21 August 2009

chrome: local state - user experience metrics - rlz tracking runtime

- rlz.dll tracking

Changes in: local state

removed in user experience metrics: client id, timestamp

local state


"user_experience_metrics": {
"initial_logs": [ ],


"user_experience_metrics": {
"client_id": "01234567543",
"client_id_timestamp": "2341234",
"initial_logs": [ ],

- "client_id": "*",
- "client_id_timestamp": "*",
45.00 KB

no local state, no rlz: chrome-patch.vmp.exe 275.00 KB

20 August 2009

Google Chrome Portable - New: switches stored in a ini


Portable edition of Google Chrome extended

- Profile folder next to chrome folder
- No RLZ-Tracking (removed in this portable edition -> see Iron)
- No Error Reporting (see Iron)
- No Google Updater
- No Client-ID (by each Browser start like with UnChrome - Anonymize Google Chrome but automatically erase the id)
- No Timestamp (see Iron, the timestamp via Local State by each Browser start reset)
- Adblocker, Flashblocker from Lex1, skip redirects, Show original image size and image meta info on pictures, hide popups, skip linkbee redirect waiting time on download links, show password on mouse over ***
- User-Agent, the loader send Internet Explorer 8
- No 3th party links in the gui or bookmarks added
- No pre modded startup page with changed Thumbnails previews and favicons added
- No oversize unoptimized sqlite 3 databases, Chrome creates them by self include a dictionary. A portable version don't need more size as 10 - 11 mb 7zip.

Rem: 21.08.2009

After a closer look in the compiled binary chrome.dll, can be easy eliminated Local State [client-id, timestamp] as well RLZ feature and the call to rlz runtime.

copy /y locals~1 Profile
cd Chrome
chrome.exe --enable-sync --renderer-startup-dialog --plugin-startup-dialog --disable-logging --enable-fastback --always-enable-dev-tools --no-first-run --enable-remote-fonts --enable-web-resources --disable-new-tab-first-run --no-default-browser-check --thumbnail-store --enable-xss-auditor --enable-tabtastic2 --search-in-omnibox-hint --enable-local-storage --enable-session-storage --enable-databases --enable-application-cache --enable-renderer-accessibility --enable-user-scripts --enable-extensions --user-data-dir="../Profile" --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/531.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.3 Safari/531.9.1"
some switches need at least the latest trunk build to compile! for example: --tabtastic2

BleachBit will be good if it will support the default Chrome Profile folder to vacuum all sqlite databases same as by Firefox.
For example file \Profile\Safe Browsing Bloom
ImageBanana - vacuumdb.png

The database was compacted using VACUUM statement.
Before compacting:
Page Count = 14703
Database Size = 15055872 bytes
After compacting:
Page Count = 9313
Database Size = 9536512 bytes

Popup Blocker:
ImageBanana - popupblocker.jpg

How to operate Adblock and element block:
Click Alt + B on the advertisement. If you click and hold Alt, then will not count/show the number of elements on the page, which is sometimes useful. Alt + E allows you to edit or delete styles.

How to Operate FlashBlock:
Blocks Flash, similar as the expansion Flashblock. Turn off/on the flash on the current site, using hotkey Alt + F while holding over a flash element or click on the (play) symbol on flash elements to start them (same as in opera turbo).

Show original Image size / Zoom on re-sized images and show meta info as tooltip in websites:
Hold mouse cursor over an image and press shift key.

How to operate show passwords in form fields:
Hold mouse over input box, the ***** becomes readable Password.

Highlights in short:

+ enabled user scripts in profile folder
+ enabled extensions
+ send IE 8 as User Agent
+ Overwrite unique user id and info with null each time Chrome start
+ added Adblock, Flashblock, Element hider,...etc...


ImageBanana - synch2.png

Google Chrome portable loader with Bookmarks Sync Feature (place in main folder next to Chromeloader.exe)

ImageBanana - synch.png

ImageBanana - chromeblack.jpg

extensions, themes,...

Chrome with BlacKity Black Theme from: PAEz or Glow looks very nice
Lex1: http://ruzanow.ru/index/0-4

older Versions

CVS: http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src/chrome/VERSION
Google Chrome (Build 24080 | 24081)
WebKit 532.0
V8 1.3.4


about pages:
about:memory | about:dns | about:cache | about:stats | about:network | about:plugins | about:histograms | about:crash

made with Bat to Exe Converter from f2ko.de, all credits to f2ko

Google Chrome Changelogs: http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/


Full Command line list with description for all switches in this build chrome/common/chrome_switches.h: http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/trunk/src/chrome/common/chrome_switches.cc?view=markup&pathrev=23836 | Read from cache

New switches saved in a ini (thanks to http://choggi.googlepages.com/downloads)
PortableChromium.7z 10.23 MB | 下載文件 PortableChromium.7z (10.23 MB) | DDL1 | DDL2 | DDL3 | DDL4

latest launcher as bat file: chromeold.bat mirror

Source code cvs: http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/

Latest svn - Revision 24078 extensions


Source: http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src/chrome/test/data/extensions/samples/

png's are optimized in size with optipnp


other test extensions: http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src/chrome/test/data/extensions/

Latest Version link:

Portable launcher made with Autoit. Src is included.


How to update portable

Video Tutorial Download 14.43 MiB


Tutorial avi (use working builds) 5.26 MiB

Chrome XP builds from 2563x to 258?x crash on XP

Portable Features read more

Chrome, Google Chrome, Chromium Portable Launcher with support for all switches -- stored in a 'PortableChromium.ini'. Extended with some features such as: - delete cookies - delete browser cache by browser start.

Chrome is open source and Google Chrome and Google™ is a Trademark of Google Inc., Google Chrome.

eMule0.49c Xtreme 7.2 (Lite1.5.1.2) privat edition 20.08.09


eMule0.49c Xtreme 7.2 (Lite1.5.1.2) privat edition


< Some changes from Xtreme-SE >

+ Changed Slotspeed
+ Changed Minimum upload slots to 1
+ Changed Slotspeed range 1.5 kb/s <=> upload limit
+ Changed Bantime to 24h
+ Added Show paused files in grey

- Removed Failed download ban
- Removed Global DeadSourceList
- Removed Filter clients caused an error
- Removed Max Slots (now you can set with Slotspeed)
- Removed Increase Slotspeed


Filesharehost | Mirror
DDL: emule0.49c_xtreme.7.2._lite1.5.1.2_.privat.edition.20.08.09.rar 1.34 Mo

Great major update build!

19 August 2009

eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V2.9 Hotfix



cause crash in lists !


+ Powershare in Downloadlist
+ Send FakeRank if it's an advantage
+ Show shareable files
+ Community Counter moved
+ Changed "Only upload to eMUle" to "Only upload to eMUle/aMule"
- Removed Filter/Block Server Messages (no more needed)
- Removed Server Info Log
- Removed Spread Credits Slots
- Removed Filter clients with failed downlods
- Removed AntiMod
+ Other little changes



eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V2.9 Hotfix Fileshare host | Mirror

DDL Hotfix version: eMule0.49c-ZZ-R_V2.9.rar


18 August 2009

eMule 0.49c Xtreme 7.2 (Lite1.5.1.2) privat edition Build 18.08.09


eMule0.49c Xtreme 7.2 (Lite1.5.1.2) privat edition


+ Kick All
+ Switch for active downloads in bold
+ Switch for Download in red
+ Fixed Tooltip for Toolbarbuttons
+ Push to Upload in Downloadclients
+ Readded "Try to Download preview chunks first"
(you can open partfiles in VLC player)
+ Other little changes


DDL: emule0.49c_xtreme.7.2._lite1.5.1.2_.privat.edition.18.08.09.rar


17 August 2009

MAC OSX Apple Theme for Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and 3.7pre Alpha Builds - tab browsing preview compatible Minefield, Namoroka, Electrolysis, etc...


ImageBanana - alltab.jpg
ImageBanana - alltabshow3.jpg
AllTab + CTRL+TAB preview tabs behavior
Bug 473152 - Aero Glass clips panel content fix included.

For Full Size View click on pictures

ImageBanana - ctrltab.jpg
ImageBanana - alltapshow2.jpg

Screenshot: http://img5.imagebanana.com/view/xyv5qfe/ctrltab.png

ImageBanana - alltapshow.jpg

How to enable Tab previews in Firefox 3.6 Switching with Keyboard shortcut {by more than 2 Tabs open} and preview by AllTabs Button click read here

install/download: Install the MAC OSX Theme for Fx 3.6pre - Fx 3.7pre | Mirror

install/download: Install the Noia2 eXtreme 3.69 Theme Fx 3.6pre - Fx 3.7pre | Mirror

How to enable Dynamic Theme switching without Browser restart

Change in installation folder for example Program Files\Minefield\defaults\pref\firefox.js
in the file firefox.js with notepad better notepad2 this value in from false to true:

pref("extensions.dss.enabled", false); // Dynamic Skin Switching
pref("extensions.dss.enabled", true); // Dynamic Skin Switching

Firefox must be close, start firefox, now you can switch the themes (limits some theme specific settings might required a restart to show effect)
ImageBanana - skinswitching.jpg

How to use Aero Default Theme without having Vista (Blue nicer look instead of old Greeen)

ImageBanana - Unbenannt.png

copy/overwrite the full content files and subfolders from


open: toolkit.jar in chrome folder ie.: \Program Files\Minefield\chrome\toolkit.jar
move and replace the content with subfolders \toolkit.jar\skin\classic\aero\*.*
to: toolkit.jar\skin\classic\ (the two folders under aero called mozapps and global a level up and replace them there)

How to Disable GEO IP API in Firefox permanent - How to Enable HTML5

In Your install folder for example:
\Program Files\Minefield\greprefs\all.js
edit with notepad2 the file all.js

on the very last (at the button)

Change this entries

// Enable/Disable the geolocation API for content
pref("geo.enabled", true);

// Enable/Disable HTML5 parser
pref("html5.enable", false);


// Enable/Disable the geolocation API for content
pref("geo.enabled", false);

// Enable/Disable HTML5 parser
pref("html5.enable", true);

using 7zip on windows for .jar compressed archives is recommended!
