19 July 2009

eMule 0.49c Apace V1.6 Classic | eMule 0.49c Apace V1.6



Apace V1.6

+ Updated with X-Ray v1.7
(Shared Parts, Fincan Hash detection, FunnyNick...)
+ Readded ICS
+ SpreadBar (UL Part History)
+ Changed Modstring Settings
+ Fix for Nick Addon Faker [umek]
+ ReaskTweaks (Options-eMule-Extended)
+ Credit System (Options-eMule-Extended)
+ Reduce a little CPU usage for ratio count
+ Speedup creditfile load
+ Some Code cleanings
+ Permissions in Downloadlist to Design-Settings
+ Readded Wizard (only for Connection)
+ First Start Maximized
+ Smart Category Control (SCC)
+ Up-Prio Column in Downloadlist and Uploadlist
+ Seperate Colums for Remaining Time/Size
+ Show shareable files (experimental)
- Removed Fadeout on Exit

+ Header View+ in FileDetailsDialog [TK4]

As the name suggests this function allows you to view the header,
(the beginning of a file where important identifying data is often stored),
of a file you are downloading or have downloaded.
It also tries to identify common file types:
EXE, RAR - detect password, ZIP - detect password, ACE - detect password, MP3, JPG,
JP2, .GZ, OGG, WMV/WMA - Warn!
LZH, VOB, CHM, confirmation only on DMG, TGA,REG
So if you are downloading a .rar archive and you look at the header details and
see you are really downloading an .avi you know the file is a fake.
The code will try to warn of password protection in some archive types,
but it's not guaranteed.

+ Newest antileech.dll, without:

FlowerPower, NextEvolution, Neo-R, Neo-RS, Apace,
ZZ-R, ZZ-RS, HighTime, ZZULtimativ-R, ZZULtra, TR-P2P-MoD,
Ultimativ, Ultimate, Ulti F, Ultimativ, TCMatic 3


Apace V1.6 Classic

+ Updated with X-Ray v1.7
(Shared Parts, Fincan Hash detection, FunnyNick...)
+ Readded ICS
+ SpreadBar (UL Part History)
+ Disable Toolbar Icons (Options-eMule-General)
+ Changed Modstring Settings
+ Fix for Nick Addon Faker [umek]
+ ReaskTweaks (Options-eMule-Extended)
+ Credit System (Options-eMule-Extended)
+ Reduce a little CPU usage for ratio count
+ Speedup creditfile load
+ Some Code cleanings
+ Permissions in Downloadlist to Design-Settings
+ Readded Wizard (only for Connection)
+ First Start Maximized
+ Smart Category Control (SCC)
+ Up-Prio Column in Downloadlist and Uploadlist
+ Seperate Colums for Remaining Time/Size
+ Show shareable files (experimental)
- Removed Fadeout on Exit

+ Header View+ in FileDetailsDialog [TK4]

As the name suggests this function allows you to view the header,
(the beginning of a file where important identifying data is often stored),
of a file you are downloading or have downloaded.
It also tries to identify common file types:
EXE, RAR - detect password, ZIP - detect password, ACE - detect password, MP3, JPG,
JP2, .GZ, OGG, WMV/WMA - Warn!
LZH, VOB, CHM, confirmation only on DMG, TGA,REG
So if you are downloading a .rar archive and you look at the header details and
see you are really downloading an .avi you know the file is a fake.
The code will try to warn of password protection in some archive types,
but it's not guaranteed.

+ Newest antileech.dll, without:

FlowerPower, NextEvolution, Neo-R, Neo-RS, Apace,
ZZ-R, ZZ-RS, HighTime, ZZULtimativ-R, ZZULtra, TR-P2P-MoD,
Ultimativ, Ultimate, Ulti F, Ultimativ, TCMatic 3



One of the Best and most enhanced eMule Mods.

Thanks a lot!

eMule0.49c - Lite privat edition



eMule0.49c-Lite1.5.1.2 privat edition (beta)

+ Knownfiles in Incoming unshareable
+ Faster KAD source finding
+ Downloads in red
+ Kick
+ Ban
+ PowerRelease for Partfiles
+ Partfiles in blue
+ Some Codecleanings
- Removed Scheduler
- Removed some restrictions

+ Changed/removed others i forgot... ;-)


Filesharehost: emule0.49c_lite1.5.1.2.privat.edition.beta.rar
DDL: emule0.49c_lite1.5.1.2.privat.edition.beta.rar

The private edition by morph4u is a great enhanced Mod of eMule 0.49c Lite
Thank you!

18 July 2009

eMule 0.49c X-Ray v1.7


eMule X-Ray Mod 1.7 by jva

Changes in Final Version since X-Ray MOD 1.7 RC1
X-Ray MOD 1.7

Type | Idea | Source/Edit | Description | Used Tag
Add | Stulle | Mephisto/JvA | Added drop blocking clients | // X-Ray :: SlotControl
Add | JvA | JvA | Added gap support for Part Status Bar of Shared Parts Feature | // X-Ray :: SharedParts
Add | SiRoB | MorphXT | Bypass ICS when preview chunks should be downloaded first | // X-Ray :: ICS
Fix | JvA | JvA | Fixed minor roundering bug around slotspeed | // X-Ray :: SlotControl
Fix | Tuxman | JvA | Fixed minor crashbug around SharedParts on Single-File Sharing | // X-Ray :: SharedParts
Fix | morph4u | morph4u | Fixed minor preferences bug around statistics tree update delay

older X-Ray MOD 1.7 RC1 Changes visit

official Web Site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/x-ray-mule/files/

official announce: http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=146031 (gone or url don't open)- Working URL: http://sourceforge.net/export/rss2_keepsake.php?group_id=166998

Samstag, 18. Juli 2009 22:27
Samstag, 18. Juli 2009 22:12

eMule X-Ray by jvax is an official eMule mod with good speed!
X-Ray Mod use up to date libs + upnp. Argos antileech system, next to X-Mod one of the best Official eMule Mods today.
< NOT a Leecher Mod ! >

Thunder Special Edition


XunLei Thunder Special Edition
Thunder is a new type of resources based on Hyper-Threading Technology download software, as a "period of broadband download tool" Thunderbolt for broadband users to do a special optimized to take full advantage of the characteristics of broadband Internet access, to bring customers high-speed download a new experience! At the same time, the introduction of the Thunderbolt "smart download" new concept, through a wealth of smart tips and help, allows users to really enjoy the fun of downloading.

More info:
Wikipedia Deutsch
Wikipedia English

Thunderbolt (2009.7.16)
* Performance Optimization:
1, optimized CPU occupancy
2, from "off-line to download" to download a file server will use the single-threaded (to avoid download speed fluctuations caused by scheduling)

* Function:
1, a new "bulk download框选visualization" feature
2, add "component manager" (you can add, disable or remove components)
3, add "use IE proxy" option
4, a new "intelligent analysis page" feature
5, "Downloading" task list context menu to add "on the move at the top to the bottom of the next" feature
6, to improve the dog search box user experience
7, "Configuration" and "default task attributes" add "to run automatically after the download is complete" option in the Application List
8, "help" menu to add Thunderbolt ", the senior-mail" import (Contact Thunderbolt the ultimate BOSS)

* Details of improvements:
1, the installation will Thunderbolt Thunder:// registered as an protocol to cancel the agreement when unloading associated
2, the new panel, "commonly used directory" drop-down menu change the height and width of adaptive
3, toolbar, menu bar, right-menu option to increase the state to judge the logic of
4, modified after Login information below the task bar to display the default information

* Problem Solving:
1, amendment of suspended window and system tray right in the "Advanced" - "monitor the browser" can not click on the question of the entry into force
2, amended to delete the default classification, the new icon of the classification of the problem has also been deleted
3, as amended, under certain circumstances, failure to obtain UPNP
4, amendments to the allocation of the abolition of BT seeds of the problems associated invalid
5, to amend the system tray icon on the task of Thunder abnormal position of the problem of information
6, amendments to the download directory folder icon can not show the problem of
7, amendments to maximize the bottom-right corner when the interface can still drag the issue of
8, to amend the "Download security" in the "Browse" the main program to use anti-virus control error
9, DPI is greater than 100% when the new panel show that the problem of incomplete
11, as amended, under certain circumstances, to stop in response to the question of Thunder
12, solution to the collapse of a number of common issues [0717]
* Update: At the advertising version of the skin
* Update:雷友information does not change the installation options (which can open the VIP members)
* Added: Automatic shielding three ads, the lifting of a shield (recommended to restart after installation)
* Improvement: the installation script to further improve the functional improvements

1. Xunlei Ad version to July 17, 2009 this version is 3:18 pm the official release, there is a prior disclosure of the inner residues version!
2. Hosts file need to be edited to terminate the ads, so please Vista/Win7 users loggon on system as Administrator.

BRSBOX | Mirror
source: http://cnbeta.com/articles/88915.htm

Language Pack English (All Credits to HeHeHunter)
Mirrors:EN_v2.0A.zip | EN_v2.0A.zip | EN_v2.0B.zip | EN_v2.0C.zip

Executing thunder.exe installs automatically component on your system which are not uninstalled running the uninstaller. You will need to edit windows registry and remove remaining files in windows system dir and user dir manual!

Xunlei wird mit Werbung und Pop-Ups querfinanziert (Adware). Die Werbung ist groessten Teils bei Special Edition in den Program Dateien entfernt, einige url's verbleiben und werden durch Eintraege in die Windows HOST Datei blockiert.
Bei der Deinstallation werden nicht alle Dateien entfernt. Insbesondere Add-Ons in Browsern werden nicht gelöscht.

eMule v0.49c EastShare v14.5


eMule 0.49c EastShare 14.5

EastShare Mod Homepage:
>> http://eastshare.tk/
for any question or comment, please visit:
>> http://www.eastshare.tw/forumdisplay.php?fid=121
EastShare IRC channel:
>> server: irc.giga.net.tw >> channel: EastShare
Note: Morph changelog please refer to Changelog.MorphXT.txt

Changelog for eMule v0.49c EastShare v14.5 [07/14/2009]
based on [MorphXT 11.3]

MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 11.3 (eMule 0.49c) [Pretender]

Homepage: http://eastshare.tw
HTTP: http://eastshare.tk/
http://pre-tender.myweb.hinet.net/ESMod/eMule0.49c-EastShare_v14.5-bin.rar | Mirror
http://pre-tender.myweb.hinet.net/ESMod/eMule0.49c-EastShare_v14.5-src.rar | Mirror

eD2k Binary: eMule0.49c-EastShare_v14.5-bin.rar
eD2k Source: eMule0.49c-EastShare_v14.5-src.rar

< ! NOT A LEECHER MOD ! (●̮̮̃•̃) ̿̿ ̿'̿̿\̵͇̿̿\=(•̪̪̪̪̪̪●) >

17 July 2009

Changes to the Blog

Valued Reader

We have about 6 tracking codes inside where are 5 too much in my opinion.

Will try to improve the site performance / page load by removing most js code.
- Google Analytic is somehow in blogger http://www.blogger.com/home post-create.g ... embedded not by the site operator. Might be a global blogspot https://ssl. default.
- using as replacement blogcounter (http://www.blogcounter.de/ - Fehler: Verbindung unterbrochen) counts only the half countries of the word. This country where i stay at the moment, is on 3 ISP blocked by blogcounter.de service, which turns out that the ~50,000
kostenloser Counter
visitors since the counter run in about 3 weeks are just from selected counties (some South American and African Countries as well as Asian Counties include Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Burma might be also not on this counter). Nor the website or graphic can be accessed without proxy. blogcounter.de have definitive some South East Asian Countries banned on Ip ranges from it's service which makes the counter useless. Will replace it with any counter which allows full stats to see to the visitors too (nothing to hide).
- AddToAny + Share This, AddToAny slows the website down, on some locations them server is slow in response time
Share/Save/Bookmark Save & Share

. Both can be removed cause AddThis is in Feedburner feedflare already

Replaced with letsgetsocialnow.com it's open source http://www.letsgetsocialnow.com/source-codes/

Now it comes to the Comment system replacement tests done in the last weeks. JS-Kit (Problem in Opera Browser), requested Test for Echo with importing old comments, cause disqus.com don't have a import of old comments. I remove them and turn back to blogspot default iframe comment box. For rating using the 'Reaktionen:' engl. 'Reaction' feedback on post footer - (have a small bug, in some cases it shows on all web browsers: http://www.blogger.com/blog-post-reactions.g?url=http%3A%2F%2Fleechermods.blogspot.com%2F2009%2F07%2Fchanges-to-blog.html&options=[interessant%2C+cool%2C+great%2C+not+good]&textColor=%23000000) which points to textColor: Illegal color, should be without '&textColor=%23000000' . For show latest comments without using a hosted .js file I'll embed the json feed script again to read from comments feed back, no second service is needed for display comments w/o limit to 5.

I let Feedburner Feedflare with the one bug in it which adds &showad=true after the end of the flares inside the script src 'http://feeds.feedburner.com/~s/LeecherMods?i=POST-URL-HERE' like: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~s/LeecherMods?i=http%3A//leechermods.blogspot.com/2009/07/tor-vidalia-bundle-02117-rc-0115.html&showad=true and a 404 comes back.
Screenshot Feedflare Feedburner Script Error Image and video hosting by TinyPic - in Firefox 404 Screenshot Image and video hosting by TinyPic (this should be without &showad=true, if it mean Ads, I don't have one but =false is no where to select and will produce the same 404 not found error result), especially Safari error console alert on it. Its an all in one solution function, have now a small statistic like a reduced google analytics inside. Newsfeed can be proxied and accessed on several ways that it pass China firewall too.

least not last i not satisfied with ready to download blogger templates as this one i use 60% self edited fixed 40 % remains of the downloaded template:

1. most templates can not customize the style from option panel.
2. some have merged older read more and page number code scripts and other stuff.
3. most extension scripts such as page numbers use a big script while executing to count the page numbers. on a blog with 200 and more posts it can execute 500kb up to over 1 mb on one single script source which slows the whole blog performance speed down. modem user will feel it
4. i will edit one of the blogger team designs to ensure no errors in css and embedded stuff which blow the page size in giant high are inside and future updates from blogspot will work.

Any suggestions comment to this post.
(German or Russian Language preferred or in EASY English)

Thanks for your attention
