19 May 2009

eMule v0.49c StulleMule v6.2 Plus Version 18.05.09


eMule v0.49c StulleMule v6.2 Plus Version-18.05.09

eMule v0.49c StulleMule v6.2 Plus Version
Engo3K +Features 18.05.09
added clientupload time for blocked clients [5-360] mins
changed filereasktime [21-55] mins
changed englisch feedback to Ultimativ-mod format (de)
changed language de_DE.dll
added: choosable modstring
added: customable priority
added: upload priority in downloadlist
added: push part files
removed: friends resrtictions
removed: powershare resrtictions
removed: Release Boost resrtictions for partfile
removed: PBF resrtictions
changed: SlotLimiter from min.60 to 1-255
changed: datarate pro client now
changed: leecher standard reduce score from 33% to 10%
added: don't remove spare trickle slot in uploadList (for use client datarate)
added: reasksingle client (downloadList)
added: Drop/Swap Client in Transfer Windows/to another File
added: Kick sngle client from upload
added: Kick all upload slots
added: ban client (all list)
added: clear banlist
added: push client to upload (queuelist)
added: unlimited slot
added: friend boost *200
added: Nick boost *200
added: multichunk transfer
added: antinick punish
added: antimod punish
added: queuerang full punish
added: Up2Mule
added: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog) ,IP ,UserNick ,UserHash ,Clienversion all copyable
added: active permission
added: see OnUploadqueue and feedback
added: colors for antinick/antimod/QR-full/Nick boost/unlimited slot

removed: Ultimativ as bad Nick/UltiMatic as bad mod
removed: other release bad Mod/Nick's

HP: ultimativ-board.com


Filesharehost eMule0.49c-StulleMule-v6.2-Plus.rar 3.90 MB | DDL

Thank you!

18 May 2009

Paint.NET 3.50.3424 Alpha Release Builds


Roadmap and Change Log

Changes since version 3.36:

* Now requires (and uses!) .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.
* Significant improvements to the installer. Prerequisites are now handled in a much more user-friendly fashion (it's no longer "go to the Microsoft website and decipher geek talk and download stuff")
* The auto-updater can now download in the background, and then install the update after you've exited Paint.NET. Compare this to v3.36 and earlier that jump in your face and require the download and installation to happen right now, and block you from using the program until it's done!
* New effect: Blurs -> Surface Blur, by Ed Harvey
* New effect: Distort -> Dents, by Ed Harvey
* New effect: Distort -> Crystalize, by Ed Harvey
* The responsiveness of effect dialogs has been greatly improved.
* When zoomed-in, the rendering quality has been substantially improved. http://blog.getpaint.net/2008/12/07/pai ... zoomed-in/
* When zoomed in, it is now much easier to correctly resize or move a selection.
* Improved performance when opening multiple images, especially for systems with only 1 processor. http://blog.getpaint.net/2008/09/11/pai ... humbnails/
* Memory usage has been greatly reduces when more than one image is open.
* The selection outline is no longer animated, which substantially reduces CPU usage. It also uses XOR blending.
* The middle mouse button can now be used to close an image tab
* Improved the Unfocus effect
* Fixed an issue with Gaussian Blur and its treatment of alpha values
* Fixed a crash with the "Units" selector in the toolbar area
* Added a "Utilities" menu, and moved the following menu items there: Check for Updates, Language chooser, and View Plugin Load Errors. For the alpha release, there are also menu items for "Force Crash" and "Perform Full GC" (you'll know what that means if you're a developer -- Otherwise it isn't interesting).
* Installer now has a "Start Paint.NET" checkbox at the end. (On Vista and Win7 with UAC enabled, it will correctly start Paint.NET at non-elevated privilege.)
* Renamed "Grid" to "Pixel Grid", to more accurately describe its functionality.
* The DirectDraw Surface (.DDS) file type now allows you to select the resampling algorithm for auto-generated mip-maps
* Effect plugins now have access to a "Services" property which allows them to properly access certain internal Paint.NET functionality.
* Fixed some very small memory leaks when opening many images
* Russian translation. http://blog.getpaint.net/2009/02/26/rus ... -paintnet/
* A processor that supports SSE is now required (almost all CPU's purchased this decade satisfy this)

Paint.NET v3.5 [Download Alpha Release Build - 17.05.2009]
This release will implement many important "under the hood" changes to set the stage for a successful version 4.0 release. The target date for this release is Summer 2009.

* Improved installer. It's faster, and simpler.
* Lower memory usage.
* Better performance.
* Built-in updater can now download in the background, and defer installation until you exit Paint.NET.
* Upgraded to use and require .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.
* New effects: Crystalize, Dents, and Surface Blur, by Ed Harvey

Homepage: http://blog.getpaint.net/
BBS: http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=30113

http://www.getpaint.net/files/zip/preview/Paint.NET.3.50.3424.34245.Install.zip | Mirrors Fileshare host: Paint.NET.3.50.3424.34245.Install.zip 4.52 MB | DDL

older Alpha Build
http://www.getpaint.net/files/zip/preview/Paint.NET.3.50.3424.34110.Install.zip | Mirrors Fileshare host: Paint.NET.3.50.3424.34110.Install.zip 4.52 MB | DDL

Extras: Plugins

Inno Setup 5.3.1 Beta | Inno QuickStart Pack 5.3.1 Beta


Changes since 5.3.0-beta (2009-04-22)

5.3.1-beta (2009-05-15)

* [Setup] directive AppMutex and support function CheckForMutexes change: to specify a mutex name containing a comma you can now escape the comma with a backslash.
* Minor tweaks.

Homepage: http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php

isetup-5.3.1-beta-unicode.exe 15-May-2009 04:13 1.8M
isetup-5.3.1-beta.exe 15-May-2009 04:13 1.4M

Folder: http://files.jrsoftware.org/is/5.3-beta/

Inno QuickStart Pack 5.3.1 Beta:

ispack-5.3.1-beta-unicode.exe 15-May-2009 04:23 1.9M
ispack-5.3.1-beta.exe 15-May-2009 04:23 1.5M
Folder: http://files.jrsoftware.org/ispack/


ISGenerator version

Discussion Site


17 May 2009

eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V2.2


ZZ-R V2.2



+ Codechanges for SysInfo/vs2003/Win7
+ Modeless Dialogs
+ Auto Restart If Necessary
+ Open Log Folder from Tools button
- Removed TBH Minimule
+ Some fixes and codecleanings




Filesharehost | DDL

Thanks a lot!

eMule v.49b UltiMatic v4.0 Build 27.03.09


Changelog for eMule v.49b [UltiMatic v4.0] - Merged to eMule 0.49b [Magic Angel v3.5] - [engo3k]
---------- > 27.03.09
ADDED: Active Permission = remove clients from Upload & Waiting queue after Permission change THX [morph4u]
ADDED: PowerShare via Webinterface
ADDED: Auto remove AntiCommUpBan clients from upload (exklude PBF >is Enable)
CHANGED: UBT for Clientdatarate ->don't remove spare trickle slot of
---------- > 16.12.08
+CHANGE: Punish for Non SUI Clients from max. *0.8 to -> *0.2/*0.1/Upload bann
---------- > 14.12.08
+ADDED: High resulution speedmeter on toolbar [Stulle]
---------- > 08.12.08
+ADDED: Advanced Transfer Window Layout [Stulle]
+CHANGE: Punish only for QR-Full Clients
---------- > 06.12.08
+ADDED: PBF for Partfiles
+ADDED: Share Permission - Hide/Community/Friend
+ADDED: Unlimited Slot *Adjust max client upload time
+ADDED: Adjust max client upload time (for blocked clients 5-300 Minutes Standard 60')
+ADDED: Clear Banlist [pP] - in UploadList/QueueList/DownloadClient
+ADDED: Don't Ban Friends [KTS]
+ADDED: Max Chunks Transfer Limiter [KTS] -> remove client from upload if complete chunk transfered (9.28MB)
+ADDED: Manual Ask SRV & XS for new Sources [LSD]
+ADDED: Maximum Segment Size (MSS 1300-1480) [KTS]
+ADDED: Multiple Chunks Transfer (1-10) [mL]
+CHANGE: AntiCommunityName from [256] to [512]
+CHANGE: Color lightgrey for Anticommunity User & Diesable PS for Anticomm, Leecher Users darkgrey
+ADDED: Auto Unban when Friend to add is a banned client
+ADDED: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog) [kts]
+CHANGE: Slotfocus in UploadList
+ADDED: Limit PowerShare by amount of data uploaded - per File/Global [Stulle]
+ADDED: Private Anti-Mod Detection
+ADDED: Punish for QR-Full/NNS Clients (faktor 1=aus, 2=50%, 3 1/3 ->reduze score, 100=0 Score+waiting time)
+ADDED: Anti Community Punish
+ADDED: 0 Score for Anti-Community User = Angel Argos Upload Bann
+ADDED: Diesable PowerShare for Anti-Community User
+CHANGE: Client Ban-Time [0-24H]
+ADDED: Colored Clients LowID=yellow, Community=Green, Anticommunity=grey ,Friend=Blue, Leecher=grey, QueueFull=lightgrey
+CHANGE: New eMule icons
+ADDED: Sivka File Settings - Source limit/drop adjustable per File [Sivka/Stulle]
+ADDED: Customized source dropping with auto drop immunity [Sivka/Stulle]
+ADDED: Show # of dropped sources per file in DownloadList [Stulle]
+ADDED: Automatic shared files updater (ASFU v3.2) - [MoNKi]
+UPDATED:German language file
+ADDED: TBH Mini-Mule with SendModname on Title
+ADDED: More Infos in Copy stats (Avarage Cpu Usage/Compression/OS-Vista recognition...)
+ADDED: Copy Stats - extended
+CHANGE: Push Rare Files ->(4-40)
+CHANGE: Push by Radio Files ->(2-40)
+ADDED: Push part files [Spe64]
+ADDED: Push finished files [Spe64]
+ADDED: Switchable Friendboost ->(1-200)
+ADDED: Switchable Community-boost ->(1-200)
+ADDED: PowerRelease + Switchable Releaseboost ->(2-40)
+CHANGE: Reask Time ->(20-57)
+ADDED: Show CUR-AVG CPU/MEM usage in Stats
+ADDED: Switchable CPU/Ram Infos (eMule/Global) [Stulle/Sicks]
+ADDED: Choosable modstring with ModaddOnNick [Spe64] + feedback with SendModname
+ADDED: Send modname on Title/Systray&prefs/MyniMule&prefs/WebServer
+ADDED: Upload priority from Transfer Wimdows
+ADDED: Upload only to eMule Clients
+ADDED: Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
+ADDED: Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
+ADDED: Whois-Client Provider Info
+ADDED: GeoIP-IP Location Finder
+ADDED: Push to Upload from QueueList
+ADDED: Kick All Upload Slots
+ADDED: Kick from Upload
+ADDED: Kick from Upload and add to IP-Filter.dat
+ADDED: Cleint-BAN from Upload - Transfer & Queue List
+CHANGE: Slot Limiter ->(1-255)
+ADDED: See onuploadqueue & feedback
+ADDED: New Feedback format
+CHANGE: PowerShare restrictions for partfile or finished files to 800 src.
+CHANGE: Remove PoweShare restrictions
+CHANGE: Remove Friends restrictions
+CHANGE: New Leecher icon
+ADDED: RatDvd = Video
+ADDED: Old AppleJuice Community Detection [Xman]
+CHANGE: Xtreme v35 & MA v5 DLP's ,-removed some Release/Bad Mods
+community userhash check
+corrupt userhash check
+more AJ modstrings
+Spam-Message check
+antileecher v4 from XRAY

HP: Ultimativ-Board.com



Filesharehost | DDL

eMule v0.49c StulleMule v6.2 Plus Version


eMule v0.49c StulleMule v6.2 Plus Version
Engo3K + Features 06.05.09
----- >
added: choosable modstring
added: customable priority
added: upload priority in downloadlist
added: push part files
< ----
removed: friends resrtictions
removed: powershare resrtictions
removed: Release Boost resrtictions for partfile
removed: PBF resrtictions
changed: SlotLimiter from min.60 to 1-255
changed: datarate pro client now
changed: leecher standard reduce score from 33% to 10%
added: don't remove spare trickle slot in uploadList (for use client datarate)
added: reasksingle client (downloadList)
added: Drop/Swap Client in Transfer Windows/to another File
added: Kick sngle client from upload
added: Kick all upload slots
added: ban client (all list)
added: clear banlist
added: push client to upload (queuelist)
added: unlimited slot
added: friend boost *200
added: Nick boost *200
added: multichunk transfer
added: antinick punish
added: antimod punish
added: queuerang full punish
added: Up2Mule
added: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog) ,IP ,UserNick ,UserHash ,Clienversion all copyable
added: active permission
added: see OnUploadqueue and feedback
added: colors for antinick/antimod/QR-full/Nick boost/unlimited slot

removed: Ultimativ as bad Nick/UltiMatic as bad mod
remowed: other release bad Mod/Nick's

HP: excalibur.or.at


ed2k: ed2k://|file|eMule0.49c_StulleMule_v6.2-Plus.rar|4081174|5964A5AEE7A996205DA82F9276B6A1A9|/

http: filesharehost | DDL

based on Morph MOD -> StulleMule -> PLUS it has more options clap.gif clap.gif
