26 August 2009

eMule v0.49b Peizheng.Cn Lite 2.0


eMule v0.49b Peizheng.Cn Lite 2.0

eMule v0.49b Peizheng.Cn Lite 2.0 Build 090331 Core 200

compiled with Visual Studio 2005 / VC 8.0

Based on Vc ScarAngel




Test version
The difference between 1.0 and 2.0

Prior to 2.0 has been deployed on the server side, providing strong upload feature to provide more options and features. This version of the file more suitable for pushing the user.

We are not recommended for emule newbies to use this version. Unless you know how to control and controlling it like ordinary mod users.
Beginner use official emule no mods -:))


lite20.rar 2.72 MB

eMule v0.49b Peizheng.Cn Lite 1.0 Build 090331 Core 200


eMule v0.49b Peizheng.Cn Lite 1.0


is a traditional mod coded with Visual Studio 2003 / VC 7.1

eMule v0.48a Peizheng.Cn Build 090304 is in the latest dlp v38 (http://bbs.peizheng.cn/viewthread.php?tid=45536&extra=&page=1)

but dlp makers are not that clever to click update check and go website links up to
http://www.peizheng.cn/emule/en/version_check.php?version=1162 no
http://www.peizheng.cn/emule/en/ no
http://www.peizheng.cn/emule/ good

eMule v0.49b Peizheng.Cn Lite 1.0 Build 090331 Core 200


版本号为:eMule v0.49b Peizheng.Cn Lite 1.0 Build 090331 Core 200

下载地址:Build 090331


090324->090331 仅仅修正上传和下载不能设置速度问题。如果你不在乎这个小缺陷的话,可以不更新。







上一版本下载地址:Build 090324


Lite10.rar 1.89 MB
Lite10.exe 2.94 MB

source 4 new/old special mods: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/emulextreme/DLP/AntiLeech38/antileech-sources.rar?use_mirror=voxel

open file antiLeech.cpp searching emule mods in google search mentioned in the mod names of dlp content in some versions higher.

How to make almost all banned mods in DLP working again if a connected client use any DLP enabled mod:

A prove of concept
Found in 2007


This what is banable in the DLP are a few old zero upload mods, probably coded to get detected and isolated from others outside there own comm to share. 85 % of all banned mods give upload. All the rest is not detectable in the way the dlp works. See latest Applejuice 0.49c and derivatives. You will realize you ban while using the dlp, sources which give you upload. In other words the dlp ban no more than soft leecher mods.
Argos have an advanced settings for ban control and there exist a customizable dlp like scheme the user can operate. Also giving Analyzer mods a try can not be wrong. Personal I think a mix between argos customizable and analyzer in one mod might be the best solution plus a manual ban button in all lists with ban time set to 24h in opcode.
No predefined modstring lists except comm mods but a suggestion list with instruction how to do proper ban lists, score reduced in steps till complete ban. User experience for example some Thunder versions on high speed networks give upload of your network speed (seen in Japan Thunder users witch giving an excellent upload speed) makes no sense to ban this versions same as by TuoTu, BitComet emule module need to be tested. QQDownload I never got a byte upload from one so I guess its really just a downloader in ed2k network or I need QQDownload too?

ACAT mods since I can remember are commented out in the dlp but all links to the source codes are fakes, same with CHN 7 mod, already by CHN 6 was no way to get the source code. No need to talk about eXcalibur - there is something wrong, the mod is encrypted with a custom build of commercial protector ASProtect (stronger as DVDFab shareware use to protect its compiled binary). The source code links you can try months long if you get a change to download it but you wont get it, the ed2k links to the source codes are fakes.
Playmule as alternative with Low2Low did no fake ed2k source code link up and got banned in the dlp just a months later till today's dlp version.
Korean eMule Mods almost have source codes. Who likes to download the mods will found the source codes on the same way but might be outdated versions.
Comm boost inside maybe, boost to the same or some modstrings, hidden switches? Or something like a certain friendlist boost to a dll port if exist in config folder...
However words like fairness have nothing todo with the dlp creation crap and there makers/supporters.
Ask for the source code of ACATStats.dll on official emule boards and refer to a Official Beta test topic from Xtreme Mod to get the answer include the source code of the dll in its original old and newer version incl. the port to this dll for compiling a supported emule.exe.

TCMod, R-Mod, Viper, Iberica, Hardstyle, The Killer Bean and many more French mods have source codes. Even eChanblardNext but here by eChanblard can figure out why, cause it don't share outside eChanblards comm and have Ads inside.
All of them are banned. Some older Spain mods and German mods too for example Smartmuli (reask svr4src doesn't even work anymore in smartmuli).
It can not be GPL/GNU. I have the feeling a hidden agenda is behind to sort out how they like the mods being banned and not.
Other Coders may have checked it earlier cause I can't find any new so called 'leecher' mods with source codes as it once was a few years back. Now VeryCD did the same and give no source codes any longer next to the compiled binaries.

How to make a banned mod working or how to unban a mod permanent from the DLP:
Advanced computer users can open hexeditor and search inside emule.exe the modname/build version number as written parts in antiLeech.cpp by your favorite mod, change one single letter/sign/number in the compiled binary by position send modname/string. Your mod works again proves all dlp's fail if ban on modname/build versions in a dll on the other client side. Have the other client no manual ban can he only look how his dlp is for nothing good. (suitable for Playmule modname to change as it have low2low; D10T main; TurkMule; FreeCD - all bitcomet emule dll plugins; The Killer Bean; Magic Angelyzer; Hardstyle;... change one or two byte only or try to replace the whole modname with in size matching other one! TUOTU - same same same - change modstr in emule.dll) - Here the list document which is a blacklist done by a few people to change the modstrings by this mods: antiLeech.cpp Don't use usernames such as mods.sub.cc (obsolete no mod exist with it) or others in the list - change them to default http://emule-project.net or anything else!!!!

remark: it will not work on mods written in antiLeech.h //tested on spikes2 + shows echanblard comm is coded inside whether a fake or real eChanblard comm, so it shows the ban after changing the modstring to the protocol by 0x84 eChanblard comm. It need by this kind of mods with protocol addon/extension more than just the modstring/name to change inside a compiled emule.exe.
Other things to try use reshacker or pe explorer or any similar stuff and change in emule version info resources the entry lines to a valid other emule version (see on language files) valid emule versions 0.48/.49 [a/b/(c)] using official build numbers.

BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904B0"
VALUE "CompanyName", "http://www.emule-project.net"
VALUE "FileDescription", "eMule"
VALUE "FileVersion", "0.49.2 Unicode"
VALUE "InternalName", "emule.exe"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 2002-2008 Merkur - Read license.txt for more infos."
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "emule.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "eMule"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "0.49.2 Unicode"

BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x0409 0x04B0

Or replace this resource with another official mod or oem. Don't use invalid Build versions or dlp shows up on the other client side fake emule version - ban!

So far this 2 ways are the common used solutions if your favorite mod is banned, the modder retired without having a source code and no updated version exist, or u just want to have a mod build unblacklisted from the dlp with a unique modname.
If banned on emule version > see antiLeech.cpp to apply the right method to the banned mod. By most Korean Mods you need all two methods. 1st fill out anything as modname by the empty field inside [ ] in the binary. 2nd give a valid emule version change 0.95g or 0.47f etc.. to a valid 0.48 in version res.
Always test with a second client using the latest dlp if the mod by downloading a testfile don't show banned anymore.

Optional: to customize a own dlp [dll]. Just download the dlp source code comment out what u want or change, add what u like. No need much experience in c++ by compiling this piece of an dll file.

by bad [random]modstring scheme, the WHITE LIST in the dlp begins here:

//WiZaRd Bad Modstring Scheme
CString strMod = CString(modversion);
if( strMod.IsEmpty() ||
(strMod.Find(_T("CHN "))==0 && strMod.GetLength() > 8) ||
(strMod.Find(_T("Apollo"))==0) || //Apollo is a Portugal Mod
;//do nothing

to exclude mods (whitelist them) just add more lines with there modnames to the whitelist section after sivka"))==0)
for example:
(strMod.Find(_T("This Mod Name schould be excluded and White listed!"))==0)


;//do nothing

Another quicker way is to hexedit the antileech dll. Replace by the founded banned modname inside the compiled dll the modname or part of it with FF. Changing just a single letter on the modname works, by banned modversion so it will be a number on the right place.

note : this is the meaning of an individual no more no less.

25 August 2009

I2P Anonymous Network

I2PTunnel application, you can hook up application instances and have them talk to each other over standard TCP sockets. In plain client-server scenarios, this is an effective technique for many simple protocols, but for distributed systems where each peer may contact a number of other peers (instead of just a single server), or for systems that expose TCP or IP information within the communication protocols themselves, there are problems.

Homepage: http://www.i2p2.de/index.html

Java 1.4 or higher. or equivalent JRE. (Sun Java 1.6 recommended)
Determine your installed Java version here or type java -version at your command prompt.
Clean installs

* Graphical installer:
i2pinstall-0.7.6.exe (SHA256 6d5d3b9feee1f827e25c896bdc12553a5133816e0bf705a5d9dffe099685245a sig)
Download that file and run it. If you're not on windows, you can type java -jar i2pinstall-0.7.6.exe (yes, really)
* Command line (headless) install:
Download the graphical installer file above and run java -jar i2pinstall-0.7.6.exe -console from the command line. This will work on windows. linux, and mac (yes really).
* Source install:
i2psource-0.7.6.tar.bz2 (SHA256 05c16c78670ebcadb401509a0b46010e8d3ef2644bce3bc62f96751368e24402 sig)
Alternately, you can fetch the source from monotone.
Run (tar xjvf i2psource-0.7.6.tar.bz2 ; cd i2p-0.7.6 ; ant pkg) then either run the GUI installer or headless install as above

The files are signed by zzz, whose key is here.

Recommended Links & Resources:

older news

eMule 0.49c Xtreme 7.2 -LPE- optimized Mod - the smallest eMule 0.49c is born!

The smallest eMule 0.49c is born today. In a size of only 2,74 MB (2.880.512 Bytes) eMule 0.49c Xtreme -LPE- lite micro µ compaired to the double sized official emule 0.49c.

Without upx which will be very tiny size upx'ed below 1 MB!

Latest Changelog:
+ Added new Modname -LPE- for Lite Privat Edition
+ Switch for disable list icons [Antares]
+ Changed Client-Percentage in Downloadclients
+ Whois
(we have no Ip2Country, with Whois we can easy check where a client come from)
+ Show Session Runtime on Title (Show Rates on Title must be enabled)
(to disable set: preferences.ini->ShowRuntimeOnTitle=0)
- Removed accepting only Upload clients who asked within last 30min [Mephisto/Stulle]
(to enable again set: preferences.ini->DisableUlThreshold=1)


Xtreme 7.2 -LPE- 2,74 MB (2.880.512 Bytes) without UPX | DDL Mirror1

ed2k downloads:



With upx 3.03 (upx.exe --ultra-brute --compress-icons=1 emule.exe): Xtreme 7.2 -LPE- upx 948 KB (971.264 bytes) | DDL

I think morph4u codded a Guinness World Record of the smallest eMule mod in codebase version 0.49

23 August 2009

GrayFox Theme for Firefox 3.7 pre builds

GrayFox Theme Fx 3.7.1 Based on GrayFox for firefox 3.5.2. A very clean coded Skin for Firefox!
by sjcmankimo.

Here with some adjustments you may wish to have if you run later Firefox builds such as pre and test builds.

ImageBanana - screenshot1.png ImageBanana - screenshot2.png


Global Font size to default 11px
Bookmark toolbar/personal toolbar added a white shadow to the font
Added favicon view on bookmark bar

New feature: AllTabs and Ctl+Tab preview 'Glass' look with search feature

Fx 3.6 pre to Fx 3.7 alpha 1 pre, 3.6 alpha 2 pre, latest 3.5.3 pre Shiretoko, Minefield, Electrolysis, Namoroka etc...

fx builds:

Install/Download (size 547 KB): Install GrayFox Theme for Fx 3.6pre - Fx 3.7pre | Mirror | Download


Gmail Checker 2.1 beta Deutsch - Español - British | Firefox Extension | Gmail Checker for Google Chrome


Gmail Checker version 2.1 beta is available.

New features:

* option to check mail in Gmail's mail fetcher accounts
* toolbar button
* option to show messages in the main menu as in version 1 instead of in the submenu (see screenshot)

Update: 20/8/2009

You can get the the final beta here. If everything's fine release v2.1 sometime this weekend with en-GB only.

hp: http://winged.info/

With Español and German Language Translation files next to Brits locals:

Descargar/Download/Install: Gmail Checker version 2.1 beta
Google Mail Checker Deutsch/German - Español/España - British/English
gmailchecker-2.1-GB-ES-DE-fx.xpi size 30,3 KB (31.112 bytes)

older Version:
gmailchecker-2.1.xpi size 32,3 KB (33.084 bytes)
gmailchecker-2.0.91.xpi size 33,5 KB (34.320 bytes)

Firefox Add-on compatible for Firefox Version 2.0 to 3.7 Minefield

src: gmail-checker-src.7z size 44,7 KB (45.773 bytes)

Gmail Checker for Google Chrome:
English gmailchecker.crx

How Google Mail Checker work:

Gmail Checker login via Gmail Atom / Rss Newsfeed (have 20 entries) therefore the limit to 20 latest Emails. The communication can be set from http to https secure login.
