules conform! By all logic there will be custom modstring option or random if it will be otherwise.

Inno Setup version 5.3.0-beta Unicode + ISTool-5.3.0 official


Inno Setup is the best Setup / Installer Creation Tool (Opensource - Freeware)

Inno Setup 5.3.0-beta Unicode

Whats new:

Please use beta version only if you need any of the new features coming with Inno setup 5.3.0

Download: isetup-5.3.0-beta.exe 1.78 MB - Mirror
source: http://cvs.jrsoftware.org/view/ispack/isfiles-unicode/?hideattic=0

official soon: http://files.jrsoftware.org/is/5.3-beta/

Inno Setup QuickStart Pack 5.3.0 Beta Unicode:
Download: ispack-5.3.0-beta-unicode.exe 1.87 MB
src: http://cvs.jrsoftware.org/view/ispack/isfiles-unicode/?hideattic=0

Inno Setup QuickStart Pack 5.2.4
Download: ispack-5.2.4.exe 1.67 MB
src: http://cvs.jrsoftware.org/view/ispack/?hideattic=0

Inno Setup Preprocessor 5.3.0 (in QuickStart Pack)

Changelog: http://cvs.jrsoftware.org/is/ChangeLog

Beta Source codes: http://cvs.jrsoftware.org/view/?hideattic=0

Homepage with older Final Versions: http://jrsoftware.org/isdl.php

ISTool 5.3.0 Official Download:
ISTool 5.3.0 compiled with newer VS 2008 SP1
Download: istool-5.3.0.exe 1,20 MB (1.266.108 bytes)

More Inno Setup Tools:

Inno Setup Generator version
innounp Inno Setup Unpacker 0.24 Build 090426

DDL Mirrors:
istool_5.3.0.exe 1.27 Mo
ispack_5.2.4.exe 1.76 Mo
isetup_5.3.0_beta.exe 1.87 Mo
ispack_5.3.0_beta_unicode.exe 1.96 Mo

UN-SIGNED - Not digital signed with Signaturtool


Test innounp on a setup generated with Inno Setup Version 5.3.0 beta
sample file: setup.exe 1.78 MB

innounp from version 0.20 and 0.21 from sourceforge can not unpack inno setup later as 5.2.5 dev
return by inno setup version 5.3.0:
Signature detected: Inno Setup Setup Data (5.3.0) (u)
This is not directly supported, but i'll try to unpack it as version 5203
; Version detected: 5300
Critical error: The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program. Unpacking failed. This version is not supported.
Signature detected: Inno Setup Setup Data (5.3.0) (u)
update to innounp 0.21
http://voxel.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/innounp/innounp021.rar does not support version 5.3.0 Unicode too but support added for inno setup > v3 (v2.x)

Inno Setup Unpacker enhanced version 0.24 (UNICODE)
Updated: Laihongbo Build Date: 090426
Homepage: Http://Www.SkyGz.Com

Usage: innounp [command] [options] [@filelist] [filemask ...]
(no) display general installation info
-v verbosely list the files (with sizes and timestamps)
-x extract the files from the installation (to the current directory, also see -d)
-e extract files without paths
-b batch (non-interactive) mode - will not prompt for password or disk changes
-q do not indicate progress while extracting
-m extract internal embedded files (such as license and uninstall.exe)
-pPASS decrypt the installation with a password
-dDIR extract the files into DIR (can be absolute or relative path)
-cDIR specifies that DIR is the current directory in the installation
-n don't attempt to unpack new versions
-fFILE same as -p but reads the password from FILE
-a extract all copies of duplicate files
-s1..12 set this option to a higher value to improve detection of installation package version (recommended value: -s10)
-rVER use custom defined script to extract files (example: -r5103)
-k perform extensive scan if installation package version is unknown or impossible to detect (beta2)

Supported version:
5205, 5300


; Version detected: 5300
Critical error: The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program.
Error (EAbort) "Operation aborted" at address 00431A73


run with switch -k works

successfully unpacked with switch (-k): innounp.exe -x -k setup.exe

innounp+v0.24(2009-04-26).7z 181.37 KB

InnounpW.exe english GUI (reversed - no source code (missing)) -k switch added to list and extract easy in GUI (limited only to Unicode 5.3.x unpacking)

Download with english GUI: innounp+v0.24(2009-04-26) with GUI.rar 202.78 KB

start InnounpWK unicode.exe
