09 June 2009

Apple Safari for Windows


User Agent ID this build:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/530.17

Whats New: http://www.apple.com/safari/whats-new.html

Download Page: http://www.apple.com/safari/download/

http://appldnld.apple.com.edgesuite.net/content.info.apple.com/Safari4/061-6149.20090608.AqNj7/SafariSetup.exe | Mirror: SafariSetup.exe 27.16 MB

07 June 2009

No Rights ALPHA ...building the ultimate P2P tool

No Rights is a free, light-weight and easy-to-use Peer-2-Peer for Windows

NO Rights was created by the need of yet another attempt to reach the final step on the P2P evolution, it's not meant to be a file-sharing application only. It will not only permit the sharing of files but any other content or resources across a distributed network with focus on being a platform for abstraction to any other open-system like NNTP (Newsgroups), IRC (Internet Relay Chat), Email etc...
A Gnutella PT test project on P2P based on Gnucleus.

The application doesn't need to be installed. The No Rights development team provides you an installer which automates creating links in the startmenu etc., but you also can download the binary zip package which contains only the main executable, which runs fine without installing anything.

No Rights doesn't, in contrast to many other applications, use any functions that require the latest Windows operating system, such like theming on XP or like a .NET application requiring a .NET framework.

No Rights doesn't store anything on your system. The program doesn't create any new registry keys and it doesn't create any initialization files (ini) in your Windows directory. Deleting the NO Rights directory (in case you downloaded the binary zip package) or using the uninstaller (in case you downloaded the installer package) leaves no trace of No Rights on your system.

No Rights runs on Windows systems:

* Windows 98SE / ME
* Windows NT 4.0
* Windows 2000
* Windows XP
* Windows 2003

No Rights is a Windows application. It has been developed using Microsoft Visual C++ with MFC classes. No .NET framework is required, nor any other special DLLs. So it should run on all Windows operating systems.

And the best: it's free!

Homepage: http://pwp.netcabo.pt/0165672801/no/defaut.htm | Mirror | FAQ
DL: http://pwp.netcabo.pt/0165672801/no/bin/Install_NORights.exe | Mirror

VLC UnRAR plugin RAR player 20090307

The VLC UnRAR plugin turns VLC into a RAR player that allows you to watch videos (including seeking) directly from inside multi-volume RAR archives without the need to manually unpack them first. No more waiting for files to extract, simply open the archive as any other video file and watch! Just download the plugin for your operating system, follow the installation instructions and you’ll have a RAR player in no time.

There is no pre-extraction, piping or other ugliness, video data is extracted on-demand when requested. This means that it’s possible to stream a RAR archived video over a network connection (even wireless connections works).
The plugin for 0.9.8a usually works with more recent versions as well (0.9.x).


* Completely FREE with full source code.
* Supports multi-volume RAR archives with full support for seeking
* Supports RAR archived DVD images!
* No external programs or special launch scripts needed
* Simple plugin that works with any VLC installation, no separate RAR player needed
* Platform-independent, binaries available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and FreeBSD
* No pre-extraction of files, data is read directly from inside the archive when requested


The plugin has some limitations, some of which might be fixed in future versions.

* Seeking only works properly with m0 archives (archives without compression). Don’t worry, almost every volume is archived using this option.
* It does not support multiple files inside an archive, the largest file is selected.
* There is no support for RAR packed subtitles, you’ll have to extract and apply them manually
* There is no support for password protected RAR archives
* It’s currently not possible to view partial archives, all parts must be present

Download: http://www.shapeshifter.se/code/vlc-unrar/download/

other builds: http://www.shapeshifter.se/pub/vlc_unrar/

Homepage: http://www.shapeshifter.se/code/vlc-unrar/

06 June 2009

eMulle 0.49c StulleMule 6.2 Plus by Engo2k 06.06.09


This is an update Release only emule.exe

Changelog 06.06.09:
changed: waiting time before opening a new slot (from UltiMatic 3.1) - shorter time

Disappearing uploaders might be fixed now.

Download updated emule.exe: sm.plus.06.06.09.rar 2.5 Mo

replace the new emule.exe with the full download: emule0.49c.stullemule.v6.2.plus.27.05.09.rar 8.06 Mo


eMule 0.49c Chimera 1.1a public version by B4n$h33


eMule 0.49c Chimera 1.1a public version by B4n$h33
with slot control and slot focus taken from emule Alias.

eMule СђiM€Rд


File: eMule 0.49c Chimera 1.1a PuBliC VerSioN.rar
CRC-32: de020631
MD4: b9b03884686fea6cc741f0c1ff7a3774
MD5: 17c0623001889553addc654201ad0faa
SHA-1: f3d891ea262101be46d08cae1ef90b47087ff1d8

File: emule.exe
CRC-32: 111f20f9
MD4: d33d85659f34018ba045b268e5310024
MD5: 633bf6c43b5df31be63692d74cc0fe79
SHA-1: 4040f03e9fe73af135f9b76e4a42e7963eac8d12

Download (4.87 MB): eMule 0.49c Chimera 1.1a PuBliC VerSioN.rar | DDL

Thank you very much!

IpfilterX - Xies (2009-06-07 05:24)

IpfilterX blocks Anti-P2P companies and the organizations that support them, Corporations, Military Ranges, Government Agencies, Law Firms, P2P spammers and many more.
There's no need to block more than 1 billion of IPs to be protected,
overloading further to a certain value
will result in banning innocent IP ranges which means legitimate P2P sources,
this paranoid setting will hog your machine.
You won't run into risks using IpfilterX
and won't run into more risks than using an overbloated ipfilter.

Updated June 7 2009 - [ ipfilterXB11/PeerGuardX/uIpfilterX ]
[Codename Xies ]
[Parsed lines/entries]:[6463] [Found IP ranges]:[6459] [Duplicate:0 Merged:0 Time:0 secs]

"This is a brief description of what IpfilterX does:
IpfilterX is a filter for eMule and eMule Mods.
It is a highly-sophisticated IPFilter that's updated after careful analysis and study.
uIpfilterX is a modified version of IpfilterX that's designed for uTorrent in order make sure that it can run as fast as it can.
IpfilterX is made for any unwanted connections.
Our reasons are political, economical, intellectual, and for the proper sharing of human knowledge.
This is a list of names of those countries involved directly or indirectly with their government divisions, social organizations, military structures, unfair companies and societies, law firms, hidden agencies, and so on.
Whom we contend are the key members of conspiracy against peer to peer networks and their innocent users:
Afghanistan, Arabian Kingdom, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, India, Iraq, Israel, Italy, South Korea, Kuwait, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, Syria, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Urbe Holy See, United Kingdom, Unites States, and Ukraine .
We've been hunting down these IP ranges since 2001 and we shall persevere in our quest to seek them out.
They have no chance to stay hidden even on IPV6.
This is our task, our existence, our force and struggle to their power.
The Wilson's Prophecy is clear and sharp in its intention to light this era:
We're now discovering that the true source of wealth is information, and it increases as it's shared.
Computers will revolutionize society. Information will be more important than money.
Knowledge is power and will be controlled by the few.
We think that the Prophecy is true, so we act as consequences of it and we'll never be defeated.
Nexus23 Corp, born to defend the ethics of human knowledge and the right to share it.
Thank you for your attention and good luck"

> What's IpFilterX ?

It's an ipfilter for Emule under Settings go to -> Security Options, See picture to do a Download url inside and load the latest ipfilter.dat or other formats are supported in eMule 0.49x and in all Mods.
It keeps out of your Ed2k Network unwanted connections.
It's a highly-sophisticated IPFilter, Updated anyday and weekly after careful analysis and study.

> IpfilterX blocks Anti-P2P companies and the organizations that support them,
Corporations, Military Ranges, Government Agencies, Law Firms, P2P spammers and many more.
There's no need to block more than 1 billion of IPs to be protected,
overloading further to a certain value
will result in banning innocent IP ranges which means legitimate P2P sources,
this paranoid setting will hog your machine.
You won't run into risks using IpfilterX
and won't run into more risks than using an over-bloated ipfilter.
> Usage in eMule :

-In Preferences -Advanced -Security Reset to [,000,]
-Set on filter level(Pref.-Adv-.Sec.) : <127

-Improved list performance by deleting useless ip ranges

-Improved Performance by keeping it in small kb size

-You could not see exact names of ip range filtered in the debug log

-Adding of abbr. "NXU" , which stands for Nexus Unconfirmed close to the ip name-description banned


>Usage in uTorrent :

Windows XP :

-Add ipfilter.dat at path example :

-C:\Documents and Settings\BillGates\Application Data\uTorrent

-Copy in the folder above then restart program ;

-Click Options
-Click Preferences
-Click Advanced
-Make sure ipfilter.enable = true

read uTorrent Ipfilter FAQ as further instructions

Homepage: http://nexus23.org/warfare/content/view/17/34/
SF Project Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ed2k-ipfilterx/
Info @zeropaid

Updated June 7 2009 - Codename Xies


DDL: http://biznetnetworks.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/ed2k-ipfilterx/ipfilterXB11-Xies.zip

Mirrors on DDL Hosts:
zip with nfo: ipfilterXB11-Xies.zip

For eMule ipfilter.dat /.zipped
France | Germany | Ukraine | Czech | Ireland | USA1 | USA2 | USA3 | China1 | China2 | Russia |

Suggest to use this IPFilter.dat, it's better as the others and doesn't ban innocent fileshareres around the world.

All bluetack (pome company www.bluetack.co.uk) based ipfilters include merged (Ozzy IP Filter, IPFilter v13x,...) banning some innocent ip-ranges used by ordinary ed2k and BT filesharing users.
Users from Mainland China, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Korea, some South American, North- Middle and South Africa... complain there are banned on false positive. (see discussion threads in Verycd, BitSpirit forums and many others)

Original File Checksum this Version:
File: ipfilter.dat
CRC-32: 0a267d73
MD4: 8f26406a790aa7f91b1980e4ca9faf7c
MD5: 47ae747f22aefaf64145af3aa08b2320
SHA-1: 76eb4f967c5f30d12128aba7c805eb71e346963e

Compiling eMule.exe note

how to set as default update url by compiling emule.exe:

In PPgSecurity.cpp
search this code part:

if (theApp.m_fontSymbol.m_hObject) {
GetDlgItem(IDC_DD)->SetWindowText(_T("6")); // show a down-arrow

Add below:

CheckDlgButton(IDC_UPDATEURL,1); //download ipfilter.dat rar or zip from a url
GetDlgItem(IDC_UPDATEURL)->SetWindowText(_T("http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=nxs23_ipfilterx"));//ed2k ip filter replace with your mirror url ipfilter.zip or rar or other supported formats

the code part to add is localized above:
 return TRUE;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

Download sample code file for eMule 0.49c: PPgSecurity.cpp
