24 September 2009

Privacy Choice Opt-out Plugin 2.2.1


Increase your privacy and Web browser security!

TrackerWatcher shows you what companies may watch what you do on any web site and how they promise to handle your information.

Who watches you?
With TrackerWatcher you can monitor privacy while you surf.
Click on the eye from any page and see who's collecting information.
See summaries and excerpts from privacy policies, and opt-out.

TrackerWatcher 1.0.5
Companies that serve advertising, deliver content or collect research can watch and remember what you do across websites.
learn more: link
* One click opts you out of dozens of trackers like Google AdSense, DoubleClick, Yahoo! and AOL. Learn how this works.
* Opt-out completely or only from companies with concerns. Keep content and ads relevant without compromising privacy.
* Free. No registration required. Virus and spyware-free. Change your preferences or uninstall at any time.
* Firefox add-on is strongly recommended to keep your preferences in place.

Homepage and news source: http://www.privacychoice.org/
Blog: http://privacychoice.wordpress.com/
See the
Network Privacy Profile for your website: http://www.privacychoice.net/
references: http://www.mediapost.com/?fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=113054&lfe=1

trackerwatcher Monitor privacy while you surf.
Get the trackerwatcher add-on for Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/14454

Downloading the Add-On Now
: http://www.privacychoice.org/add_on


Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out (TACO) Firefox Add-on:

A large number of advertising companies now track users' browsing across the web, in order to profile them, and then serve them highly targeted advertising. This so called behavioral advertising is a threat to the average user's privacy.

An industry group, The Network Advertising Initiative, provides an easy way for users to opt-out of the tracking performed by its 40 or so member companies. Consumers can visit a single web page, and then easily set opt-out web cookies for all of the NAI members advertising networks. However, there are many other advertising firms who are not part of the NAI, and so consumers are currently expected to visit the websites of each of these 50 or so other companies in order to opt-out.

In addition to the issue of users having to visit 50+ different websites to opt-out, another major problem with the current approach that the moment a user clears his or her cookies, they also lose the opt-out cookies. Regularly clearing browser cookies, or better, setting the browser to erase them all at the end of a session, is a recommended practice. Unfortunately, by doing this, users are then required to re-visit the various advertising opt-out Web sites page each time they start browsing the web. This is obviously not a reasonable thing to expect.

By installing TACO, these opt-out cookies are automatically installed into the Firefox browser, and are made permanant. That is, clearing your cookies will delete all regular cookies, but leave the non-identifiable opt-out cookies behind.

Homepage: http://taco.dubfire.net/

Install/Download: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/11073

This code was originally based on the Advertising Cookie Opt Out Plugin by Valentin Gheorghita, a Google Engineer. http://www.google.com/ads/preferences/plugin/


Adblock Plus
Changelog: https://hg.mozdev.org/adblockplus/log
adblockplus-1.1.1+.2009091902.changelog.xhtml 19-Sep-2009 02:20 332
adblockplus-1.1.1+.2009091902.xpi 19-Sep-2009 02:20 299046

src: https://hg.mozdev.org/adblockplus/

Ad Blocking FiltersetP
Homepage: http://userstyles.org/styles/299
August 31st
Please add ads (dot) brazzers (dot) com to your hosts file. When you come across it, Firefox3 gives you a warning that it will cause an endless loop, and FiltersetP will not block the ads/FX3 warnings. You can search on Firefox Forum for hosts file information. I'm not adding it to FiltersetP at this time because it does no good.

# Load as user script for Greasemonkey, Chrome, and Opera users.
# Load as user script for IE7Pro users.
# Load as plain CSS for Opera users.

23 September 2009

Exeinfo PE v0.0.25 526 sign 30items by A.S.L.


Please redownload exeinfo

Mirror: Exeinfo_v0025_526sign30items.zip 579.17 KB

some tools for unpacking:

22 September 2009

Mozilla Firefox 3.6 beta 1 pre | Firefox 3.6 alpha 2 pre - Namoroka


The Firefox version number is "3.6" and the Gecko Platform version number "1.9.2". The release will be shipped as a minor update to users, replacing Firefox 3.5 ("Shiretoko").
Note: links below are early beta builds to test. Binaries are compiled with test debugging code!

Feedback and Test Reports: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/prerelease.html

Namoroka is to be an incremental release, building upon the success of Firefox 3.5.

Namoroka focus on the following areas:

Observable improvements in user-perceptible performance metrics such as startup, time to open a new tab, and responsiveness when interacting with the user interface. Common user tasks should feel faster and more responsive.

Personalization & Customization
Integration of the Mozilla Labs Personas project, improvements to the Awesomebar and form autocomplete.

ImageBanana - Unbenanntbig.png
firefox-3.6a2pre Namoroka Multilanguage Versions:
http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-1.9.2-l10n/ImageBanana - Unbenanntdesk.jpgImageBanana - Unbenanntbig.png

To change to Aero Skin in Strata, move the content with its subfolders and files (open with 7zip or similar) from \chrome\classic.jar:\skin\classic\aero

that's located in: classic.jar:\skin\classic\aero\global *.*
\aero\browser *.*
\aero\mozapps *.*

a level up to chrome\classic.jar:\skin\classic\
as shown in the picture.

Dynamic Theme switching can be enabled by editing \defaults\pref\firefox.js
pref("extensions.dss.enabled", true); // Dynamic Skin Switching

HTML5 parser by editing \greprefs\all.js
// Enable/Disable HTML5 parser
pref("html5.enable", true);

by some WYSIWYG html online editors it is suggested to enable:
in line:
// Clipboard
pref("capability.policy.default.Clipboard.cutcopy", "allAccess");
pref("capability.policy.default.Clipboard.paste", "allAccess");

questionable website access to geo client ip location feature on desktop pc's can be switched of permanent in line:
// Enable/Disable the geolocation API for content
pref("geo.enabled", false);

firefox-3.6b1pre Namoroka Multilanguage Versions:

English only: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-1.9.2/

More recent Namoroka builds to test:

other os: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/

3.6a2-candidates (to time only for Windows CE - check back soon for other os)

A newer Namoroka Beta is scheduled and in awaiting (http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/) according to: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox/Namoroka

Beta 1 (early September 2009)

* all UI iteration pieces landed
* string-complete for localization

Beta 2 (late September 2009)

* polish release
* all major stabilization issues resolved
* final API changes for add-on developers

Release Candidate (mid/late October 2009)

* aiming at final release for November 2009

...more info: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Talk:Firefox/Namoroka/Initial_Plan

64 bit Firefox Builds:

21 September 2009

Opera 10.10 Unite Build 1792



* Unite Services renamed Unite Applications
* Unite Applications facelift
* Sonar bundled for this snapshot (please enable!)
* Experimental crash feedback

Homepage/Changelog: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2009/09/21/unite-applications

RoboForm for Google Chrome - Chromium - Safari for Windows - Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.x, latest Opera and all other 'unsupported Browser' as Bookmarklet

RoboForm for Google Chrome, Chromium, SeaMonkey 2.1, Safari for Windows,...

Ai RoboForm released a Bookmarklet for all 'unsupported Browser' such as Google Chrome

Google Chrome - Roboform Integration Bookmarklet

Using the online 'free' Sync server with this RoboForm bookmarklet with Google Chrome and Chromium as well latest Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.x Builds can make use of RoboForm Password Manager.

Hey check this out und sage uns was du denkst: https://online.roboform.com/bookmarklet (benötigt RoboForm Online-Konto).

Hey check this out and tell us what u think: https://online.roboform.com/bookmarklet (needs RoboForm Online account).

Bookmarklet instruction: https://online.roboform.com/bookmarklet

Past to the Browser Bookmark bar: Roboform

News source: http://twitter.com/roboform
Homepage: http://roboform.com/

required to install GoodSync with RoboForm to copy/upload the passwords lists from RoboForm first to the server.

The websites says:

"The RoboForm Bookmarklet allows RoboForm Online users to login to websites automatically using their existing RoboForm logins, even where RoboForm is not installed.

The RoboForm Bookmarklet also works on browsers where RoboForm is not currently supported such as Chrome, Opera, and Safari giving users much greater flexibility.
Who Benefits from the RoboForm Bookmarklet?

* RoboForm users using previously unsupported browsers, like Chrome, Opera, and Safari1.
* RoboForm users using previously unsupported browsers operating systems like OS X, Linux, and Smartphone devices.
* RoboForm users using a computer where RoboForm is not installed."

Add the RoboForm Bookmarklet
Add this link to your favorites to use the RoboForm Bookmarklet


Paint.NET v3.5 Beta 1 (Build 3550)

1. Preferred: Use the built-in updater from within Paint.NET. If you are using version 3.36, go to the Help menu and then Check for Updates. You will need to click on the Options button, and then make sure that ""Also check for pre-release (beta) versions" is enabled. For v3.5 alpha/beta, go to the Utilities menu instead of the Help menu.

Changes since version 3.36's release:

* Refreshed user interface with new icons and visual styling. For Windows 7 and Vista, it is enhanced for Aero and "glass".
* Now uses and requires .NET 3.5 SP1, which has many built-in performance improvements.
* New effect: Blurs -> Surface Blur, by Ed Harvey
* New effect: Distort -> Dents, by Ed Harvey
* New effect: Distort -> Crystalize, by Ed Harvey
* Effect dialog responsiveness has been greatly improved.
* Images open much faster, especially on single CPU systems.
* Selection outline is no longer animated. Instead of "dancing ants", an antialiased and stippled "XOR" outline is drawn.
* Startup performance on most systems will be better by about 20%.
* Memory usage has been greatly reduced when more than one image is open.
* The font system for the Text tool has been completely rewritten, and problems with missing fonts and crashes should be a thing of the past.
* On Windows XP and Vista, the Text tool has improved text rendering quality (it uses GDI instead of GDI+).
* On Windows 7, the Text tool will use DirectWrite (instead of GDI) which gives even better performance and quality.
* The toolbar font list has improved usability, rendering quality, and significantly improved performance.
* The toolbar font list no longer requires an application restart to recognize newly installed fonts.
* When many fonts are installed, both memory usage and startup performance have been greatly improved.
* Installation prerequisites are now installed automatically, such as .NET Framework and Windows Installer.
* Updates can now be downloaded in the background, and installed automatically once you exit the application.
* General rendering quality has been improved when zoomed in.
* Added a "Utilities" menu. Updates, Languages, and Plugin Errors have been moved here.
* Added a "Manage Fonts" command to the Utilities menu.
* Clicking the middle mouse button on an image thumbnail will now close the image.
* Improved the Unfocus effect.
* The DirectDraw Surface (.DDS) file type now allows you to select the resampling algorithm for auto-generated mip-maps.
* A processor that supports SSE is now required (almost all CPUs purchased this decade satisfy this).
* Fixed an issue with Gaussian Blur and its treatment of alpha values.
* Fixed a crash with the "Units" selector in the toolbar.
* When zoomed in, it is now much easier to resize a very small selection.
* Now includes a Russian translation.

Homepage: http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=31684

users behind blue shield China firewall may get by site access:
You have been permanently banned from this board.
Please contact the Board Administrator for more information.
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Backup url: http://backupurl.com/qwfpdz

in case online update fails:

here the direct link:

2. Download directly:
