Please redownload Firefox 3.5 Final
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< type="text/javascript">// < ![CDATA[ // redirect to window.location=""; // ]] >< /script >
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< style="font-family: georgia, serif; margin-left: 150px; margin-right: 150px; font-size: 110%; ">< style="font-size: 150%;">Firefox 3.5 is coming soon!< /h1 >
<>We're just as excited as you are about the upcoming release of Firefox 3.5, but there's still a bit more left to do before we're ready. We're asking for our users and fans to < href="">be patient< /a > and wait until Tuesday, June 30th when you'll be able to download Firefox 3.5 for free from < href="">< /a >. If you can't wait, you can download the < href="">release candidate< /a > for a sneak peek.< /p >
< style="font-size:75%;">While we ask our users to not download directly from the FTP site, if you have a reason to do so, please < href="">continue by FTP< /a >.< /p >
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It's Time for an Upgrade
Firefox 3 is faster, smarter and — most importantly — much safer than your version. Download it today!
The checksume, filedates installed, and setup + signature stamp are the same as RC3?