15 September 2009

Yahoo Messenger Beta Ads Remover Patch


Removes the Advertising from Yahoo! Messenger 10 Beta 525 and makes the GUI a way nicer in a slim size, save space on the desktop.

Removes Ads from Yahoo Messenger 10 Beta version

Advertising remover Patch for Yahoo Messenger! all Languages - Multilanguage
Yahoo! Messenger Ads Remover Patcher: yahoo.messenger!.
(153.50 KB)
Ads, Updater and Browser Plugin remover patch:
packed with mpress 2.12: yahoo.messenger!.

VMPro (for NOD32 user compatible): yahoo.messenger!.

done with dUP - so calculate with false positive reports by some av's which dislike patches. MASM version follow

Patched exe YahooMessenger.exe (7zip archive 1.45 MB)
Size: 4,89 MB (5.137.648 bytes)
File: YahooMessenger.exe
CRC-32: 65e8832f
MD4: b975b4074f955042ecfabb1a9926544b
MD5: acd7ef5eeb09bf24d1947a3146178cfd
SHA-1: 965f36fe5c4859a922fcad72e1d58239082010b9

Pattern updated for

Yahoo Updater can be erased after install. It's located in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Yahoo!\YUpdater

cd %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Yahoo!\YUpdater\
del yupdater.exe

Browser Plugin located in: Progra~1\Yahoo!\Shared\npYState.dll (%PROGRAMFILES%\Yahoo!\Shared) can be removed.

cd %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Yahoo!
rd /s /q YUpdater
rd /s /q Shared

Download Yahoo! Messenger Beta offline setup:

English: http://download.yimg.com/ycs/msg/dl/msgr10/us/ymsgr1000_525_us.exe
Deutsch: http://download.yimg.com/ycs/msg/dl/msgr10/de/ymsgr1000_525_de.exe
French: http://download.yimg.com/ycs/msg/dl/msgr10/fr/ymsgr1000_525_fr.exe
Spain: http://download.yimg.com/ycs/msg/dl/msgr10/es/ymsgr1000_525_es.exe
Italian: http://download.yimg.com/ycs/msg/dl/msgr10/it/ymsgr1000_525_it.exe
Brazilian: http://download.yimg.com/ycs/msg/dl/msgr10/br/ymsgr1000_525_br.exe
Vietnamese: http://download.yimg.com/ycs/msg/dl/msgr10/vn/ymsgr1000_525_vn.exe

Some minor freaking AV's show all patchers made with dUP - packed with: upx, asp, vmp, mixed... as Hacktool or similar. Please use Kaspersky AV that can scan through the files without popup a false positive.

14 September 2009

eMule 0.49c UltiMatiX V4.5 12.09.09


Changelog for eMule v.49c [UltiMatiX v4.5 (old name UltiMatic)] based on Magic Angel 3.5
MERGED: to MorphXT v11.3
Changes 12.09.09 - [engo3k] for ultimativ-board.org
+compiled with vs2005 SP1
+Compatibility adjustments for latest Windows 7 OS (no compatibility mode urgently)
-REMOVED: Show CUR-AVG CPU/MEM usage in Stats
-REMOVED: Copy Stats Extended
-REMOVED:Faster Upload Timer[WiZaRd] - no download limit!
+ADDED: Average Queue Ranking [Xman] - Stulle
+ADDED: Unban Leecher in all lists
+ADDED: PowerShare via Webinterface
+ADDED: More Creditsystems(SIVKA/XTREME/SWAT/TK4/ZZUL) [Stulle]
+ADDED: Show sources on title - [Stulle]
+ADDED: show overhead on title - [Stulle]
+ADDED: High resulution speedmeter on toolbar [Stulle]
+ADDED: Advanced Transfer Window Layout [Stulle]
+ADDED: Aktive Share Permission - Hide/Community/Friend=remove clients from Upload & Waiting queue after Permission change
+ADDED: Unlimited Slot *Adjust max client upload time
+ADDED: Adjust max client upload time (for blocked clients 5-300 Minutes Standard 60')
+ADDED: Clear Banlist [pP] - in UploadList/QueueList/DownloadClient
+ADDED: Unban Leecher
+ADDED: Don't Ban Friends [KTS]
+ADDED: Manual Ask SRV & XS for new Sources [LSD]
+ADDED: Maximum Segment Size (MSS 1300-1480) [KTS]
+ADDED: Multiple Chunks Transfer (1-10) [mL]
+CHANGE: AntiCommunityName from [256] to [512]
+ADDED: AntiPunish for QueueFull Clients (faktor 1=aus, 2=50%, 3 1/3 reduze score, 100=0 Score+waitingtime), Upload Bann
+CHANGE: Disable PS for Anticom/Mod /QR-Full is Score=0 for this enabled
+ADDED: Upload kick for anti-mod, anti-comm, qr-full, ist score 0 for this enabled
+CHANGE: If permision hide and pbf enabled upload only for this clients
+CHANGE: Color lightgrey for Anticom/Mod qr-full Clients & Disable PS for Anticom/Mod/Leecher
+ADDED: Auto Unban when Friend to add is a banned client
+ADDED: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog) [kts]
+CHANGE: don't remove spare trickle slots in UploadList
+ADDED: Limit PowerShare by amount of data uploaded - per File/Global [Stulle]
+ADDED: Anti-Mod Punish
+ADDED: Anti-Comm Punish
+ADDED: 0 Score for Anti-Community Clients + Auto Kick + No PS
+ADDED: 0 Score for Anti-Mod Clients + Auto Kick + No PS
+ADDED: 0 Score for QR-Full Clients + Auto Kick + No PS
+ADDED: 0 Score for non SUI Clients
+ADDED: Clients Share Visiblity (Pink)
+CHANGED:Add+Kick to Temporery Morph IpFilte
+CHANGE: Client Ban-Time [0-24H]
+ADDED: Emulate Nick Addon
+ADDED: Colored Clients LowID=yellow, Community=Green, Friend=Blue, Anticom/Mod/Leecher/QR-Full=lightgrey
+CHANGE: New eMule icons
+ADDED: Sivka File Settings - Source limit/drop adjustable per File [Sivka/Stulle]
+ADDED: Customized source dropping with auto drop immunity [Sivka/Stulle]
+ADDED: Show of dropped sources per file in DownloadList [Stulle]
+ADDED: Automatic shared files updater (ASFU v3.2) - [MoNKi]
+UPDATED:German language file
+ADDED: TBH Mini-Mule with SendModname on Title
+CHANGE: PBF for partfiles
+CHANGE: PowerShare restrictions for partfile or finished files to 800 src.
+ADDED: More Infos in Copy stats (Avarage Cpu Usage/Compression/OS-Vista recognition...)
+ADDED: Copy Stats - extended
+ADDED: Switchable Releaseboost ->(2-40)
+ADDED: Custom Prioritys
+CHANGE: Push Rare Files ->(4-40)
+CHANGE: Push by Radio Files ->(2-40)
+ADDED: Push part files [Spe64]
+ADDED: Push finished files [Spe64]
+ADDED: Switchable Friendboost ->(1-500)
+ADDED: Switchable Community-boost ->(1-500)
+CHANGE: Reask Time ->(20-57)
+ADDED: Show CUR-AVG CPU/MEM usage in Stats
+ADDED: Switchable CPU/Ram Infos (eMule/Global) [Stulle/Sicks]
+ADDED: Choosable modstring with ModaddOnNick [Spe64] + feedback with SendModname
+ADDED: Send modname on Title/Systray&prefs/MyniMule&prefs/WebServer
+ADDED: Upload priority from Transfer Wimdows
+ADDED: Upload only to eMule Clients
+ADDED: Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
+ADDED: Push to Upload from downloadClientList & queuelist
+ADDED: Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
+ADDED: Whois-Client Provider Info all Lists
+ADDED: GeoIP-IP Location Finder-Karte all Lists
+ADDED: Kick All Upload Slots
+ADDED: Kick from Upload
+ADDED: Kick and add to Morph Temporery IP-Filter
+ADDED: Cleint-BAN All List
+CHANGE: Slot Limiter ->(1-255)
+ADDED: See onuploadqueue & feedback
+ADDED: New Feedback format (DE)
+CHANGE: English feedback format Changed to Ultimativ-Mod Format
+CHANGE: Remove PoweShare restrictions
+CHANGE: Remove Friends restrictions
+CHANGE: New Leecher icon
+ADDED: Old AppleJuice Community Detection [Xman]
+CHANGE: Xman & MA DLPs added more Applejuice Based Mods, removed some Release/Bad Mods
->>> Code Parts from MA v3.8 Alpha2
ADDED: Don't accept too short filters - unfair![WiZaRd]
ADDED: First Start Maximized[WiZaRd]
ADDED: Faster Upload Timer[WiZaRd]
IMPROVED: Moved some Functions inline[netfinity]
IMPROVED: Some Optimations and Fixes[WiZaRd]
IMPROVED: Code (CPU load)[Maella]
IMPROVED: Optimized speedBarShader[netfinity]
IMPROVED: FillSolidRect[Xray]
IMPROVED: banncheck[sivka]
IMPROVED: quick fix/possible crashfix[XMan]
IMPROVED: Save converting dwIP from uint32 to a CStringT to ASCII then back to uint32[bluesonicboy]
IMPROVED: save some cycles with an empty Queue[pP]
IMPROVED: Optimations ,Fixes[WiZaRd/Xman/JvA
FIXED: ReAskSourcesAfterIpChange: if we receive a LowID we do a recheck[XMan]
<<<- Code Parts from MA v3.8 Alpha2


DDL: emule_0.49c_ultimatix_v4.5_12.09.09.zip | Filesharehost Mirror

Danke fuer das update

Firefox 3.5.3 private build PGO optimized build by Tete


* Applied PGO to C Runtime DLL.
* Made libpixman and libtheora into DLL to make it easier to test.

Some bugs have been found in the final build 3.5.3 and were corrected in the later nightly builds.

* Windows 2000 and later recommended.
* No installer.
* recommended to changing the value of "general.useragent.extra.firefox" from "Shiretoko/…" or "Minefield/…" to "Firefox/…", and some sites and add-ons will work properly.
* If you execute 'Module binder for Private Build' and finish modules binding, Firefox may be started faster.
* An incompatible nssckbi.dll installed in a different directory can impede the startup of a new build. If so, please rename the old nssckbi.dll temporarily before trying to run the new build.
* Applied Miyasaka's "IJG's JPEG software with x86 SIMD extension V.1.02".
* Added patches into a Source folder.

Restore the version of sqlite to the mozilla's original version.

Homepage/BBS: http://www1.plala.or.jp/tete009/en-US/software.html

Firefox 3.5.3 [2009091323 en-US win32 tete009 sse2 pgo] (7.8MB) | Mirror

* MD5: B98916B53572E2ED14C377A4D3AFF305
* SHA1: 7667172931434D096938F8A6B3A24AD16FF6E39C

Firefox 3.5.3 [2009091323 en-US win32 tete009 sse pgo] (7.7MB) | Mirror

* MD5: 6A62F08CA6F6A45AB20FC91CD42AEBA0
* SHA1: BDEC4352FBF59A2D4E7C914E5E87BC16E4CE78C1

Addons to run sqlite vacuum within FF: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search?q=vacuum&cat=all

64 bit Firefox Builds:

13 September 2009

eMule 0.49c UltimatiX 4.5

eMule UltimatiX 4.5
compatibility adjustments for latest Windows 7 OS
Última actualización de compatibilidad para Windows 7


+compiled with vs2005 SP1

-REMOWED: Faster Upload Timer[WiZaRd]
-REMOVED: Show CUR-AVG CPU/MEM usage in Stats
-REMOVED: Copy Stats Extended

updated emule.exe

config tutorial: Configuración eMule de Curro (incluye cómo deslimitar conex. XP/Vista/Seven)

11 September 2009

Opera 10.10 Unite Build 1778

Unite UI international strings adjusted to fit in GUI. Many crash fixes and a few tweaks to favicon handling. Webfonts behave better now.
Known Issues:
* IPv6 is not working on Mac

Changelog and BBS: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2009/09/10/moar-bilds

TinyURL Decoder with Linkbee enhanced - UserScript

Base: TinyURL Decoder 2009/Sep/10th 0:25 JST
hp: http://matatabi.homeip.net - http://straitmouth.jp/blog/setomits/1513

Compatible with FF GreaseMonkey, Opera (Emulate GM functions), Safari on Mac with GreaseMonkey ext. support.
Incompatible with Chrome (GM_xmlhttpRequest)



+ else if (resp.finalUrl.indexOf('http://linkbee.com/') == 0) {
+ if (resp.finalUrl.indexOf('?') > -1 ) {
+ // banner frameset, url is indictated as window title
+ pat = '< title >Redirecting: (.*?)< \\/title >'; //remove space < after and before >
+ } else {
+ // interstitial: redirect using meta http equiv refresh
+ pat = 'content="\\d+;\\s*?url=(.*?)"';
+ }
+ }


combine with any 'skip redirect' or 'show original url' also known as clean uri script
result of cleaned up test page:
ImageBanana - seebaer.png
