22 June 2009



Ein Leecher Mod mit Saug-Power...
0 Bytes upload Das LeechMule Projekt fand Mitte des Jahres 2002 mit Version 19 seinen Anfang. LeechMule ist ein eMule Klon ohne/mit Upload Funktion. Enstanden als "Proof of concept" galt es zu zeigen, dass hervorragender Download auch ohne jeglichen Upload möglich ist LeechMule dürfte das erste eMule-Leecher-Mod überhaupt gewesen sein und wurde bis zu Version 48 stets weiterentwickelt.
IP address of client and even the IP it came from LeechMule beinhalted eine Vielzahl von Verbesserungen sowie hinzugefügten Features im Vergleich zur Standard-eMule. Die meisten hiervon wurden in der LeechMule-engine gemacht, sind also äusserlich nicht direkt ersichtlich.
Last command received from other client So ist LeechMule frei von Memoryleaks und verfügt über einen besonders ausgeklügelten Mechanismus zum Auffinden von Downloadquellen. Im Gegensatz zur normalen eMule ist sie zudem resistent gegen eine Reihe von Attacken wie sie im P2P-Netz leider öfters zu finden sind. Ein Mechanismus dient der Identifizierung gefakter KAD-Knoten, diese werden dann automatisch ignoriert. Weiterhin wird vor Servern gewarnt welche unbrauchbare Downloadquellen senden.

dividerNot tested by us!
cenyum Homepage: http://netticat.ath.cx/LeechMule/LeechMule.htm
wee Links: -Gute Server-Liste!

LeechMule ist kein Fake, jedoch gibt es die Version ohne jeglichen Upload nicht mehr! Das hat gute Gründe, denn wer auch von Anfang an dabei war, weiß dass das Emule Netzwerk inzwischen so gut wie tot ist. Das liegt an Anti-P2P Kampangnen, an massenhaft verbreitenten Viren und an massenhaft verbreiteten Applejuice mods. Dennoch hat auch diese Version (mit Upload) einige Vorteile die auf den ersten Blick nicht ersichtlich sind. So ist dies die einzige Mule die effektiv den Anti-Download-Attacken der grossen Konzerne widerstehen kann. Vielleicht hat von euch schon mal jemand einen Film gesaugt der nie vollständig wurde während die Mule korrupte Parts meldete. Das war sehr wahrscheinlich KEIN Fake sondern ein geschickter Angriff auf euch Downloader. P2P Firmen setzen dazu bis zu 200 Anti-Mulen ein, die gezielt falsche Hash's streuen und die Wiederherstellungs-Algorithmen der Mule triggern. Diese werden dann nochmals mit korruptem Material gefüttert. Gegen solche Attacken ist LeechMule immun.
Nur um hier ein Beispiel zu nennen. In dieser Mule stecken soviele Extras wie wahrscheinlich in keinem anderen Mod - aber eben kein sinnloses Zeug und auch keine Extra-Einstellungen an der Oberfläche.

katak3-Download: Entschärfte LeechMule Version mit upload -

LeechMule_noleech_version.zip 6.40 MB

Notepad2 3.1.21

Notepad2 is a small and fast editor with syntax highlighting for HTML and other common languages and many other useful features, including drag and drop, regular expression search and replace, brace matching, line numbers, keyboard shortcuts, whitespace display, zooming and more. Notepad2 offers support for Unicode, UTF-8, Unix and Mac text files.

New in Version 3.1.21 (released June 21, 2009)

- No ini-file is created by default (save settings with F7, once)
- "Move Up" and "Move Down" keep selection and work with blocks
- Set cursor to start (Ctrl+,) or end of text selection (Ctrl+.)
- "URL Encode" (Ctrl+Shift+E) and "URL Decode" (Ctrl+Shift+R)
- "Escape" (Ctrl+Alt+E) and "Unescape C Special Chars" (Ctrl+Alt+U)
- "Sort Lines" with several options (Alt+O)
- "Pad With Spaces" block command (Alt+B)
- "Replace Next" assigned to hotkey (F4)
- Auto strip trailing blanks option (File, Line Endings, Default)
- Remapped "Transparent Mode" hotkey to Ctrl+0
- Simple XML detection for files without extensions
- Simple language detection for cgi and fcgi files
- Reload file without file variable parsing (Alt+F8)
- Enabled better styling of C/C++ preprocessor elements
- Recent files and search strings merged with existing items on save
- Paste board mode ignores immediately repeated copy actions
- Command line switch + to accept multiple files (quoted spaces)
- Command line switch - to accept single file argument (no quotes)
- Option to set default command line mode (single or multiple files)
- Command line switches to set file encoding and line ending mode
- More /p command line switches (see "Command Line Switches" below)
- /r command line switch to reuse existing window
- /ns and /rs command line switches to enable single file instance
- Renamed /t command line switch to /d (select default text scheme)
- /t command line switch to set window title
- Set window title to excerpt of current text selection (Ctrl+9)
- Save relative pathnames for recent files (ini-option to disable)
- Save relative directories for "Open with..." and "Favorites"
- "Open with..." no longer sends short pathnames to external programs
- External commands use current file directory as working directory
- Remember "Save Copy" location until exit
- Require only single click to restore window from tray icon
- "Reuse Window" option timeout improves opening multiple files
- Replaced "Find Up" option with "Find Previous" button in dialogs
- "Find Wrap" notification dialogs provide "Cancel" button
- Option to suppress replace count notifications
- Find and replace dialogs provide new system menu commands
- Dialog boxes use correct theme fonts on Vista
- Patches to default styles, file types and auto-detection by Kai Liu
- Incorporated base x64 source code compatibility patch
- Fixed some problems with relative ini-file locations
- Fixed some minor file variable problems
- Fixed some encoding detection issues
- Fixed some find and replace problems
- Fixed several memory leaks when saving files
- Fixed several memory leaks for editing operations
- Reduced size of Notepad2.exe program file

note Full Changelog: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/doc/Notepad2.txt

Homepage: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/
src: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/zip/np2src.zip
soalInfo: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html

Notepad2 Mod with code folding and other extensionsseru

20 June 2009

eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V2.6

eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V2.6
ZZ-R V2.6



ZZ-R V2.6

+ Country Flags in KAD window switchable at rightklickmenu
+ Updated miniupnpc from v1.77 2008/12/18 to v1.80 2009/04/17
+ Changed XPMenu and new default menucolor
+ Score-reduce setable to 0-Score (no upload)
+ Added some forgotten codeparts (Creditsystem)
+ First Start Maximized [WiZaRd]
+ Added ini+ class (to remove delay after closing optionswindow) [idea jerryBG]
+ Push to upload in Clientlist

!! Please make a cleaninstall or delete preferences.ini !!

ed2k://|file|eMule0.49c-ZZ-R_V2.6.rar|5143117|330A21B3EA6DAFF41A44AC1AEC7D1946|h=XHLLJZQFPH3YA4HC2RWA5QXKQAAJ5IMG|/ | FlieShareHost | DDL Fixed

(please use 7-Zip 9.04 or later to extract LZMA2 Compression Archives by direct links)

Thanks a lot!

19 June 2009

IpfilterX Yks | Best P2P IPFilter

IpfilterX blocks Anti-P2P companies and the organizations that support them, Corporations, Military Ranges, Government Agencies, Law Firms, P2P spammers and many more.
There's no need to block more than 1 billion of IPs to be protected,
overloading further to a certain value
will result in banning innocent IP ranges which means legitimate P2P sources,
this paranoid setting will hog your machine.
You won't run into risks using IpfilterX
and won't run into more risks than using an overbloated ipfilter.

Updated June 19 2009 - [ ipfilterXB11/PeerGuardX/uIpfilterX ]
[Codename Yks ]

[Parsed lines/entries]:[6469] [Found IP ranges]:[6465] [Duplicate:0 Merged:0 Time:0 secs]

Homepage: http://nexus23.org/warfare/content/view/17/34/


All latest files: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=178440

for eMule:
ipfilterXB11-Yks.zip file - http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=178440&filename=ipfilterXB11-Yks.zip&a=66758088

Direct Update Link = http://ed2k-ipfilterx.sourceforge.net/ipfilter.dat | From Time to time updated: http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=nxs23_ipfilterx

Past below url into eMule > Options > Security, click load ...see instructions

for PeerGuardian:
PeerGuardX-Yks.zip file - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=178440&release_id=691070&package_id=279072

for uTorrent/BitTorrent Clients:
uIpfilterX-Yks.zip file - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=178440&release_id=691069&package_id=205789

NewsChannel: http://friendfeed.com/leecher


Tips for easier Blogging with HelloTxt

from HelloTxt
1. To post via HelloTxt a title and a body to your blogs add a ^ (eg. title^body of the post)
2. Post to HelloTxt from the address bar via HelloTxtBar http://htxt.it/Paze
3. my personal wish is that Shareaholic in Version 1.8.2 for Firefox add-on and IE, Chrome and Safari add HelloTxT http://htxt.it/qxvr - http://htxt.it/LUnN http://htxt.it/cUxU - http://htxt.it/ChMr

Yahoo! Messenger Alpha + Ads Patcher Remover Multilanguage

Yahoo! Messenger! Messenger
Yahoo! Messenger

Yahoo! Messenger is an advertisement-supported instant messaging client and associated protocol provided by Yahoo!. Yahoo! Messenger is provided free of charge and can be downloaded and used with a generic “Yahoo! ID” which also allows access to other Yahoo! services such as Yahoo! Mail where users can be automatically notified when they receive new email. Yahoo! also offers PC-PC, PC-Phone and Phone-to-PC service, file transfers, web-cam hosting, text messaging service and chat rooms in various categories.
It’s not a Beta, it's a pre-alpha leak.

Version Yahoo! Messenger Whats new:
1. Updated appearance
2. Added friend status bar
3. Language selection (with this you don't need to
download another version just select the language in the options)


To disable yahoo state browser plugin auto integration remove in Program Files\Yahoo!\Shared\npYState.dll

To remove the Ads, replace the included YahooMessenger.exe [patched] with the installed one in install folder \Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\YahooMessenger.exe
(always up to date Ads Patched yahoomessenger exe: http://dotnetwizard.net/soft-apps/remove-ads-from-yahoo-messenger-8-and-9/ by direct entering this page, Adobe Acrobat Webbrowser plugins ask for enable java-script in Acrobat -> click no for security)
version Beta patched:

For those who like to edit their own, change the
byte from 84h to 83h at the following offset:

offset 64E2B, byte 84h -> 83h

- To change the login Animation etc... run Yahoo Tweaker.exe

- To change the Gui Language go to settings menu > Language > select your language

Download Yahoo! Messenger Installer, patched YahooMessenger.exe and Yahoo Tweaker in-one file: Yahoo! Messenger all-in-one.7z Size: 19.65 MB | Mirror | Mirror

Install log is to found in \Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\INSTALL.LOG


Just a ported search and replace patcher for this version and the latest v9 finals (not a universal patcher!). Change the bytes in: %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Messenger\YahooMessenger.exe
Based on dedndave pattern, created with dUP

Yahoo! Messenger

Searchpattern : 84 CA 01 00 00 68 6C 77
Replacepattern : 83 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Match : 1
Comment : *generated by dUP*
PE-Section : .text
RawOffset : 00064E2B
VirtualAddress: 00464E2B

Added Offset patch for Version and
change byte from 84h to 83h at the following offsets offset 3780E 84h -|> 83h offset 3780E 84h -|> 83h

RAW Offset | Old Byte | New Byte
0003780E 84 83

Download Ads Remover Patch for Yahoo! Messenger Versions and and
Yahoo!Messenger-Ads-Remover- [mpress'ed]
Yahoo!Messenger-Ads-Remover- [upx'ed]

Download for Yahoo! Messenger Version only:
Yahoo!Messenger-Ads-Remover- [upx'ed]

NOD shows by files compressed with latest mpress a false positive: NOD32 4172 2009.06.19 probably a variant of Win32/HackTool.Patcher.A

I could use vmprotect to compress and remove the false positives from AV's but its stupid not only cause vmprotect have not a good compression ratio (180.50 KB), there is nothing to hide inside as changing 2 byte in a exe where u can do this manual in any hexeditor.
However some AV's can in year 2009 still not properly unpack and scan through the files if freeware packer used. If your AV is annoying you, here VMProtect compressed: yahoo!.messenger. (180.50 KB)
Not compressed, the patcher cause of the skin and animations, will have a size of 637 KB (652.288 bytes)!

Yahoo! Messenger - Wise Installer unpacked [NoInstall]:
Yahoo!Messenger10.0.0.331-NoSetup.7z 10.68 MB

offline Language packs
comes in \Documents and Settings\All Users~\Application Data\Yahoo!\Messenger\resources\de-DE (fr-FR, ...)

URLS: langpacks.xml


File: Yahoo!Messenger10.0.0.331-Setup.exe
CRC-32: e5d7d0b4
MD4: 2cead9f6932aec4dc1b38eb6d348a2a8
MD5: cb23fd823ed052c2df3dc9a4da184051
SHA-1: 892a9955de53b92b02bd05d8fa102a4a76f60ea2
Digital Signature: Yahoo! Inc. Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2009 04:49:03

File version: Yahoo! Messenger
Size: 15,7 MB (16.482.584 bytes)

Patched YahooMessenger.exe:

File: YahooMessenger.exe
CRC-32: 75dff14c
MD4: 63ff5408a39f022f6353ca0f5ed4dcf6
MD5: 28338fcac618e89533ad47617e5ff1ee
SHA-1: 6e760fe409b48794125d481564156fd37f221885
File version: Yahoo! Messenger
Size: 4,82 MB (5.063.920 bytes)

Yahoo Tweaker Customize your Yahoo! Messenger
File: Yahoo Tweaker.exe
CRC-32: 08fe69c8
MD4: 0fa15c55b2f446f7d8c913ca82921d1e
MD5: 768731f7991d412bd7329fec8f0ff463
SHA-1: 98ca2dfb20c31edce1b2c1279823b1d985b0f1b4
File version:
Size: 3,13 MB (3.283.469 bytes)

Download Yahoo! Messenger all-in-one

File: Yahoo! Messenger all-in-one.7z
CRC-32: 573f924f
MD4: 900ea1a24279c80a65d9c3a590680a1b
MD5: 428663f2effd83795a6771955f87182b
SHA-1: 44e0122bdef0a5a52111f1ef1e219cefe05d449e
Size: 19,6 MB (20.604.831 bytes)


File: Yahoo!Messenger-Ads-Remover-
CRC-32: 898ec9be
MD4: 7bb3be40094ffa6784fc486ef4141692
MD5: 842de6c6ebc351b8d61890e30ed1bae9
SHA-1: 1065452cc4b09e8f0d9df167a1cd801bbbc376af

File: Yahoo!Messenger-Ads-Remover-
CRC-32: a5712330
MD4: b5a890636200b7b8b9cbf046baa502c9
MD5: a78f7e4607c0eff40ba974f55709fcca
SHA-1: 6d1207ec4f0b12367af96e82c218d0354c85013c

File: Yahoo!Messenger-Ads-Remover-
CRC-32: d93e9da1
MD4: a9dbe7c7fb50f09d462d067923c3d1d1
MD5: 472a785cd40ab480969780a97fbe0a8c
SHA-1: 7f38dea542aeb3da8c09531df1e6634f00a66380


Latest Final Version and Extras:
as of today
eg. Deutsch (de):

Update check Final Versions: http://update.pager.yahoo.com/msgrcli.html

English: http://download.yimg.com/ycs/msg/dl/msgr9/us/ymsgr900_2162_us.exe
German: http://download.yimg.com/ycs/msg/dl/msgr9/de/ymsgr900_2162_de.exe
Ads Free YahooMessenger.exe patched: YP2162.zip 1.89 MB

Yahoo! Music LAUNCHcast Plugin: http://de.gallery.yahoo.com/apps/328/locale/en

Latest Version Ad Banner Remover Plus Download
