06 June 2009

IpfilterX - Xies (2009-06-07 05:24)

IpfilterX blocks Anti-P2P companies and the organizations that support them, Corporations, Military Ranges, Government Agencies, Law Firms, P2P spammers and many more.
There's no need to block more than 1 billion of IPs to be protected,
overloading further to a certain value
will result in banning innocent IP ranges which means legitimate P2P sources,
this paranoid setting will hog your machine.
You won't run into risks using IpfilterX
and won't run into more risks than using an overbloated ipfilter.

Updated June 7 2009 - [ ipfilterXB11/PeerGuardX/uIpfilterX ]
[Codename Xies ]
[Parsed lines/entries]:[6463] [Found IP ranges]:[6459] [Duplicate:0 Merged:0 Time:0 secs]

"This is a brief description of what IpfilterX does:
IpfilterX is a filter for eMule and eMule Mods.
It is a highly-sophisticated IPFilter that's updated after careful analysis and study.
uIpfilterX is a modified version of IpfilterX that's designed for uTorrent in order make sure that it can run as fast as it can.
IpfilterX is made for any unwanted connections.
Our reasons are political, economical, intellectual, and for the proper sharing of human knowledge.
This is a list of names of those countries involved directly or indirectly with their government divisions, social organizations, military structures, unfair companies and societies, law firms, hidden agencies, and so on.
Whom we contend are the key members of conspiracy against peer to peer networks and their innocent users:
Afghanistan, Arabian Kingdom, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, India, Iraq, Israel, Italy, South Korea, Kuwait, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, Syria, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Urbe Holy See, United Kingdom, Unites States, and Ukraine .
We've been hunting down these IP ranges since 2001 and we shall persevere in our quest to seek them out.
They have no chance to stay hidden even on IPV6.
This is our task, our existence, our force and struggle to their power.
The Wilson's Prophecy is clear and sharp in its intention to light this era:
We're now discovering that the true source of wealth is information, and it increases as it's shared.
Computers will revolutionize society. Information will be more important than money.
Knowledge is power and will be controlled by the few.
We think that the Prophecy is true, so we act as consequences of it and we'll never be defeated.
Nexus23 Corp, born to defend the ethics of human knowledge and the right to share it.
Thank you for your attention and good luck"

> What's IpFilterX ?

It's an ipfilter for Emule under Settings go to -> Security Options, See picture to do a Download url inside and load the latest ipfilter.dat or other formats are supported in eMule 0.49x and in all Mods.
It keeps out of your Ed2k Network unwanted connections.
It's a highly-sophisticated IPFilter, Updated anyday and weekly after careful analysis and study.

> IpfilterX blocks Anti-P2P companies and the organizations that support them,
Corporations, Military Ranges, Government Agencies, Law Firms, P2P spammers and many more.
There's no need to block more than 1 billion of IPs to be protected,
overloading further to a certain value
will result in banning innocent IP ranges which means legitimate P2P sources,
this paranoid setting will hog your machine.
You won't run into risks using IpfilterX
and won't run into more risks than using an over-bloated ipfilter.
> Usage in eMule :

-In Preferences -Advanced -Security Reset to [,000,]
-Set on filter level(Pref.-Adv-.Sec.) : <127

-Improved list performance by deleting useless ip ranges

-Improved Performance by keeping it in small kb size

-You could not see exact names of ip range filtered in the debug log

-Adding of abbr. "NXU" , which stands for Nexus Unconfirmed close to the ip name-description banned


>Usage in uTorrent :

Windows XP :

-Add ipfilter.dat at path example :

-C:\Documents and Settings\BillGates\Application Data\uTorrent

-Copy in the folder above then restart program ;

-Click Options
-Click Preferences
-Click Advanced
-Make sure ipfilter.enable = true

read uTorrent Ipfilter FAQ as further instructions

Homepage: http://nexus23.org/warfare/content/view/17/34/
SF Project Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ed2k-ipfilterx/
Info @zeropaid

Updated June 7 2009 - Codename Xies


DDL: http://biznetnetworks.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/ed2k-ipfilterx/ipfilterXB11-Xies.zip

Mirrors on DDL Hosts:
zip with nfo: ipfilterXB11-Xies.zip

For eMule ipfilter.dat /.zipped
France | Germany | Ukraine | Czech | Ireland | USA1 | USA2 | USA3 | China1 | China2 | Russia |

Suggest to use this IPFilter.dat, it's better as the others and doesn't ban innocent fileshareres around the world.

All bluetack (pome company www.bluetack.co.uk) based ipfilters include merged (Ozzy IP Filter, IPFilter v13x,...) banning some innocent ip-ranges used by ordinary ed2k and BT filesharing users.
Users from Mainland China, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Korea, some South American, North- Middle and South Africa... complain there are banned on false positive. (see discussion threads in Verycd, BitSpirit forums and many others)

Original File Checksum this Version:
File: ipfilter.dat
CRC-32: 0a267d73
MD4: 8f26406a790aa7f91b1980e4ca9faf7c
MD5: 47ae747f22aefaf64145af3aa08b2320
SHA-1: 76eb4f967c5f30d12128aba7c805eb71e346963e

Compiling eMule.exe note

how to set as default update url by compiling emule.exe:

In PPgSecurity.cpp
search this code part:

if (theApp.m_fontSymbol.m_hObject) {
GetDlgItem(IDC_DD)->SetWindowText(_T("6")); // show a down-arrow

Add below:

CheckDlgButton(IDC_UPDATEURL,1); //download ipfilter.dat rar or zip from a url
GetDlgItem(IDC_UPDATEURL)->SetWindowText(_T("http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=nxs23_ipfilterx"));//ed2k ip filter replace with your mirror url ipfilter.zip or rar or other supported formats

the code part to add is localized above:
 return TRUE;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

Download sample code file for eMule 0.49c: PPgSecurity.cpp

Inno Setup 5.3.2 beta | Inno Setup QuickStart Pack 5.3.2-beta

Inno Setup 5.3.2-beta (2009-05-29) Changelog:

* Replaced constant {regasmexe} with {dotnet11} and {dotnet20}.
* Pascal Scripting: Added new PrepareToInstall event function. Return a non empty string from this function to instruct Setup to stop at the Preparing to Install wizard page showing the returned string as the error message.
* Minor fixes and tweaks.

Homepage: http://jrsoftware.org/isdl.php
isetup-5.3.2-beta-unicode.exe 1.8M
isetup-5.3.2-beta.exe 1.4M
ispack-5.3.2-beta-unicode.exe 1.9M
ispack-5.3.2-beta.exe 1.5M

05 June 2009

***** Wir fahren mit der Luftbahn durch die Nacht *****


USDownloader v1.3.5.31 (01.06.2009)

Universal Share Downloader Fr v1.3.5.31 du 01 Juin 2009.

Version configurée et optimisée incluant le plugin CAP permettant de rentrer le code CAPTCHA automatiquement lors de l'ajout d'un nouveau lien et la possibilité, si votre modem/routeur le permet, de changer d'ip automatiquement si vous avez une adresse ip dynamique.

Pour toutes les personnes qui téléchargent sur MediaFire, RapidShare, MegaUpload, Free.fr, zShare, etc... ce logiciel est INDISPENSABLE.

USDownloader est un gestionnaire de téléchargement pour les sites d'hébergements de fichiers.
Il permet de programmer le téléchargement des fichiers, sans avoir à passer par les sites qui les héberges, vous pourrez ainsi dresser une liste en entrant simplement les liens vers les pages correspondantes, le logiciel s’occupe du reste, il gère beaucoup de sites dont les plus connus à savoir MediaFire, RapidShare, MegaUpload, zShare, YouSendit…
A votre disposition le Full Pack, comprennant toutes les langues dont le français, ainsi que les derniers Plugins (à ce jour!).
A noter que les mises à jour se font automatiquement lorsque vous êtes sur internet.

Ce logiciel ne permet pas de télécharger en version Premium (Sauf bien sûr si vous avez un compte valide) mais il permet de renouveler automatiquement votre adresse IP à la fin d'un téléchargement et donc de télécharger un nouveau fichier immédiatement.
Si cela ne fonctionne pas et si vous avez la chance comme moi d'avoir une IP dynamique (qui n'est pas fixe) il vous suffit tout simplement de débrancher votre modem à la fin d'un téléchargement puis de le re-brancher ensuite ce qui vous permettra d'avoir une nouvelle adresse IP et donc de télécharger, sans attendre, d'autres fichiers sur le même site.
De plus, lorsqu'un code est nécessaire pour télécharger un fichier, le logiciel le rentrera pour vous automatiquement sur la plupart des sites. Cela vous simplifiera la vie.

Quoi de nouveau:

01 Juin 2009:
- Mise à jour d'USDownloader v1.3.5.31 (La liste des nouveautés se trouve dans "Historique d'USDownloader" du fichier d'aide).
- Ajout d'une 2nd méthode pour la reconnaissance automatique du code CAPTCHA de MegaUpload pour ceux qui rencontrent des problèmes avec la 1ère. Celle-ci n’utilise pas « Net Framwork 2 » et « symgen.exe ». Vous trouverez plus de détails dans les Astuces du fichier d'aide.
- Mise à jour et ajout de quelques plugins.
- Mise à jour des Astuces du fichier d’aide.

24 Mai 2009:
- La reconnaissance automatique du code CAPTCHA fonctionne maintenant avec BitRoad.Net.
- Ajout du plugin pour ADrive.com.

22 Mai 2009:
- Amélioration de la reconnaissance automatique du code CAPTCHA de MegaUpload.

18 Mai 2009:
- La reconnaissance automatique du code CAPTCHA fonctionne de nouveau avec Megaupload (40%).
- La reconnaissance automatique du code CAPTCHA fonctionne maintenant avec MegaShare.by.
- La reconnaissance automatique du code CAPTCHA fonctionne maintenant avec GigaPeta.com.
- La reconnaissance automatique du code CAPTCHA fonctionne maintenant avec Ziddu.com.
- Ajout du programme "LiveBox Sagem v2" qui permet de reconnecter automatiquement une LiveBox Sagem v2.
- Ajout du programme "MegaUpload Folder" dans le dossier des Utilitaires.
- Mise à jour et ajout d’un grand nombre de plugins.
- Mise à jour du fichier d’aide.

06 Avril 2009:
- Mise à jour d'USDownloader v1.3.5.3 (La liste des nouveautés se trouve dans "Historique d'USDownloader" du fichier d'aide).
- Mise à jour du plugin pour LetLetitBit.net.
- Mise à jour des astuces du fichier d’aide.
- Mise à jour de quelques plugins.

Homepage: http://usdownloader.fr/ - BBS Fr - BBS En
Télécharger Universal Share Downloader v1.3.5.31: USDownloader_1.3.5.31_01.06.2009.zip | Mirror


eMule 0.49c NetF WARP 0.3a.13 BETA


This Mod is an attempt to revitalize the best parts from the NetF Mod to provide an easy to use but yet powerful eMule client.

Sub-Chunk Transfer
- Crumbs, enables sharing of not yet completed parts
Faster Endgame
- Dynamic Block Requests, tries to make all sources to complete at the same time
- Delayed NNP, keeps downloading sources a little bit longer in case a part turns out corrupt
- Drop Stalled Sources, cancels stalled or slow downloads when file is about to complete to give way for faster sources
- Redownload only data of banned clients on corruption
Anti-P2P Protection
- Safe KAD (keeps bad KAD nodes out of the way)
Credits and Payback
- VIP ("Payback") Queue, as the Payback queue but with different bandwidth management
- Balanced Ratio Payback, make clients, who have a ratio higher than your inverse ratio, VIP's
- Smart Part File Push, rebalances between complete and part files based on previous upload
QOS (Vista only!)
- Allow Windows and compatible routers to prioritize surfing and VoIP before eMule (upstream only)
Bandwidth efficient
- Tries to maximize the amount of data sent in each IP packet by identifying the maximum segment size (Vista only!)
All the features of the ESE Mod

Known bugs:
'Only Recover Banned Data' might cause looping downloads or complete stalls if corruption occurs and NetF fail the recovery process.
FastKAD ICMP unreachable feature doesn't work on Vista when Service Pack 2 is loaded. (It didn't work that well in SP1 either)
Fakealyzer has cosmetic issues after the merge with 0.49c code base.

*** NetF WARP 0.3a.13 BETA
- Based on eMule 0.49c
- Replaced the new download security feature in beta 12 with the official implementation
- Replaced SafeKAD2 feature with official; Only accept as many contacts as was being asked for

*** NetF WARP 0.3a.12 BETA
- Based on eMule 0.49b
- Added security feature to make eMule downloads to be treated like IE downloads on Windows XP/Vista (NTFS only)
- Added qWave QOS support (Vista only)
- Added TCP-MSS Awareness; Upload bandwidth throttler uses fragment size gotten from the TCP socket rather than the fixed 1300 bytes value (Vista only!)
- Added FastKAD feature; Kad searches progress imediatly when all contacts responded
- Added FastKAD feature; ICMP unreachable response from a contact cause a serach to stop waiting for it to respond
- Added new SafeKAD2 feature; Only accept as many contacts as was being asked for
- Added new SafeKAD2 feature; Search popular contacts first (increases hit ratio, but can technically introduce a weekness that has to be evaluated)
- Removed old SafeKAD code
- Lots of debugging and optimization

*** NetF WARP 0.3a.11 BETA
- Added support to launch files directly with WINE Gnome & KDE desktops from eMule.
- Fixed a problem with checkin in the code to my private SVN server.

*** NetF WARP 0.3a.10 BETA
- Dropped PeerCache due to problematic code and that it is rarely/never used.
- Switched to SECURE CRT functions in a lot of places.
- Made Fakealyzer a separate module and added more color levels.
- Changed CrumbMaps to pack 8 status bits per byte. (less memory, more CPU)
- Changed UpdatePartsInfo related code to use much less CPU but with a little bit less precision.
- Fixed an issue with files >4GB in KAD.
- Fixed AsyncSocketEx deadlocks and memory corruption.
- Fixed deadlock in debug mode when opening dialog windows.
- Fixed a lot of warnings!

eMule NetF WARP comes with one of the best quality source codes on latest technology for Visual Studio 2008 C++9. Provided Binaries for 32 and 64 bit! NetF WARP is not a so called "leecher mod".


eMule v0.49c [NetF WARP v0.3a]
32 bit eDiTioN
| ChangeLog Extensions:

★ * some compiler warning fixes + c++9 SDK
★ * miniUPnP lib impl. updated from v 1.60 (2008/02/21) to v 1.80 (2009/04/17)
other cosmetic changes:
★ * libpng version 1.2.18 - May 15, 2007 updated to libpng version 1.2.37 - June 4, 2009
used Crypto++ Version 5.5.2 instead of Version 5.5.1
★ - server ads emuledlg.cpp

★ + Modname/Version Text size in splashscreen.cpp // lf.lfHeight = 20;
★ + Add update url's if field empty
★ + Show ModNames/Versions next to emule version in all lists // DbgGetFullClientSoftVer()
★ - download speed throttler (limiter vs. upload speed) DownloadQueue //netfinity: Active Ratio
★ * fixed a possible bug in partfile
★ + DEP
★ + show clientsoft w. ModName in detaildialog
★ + Refresh Client Source in dl window

warp_0.3a.13_binary_x86.rar 2.61 Mo


Bin 64 bit: warp_0.3a.13_binary_x64.zip 4.07 Mo
Source code: warp_0.3a.13_source.zip 7.71 Mo

removing the restriction/limits by sharedfiles window -> unshare incoming // may save a lot of code

04 June 2009

Web Highlighter and Sticky Notes


Today I browsed my old page hostet from 2003 - 2005 in webarchiver, did search some nice webservices. One good collection of webtools is here: http://www.faganfinder.com/.
To make it short I searched for this tool which can do remarks comments on all websites. Without moderation by forum Admins for example and others its easy to comment the web. Little bit joking about this and that. Leaving hidden comments (code snips include to the mods),... Remarks with the direct link url for download by some blogs,... post in forums on sites invisible without the need to sign up, leaving your comments/notes everywhere to share...
Screenshot: http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/8655/szhxndxksmmwstqc.png
Here you go:

1. Make an account on http://www.diigo.com/ ( it was before known as Furl)
2. By firefox install: https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/2792(problem with remarks only private vs public) test: http://www.diigo.com/diigoresources/downloads/diigotoolbar-firefox-new.xpi also can test https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1781
3. other browsers www.diigo.com toolbar (http://www.diigo.com/tools - http://www.diigo.com/tools/diigolet) which is available to download
4. have fun.

Diigo: Web Highlighter and Sticky Notes

This official Diigo add-on seamlessly integrates your browser with Diigo.com, the next-generation social bookmarking and annotation service on the web. It provides the following enhancements that can make your browsing experience and research process on web much more productive.

- Add persistent highlights and sticky notes on any webpage
- Save your bookmarks and cache bookmarked pages on the web so you can access them anywhere, anytime
- Organize and search your bookmarks by tags and lists, and by full-text search
- Share your bookmarks with friends and groups, and through twitter, facebook, etc
- Enable you to connect with people who have bookmarked the same page or site
- Easily publish your bookmarks and annotations to blogs

For a product tour and more details about this extension, please visit:

For product feedback and enhancement requests, please post to:

How to: http://www.diigo.com/FlashTutorial/sticky_note/sticky_note.htm
post the Annotations Link! Comments/Notes/etc.. with Diigo should work now.
