17 May 2009

diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher dUP 2.20 Beta 2


diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher [dUP]
Version: 2.20

-multiple file patcher
-create Offset and Search&Replace patch/loader
-compare files (RawOffset and VirtualAddress) with different filesize
-text patcher
-registry patcher, also for loaders
-attach files to patcher
-get filepaths from registry
-usage of CRC32 and filesize checks
-patching packed files
-compress patcher with your favorite packer
-saving projects
-use custom skin in your patcher
-add music (Tracker Modules: xm,mod,it,s3m,mtm,umx,v2m,ahx,sid) to patcher
-multilanguage support
-and many more...

Version History
-textpatch bug fixed
-added wildcard support for textpatch module
-windowresize bugs fixed
-minimize patcherwindow with rightmouseclick
-added new "event" module for patcher

Homepage: http://diablo2oo2.di.funpic.de/
BBS: http://mp2kforum.mp.funpic.de/index.php#3

Download: http://diablo2oo2.di.funpic.de/stuff/dup2.beta.rar
Mirror: dup2.beta.rar 183.51 KB

16 May 2009

eMule 0.49c DaRk MysteRy 1.0 by umeK | emule 0.49c OFF+ public

News from Blog:

eMule 0.49c DaRk MysteRy 1.0 by umek

News Source: http://web49.sv14.net-housting.de/2009/05/16/emule-049c-dark-mystery-10-by-umek/
ADDED: MysteRy-SplashScreen (umeK)
ADDED: MysteRy-SideBanner (umeK)
ADDED: ModVersion System (MaeLLa/changes by umeK)
ADDED: Random Modstring (umeK)
ADDED: Kick System (umeK)
ADDED: NickAddon-Thief (umeK)
ADDED: Fake eChanblard Community (umeK)
ADDED: Share Options [under Extended] (umeK)
ADDED: MysteRy-CreditSystem (umeK)
ADDED: MysteRy-Upload Management (umeK)
ADDED: eMulate other (Spike2/changes by umeK)
ADDED: ECR (Spike2)
ADDED: Larger Filebuffer (pP)
ADDED: better passive source finding (Xman)
ADDED: find best sources (Xman)
ADDED: DynamicBlockRequests (Netfinity)
ADDED: UDP-FNF Fix (Xman/WiZaRd)
ADDED: some Improvements on Listensocket (MaeLLa/Xman)
ADDED: ThreadSafe Fix (Xman/idea WiZ?)
ADDED: SLS (Xman/enkeyDev)
ADDED: Winsock2 support (eWombat)
ADDED: ClipStats (WiZ/changes by umeK)
ADDED: Auto Kad Firewall Recheck (?)
ADDED: Reconnect on Kad
ADDED: Total Up/Down [queue & uploadlist]
ADDED: Remote Queue Status [queue & uploadlist]
ADDED: some Optimizations, Fixes and Improvements (WiZaRd,Xman,MaeLLa,Netfinity etc..)
OPTIMIZED: Sources Management [Kad,Reasks,etc.] (umeK)
REMOVED: some Official Upload stuff… (umeK)
REMOVED: official Ratio (umeK)
REMOVED: Send Mail (umeK)
REMOVED: VersionsCheck (umeK)
REMOVED: Text to Speech (umeK)
REMOVED: Help (umeK)
CHANGED: Waitingqueue range (umeK)
CHANGED: Some Icons (umeK)
CHANGED: Some default options (umeK)
CHANGED: many other things around the source….
Download: http://www.seba14.kilu.de/.../eMule_0.49c_-_DaRk_MysteRy_1.0.rar (rar pass: seba14) | Mirror DDL1 - DDL2 (no rar pass)

emule 0.49c OFF+ public
No Sharelevels in this Version //???

Download: http://seba14.kilu.de/.../emule_0.49c_-_OFF_Public.rar (rar pass: seba14) | Mirror DDL (no rar pass)

News Source: http://web49.sv14.net-housting.de/2009/05/16/emule-off/

mplayer plug-in - Watch Movie Trailers in your Unix Browser!

What is it?
mplayerplug-in is a browser plugin that uses mplayer to play digital media from websites.

This plug-in gives Mozilla the ability to play media from a website the net without reading the source html and getting the url manually. Media is played embedded in the page or in a separate window depending on how the author of the webpage intended the media to be seen.

Current Version: 3.55
Version 1.0rc2 or higher of mplayer is required, mplayer CVS recommended.

MPlayer Media Types Supported:

Window Media wmv, avi, asf, wav and asx
QuickTime mov and smil
MPEG Video and Audio mpeg and mp3
Ogg Vorbis ogg
AutoDesk FLI fli and flc
Vivo vivo
Real Player ram and rm

Homepage - Install: http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/

Screenshots: http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/shots.php


Latest src: http://mplayerplug-in.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mplayerplug-in/

14 May 2009

eMule 0.49c DaRk MysteRy 1.0

eMule 0.49c DaRk_MysteRy 1.0


ADDED: MysteRy-SplashScreen (umeK)
ADDED: MysteRy-SideBanner (umeK)
ADDED: ModVersion System (MaeLLa/changes by umeK)
ADDED: Random Modstring (umeK)
ADDED: Kick System (umeK)
ADDED: NickAddon-Thief (umeK)
ADDED: Fake eChanblard Community (umeK)
ADDED: Share Options [under Extended] (umeK)
ADDED: MysteRy-CreditSystem (umeK)
ADDED: MysteRy-Upload Management (umeK)
ADDED: Send only FileList if FullShare (umeK)
ADDED: eMulate other (Spike2/changes by umeK)
ADDED: ECR (Spike2)
ADDED: Larger Filebuffer (pP)
ADDED: better passive source finding (Xman)
ADDED: find best sources (Xman)
ADDED: DynamicBlockRequests (Netfinity)
ADDED: UDP-FNF Fix (Xman/WiZaRd)
ADDED: some Improvements on Listensocket (MaeLLa/Xman)
ADDED: ThreadSafe Fix (Xman/idea WiZ?)
ADDED: SLS (Xman/enkeyDev)
ADDED: Winsock2 support (eWombat)
ADDED: ClipStats (WiZ/changes by umeK)
ADDED: Auto Kad Firewall Recheck (?)
ADDED: Reconnect on Kad
ADDED: Total Up/Down [queue & uploadlist]
ADDED: Remote Queue Status [queue & uploadlist]
ADDED: some Optimizations, Fixes and Improvements (WiZaRd,Xman,MaeLLa,Netfinity etc..)
OPTIMIZED: Sources Management [Kad,Reasks,etc.] (umeK)
REMOVED: some Official Upload stuff... (umeK)
REMOVED: official Ratio (umeK)
REMOVED: Send Mail (umeK)
REMOVED: VersionsCheck (umeK)
REMOVED: Text to Speech (umeK)
REMOVED: Help (umeK)
CHANGED: Waitingqueue range (umeK)
CHANGED: Some Icons (umeK)
CHANGED: Some default options (umeK)
CHANGED: many other things around the source....

This is a new Lite Mod from me the DaRk_MysteRy Mod...
All features except the "Share Options" (to find under Extended) are hardcoded/auto,so
it's easy to configure...


K-Meleon 1.5.3 based on Gecko


K-Meleon ist ein extrem schneller, anpassbarer, schlanker Webbrowser, der auf der Gecko Layout-Engine basiert, welche von Mozilla entwickelt und auch in Firefox verwendet wird. K-Meleon ist freie Open-Source-Software veröffentlicht unter der GNU General Public License und ist speziell für Microsoft-Windows-Betriebssysteme (Win32) entworfen.

Letzte Neuigkeiten

08.05.2009: K-Meleon 1.5.3, ein Update auf Gecko, ist erschienen. Momentan verfügbar auf englisch, deutsch, französisch, spanisch, russisch und polnisch.

Homepage: http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/
SF: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kmeleon
Downloads: http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/download.php

Unofficial K-Meleon versions and other Builds:
http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/resources.php http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/wiki/UKmeleon

K-Meleon-SM2a3 & K-Meleon1.5.3-Linux
This is an experimental version, using parts of the upcoming K-Meleon generation and based on Gecko 1.9 , from Seamonkey 2 alpha 3. My intention is to present an 1.9 variation that works in Windows, but also in Linux with wine, where the conditions to work are more difficult for K-Meleon than in Windows.
DL: http://one.xthost.info/eichhein2/

coolwulf latest K-Meleon CCF

Homepage: http://kmeleon.blogspot.com/2009/04/test-version-k-meleonccf-me-0095-v2.html
SF: K-MeleonCCF ME
Test version: K-MeleonCCF ME 0.095 V2 Test
This is a test version for engine testing. Try it but don't mess up with your current K-Meleon folder.


K-MeleonCCF ME 0.095
[Release Notes]

+ Titleless Maximization bug fixed (Thanks to Dorian)
+ Setdefault.exe added (Options->Set as default browser item added)
+ Bug fixed when openning from different path (Better set as default support)
+ Luamacro plugin updated.
+ kmplus updated, might remove bugs with it on some system.


all files

13 May 2009

Apple Safari 4.528.17.0/4.528.18.0 Beta for Windows


Apple Safari Beta for Windows
Windows Requirements

* Any PC running Windows XP or Windows Vista
* 500-MHz Pentium-class processor or better
* 256MB of RAM
* Top Sites and Cover Flow require a compatible DirectX 9.0 video card with 64MB of video RAM. More details

Website for Developer:

Download visit:

Build 061-6161.20090429 - 29. April 2009 (WebKit 528.18)
comes with Apple WebKit DLL 4.528.18.0 (15. April 2009)
File: SafariSetup.exe
CRC-32: 81f17751
MD4: 878da66039b3444c98a2cc8a560111bd
MD5: 76f680c9435ee3ade48e6690cf05c488
SHA-1: 9d055956145d09003d1adf2e16dc98aa7c261c81

25.45 MB

UserAgent on WinXP: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/528.17

other Builds try ftp search
