04 July 2009

OpenBitTorrent - An open tracker project


OpenBitTorrent is a bittorrent tracker free for anyone to use. You don't need to register, upload or index a torrent anywhere, all you have to do is to include the OpenBitTorrent tracker URL in your torrent.

How does it work?

When you create a torrent file the application will ask you for a tracker address, then simply type in OpenBitTorrents tracker URL's:

Why use the OpenBitTorrent tracker?

There are no open independent stable trackers out there, most of the trackers that can be used openly are either unstable or in some way connected to a bittorrent indexing site. We felt there was a need for a free, no strings attached, stable bittorrent tracker.

Homepage: http://openbittorrent.com/

uTorrent extreme LE 4.02 - Not crypted - Logo in Pogo eDiTioN

uTorrent extreme LE v4.02 - Not crypted Logo in Pogo

μTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition v4.02

"Back to the Future"

Changelog v4.0:
Neu! Basiert auf μTorrent 1.83 Final
Installsetup / Deinstall // buggy if D drive is not present
Eintrag ins Startmenü // installer set shortcut
Changelog / Liesmich // save as picture use ocr
Linkliste hinzugefügt // installer add a bunch of urls
Geänderte Oberfläche + Icon´s // extras optional general uT addon feature
Neu! Language Pack hinzugefügt // extras optional general uT addon feature
Neu! Länderflaggen vom 18.6.09 // extras optional general uT addon feature
Neu! integrierte Ipfilter von blocklistpro.com 13.06.09 // external use wget + batch to exe or replace download help/langpack url with download ipfilter.dat inside the ut.exe
Neu! Ozzy Ip-Filter Updater hinzugefügt // external prog use wget + batch to exe
Neu! Pawcio Ip-Filter Updater hinzugefügt // external use wget + batch 2 exe
Verzeichnissstruktur für Tempverzeichniss und Downloadverzeichniss // portable default settings see utorrent-deutsch.de
Desktopicon für Downloadverzeichniss hinzugefügt // installer shortcut option
μTorrent Extreme LE Original hinzugefügt // modded too
μTorrent Extreme LE (NoReport Tracker) hinzugefügt
μTorrent Extreme LE (Multi 10x) hinzugefügt
Neu! μTorrent Extreme LE (Reverse) hinzugefügt
Neu! μTorrent Extreme LE (FakeUpload 2x) hinzugefügt
Neu! μTorrent Extreme LE (FakeUpload 4x) hinzugefügt
Neu! Statistik an BitTorrent Inc. ausgeschaltet / entfernt
Autoupdate ausgeschaltet / entfernt // .dat uT settings file pre config
Settings werden gesondert gespeichert, somit kann der Modpack parallel zu anderen Modpacks // via uT settings file pre config
betrieben werden // how to in German: http://utorrent-deutsch.de/Anleitungen.html
integrierte Torrent Suche überarbeitet ( 13 Torrent-Suchmaschinen) // external settings file pre config + inst shortcuts
Autostop des Torrent wenn Download abgeschlossen
Name in der Titlebar und Aboutwindow geändert // simple hex name edit on title rater give per mod matching description in title
Verschiedene Einstellungen geändert (Vorbeugung zwecks Routerproblemen) // kidding :)) pre config uT dat file

As I downloaded, I thought it's some kind of a big joke. Some little hexediting + external config files bundled and altered with ASProtect/ASPack executable packer. Bundled into a setup using Install Creator.

However using dUP in inline mode on compressed (upx'ed) files or add upx.exe into patcher, a hacker can do some sort of an universal patcher working for all ut builds. // port from this exe samples

ALL EXE Files of UTorrent was Asprotect or Aspacked something like that. PDF was whatever could not easy print or copy if use adobe.

We do not suggest anyone to execute/run encrypted protected processes!
exe protectors are different than exe packers such as upx, xcomp, mpress, pec.

1. mem load is higher
2. cpu load may get greater
3. most protectors run 2 and more processes for one single exe program
4. never can know whats inside
5. some AV's have a high tolerance and don't scan properly inside some exe files done with protectors/packers as they are used for commercial software, keygens and cracks, which you execute and run for just a few minutes not as a background application like BT or Emule run over hours and even days.
More is not to say

here clean exe files:

* manual unpacked
* no install ( No Installer Errors if D Drive is not writable or not exist )
* made documents readme and changelog translatable for international users
* do your configuration by self as in ut-forums described how to use uT portable
= logo in pogo:


μTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition v4.0

Back to the Future
Die Mod´s
μTorrent Extreme LE (Original)
Der Mod ist ein ganz normaler.

μTorrent Extreme LE (Multi 10x)
Bei diesem Mod wird der Upload mal 10 multipliziert wird. Auf dem Tracker wird also 10mal soviel Upload angezeigt.

μTorrent Extreme LE (FakeUpload 2x)
Bei diesem Mod wird vor dem Upload eine 2 hinzugefügt. Auf dem Tracker wird also bei 8 KB Upload eine 28 gezählt bzw. angezeigt.

μTorrent Extreme LE (FakeUpload 4x)
Bei diesem Mod wird vor dem Upload eine 4 hinzugefügt. Auf dem Tracker wird also bei 8 KB Upload eine 48 gezählt bzw. angezeigt.

μTorrent Extreme LE (NoReport Tracker)
Der Mod ist wie die anderen 1 KB Upload Leecher, nur das du bei diesem Mod auf dem
Tracker überhaupt nicht angezeigt wirst. Inclusive NoComplete Feature, es wird zum
Tracker kein Status mehr gesendet, wenn das File vollständig geladen wurde. Achtung auf vielen Trackern geht der Mod nicht mehr.

μTorrent Extreme LE (Reverse)
Bei diesem Mod wird dir dein Upload auf dem Tracker als Download gezählt bzw. dein
Download als Upload gezählt. Es wird also wenn du 30 MB geladen hast dir 30 Upload
gutgeschrieben bzw. wenn du 5 MB hochgeladen hast 5 Download gezählt.

(Die Settings für diese Mod´s werden gesondert gespeichert. Der Mod kann somit parallel zum aktuellen μTorrent 1,x oder zu einem anderem Modpack betrieben werden.)

μTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition IP-Filter
Der Ozzy Ip-Filter Updater oder Pawcio Ip-Filter Updater lädt die IpFilter von Ozzy bzw Pawcio einfach aus dem Internet herunter. Vorschlagen würde ich den IpFilter von Ozzy.
Der Ozzy IpFilter enthält den IpFilter von Pawcio + die von blocklistpro.com. Der Ozzy IpFilter ist also etwas größer als der von Pawcio und wird auch öfters aktualisiert.
Aktualisiert werden beide Ip-Filter häufig am Anfang des Monat.

Viel Spass mit dem Mod wünscht euch
Logo in Pogo

Download not encrypted - No installer: uTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition v4.0.7z 3.22 MB | Mirror | Mirror

Homepage: http://f065.server.lu/..
files are ASPacked process cleaned (I hate the hichh in winsock)

Download Installer:
Install Creator Pro 2


Change Log

For MoDs.sub.cc by Daniel

dissembling the uninstall.exe makes clear why access drive problem 'installer errors' shown up if D drive is for example a not writable cd/dvd device or does not exist :))

dht.dat.old . download.exe D:\Downloads Downloads.db + C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop
Downloads.lnk . flags.bmp .
flags.conf .\Hilfe
Changelog.pdf .\Hilfe Liesmich.pdf .\Hilfe, SB-Innovation - Leecher Mod Source Nr. 1.url . IE.ico . ipfilter.dat
.\LinkListe; .. speedtorrent.to - will boost your Torrent Traffic ...url
.\LinkListe@ Mp3Nova.org - free mp3 torrent,high quality albums download..url
.\LinkListe Saugstube Torrent.url
.\LinkListe; The Pirate Bay - Der größte BitTorrent-Tracker der Welt.url
.\LinkListe Torrent Finder Search.url
.\LinkListe) Torrents Search Engine - Torrentz.com.url
.\LinkListeL www.torrent.to - Die besten und schnellsten BitTorrent Downloads im Netz.url . main.ico . Ozzy Ip-Filter Updater.exe . Pawcio Ip-Filter Updater.exe .
resume.dat . rss.dat . settingz.dat . settingz.dat.old . tabs.bmp 7 C:\Program Files\uTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition -Temp Temp.db .
toolbar.bmp . tray.ico .
tstatus.bmp .' uTorrent Extreme LE (FakeUpload 2x).exe .' uTorrent Extreme LE (FakeUpload 4x).exe .# uTorrent Extreme LE (Multi 10x).exe .* uTorrent Extreme LE (NoReport Tracker).exe .! uTorrent Extreme LE (Reverse).exe .! uTorrent Extrme LE (Original).exe . utorrent.ico . utorrent.lng 6 P
T C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition. Uninstall uTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition.lnk T C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition
Downloads.lnk Z C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\Hilfe
Changelog.lnk Z C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\Hilfe Liesmich.lnk Z C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\Hilfe7 Support by SB-Innovation - Leecher Mod Source Nr. 1.lnk ^ C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\Linkliste SpeedTorrent.lnk ^ C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\Linkliste Bitreactor.lnk ^ C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\Linkliste
Mp3Nova.lnk ^ C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\Linkliste Saugstube Torrent.lnk ^ C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\Linkliste The Pirate Bay.lnk ^ C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\Linkliste Torrent Finder.lnk ^ C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\Linkliste) Torrents Search Engine - Torrentz.com.lnk ^ C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\Linkliste Torrent.to.lnk ‡ C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition IP-Filter Updater Ozzy Ip-Filter Updater.lnk ‡ C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition IP-Filter Updater Pawcio Ip-Filter Updater.lnk T C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition' uTorrent Extreme LE (FakeUpload 2x).lnk T C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition' uTorrent Extreme LE (FakeUpload 4x).lnk T C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition# uTorrent Extreme LE (Multi 10x).lnk T C:\Documents and Settings\..\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition* uTorrent Extreme LE (NoReport Tracker).lnk T C:\Documents and Settings\..\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition! uTorrent Extreme LE (Reverse).lnk T C:\Documents and Settings\..\Start Menu\Programs\µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition! uTorrent Extrme LE (Original).lnk: 7 k €a Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\µTorrent Extreme LE v4.0 (Back to the Future)

Maybe Seba14 can dig into it and remove the Ask Toolbar crap

or bundle it together to make from all LP the best mod
http://www.seba14.org/download/torrent/utorrent_1.8.3_15728_LP.rar + the some features from the Logo pack into one,
and maybe change or remove most useless links (offers,sb-inno...,yandex,...) which are embedded:

--- End of file ---

Icons and graphic bar can be embedded ( no need 4 external file ) , ipfilter upd. url can be embedded - > see dl lang pack ( no need 4 external tool )
to better one!

03 July 2009

eMule v0.49c PRO 1.4 Leecher Edition Plus


eMule PRO 1.4 Leecher Edition Plus

leech and security updates (Leecher Edition):

- Anti-DRM (DRM files werden GELB angezeigt, DRM files marked yellow)
- unshare complete files
< !-- Fakealyzer (NetF)
- dont send filelist to server
- dont publish files to KAD
- disable SX-send
- Antileech update -- > ???

- Ratio restrictions ( Plus eDiTion only )

Happy downloading!!! :-)

useNext.de can be OpTionaL disabled in Download Window or with an entry in the windows Host file
This Version not crypted and clean!
Homepage: http://emulepro.6x.to/

DoWnloaD wiTh RaTio: MeGaUp - Uploaded

DoWnloaD wiThout RaTio: eMulePro-1.4Plus_0.49c.zip 2.98 MB

< !-- I don't find the switch in settings for this features. Hardcoded??? -- >

01 July 2009

eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V2.7


eMule ZZ-R V2.7 by morph4u



ZZ-R V2.7
+ Fix for Simple Cleanup
+ Added forgotten Community setting in default Permissions Options
+ Changed/removed TransferWindow sideframes [idea jerryBG]
+ Fix StatsInterval (was not saved)
+ Fix SplitterControl for ATWL with Commlist
+ Fix SplitterControl for QueueListPerFile with Downloaded History
+ Removed ini+ class (cause no utf8 support)
+ Codechange to remove delay after closing Optionswindow
+ Codechange to support utf8 in nickname again
+ Push to Upload in Downloadlist
+ Drop Single Client



FileShareHost: eMule0.49c-ZZ-R_V2.7.rar 4.92 MB | DDL

Thanks a lot!

30 June 2009

PrefBar 4.2 for Firefox 3.5 - Quick access to all importand functions



The original preferences toolbar was designed to give the user more control over the pages viewed, and to allow the power browser to use mozilla with greater ease and efficiency than ever before. The PrefBar 4 takes this concept to a whole new level; along with the standard preference checkboxes, the new version includes utility buttons, user agent spoofing, web links, and more, served on a fully customizable toolbar with a side of white rice. It's even possible to use PrefBar to create "macro buttons" to run nearly any code you want..

The current version of the PrefBar is 4.2, build 20090629. It should work with SeaMonkey 1.0.5 to 1.1+ and Firefox 2.0 to 3.5+.

Alpas, Betas and Nightlies are not supported. Mozilla Suite is not longer supported!

Install PrefBar!

Homepage: http://prefbar.mozdev.org/

What's New

  • PrefBar 4.2 available
    PrefBar 4.2 is available, now. Most important changes:
    • It's possible to add SOCKS proxies to the Proxylist
    • PrefBar 4.2 works with Firefox 3.5
    You may have a look at the Changelog for more info.
    2009-06-30 - Manuel Reimer
  • Several new buttons uploaded
    I've uploaded three new buttons, I've been working on. Please check them and tell me, if you have any problems.
    • Page2Image Button
      This is next version of the old "Page2Jpeg" Button. It'll also save your currently visible page to one big image file, but lets you choose between JPEG and PNG for the output format.
    • New Windows Checkbox
      This, most probably, is the most important new button. Anything, it does, is to allow you to choose where to open new links, by disabling nearly all ways, a webmaster can use to cause your browser to open new windows.
    • eBayNegs Button
      If you have a eBay article page open in your current tab, then this button quickly opens a list of all neutral and negative feedbacks of the eBay member, selling this article.
    2009-03-10 - Manuel Reimer
  • New documentation area, first Howto uploaded
    I've modified the "documentation" navigation entry, above, to have a "sub-navigation", to allow me to store even more documentation for end users, and in future even for developers.
    So far, a new "Howtos"-area is placed there next to the "PrefBar Help", which always had been there.
    The first Howto is one, which shows how checkboxes may be colored, depending on their switch state, using CSS.
    2008-12-12 - Manuel Reimer
  • Uploaded new Button: Validate Buttons 1.0
    A new button file to validate your pages is available here. It contains one button to validate HTML and one to validate CSS.
    2008-10-23 - Manuel Reimer

Official builds

PrefBar 4.2, german and english language

Translations to other languages

Note to translators: If you have translated PrefBar to your langauge, then please tell me (Manuel Reimer, see Members) the URL to your project page, to get your project page linked here.

Opera 10 build 1615


A new build is ready.

Search engine synchronization should be working again now, but those who are upgrading from certain previous Opera 10 builds (including the Unite labs build) may have problems with some search engines not being synchronized. If this happens, try to set opera:config#OperaSync|SyncClientStateSearches to 0 (no restart required).

Note: This build may not be available for automatic updates right away, and all Solaris builds and some FreeBSD builds are missing.


* Search engine synchronization should now be working again
* Added "robots.txt" to prevent search engines from indexing Unite services by default
* Fixed several Opera Unite crashes


User Interface

* Set Large Images=0 for native skin
* Fixed the Pagebar Skin so that it does not have a negative padding left
* Fixed Bug DSK-232501 (Crash when activating message from mail notification while cert approve dialog is open)
* Fixed Bug DSK-249063 (unremovable English entry in Spelling > Language should be grayed out): The preinstalled dictionaries will now have full name in the choose default language page in the wizard
* Fixed Bug DSK-250617 (Text overlaps in UI)
* Fixed Bug DSK-255452 (New initial BitTorrent dialog leaves unnecesary short space for checkbox label): Also fixed so it is an Ok/Cancel dialog
* Fixed Bug DSK-255971 (Session not saved when closing Opera)
* Fixed Bug DSK-256929 (Bookmarks visited/unvisited icons hardly distinguishable)
* Fixed Bug DSK-257266 (Missing padding on hover in main menu)
* Fixed Bug DSK-257336 (First pixel at the left side of the menu button doesn't activate the menu button)
* Fixed Bug DSK-257343 (Progress indicator height inconsistency)
* Fixed Bug DSK-257346 (Pages in Window menu no longer reachable by their number)
* Fixed Bug DSK-257349 ("new tab" button too high up in tab bar wrapped to multiple lines)
* Fixed Bug DSK-257355 (Panel buttons overlap search field's focus ring)
* Fixed Bug DSK-257378 (Dragging produces text-only buttons): by Reverting Fix to Bug DSK-257195 (Panel header text becomes unbolded when customised)
* Fixed Bug DSK-257439 (Disabled UI buttons should probably have dimmed text color)
* Fixed Bug DSK-257593 (Adjust memory/cache changes)


* Fixed a memory leak
* Fixed Bug CORE-20064 (Event.origin on message events returns origin of current window and not the origin of the message)
* Fixed Bug CORE-21557 (Move media player plug-in doesn't paint until window resize)
* Fixed Bug CORE-22049 (Certificate with HTTPS CRL URL to site with same CRL and certificate warning trigger run-amok dialog opening)
* Fixed Bug CORE-22293 (moveTo inconsistencies on some platforms)
* Fixed Bug DSK-252565 (Click on link at TV2 crashes Silverlight in Opera)
* Fixed Bug DSK-257534 (Disabling spell checker in multiline edit boxes crashes Opera)

Opera Unite

* robots.txt now added, with search engines disallowed by default
* Fixed Bug CORE-19330 (Possible to embed unite:// on http:// pages): also made sure that unite services can not manage each other
* Fixed Bug CORE-21620 (Webserver crash)
* Fixed Bug CORE-21680 (Incorrect escaping/unescaping of characters in WebserverRequest.uri)
* Fixed Bug DSK-247847 (Wrong handling of "username too short" error from auth server)


* Set max values for the automatic memory cache
* Fixed Bug DSK-249688 (Systemwide settings are not read)
* Fixed Bug DSK-254706 (/settings command-line flag is not functional)
* Partial Fix of Bug DSK-257293 (Opera fails to find any mails after 9.64 to 10 upgrade)


* Correctly specify Linux 64-bit Qt4 when uploading crash logs
* Fixed Bug DSK-256111 (Webserver doesn't serve proxied requests in Qt4 builds)

WARNING: This is a development snapshot: It contains the latest changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all.

Homepage: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2009/06/30/link-fixes-and-unite-search-engine-blocking
