28 July 2009

Notepad2 4.0.22 Final + Enhanced Mod


Most editors are either fully-featured but slow or fast but useless, but Notepad2 breaks that mold. Notepad2 has a small footprint and is very fast, even when used on very old machines. The only other text editor that I have used that starts up as fast as Notepad2 is Windows Notepad. Aside from rivaling Windows Notepad for startup speed and responsiveness, Notepad2 also sports a clean, unobtrusive interface free of the clutter that often overwhelms the users of other text editors. Yet, despite its speed and tidy interface, Notepad2 sports a lot of powerful features, such as syntax highlighting, brace matching, tag completion, encoding conversion, code folding (with my custom build; see below), and a variety of other useful tools. Put together, this mix of features, speed, and usability makes Notepad2 the ideal Notepad replacement.

Homepage: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html


Changelog: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/doc/Notepad2.txt

* Download Notepad2 4.0.22 Exe (x86-32) [251 KB]
* Download Notepad2 4.0.22 Source Code [208 KB]


Kai's Notepad2 Modifications:
Homepage: http://code.kliu.org/misc/notepad2/

32bit: http://code.kliu.org/misc/notepad2/4.0.22/SetupNotepad2.x86-32.exe
64bit: http://code.kliu.org/misc/notepad2/4.0.22/SetupNotepad2.x86-64.exe

eMule 0.49c Xtreme 7.2 Lite private edition


eMule Xtreme Mod 7.2 Lite Edition Private is a real alternative eMule mod to ScarAngel Mod with enhanced Features and is low in resource consuming! Suitable for power releaser but also for all eMule user. Enhanced with a clever Upload system settings manager, Xtreme Lite Mod can filters unnecessary Leechers or overfull sources direct from entering into the up queue.
It sends Fake rank to leechers in dlp to take them boost to its own. A second switch allow to set no upload to Leechers in return. In extension to the automatically dlp AntiLeech protection, there is a manual control to handle the ban systems. As everyone knows, no antileech system is perfect. With this mod you are able to kick failed auto client upload bans manually and secure.

eMule0.49c Xtreme 7.2 (Lite1.5.1.2) privat edition


+ Maybe fixed Buffer Bug that freeze Mod...(i hope ;-)
+ Some Credit Systems
+ Changed "Only upload to eMUle" to "eMUle/aMule"
+ Fixed "Rebind UPnP on IP change" was not saved
+ UL-Feedback
+ Some Codecleanings
- Removed some Ratio/GlobalHL Code
- Removed "Try to Download preview chunks first"
(for what if no Preview code is in ;)
- Removed Wizard

ed2k Link



DDL: emule0.49c_lite1.5.1.2.privat.edition.28.07.09.rar

Thanks a lot!

CCleaner v2.22.968 Slim - no Toolbar

CCleaner v2.22.968
Changes in CCleaner 2.22.968

Version History

- Redesign of Cleaner results panel.
- Added support for Opera 10 Beta.
- Added support for Safari 4.0.
- Added search to Uninstall tool.
- Added search to Cookies screen.
- Improved User assist cleaning in Windows 7.
- Fixed bug in OpenOffice cleaning.
- Fixed IE8 SuggestedSites.dat cleaning support.
- Fixed UI bugs.

BBS: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=4
Homepage: http://www.ccleaner.com

Download: http://download.ccleaner.de/ccsetup222_slim.exe
Size: 0,98 MB (1.033.448 bytes)

Download: http://www.ccleaner.com/download/builds/downloading-slim

Download other CCleaner Builds

27 July 2009

About This Site 1.6 Firefox Extension - Über diese Seite Lesezeichen 1.6 Firefox Erweiterung Addon

About This Site 1.6 Firefox Extension - Über diese Seite Lesezeichen 1.6 Firefox Erweiterung Addon
About This Site 1.6 Firefox Extension Addon

Based on Gina Trapani About This Site Bookmarks 1.5
http://ginatrapani.org/workshop/firefox/aboutsite/ (lifehacker build + ninjatribe build - http://ninjatribe.com/xpi/ )
Page-specific bookmarking tool with support for URL, domain, title, and selected text variables.

Changes in About This Site 1.6:

Fixed: show all, open multiple tabs in Firefox 3.5 - 3.6pre
Bugfix: Extension ID was given the same ID as Platform browser (Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey, Flock, Songbird,...)
Fixed: conflict with mrtech toolbox/local install
Fixed: conflict with Google PageRank Status v1.0 Extension for Firefox (http://pizzaseo.com/firefox-pagerank) //extension id conflict
Made compatible from Firefox 0.8 up to latest Firefox/3.6a1pre (Minefield)

Not less than 60 services have been added to lookup Domain info, DNS + Web Host owner info but also Social Bookmarking combined with Cache View, PDF and Printer view, tons of URL Stats, Webmaster Tools, Site validation, Site Benchmark and many more...

Services to lookup, bookmark and get info from a Website you visit:
Alexa Related Links, Alexa Traffic Details, AboutUs, Fagan Finder URLinfo, Compete snapshot, del.icio.us bookmark, digg most dugg URLs, digg this page, Gmail this (page with selected text), Google Cache, Google Linked (site), popuri Rank, Netcraft Site report, Netcraft What's this site running, Open Directory, Simpy bookmarks, SiteAdvisor, StumbleUpon, Technorati Cosmos, URL Trends Report, Wayback Machine Archive, Wayback Machine Archive (site), Whois, Wikipedia lookup, KeywordSpy, Websiteoutlook, CubeStat, UrlTrends Trend Report, Sitedossier, Build with, TagWalk, Coral Cache view, URLROW Site Details, Robex DNS Details, DNS 14x Details, Who is Hosting This, Bookmark This, Print-friendly, RSS 2 PDF, BackupUrl, HOST Country, HOST GeoLocation, AddThis, AddToAny, WebWait Benchmark Website, Create TinyUrl, Yahoo! Buzz, Xmarks Site Info, Google Preview Snapshot, iMRD metrics, Semrush About Domain, CoolStats, WebsiteLens, SimilarSites, Google URL Info,...

About This Site 1.6 replace the following Extensions (Features are included embedded/merged):
- Coral extension v0.91 http://www.coralcdn.org/plugins/ (limit to current site)
- Cache View 1.7 http://techknowssoftware.com/ - https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/2323
- Resurrection page (w/o msn & yahoo cache)

Available bookmark variables:

* %s: Site domain, ie.: google.com.
* %p: Page URL, ie.: http://rapid.us.to/example/thispage.php
* %t: Current page's title, ie, "About This Site 1.6 Firefox Extension - Über diese Seite Lesezeichen 1.6 Firefox Erweiterung Addon - · Web Files Leech ·"
* %%h: Text you've selected (highlighted) on the current page. (Note the double %).
* %x: The page's path, ie, /example/thispage.php

Single percent sign variables are not URL-encoded. To URL encode a variable, use double %%'s, ie, %%p would be the encoded page URL.

Über diese Seite Lesezeichen v1.6 / About This Site Bookmarks
Seiten spezifische Lesezeichen-Tool mit Unterstützung für URL, Domain, Titel, Text und ausgewählte Variablen.

Deutsch (German) + English:
Install/Download: About This Site 1.6 Firefox Extension

English only: About This Site 1.6

Source: aboutsite16-EN-DE-src.zip

26 July 2009

How to use Avatars in Comment System


Dear all,
to use your Avatar in the Comment System, we have the feature Gravatar which ask you for input your eMail to recognize your Avatar.
Gravatar is a Global Avatar system which stores from email on Websites/Forums etc.. your personal Avatar and place it into the Poster comment.

Don't have a Gravatar assigned to your email?
Visit: Gravatar - Globally Recognized Avatars, Sign up and upload your Avatar with your matching eMail address. Each time you post on a Blog or Forum or even CMS with your eMail (no need to set show email), your Avatar will be shown up by all Websites which support it as registered or even anonymous user!

read more:
English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravatar
German: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravatar

Thanks 4 ur attention.

Your Releaser & Leecher Mods Team

eMule 0.49c -XdP- v5.0 RC2 by umeK


eMule v0.49c | -XdP- v5.0 RC2
-- developed by umeK --

eMule 0.49c -XdP- v5.0 RC2


ADDED: Show sources on title [switchable under Display Tweaks] (Stulle)
FIXED: a Problem with the selected Filebuffersize (umeK)
FIXED: a Bug on UploadListCtrl [wrong case numbers] (umeK)
FIXED: Show LowID's (umeK)
FIXED: some Kad Bugs (WiZaRd)
REMOVED: official VersionsCheck
CHANGED: ClipStats [more information/code changes] (umeK)
CHANGED: FakeRank (umeK, more...?)
CHANGED/FIXED/OPTIMIZED: some other code around the Mod (umeK)
and much more

Changed the Changelog: Corrected Credits Tag. 10x
Home Page: http://www.board.seven2up.net/index.php
BBS: specialmods.eu
DDL: emule_0.49c_xdp_5.0_rc2.rar

Remark by Changelogs, not by Feature lists:
Coder names (written) after a feature/function/fix stand for the coders who wrote the codepart as credits not the eMule Mod developer by self who wrote the Mod incl. merged.
For example: Mod XYZ developed by ZyX
Add: jump and run [Name of the code snip coder]
Fix: up and down [ZyX = name of the Developer]
Removed: Toolbar on top [taken from ...]
Changed: About Dialog Credits from scroll to fade in out + background animation [idea from ...]
