22 May 2009

DownTester 1.10 by NirSoft


DownTester allows you to easily test your Internet download speed in multiple locations around the world. It automatically test the download speed of the URLs that you choose, one after another. It moves to the next download URL after the specified number of seconds has been elapsed or after it downloads the specified amount of KB - just according to your preferences.
After the download test is finished, you can easily save the result into text/html/xml/csv file, or copy it to the clipboard and paste it into Excel and other applications.

Version 1.10:

* Added support for testing the speed of network shares and even USB flash drives...
* Fixed the URL order on delete.
* Added support for automatically creating text/html report in each test (In 'Advanced Options')
* Added option: Don't Add Disabled Items To Reports.
* Added option: 'Automatically finish when the speed change is less than...' - You can use this option to automatically finish the speed test when the speed value is stable enough.
* Added option to display text report.
* Fixed problems in the latest Windows 7 Release Candidate.
* Fixed bug: DownTester created the downloaded files as dwn*.tmp in the temporary folder of Windows.

Homepage: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/download_speed_tester.html

Download: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/downtester.zip

other good Freeware by Nirsoft visit: http://www.nirsoft.net/

21 May 2009

eMule 0.49c Apace V1.4


Apace V1.4

+ Design Settings
+ Open Log Folder from Tools button
+ Higher Values for SLS
+ Variable Reasktime
+ Changes in Optionspages


ed2k link:

http link:
FileshareHost | DDL

Thanks a lot!


Some modded Firefox Addons without 'Call homes' etc... Slim size


3 Versions: one with Google Search the others with Twitter search.

- embedded search engine as Browser Search engine + Browser Bar search to Google/Twitter
OneRiot's social Web search.
- Browser request addon by search engine requests (send genuine search requests w/o 'extras' added to the search req. &format=html&ssrc=browserBox&spid=86f2f5da-3b24-4a87-bbb3-1ad47525359d&p=twitterbar-ff/2.2 // maybe only http://www.oneriot.com/search?q=)

With Google Search source/install/download: twitterbar-2.2.1-fx-fn-google.xpi 41 kb | Mirror1 |

With Twitter Search source/install/download: twitterbar-2.2.1-fx-fn-twitter.xpi 41 kb | Mirror1 |

With TweetMe Search source/install/download: twitterbar-2.2.1-fx-fn-TweetMe.xpi |
Mirror |
( send request http://tweetmeme.com/search.php?for= )

Alternative use older Version without embedded Search addon: Version 2.1.2 — April 9, 2009 — 27 KB https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/downloads/file/50682/twitterbar-2.1.2-fx+fn.xpi

Homepage: http://www.chrisfinke.com/addons/twitterbar/
Firefox Add one page: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addons/versions/4664

src: http://code.google.com/p/firefox-twitterbar/source/browse/

Webmail Ad Blocker 2.3.1


tons of Donation scripts (code) - // they was just everywhere in this add-on. Please just visit extension homepage (in About url) to donate instead. Size shrink from 27 KB to 11 kb by removing useless code parts!

Source/Download/Install: WebMailAdBlocker2.3.1-no-embedded-Donation.xpi 11 kb | Mirror1 |

Source Code: open the xpi files with 7zip or rename the file extension from .xpi to .zip to extract

Not my business, just sharing my modded FF addons.

other modded extensions

Skip Linkbee redirect waiting time Firefox extension

Skip Linkbee.com redirect waiting time as Firefox extension (converted from userscript with http://arantius.com/misc/greasemonkey/script-compiler)

Install/Download/Source: Skip-Linkbee-redirect-waitetime-ff.xpi | Mirror |

Based on Mikado's solution: http://userscripts.org/topics/26612

Read more how to skip the html content (blank the ads page) or http://userscripts.org/topics/26978
Adblock, Firewall Adblock addon, etc... rule to blank the ads page: linkbee.com##HTML

Testpage with some linkbee links: http://chnp2p.blogspot.com/

20 May 2009

ISTool 5.3.0 compiled with C++ 10


ISTool by Bjørnar Henden
A GUI front-end for creating and editing Inno Setup Scripts.

Compiled with VS 2010 Beta 1

from source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/istool - http://istool.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/istool/

HP: http://www.jrsoftware.org/is3rdparty.php - older Version: http://www.istool.org/
Result: Files are a lot smaller as with VS 2008!

Test Download: Release-vs2010.zip 463.11 KB
istool-5.3.0.exe 1.21 MB

Installer done with latest Inno Setup 5.3.1


HashCheck Shell Extension
Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Kai Liu.

SRC: http://code.kliu.org/hashcheck/

Compiled 64bit and 32 bit dll's with VS 2010


SRC+Bins C++10 Test: HashCheckSource-Bins-vs2010-2.1.8.rar 445.99 KB

Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 Download Public from MS

Instructions and Resources
NOTE: If you are installing Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 on Windows 7 RC, you may receive a compatibility warning when installing SQL Server 2008.

Visual Studio 2010 Professional Beta 1 (x86) - DVD (English)
File Name: en_visual_studio_2010_professional_edition_beta_1_x86_dvd.iso
(UTC): 5/18/2009 10:03:17 AM
SHA1: A89E7C40FEA61F5371F6C80571870FC2EC43CBDB ISO/CRC: 01AAB7A1

Visual Studio Team System 2010 Team Suite Beta 1 (x86) - DVD (English)
File Name: en_visual_studio_team_system_2010_team_suite_beta_1_x86_dvd.iso
(UTC): 5/18/2009 10:02:03 AM
SHA1: 01A3E649F86EE726E6422F0CC53E96BE27FB9CA3 ISO/CRC: CBD6B829

Checksumes are the same as by MSDN, here the public Downloads:
Info/DL: http://blogs.msdn.com/onoj/archive/2009/05/19/visual-studio-2010-beta-1-download-options.aspx | 1 2

Homepage: http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010/default.mspx

Product Overview: http://download.microsoft.com/download/C/D/3/CD39BB69-35CC-458A-B4EB-2F928B58FB4B/VisualStudio2010_ProductOverview.pdf
ReadMe: http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/A/0/7A023209-096F-4F7D-B2BC-831ECC68FF5B/VS2010Beta1Readme.htm

Solution How to compile eMule with vs2010 links:

1. You need an Up to date VS 2008 ready and clean Source Code in good Quality with libs.
Ref: http://www.emule-antares.net/ (eMule 0.49c Source+Libs VS2008, X-Mod, for VS2008 LiteMule...) or: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=248588

2. read the readme text in the provided source code how to compile. 1st compile the libs by each .sln as release (not debug), open emule*.sln and compile as release or unicode release. At first by open a *.sln run the conversion wizard,... see screenshot:

add in emule.cpp where the error point:
|| _MFC_VER==0x1000

19 May 2009

Leechermods Blog found and eliminated all Tracking Ghost scripts

Notifies you about the invisible web elements contained in the current page. Including web bugs, javascript libraries, etc.

My attention about to this excellent Browser add-on Ghostery by David Cancel urged me to do some optimizations.
Not only more visitor friendly (secure) also improvement by page optimization in size (eliminated unneeded scripts) faster page load and performance.
Leechermods blog is proud to be on of the first P2P Sites without embedded tracking scripts.

Find out how web sites are watching you.

Ghostery alerts you about the web bugs, ad networks and widgets on every page on the web.

Web bugs are hidden scripts that track your behavior and are used by the sites you visit to understand their own audience.

Firefox Add-on Homepage: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/9609
Homepage: http://www.ghostery.com/

Install/Download: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/addons/9609/

Ghostery supports 3 Languages besides English, German and Spain.
