23 July 2009

eMule 0.49c - Lite privat edition 22.07.09

eMule0.49c-Lite1.5.1.2 privat edition (22.07.09)


eMule0.49c Xtreme 7.2 (Lite1.5.1.2) privat edition

+ Up-Management
+ Send FakeRank
+ Friend Boost
+ Nick Addon Faker
+ Emulate Others
+ Only Up to eMule
+ Readded Xtreme ModID
+ Shutdown after Download
- Removed 64BitTime

eMule0.49c-Lite1.5.1.2 privat edition (beta)

+ Knownfiles in Incoming unshareable
+ Faster KAD source finding
+ Downloads in red
+ Kick
+ Ban
+ PowerRelease for Partfiles
+ Partfiles in blue
+ Some Codecleanings
- Removed Scheduler
- Removed some restrictions

+ Changed/removed others i forgot... ;-)

based on eMule0.49c-Lite: http://emulex.sourceforge.net/?en-us


Filesharehost | DDL

Thanks a lot!

22 July 2009

Mozilla Multi-process Firefox Electrolysis First Test Builds Download

Firefox Electrolysis Beta test build started

Mozilla has started a new project to make Firefox split into several processes at a time, one running the the browser UI (chrome), and several others running the web content, and plugins.
The working name for this project is Electrolysis.

Initial goals:

* Provide better application UI responsiveness
* Improve stability from slow rendering or crashes caused by content
* Improve performance, especially on multi-core machines

Potential future goals:

* Provide security enhancements by running the content process in protected or isolated modes.

Note: This video is currently only supported in Firefox 3.5

Video: http://people.mozilla.org/~cjones/ff-mp-demo.ogg

Info: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Content_Processes

Changelog: http://hg.mozilla.org/projects/electrolysis

Main Folder: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/
Daily Windows Builds: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/electrolysis-win32/ (Today's windows builds did not start by our tests)
Linux Builds: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/electrolysis-linux/
Mobile: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/mobile-electrolysis/

News source: http://www.google.com/search?q=firefox+electrolysis

64 bit Firefox builds:

LimeWire Pro 5.2.7 for Windows


LimeWire Client 5.3.0 (Fix For Version)

older Changelogs

LimeWire 5.2.6 Beta
This beta includes all the main functionality that we're planning on for the production release of 5.2. Here's some new features since the last beta:

* Fixed painting problems in options dialog for OSX and Linux.
* Fixed Facebook friend support to stay logged in longer.
* More memory optimizations for search results.
* Download state cleanups.
* Fixed leaked listeners for friend login code.
* Added a forum link to the bug dialog to ease dialogue.
* Chat fixes for XMPP.
* Reintroduced friends button dropdown.
* Fixed browsing of ultrapeers from advanced tools.
* Lots of miscellaneous bug fixes.

5.2.5 (7.9.09) Beta

* Major memory optimizations for search results.
* Improved preventing of multiple LimeWire instances running at the same time.
* Enabled off the record chat for GChat.
* Lots of painting improvements.
* Fixed reconnecting to XMPP.
* Streamlining of Friends login and friends browse.
* Fix Options buttons not being visible in non-English locales.
* Support changing the download location for a started torrent download.
* Lots of bugfixes.

File: LimeWireWin.exe (nullsoft NSIS installer is signed)
CRC-32: d3b0d209
MD4: 56f88a5465eac295fb67bfe4ddca5ed4
MD5: 08ddff477e2c65ed1efa97a5b428f8b4
SHA-1: 095746f9891c5a4e20c56ee8f623a9b223ee2546
File Version:
Size: 21,8 MB (22.860.896 bytes)

LimeWireWin.exe 21.80 MB

Source code: http://wiki.limewire.org/index.php?title=Checkcode
Download the latest nightly snapshot of bundled LimeWire source code: http://www.limewire.org/limewire.zip

Ghostery 2.0.0 Firefox Addon


Ghostery Watches the Web Sites that are Watching You.

Ghostery for Firefox v2.0 featuring TrackerBlock

Find out how web sites are watching you across every page on the web with Ghostery. Ghostery alerts you when you visit a web site that has web bugs on it. Web bugs are hidden scripts that track your behavior and are used by the sites you visit to understand their own audience.

Ghostery alerts you about the web bugs, ad networks and widgets on every page on the web.

Other new stuff in Ghostery for Firefox v2.0:
Support for Russian language added.
New definitions:
Statsit, LeadForce1, BackType Widgets, iPerceptions, SearchForce, Tweetboard, TweetMeme, Zendesk, INFOnline, RichRelevance, LiveInternet, visitrac, BLVD Status, Clixpy, Logdy, DoubleVerify, ViziSense, phpMyVisites, Xiti, Yandex.Metrics, AdRiver, SpyLog, RapLeaf, ClickFuel, Alexa Metrics
Refined definitions:
Microsoft Atlas, Tacoda, Tell-A-Friend

Homepage http://www.ghostery.com/
AMO: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/9609
Download http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/addons/9609/

Top 10 Trackers found by Ghostery - June 2009:
Top 10 Trackers found by Ghostery - June 2009
If you run Firefox, this is a must have addon! I've been able to test the beta and it's a great extension!
New Ghostery have a build in Blocking Feature!

Ghostery currently support over 135 services with weekly updates and additions. A sample of the supported services:

* Google Analytics
* MyBlogLog
* Quantcast
* IndexTools
* SiteMeter
* Lijit
* Omniture
* CrazyEgg
* Snap
* Omniture
* Statcounter
* Piwik
* Mint
* Facebook Beacon
* Typepad Stats
* Lookery
* HubSpot
* Yahoo Analytics
* Facebook Connect
* Federated Media
* OpenAds
* Amazon Associates
* FeedBurner
* Feedjit
* Google Adsense
* HitTail
* FriendFeed
* Woopra
* ScribeFire QuickAds
* NetRatings SiteCensus
* Doubleclick
* Wordpress Stats
* Snap
* RightMedia
* Tacoda
* WebTrends
* OpenAds
* ShareThis
* FeedBurner
* Seesmic
* AddtoAny
* AddThis
* Revenue Science
Here are few screenshots that show TrackerBlock in action:

Works with Windows, Mac and Linux

Ghostery: Top 10 Web Bug Trackers on the Web

Notepad2 4.0.22-beta5


Notepad2 is a great replacement for Windows integrated Notepad. Notepad2 is slim in size, installed about half a MB only, low in memory load and comes in one single Notepad2.exe file that's all the program need to run. Notepad2 is Open Source and have a lot of powerful features compared to windows notepad such as syntax highlighting, brace matching, tag completion, encoding conversion, code folding (with Kai's custom build) and a variety of other useful tools. Put together this mix of features, speed, and usability makes Notepad2 the ideal Notepad replacement.

read more on Homepage: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html
Documentation: Notepad2.txt - Readme File (details the change log).
Notepad2 FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions.
Notepad2 - Encoding Tutorial.
Converting to a native Win32 Unicode application.

New in Version 4.0.22-beta5 (released July 21, 2009)

- Support for numerous Windows, DOS, ISO, Mac and EBCDIC encodings
- Enhanced encoding selection dialog (F9)
- "Recode" (F8) to reload file with different source encoding
- "Recode file as system default ANSI" (Ctrl+Shift+A)
- "Recode file as system default OEM" (Ctrl+Shift+O)
- "Recode 7-bit ASCII file as UTF-8" (Shift+F8)
- Option to load 7-bit ASCII files as UTF-8 (File, Encoding, Default)
- Option to disable encoding tag parsing (File, Encoding, Default)
- Issue warning if data can't be converted to selected file encoding
- Fix loading of (invalid) Unicode files with embedded null bytes
- /e command line switch to specify file source encoding
- "Insert Encoding Identifier" (Ctrl+F8)
- "Tabify Indent" (Ctrl+Alt+T) and "Untabify Indent" (Ctrl+Alt+S)
- "Increase Number" (Ctrl+Alt++) and "Decrease Number" (Ctrl+Alt+-)
- Option to auto-reload unmodified files changed by external programs
- Hotkey (Alt+F5) and auto-reset option for file change notification
- Manual and automatic reloading of files keeps current encoding
- Scroll find matches and jump positions away from bottom border
- Enabled new Scintilla indent modes for wrapped lines
- Option to set any characters as boundaries for word wrap
- Allow bigger tab-/indent-widths (256) and long line limit (4096)
- Allow setting extra line spacing (through "Default Text" scheme)
- Dropping directories displays file open dialog
- Enabled improved Scintilla Pascal lexing module (patch by Kai Liu)
- Consolidated styles to simplify configuration (patch by Kai Liu)
- Ensure cursor visibility on any background color (patch by Kai Liu)
- Remapped "Manage Favorites" hotkey to Alt+F9
- Remapped "Invert Case" hotkey to Ctrl+Alt+U
- Remapped "Title Case" hotkey to Ctrl+Alt+I
- Remapped "Sentence Case" hotkey to Ctrl+Alt+O
- Fixed various minor bugs
- Notepad2.exe program file no longer compressed with UPX
- Updated Scintilla library to 1.79

There exist Custom Notepad2 Builds from Kai Liu in 32bit and 64bit with fundamental improvements to flo's original version.

Homepage: http://code.kliu.org/misc/notepad2/

Who still need more functions can have a look to Notepad++ witch support of many plugins: http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/

Florian Balmer's original Build: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/zip/notepad2-beta.zip
Source Code: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/zip/np2src-beta.zip

Notepad 2 4.0.22-beta5 Custom Builds (Modifications) by Kai Liu

32bit: http://code.kliu.org/misc/notepad2/4.0.22/SetupNotepad2.x86-32.exe 270 KB
64bit: http://code.kliu.org/misc/notepad2/4.0.22/SetupNotepad2.x86-64.exe

21 July 2009

Wireshark 1.2.1 for Windows · OS X · Linux

Wireshark (formerly Ethereal) is a network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows. It allows you to examine data from a live network or from a capture file on disk. You can interactively browse the capture data, viewing summary and detail information for each packet. Has several powerful features, including a rich display filter language and the ability to view the reconstructed stream of a TCP session.

Wireshark 1.2.1 Release Notes: http://www.wireshark.org/docs/relnotes/wireshark-1.2.1.html
Homepage: http://www.wireshark.org
The current stable release of Wireshark is 1.2.1. It supersedes all previous releases, including all releases of Ethereal. You can also download the latest development release (1.1.3) and documentation.
